Give vs Get
Lesson 8 from: $200M Storytelling Formula to Build Belief and Convert More CustomersChristian McLeod

Give vs Get
Lesson 8 from: $200M Storytelling Formula to Build Belief and Convert More CustomersChristian McLeod
Lesson Info
8. Give vs Get
Lesson Info
Give vs Get
Have you ever come across those brands or people that just seem to get it? You know, they're not always in your face with Buy Me Click Me noise, but instead they kind of Sprinkle some magic with values stories and genuine care. Well, in this lesson, we're diving into that magic sauce, we're going to explore the art of giving within storytelling. And of course, when is that right moment to get right, it's all building that genuine connection first and letting the magic happen. So if you're ready to master the balance of giving and getting in your brand's narrative, then you're in for a real treat. Let's jump in. No. And you need to know that there is one simple rule in all of modern marketing and I've saved this for last because as the saying goes last but not least, right. This is probably the most impactful aside from making a core offering and the emphasis of value, this is where it really comes down and it's that you should give and you shall receive. Sounds weird, right? Isn't it a...
sking? You shall receive well in modern marketing where there's a world of just every brand is shouting, buy this sign up here, share that it can be very overwhelming for prospects, right? Everywhere you look, there's another ask vying for your attention. Look here like this view. This what if we just took a different path? What if instead of joining the chorus of asks, we chose to stand out by simply just giving picture this. What if each time your audience opened up an email from you? They weren't met with the usual sales pitches, begging the lawyers get this, buy that. But instead they're greeted with stories, insights, values that seem like they're just written just for them, almost like you listen to them about their years of struggle or you've been through their experience and you spoke right to them. Does that sound familiar for those that are hearing the ding ding, ding, right. The bells ringing of bells. Yeah, it comes from your mind, Navigator and your value bank, right? This is the whole premise is that by knowing what they want, their hopes, dreams, pains, fears, all of that, we're able to cater this content, storytelling values, offerings, products, everything directly to these individuals. This is called direct response marketing and this is the the secret to it is doing proper research and we've been doing this the whole time except this time, we're focusing intently on the value that we can drive home right there. This is almost entirely about the market and not about your brand. I say the same for creating testimonials. It's about the customer's experience, not about your product or your brand. It's about their experience. Same goes with the marketing and every crafted message should become a gift. I wanna give an unexpected treat in a cluttered inbox, devoid of any immediate expectation. We're not asking for anything. We only use our brand in the stories that come from it to paint a picture right now. Our goal is not to sell, not to sell. Please stop selling. It sounds weird. But in a world where everyone's trying to sell, the counterintuitive approach is what needs to be done. And you heard that right? The goal is to give right. We're going to use a specific writing structure to help us weave these stories and our values so that we can give until the market just can't help but ask for the solution and then we can get, yeah, I'm not saying we don't sell. It's just a time and a place now before we get into the, how we need to understand that aside from building trust and rapport, this approach can dramatically increase deliveries, open rates, clicks and even conversions without a doubt. But I just want you to know that this particular lesson, this course is not going to be some boring technical rundown zoning in on things like email delivery or open rates, click through rates, email design. No, none of that. However, for anyone that's a creative live member I'm gonna be including our agency's internal cheat sheet for email success. Right. That is the core email, boot camp training bonus. Go ahead and snag that. It's the, basically the one on one on how we make sure that we have high deliveries and we're making sure we're getting the cut through and that these stories actually hit these audiences, uh, to the best of our abilities. And for now in this, I want to focus on something a little bit more universally important, right? How are we going to write these stories? Well, we're going to first use a framework called the Ada framework, the Ada framework. I always say a a uh as our guide. Now, this isn't some new thing I made up. You'll probably be able to find this in, in many other places. And it's actually a very well known structure. It stands for attention interest, desire and action. Now this applies to your ads, your emails, your website copy pretty much anything anywhere, right? So listen up the first comes to the attention. This is the captivating tale or