Blueprint to Belief
Lesson 6 from: $200M Storytelling Formula to Build Belief and Convert More CustomersChristian McLeod

Blueprint to Belief
Lesson 6 from: $200M Storytelling Formula to Build Belief and Convert More CustomersChristian McLeod
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6. Blueprint to Belief
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Blueprint to Belief
You ever feel like you're just swimming in an ocean of information online and don't know who or what to trust. Yeah, we've all been there. The online world is buzzing with content influencers, tons of ads and everyone claiming that they have the best product or service out there while with that good comes a tad bit of skepticism. So how do we navigate this? How do we make sure our voice isn't just another drop in this vast ocean but instead makes waves. So if you've ever pondered this question you're in for a treat and without spilling all the beans, let's just say we're diving deep into the perpetual belief versus doubt. Tug of war, unraveling the secrets to winning over the ever skeptical internet. Are you ready to tackle the factors of believability? Let's jump in. Mhm. Now, the internet's skeptical. I don't know if you've noticed, but why is that? Right? Fake news. We heard it was pra practically a trend for a whole year and there's an overload of it. Half of us adults think made u...
p info is a huge problem. All right, basically, tons of BS. That's what that means. Hubspot even says 81% trust their buddy's advice over businesses. 81%. All right. It's pretty gnarly. Now, what about review? Obsession? Right. Here's another reason. Well, people trust Yelp or even Amazon reviews like gospel. Right. We're talking 88%. Trusting them as much as they would trust their best friend's word. Right. We were just talking about hubspot. 81 is trusting their buddies over businesses. But then we have Even Yelp and Amazon where people are trusting them over their best friends work, right? Yelp and Amazon top of the chain. Ok. Let's not dismiss the fact. Che checking frenzy sites like Snopes are booming if you're not familiar with Snopes, but this is the definitive internet fact checking website right now. If that doesn't scream, we don't trust easily, then I don't know what else does. But we also can't forget the data drama or data drama. Sorry, I'm from Ireland. But after stuff like the Cambridge Analytica Mess, 84% of folks want tighter reins on their on their data. They do not want anything leaking out. They do not want people knowing their stuff, right? And the influencer side eye is only getting worse. Half of people think influencers aren't even genuine anymore, right? So that shiny instant life. People ain't buying it all now. You can have a content, tsunami so much content, but people are drowning and clinging to what they know. Right. In summary, while the internet has brought a plethora of information and opportunities at our fingertips. It's also ushered in an era of skepticism is rampant, right. Users have become more discerning and cautious about what they trust and believe online that directly affects your brand's ability to cut through and reach your market. Right now. I want you to bear with me because this is a very important topic. It's why I've saved it to this point. You do not need to overcome all of these problems. All of this doubt, you just simply need to mitigate it. Just need to bunch it aside, move towards what we do need, which is belief. So imagine this belief, doubt, tug of war, right? And it's constant, it's ongoing. One side, you got doubt, holding you back, you're uncertain, not sure what to do. And then on the other side, you got belief is like pulling for progress and saying, you know, this is why blah, blah, blah. And to be honest, here's the catch this tug of war. It doesn't have a definitive end. It's perpetual. It's about those moments where crucial instances of belief gains the upper hand, right? Belief just nudges a bit higher than, than doubt. All right, it's perpetual. As long as belief has a slight edge over that doubt, then you've won. That's it. That's the game, that's all the game we're playing. We're not trying to eliminate everything we can. We're just trying to build it enough that we start to have enough belief that people can convert. All right. Now, there's over 30 different factors of believability and I'm gonna tackle that in a moment and show you how you can incorporate these into your stories, websites and emails. All right, let's jump on it. Checklist time. There is a lot of points on this and I'm just gonna go through them one by one. But what you will want to do is you want to go to your website and you're going to evaluate the quality after you're understanding all of these points and topics, you're gonna go through your, your website and you're gonna evaluate it and you're gonna basically categorize it in a few ways. You're gonna say it's either this is completely not relevant to me and if you do that, this will go gray as you don't need to do it. It's not a priority, right? If it's bad and you're like, I don't have it, it doesn't exist on my site. I don't have any, you know, I have awards, but they're not displayed on my site. For example, that the other would be, you know, I have awards and they're on my site, but they're not really that visible or I'm not explaining it very well or they're not very clear that would be, can be improved. And then the last would be, hey, I've got it. It's right front and center. It's super clear. It's got its own little area. It's very distinct and well shown that would be