unexpected fact that draws them in. And in a tiktok age, you'll hear the word hook a lot. Basically, this is all the same. So over the balloons. Uh But the goal is to just draw the viewer in right. Here's a secret. I've been holding on to one that the excuse me, one that has the power to shift paradigms. And today I I've chosen to share it with you. This is just like a snippet of the beginning of an email. Something that creates some curiosity and intrigue and grabs their attention. What is this secret? What is this thing that's gonna help me shift or, you know, I've been holding on to this secret that helped me clear up my acne in 12 days. And finally, I've decided to share it with you guys or something. This is how I made this much money and this is how I saved my uh or use my ipad as my primary laptop forever with this simple trick, right? Whatever it is next, we have interest, right? How do we build upon that initial intrigue and really pique the curiosity for the topic at hand. This is where you refer back to your, your value bank and really pulling those values in stack, right? Instead of bombarding them with features and why this is the best and you should do this. And this is the thing, you know, we want to offer insights, we wanna offer learnings, unusual thoughts making them basically think like I didn't know that. That's weird. That's not what I've heard before or this sounds just like me. And I wonder what that's about so we can do this and we just need four little things that we can do this. One, engage with their emotions. First emotion, second logic, logic backs up emotion. That's how it works, right? We have emotions that uh drive 80% of our purchasing decisions. So we need to make sure that emotion is the primary driver. And we do this through stories, the logic, the belief and those little technical details are what's gonna back that up, right? Use relatable anecdotes, testimonials, right? Showing other ecommerce brands with this success, like we do at VOA showing this person that has used your supplements, right? The that are similar to the rest of the people in the market. These are incredibly important. That's why they're high impact on our believability checklist, thought provoking questions, right? Tie these to value topics and really build that emotional connection. And number two present them with relevant facts and figures. Again, look back at the believability checklist. This can Bolter uh excuse me, bolster your message. And number three even highlight the importancy or urgency of what you're discussing. Some people like have a problem that they need to resolve, but they don't even realize how urgent this is, right? They they don't realize their hair is on fire. They think their heads are just itchy, that kind of thing, right? Like we need to emphasize the urgency of what they're trying to resolve because they may need to avoid a larger problem or they may need to be aware of this other problem that they didn't know existed now, try and focus that service or product uh or message and that conversation on the transformation, right? That journey that people have had, you know, gone from nothing to sort of a, a rise and a fall and then a bigger rise and they learned and they grew and they hit that goal show that transformation which has or can have for customers. Now, what problem does that solve? And how does it improve their life essentially? Right? Focus on that. Not the product or the service focus on the transformation. There's an old saying people don't buy your product, they buy the lifestyle, same, same things, they're buying a story. A lifestyle is a story. Now, number four is highlight the common objectives. Now, everyone, whether you're service, business or a product, common objectives are huge in sales and service based businesses. We have a ton, a lot of them are like money related or I have to speak with my partner, you know, these types of things, but we need to be able to highlight the common ones that we can handle off of a call. Um And, and really just dive in deep, tackle them, head on address the reservations or doubts. Same goes for your products. If there's like a a common thing that people believe that might be even a myth, right? We want to tackle that and, and really say this is what is not true and here's why and then we can invite them in deeper, right? Look at that believability checklist. It's going to help you do that, right. Look at it and think of it in reverse and how we can implement it, reverse engineer it. Now doing this will show that you understand them plain and simple. Now, you understand what they're going through and it will keep that skepticism lower and remove it from basically eroding the interest that they did have. So next up is desire, right? This is where we're getting closer in our third stage. Here, we want to show them the light at the end of the tunnel, we've begun to pique their interest. So here's this big problem. This is the thing where this is this uh big interest, big goal, big problem, you're being resolved. And now I'm telling you why I'm, I believe this and here's the experience and then desires and here is what I've seen is the solution, right? And I'm not