good. Again, that would not be a priority because you know, that's a quite good standing. So this is all gonna sit at can be improved for now and you're going to assess your website. Let's walk through, what are these awards? Do? I need to explain much about this, not every service or product or industry will have awards. Um But I recommend just seeking them out and just knowing what exists because if you know what exists, uh you'll be able to plan obviously, but you will also be able to know if you need to compete because for example, graphic designers huge and if you can get some awards, it really helps for recurring work and belief that this guy really does know what he's doing or she knows what he's doing or they know what they're doing awards. No ma all of this, all of the belief, the same thing is to build belief and reduce doubt. Some do more about building the belief and some do more about reducing doubt. So people come with preconceived doubts and people have uh certain things that they just really amplify that belief. So really what we want to achieve here is ticking the boxes and the more that you can do the merrier um for different industries, these will be uh slightly different but you have impact and you have cost. Now the impact is quite literally the impact. It has on belief and people's perception of your brand product or service. And so when we look at things like patents, not really that high impact, um things like a power guarantee or reviews very high impact almost always. Um And there's varying ranges in between, then you also have the cost. So for example, stating the amount of years you've been in business, extremely low cost. It's like Second nature co, I've been in business 10 years, 15 years, two years, one year, whatever it is very low cost. Whereas going to get awards now, it might be low cost for you if you already have it. In which case, this is where costs and impacts can, can shift slightly to go get awards. Usually you have to pay and enter and it takes a lot of time and a lot of effort. Now, if it's high cost and low low impact, it would be not a high priority. Now, if it's very high impact and very low cost, that would be a high priority. As you can see here, a power guarantee, very low cost, very easy to uh build and go over that in the crafting your offers. But the impact of that's huge, massive. So that's a top priority for us. And so you want to follow these, once you've analyzed your site, you'll see here, right? If I have a guarantee. Um and it's already pretty good, it's not a priority. Now, if it's bad it's like top priority, you need to have that right. So doing this affects your priorities too. Just be aware of that. Now, here I have explanations in more detail. I'm just going to paraphrase and walk, walk through this with you. Um This is no brainer numbers of years in business. How many people you've satisfied? How many clients have you worked with? How many people have encountered your product or service? And then how many products maybe have you sold? Or how many implementations? How many websites have you built? How mu how many properties have you sold? That's what we want to start hearing or how many roofs have you repaired revenue? You could say revenue, you can say uh property total amount, right? So you think of these numbers that it's not necessarily years satisfies in product sold, think of it in terms of value, right? Like e even our agency um outside of VOA where this all this originally started. It really, we wanted to create impact. So whenever we would sign a client, we would offset a certain amount of dollars of carbon and we would plant a bunch of trees as well. And we also had clients who would take on that, you know, took in a lot of plastic waste and things like that. So we accumulated all these impact metrics too. That's something that comes up down here and you can cross mix some of these like impact and sustainability, you know, low impact, fairly low cost. So just be aware that those are there and you can mix and match these the resume and portfolio. This is for those service professionals or if it's a product that was built to really perform. So for example, if I was selling a phone case, right? Uh I would love to promote that. I am a highly high end technical engineer that deals with impact analysis and I've worked on cars for my whole life and I built this particularly to handle the gnarliest of uh drops and smashes et cetera, right? Showing your resume can really help if you're creating supplements, you know, your background in nutrition or whatever it may be is vital resume and portfolio can also cross over with your right history of the development, your history or your reflected glory and personal story, right? So you see how these mix in now demonstration this is like if you're a service, demonstrate it digital marketing agency, how do we demonstrate? We give free strategy sessions and we work through how to get them to where they want to be in the strategy they need to take and we do it on the call 30 minutes. That's it demonstration for product phone case, drop it, throw it off a roof. Uh There's a great company called Mouse mo Us that does that and that is their ads and they sell a crazy amount of phone cases. Demonstrate this if it's a t-shirt show how it fits. Get into that. That's a huge impact because visually, uh people engage much quicker when it comes to visuals versus text. Now, member of a group, this won't apply to everybody. Um But maybe your product is vegan, maybe you're a veteran. Uh maybe you're a, a brand that's part of a AB Corp or your woman