telling them where to get it. I'm telling them this is the solution. This is what I found, right? Beginning that a lot of times the desire section is a place to highlight your offering, but not necessarily telling them that it's your offering, tell them the solution, tell them what the offering is, but don't tell them that it's yours. Wait for the action in that case and show that this thing is that what they are interested in in resolving is actually possible, reveal the solution. And for most of the giving approach, um we want to highlight the freely accessible solutions and methods which are not your core offering. So if you offer uh roofing and you know, you're trying to help people like improve the value of their home or something like that or, you know, maybe they're just trying to renovate their house. You know, they're probably looking for gardening things. They're probably looking for uh more light in their home or they're looking for skylights or they're looking for solar, you know, provide that information for free stack, a bunch of information around solar stack, a bunch of information around water collection stack, a bunch of information around gardening and maintenance, right? Give them that for free build that value and give that. It's not your core offering. Core offering is here's how I can fix a roof and here's what we're we're gonna do about it and here's the materials we choose, but here are all these other things that you worry about and that you need resolved and I'm gonna help you with it now, instead those things should complement it just like I had example. So it's not blasphemy to highlight your product or service as the solution. I'm not saying to never mention your product or solution um or service, but there is a time in place and I do recommend that you really want to nail the timing for maximum cut through. The more you give, the more you get, right? So the the more you give, the larger your ask can be if I give you a four $100 growth strategy session and I give you a free audit and I give you the my cheat sheet to ads and I show you how intensely difficult and how complicated it is, but how effective it can be. And I stack all that and I give you everything and I'm not hiding anything. I gain your trust, build a rapport and then you essentially want to ask me to do it because I've illustrated my expertise. That is a perfect example for service and we can then make a large ask and say, hey, we want X $1000 to do ABC. Right? Right now, we want to focus on helping. So this is outside the main product offering or, or service offering, we want to focus on helping our market with the surrounding problems. Ok. That's where this give gap becomes extremely potent because not a lot of brands venture into the complementary area. Think of, think of it like a, a bedroom, right? You're selling a mattress, what would you sell with the mattress? Right? You're not just selling another mattress, you're selling sheets and you're selling rugs and uh a bed stand or a nightstand and you're selling a lamp and you're selling cushions or pillows, right? And you're selling things that go along, you might even begin to sell in sense and lighting and music and speakers, you start branching out and this is the lifestyle and you're helping them curate playlists and how to clean your home and all those types of things you could see, you could begin to really build in the value. So what we want to ensure is that we use our value bank and stack. What is valuable to our market around that around our core offering and begin to give that frequently. Now dial up that intrigue, show them the solutions and the learnings in this desire stage, drive them to find out more and then show them a world or an outcome that they hadn't even considered yet, right? Make them wish for a piece of it. And basically, where does that lead them that leads them into the action where we're going to guide them? Be ultra clear. Give them one specific thing. If it's not your primary offering, which I for the most part, you're gonna be offering extra things, you know, direct them to a blog post, direct them to a video that you've made, direct them to your social to find something, direct them somewhere where you can continue to give them value and you, you're essentially retaining the website is a great place to do this blogs, um freebies, downloads, workshops, et cetera. Now remember our action is not an ask, right? Instead we end with another generous tidbit, a thought question or a hint of an uh a forthcoming story. Something that's going to come, right? Be very directive. Don't be like, oh, if you would like to be like go check this out, be very specific direct, tell them what to do, they will do it. Um The the whole thing of asking and being like gentle about that particular section has proven not to work well. So be very directive in what you're asking for and that can be giving them some more things, give them a resource, give them a free document, a video, a blog, everything I had already mentioned, ask them to respond to your email so you can help them out personally, give them a response or a breakdown or free consultation. As I said, find ways to give and make a list of gives. As a simple example. In our digital marketing agency, we had a plenty of things. We had cro audits seo audits, ad audits, free ad build outs, um, growth, blueprint cheat sheets like we stacked tools to give to people and you could do this for any business, whether it's service or product. Ok. Now, as we relentlessly provide this value, we foster trust over time, our audience will lean closer and become more invested, the tables will turn and instead of them or us seeking their attention, they begin seeking ours, right? I like to say the hunter becomes the hunted, right? Often, brains are hunting clients. Well, in this case, what happens is by giving so much value and providing it openly and you can run ads to your free values. The hunter becomes the hunted, right? You are no longer hunting clients. They come to you. This is a completely different approach to most marketing. And in this case, that's actually a good thing, right? They'll reach a point where they think man, this brand is given to me so much like what else do they offer? Or they know what you offer and they say man, that was so valuable. I didn't know that. I wonder if they could just handle it for me. I just, you know, I don't want to do these ads. They look really complicated but they really know what they, they look like, they know what they're doing, right. That's what we want. That's when they'll ask. And it's not just any ask, it's a genuine rooted in trust and respect. Ask, ok, in a world full of asks we give until they do. I want you to remember that, that one's from me now, for those of you saying, ah, this doesn't apply to me. Same stuff goes from the previous lessons. Um, I'm in fashion, whatever. Look at the big media companies, right? Their entire business model, look at a, a Washington Post, huge companies. Their whole model is based on giving so much that you follow them and then their eventual get is by giving you more content. But from sponsored brands, right? So they're getting paid, they're getting brands, ask if they can get a spot to be a part of this because people find it so valuable. They're getting something from it. That's why media companies grow so large. Now, every market has desires, wants, needs goals, pains, fears, et cetera. We need to be the leaders in our niche, our market to provide, to give. Now, if you're currently just pumping out emails asking all the time, then just start right now and do 1 to 1 to 1, give one, get, that's it. You're already asking, you're already getting, asking, get, get, get, you're asking, asking, asking Chuck in one, every other one try and give something, right? Don't ask. That's already a great place to start. My recommendation is to try and land around 4 to 1. If you can go above that, there's big brands that are doing so much more than that. There's any like 1120 30 to 1 like I'm not even kidding. Um And they're sending multiple emails a day, um which you don't need to do. I would recommend landing around 4 to 1. There's plenty now, four gives one get ok further. You can push that. The larger the tank fills the larger your as can be. All right. So how do you give through storytelling? All right. Well, first, I'm gonna give you a cheat code using A I, we're going to generate ideas and move the process forward, right? So I want you to hop into chat, uh chat G bt dot Open A I, et cetera and you're going to crack open our story hacker doc, which has a two step prompt and I'm gonna walk you through that right now. Here we are to get this do. There will be a link below or a PDF, whichever you prefer. If you decide to hit the link, it will bring you to a page like this. You click copy and it will copy it into your Google account. Now for this stock, like I was saying, there's two steps, the prompt one you need to fill in the items in blue. So this is your brand topic. You know, if you service or product base and you have a topic, a niche, maybe you're resolving a certain problem. Um You know what it is for your business. So begin to fill that in and provide a little bit of information. Doesn't need to be crazy. So if I'm in mushroom adaptogen, I'm gonna be talking about um wellness and mushroom adaptogen. I just can put that in. Um if I'm in real estate, but I'm in like uh residential properties or commercial, I would state that. And then if it's in a particular area, you might want to mention that too. Now, when you get down into here value topics. So alleviating, so aim for this like pain that you've done in your mind. Navigator, find those place them in or achieving the lofty goals or whatever those huge desired outcomes are. And this is going to fill up a lot of answers for you. When you enter this, it will spit out uh quite a number of answers and then we have prompt two and I'll get back to that in a sec. So for example, here I said sustainable fashion in a women's clothing, uh such as sundresses and linen clothing. That's the topic. Um I might even give the brand name if, if we so desire. But the core message was avoiding fast fashion and trying to be healthier with all of the P fa s and microplastics out there. Um And I'm also aiming for particularly with this brand in mind, women aged to 35. Now this is very broad stroke, but with this prompt, we're able to get a lot of uh examples. So it's going to provide us with something like this and I'm just gonna zoom in a bit, but you'll see once I popped it out, said here is this example, the journey to sustainable sundresses and it gives us examples with a hero, with a villain. Um the mentor or you know, some sort of rising action or support. I decided you, you will get so many and some won't be a fit, but you'll find ones that are or that you can resonate with maybe in your personal life or your brand's life tie that in. So I decided to choose her grandmother who always wore linen and the linen revolution. Ok? Now, when I took that. I took it into prompt two. So you'll find prompt two up top right here. And I said, select the story idea and reselect uh redefine the demographic age just because cha to BD doesn't tend to, to remember certain things. So I said I would like the linen revolution with the mentor, her grandmother who always wore linen. And then I say women uh to 35. And I, this is also part of uh that prompt. OK. It resulted in this. It said, hey, there, I was digging through the attic the other day. La la la la. Now you see that it's not necessarily formatted very well. It's very much like a blog or like a proper letter. You will want to format this for emails for blogs can be different. Uh social posts can be different, but the formatting is a little irrelevant. Um Essentially I formatted it here, I've copied it out and you can see how that that tied in and what I've done. And you'll see this example later in another document that I'm about to go over. But that's how you use the prompts and it will spit out something that you can use in emails um or blogs or anything like that. And there might be some terminology you don't like change it up totally. This is just a, a hacker, a quick whip up that will allow you to skip some steps and save you some time and get you on the road of creating some stories about these topics. You can also use details from the earlier Competitor Awareness and the Navigator and that little hacker that we had earlier as well. Use those bits of information. You can fuel this even more. All right, now, that should have generated you plenty of ideas and allow you to create some example, emails to get the gears moving. Bear this in mind though, that this will only get you so far depending on when you're watching this, you could be watching 2023 you could be watching in five years from now. You know, chat to BT may not even exist, right? Or some new fancy tools come out. It does exactly what I just made. Um But use it now while you can and, and just know that I'm not going to leave you hanging if it doesn't exist or in the future, I've got another few treats for you. So just hold on at the end of the day. A I doesn't know your backstory. So it's also limited. It doesn't know your personal day to day experiences. It doesn't know the life lessons you've learned why you've decided to venture on this journey with your business. So the most important thing is to make these stories come from you that is the most important now to become, become a good storyteller. We have to become collectors. I I had mentioned this earlier collecting is a huge part of writing. Memory collectors is what I like to focus on. Now. One of the biggest mistakes people make in collecting stories of their own is that they dismiss the ordinary. Right. Don't do that. Please do not do that. I'll just give you an example. Right? The other day I was in a pub, so I'm from Ireland. I was working on my laptop. Uh I like to travel while I work and you know, this bartender looked like she was having a pretty stressful day, but she brought over a free Guinness and she said on the house and you know, just because you're always polite, you make our jobs a bit easier. And I was like, oh OK. And from just this small interaction, I can think of a dozen story angles. So I'm gonna just walk you through a few of them, right? The impact of small gestures, right? Just like that Guinness made my day better. Uh Just like that Guinness made my day better. Our product aims to make your life a little bit easier in its own little way. And on top of that, I'd like to give you something a discount and ebook that I'd like to give like, I guess the bartender gift, right? So obviously this is a very short snippet, but just as a sample how I can twist the story into. So I tell this story of this bartender and I say, and just like this again is blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I'd like to give you something. Right. Here's another one. The kindness generates loyalty, right? This bartender had given me something and then she get me and I just felt so warm. You might think, you know, you're just a customer among many. But we noticed the ones that have stuck around with us and our loyalty program rewards you for sticking around with us just like that did with me. Now, adding the human element beyond the algorithms and A I we believe in human interaction and our customer service reflects that we're here for you 24 7 and we're humans at this business too, even though we sell products online, right? That human touch just like the bartender was very human and just said, listen, I'm stoked that you're just really polite and lovely. Thanks for, for being that way, make our lives easier. You don't underestimate the basics, you know, simple uh sometimes a simple solution like a free drink solves a complex problem like a bad day, right? Our product focuses on simple efficient solutions for your needs, right? So I'm just giving you plenty of examples. Here's another one, the ripple effect that free Guinness didn't just make my day. It also made me more likely to recommend the pub to friends and travelers. Imagine what our product could make your clients do right now, an unsung hero. You know, it's easy to overlook the bartender in your daily routine, just like some of the essential uh but underappreciated features of our software. Now you'll probably notice by this point, you know, a lot of these have the same titles as the ones in our prom, right? So I built this so that you're gonna have ideas generated from that prompt tool. Uh Like I walked you through. Now, the value of going the extra mile, you know, you don't have to do something monumental in order to make an impact, right? Customer care centric philosophy, if a pub can make my day with a simple act, imagine what a brand with a customer centric philosophy can do for yours. So cut through the noise in a world saturated with option. Sometimes a genuine act stands out. That's what we strive for with our unique services. The there's so many ways I can twist this, this simple story into something bigger and just like that I could have that I would put that one story out 12 different times, 12 different stories. Right now, there's almost an infinite amount of stories we can tell. One event can be told in so many different ways. And you're not going to nail a great story on your first strike and it doesn't really matter. So don't stress about it, you know, write and write some more. And if you feel like in between those writings, read, start reading, start learning and and absorb how writing a good writing is written. Um Great stories are not written, they are rewritten. Just remember that that always has stuck with me since school. And honestly, it's really pushed me through a lot of the copywriting I've done to this day and because A I is limited in how you and how personally can make stories for you. This is where we're coming back into. I have that treat that I, that I said I'd give you and this is our internal memory prompter and I'm, you can download it below. It's basically going to allow you to stir up your brain. It's going to allow you to stir up those memories. And it's what our team personally uses to generate ideas with clients so that we can write on behalf of clients, which is very difficult and this is where agent, most agencies screw up. And so we use the memory prompter to generate ideas, capture the brain of the uh the client and then we can write almost as if we were them. Um And the same goes to the market, we know what's in the market's mind. We know what's in the client's mind, we can mesh them together. And so it becomes eerily uh accurate and eerily resonating with the market. So use the cyst the MS uh and get ready to write. Sorry Mam's short for memories. I'm cutting this one in so you can get a peek into this doc, the memory mapper, this is for you and it gives you some explanation here in the top, but it's really just to stir up your brain and I'm not going to go over that again. But these are the types of prompts. Go ahead and start answering these. If you want to put these into an Excel sheet, go for it by all means, but begin to answer these. So, did you ever stumble upon a hidden gem of a place? I would say, yeah, you know the Glen in the northwest of Ireland and it's a hidden crack in my hometown that not even the locals know about. Right? Oh my gosh, there we go. That's something that is unique to me and I can create a story from that. What are the other hidden gems that I didn't know about sustainable fashion about real estate? These are the hidden gems just like in my hometown. There we go. Now we have a story. How simple is that? I'm coming up with this as an example. I'm not going to include any uh examples. This is for your memory. This is for bringing your personal life to your brand and using it as fuel. So there's 50 of them there, feel free to use them. And this provides some context. Once you've told this story then comes the easy part, all you need to do is transition from that story into the action, right? So we're like, hey, here's the, the the hook we're hooking them, pulling them in, telling them a bit more and we're gonna transition them into the release and we're gonna let them go and, and tell them where to go to. Right? So how do we do this? How do we transition them from that desire that we tapped into? Boom, another asset story transitions, there is my top 50 transitions and you can take them, using them at will integrate them into your stories. And they allow you as a writer to translate your story into a direction that the reader can follow. And that's very, very important so that you can take these fun, interesting uh curiosity, driving stories with value in them and move them into a direction, cutting this one into really quick. So you can have a peek into this one as well. So the story transitions, you will find them right here. When you're writing your stories, there is a moment between what your a framework is. So you have like attention, interest, desire and action between the interest, desire and the desire and the action. There's going to be a transition and you can move it around. And I've included an example from the story that we had written from the story hacker earlier. So I'll show you how that works. Now, in this case, I chose number 18, but as you're writing your story, feel free to look at this and be like, oh, I guess I could use that when it feels like it rolls really well. Now some of these astonishing, isn't it? No, that, that wouldn't work for my story or can you relate? No, it still doesn't work for my, my grandmother's story but saying something like here's the thing that really helped illustrate it. So I'm gonna show you what that looks like. Now, I have uh a little legend right here. So attention interest, desire, but you'll see, I squeezed in transition here because it's a very short thing. Um And then your action. Now this was the copy that we had and you'll see that I built, I snagged attention. I built some interest. I had my transition number 18. And then I moved into the desire right in all her wisdom and that, you know, this is XYZ. And then I said, you know, if you would like to, you can incorporate uh a personal anecdote or something to build that desire even more. Um But totally your discretion. And then lastly is the action. So you'll see where the transitions fit in and hope this clarifies it, but this is the tool, feel free to use it. Uh Let's jump back in. Lastly, they were probably asking, well, how do I get through storytelling? The honest answer is that it's simple. You just do what you've been doing before in this. You give but direct the action they ask to sign up, take a deal or to get your core offering that. So solves this specific problem. So you just make this story about your problem. And so when people feel all this value, this is also a key benefit of doing things this way where you give, give, give and your emails and your, your website and your copy and your ads, people don't feel like they're going to be sold. They don't feel like the brand is selling them, they feel like they're just getting value. And so when you present your actual offering, they don't feel like they're being sold, they feel like, oh, he's just providing me value again, but it just so happens that that's what you're actually selling. So bring this value to them again and again and again and then when you are actually asking, it looks like you're giving again, you're giving value, but it's your offer. So this is your opportunity to focus on the value topic, the core topics that your product or service actually resolves. Ok. So highlight those, maybe you want to highlight them in green or red in your value bank as core my product service actually solves these things and their values that, that my market loves. Now, when you know you've given a lot, then it becomes easier and clearer as to when you can ask and receive. That's all I'm gonna leave you with the last action items I'm gonna give you are to find value from which you can give to your market use that story hacker to just generate some ideas. Highlight them, get them in quick use the memory prompter to make these extremely personal and generate those ideas and tie them into stories. You can even use the story hacker in your memory prompter in combo. Collect those stories in your story bank and just bank them away for another day. So you don't have to keep going back and rethink and what am I gonna write? You have it there stored away, need it one day. You gotta pop out a story really quick in an email or an ad or whatever. There you go. Leverage your story transitions in your writing so that you can move them into a direction for conversion, whether it's getting them as a lead, getting them to download a workshop or getting them to purchase your product, give, give, give emphasis on the give. And then last for anybody that is a creative live member, there is a bonus, uh two bonuses. We're actually gonna do a tear down of a lot of the uh websites and emails and ads and how believability and storytelling ties into all of those. Um And then also your email boot camp training is gonna be over there too. So I hope this helps. And I'm stoked. You've been around uh you'll catch me in another video shortly, but this has been a really powerful one. So I'm, I'm excited to see you put it into action.
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Ratings and Reviews
Jessika Dolph
So much valuable information and resources in this course. Christian is a wealth of information and a wonderful instructor.
Taiwo Femi
He is a great teacher and he is give all the strategy he is using in his agency, thanks alot.
a Creativelive Student
Huge strategic flaw. Being the same as everyone else is not a strategy. Sure it may seem out of date, but go read Michael Porter. Differentiation is the only way to win