owned business. Whatever it is, if you have a particular group that you associate with, feel free to, to flaunt that if it is, if it lines up with your brand, it can really help bring in in clients that is like definitely connect with that admissions of flaws. This one's really important because a lot of brands will just talk about how great they are and to the point where it's not believable, quite literally, it does the opposite. It almost hurts the conversion because they're just so outwardly promoting how great it is more often than not. It's better to have a conversation and say, hey, listen, to be honest, I'm not the best at this, but I am really good at that one thing and I can definitely do that with extremely high quality and I know you'll get the results, but I just want you to know. So for example, let's take a book. This is my first book and I'm not an accomplished writer and this may not be for you. But if you're looking to sleep better and make more money then this may be the best book you're ever, you'll ever read or, you know, this is a de wrinkle eraser and it's not a permanent fix, but which is five drops. You can feel fresher and more useful, right? So I like saying, give it a negative two fact. So it's negative against you, but you give it a plus four claim, then it makes it an eight, it's way, way stronger than the four. If you were to just say it on its own. Um in home trials, they are what they are. I do recommend doing them if and when you can and it can be a great loss leader approach as well if you're familiar with that approach. Um Power guarantees went over that reviews. Get them if you need to give out your product for free at the beginning, do it and consider it a payment to get some reviews. Please try my service in exchange for a testimonial or a review. Uh Let me get you the results for a quarter of the cost instead of charging 10 grand, I'll do it for two grand and plea in exchange for, please just give me a great testimony. Like that's a great exchange start building. That reviews are simple. Testimonials are more complex with the videos, right? And then we have history of development. We've kind of gone over that patent numbers again. It's kind of like certifications, uh nutritional labels and patents. They are all kind of similar. They're very technical, not huge impact often but quite low cost. In most cases, obviously, certifications and patents that can depend magazine articles and supporting evidence. If you're in a technical space and you're in nutrition or you're in, let's say phone cases, right? And you want to test, make sure you get supporting evidence that this really works. A great example would be like a backpack company that makes something very technical and they have car with the biggest media companies about backpacks and tech talking about how great this bag is that is magazine articles are supporting evidence that this is really loved or or actually does what it says it will do. Same goes for your service if it's you're a fitness coach and you're looking to, you know, have that magazine article back against, right? You know, you might want Huffington Post, you might want men's health or women's health or you know, it could be a local magazine, it could be a local space, it could be a gym, it could be a digital marketer, it could be like uh Forbes, right? Like you'll see on, on some of our sites, we're on websites like those, those are important and they really do help in the influence of like, wow, you know, these guys have been in high end places and are backed in a sense specific test results. This actually has huge costs and you would need to go do that. But let's say you're a water filtration system, you need to prove that this is better technically than these other things, right? So go ahead and make an effort if you're a supplement brand and you're trying to prove that this regains or builds energy better than caffeine, right? The mushroom supplement brand, let's say go get the tests, do third party testing prove that you're not mycelium on grain, but you're actually using the fruiting body of the mushroom. That's a very important topic in mushrooms. Specific test results are huge personal story. Again, this is really from the founder or from the creator, a lot of brands don't incorporate this. And I actually think it's a missed opportunity in a lot of cases. But away from when you can go ahead and do it uh empathy and reflect the glory. This is more of like an embellishment on the uh story, personal story. You want to reflect the journey that the customer is generally having. So if the customer is going through this struggle to get to this goal and you've already done that and your product has helped and that's what birthed the product, then show that. So for example, for me, you know, the reason my agency even existed is how this whole system got built was because I was broken homeless in Alaska after doing all this, this big project and someone broke into my car and stolen everything and I hit up every brand I could and I said I will do the work for free. Uh just pay me when I'm successful and that was it. And I worked and I was successful and they paid me. But I had this struggle for years hiring agencies, firing agencies like working with like it was rip offs. I was not getting the results and I had to learn and it took me years, eight years later, we, we figured it out for ecommerce. We've done it for our own service business too. But we figured that out and we've had that reflected glory and clients get that because they're like, I'm, I'm in the same position. So that hero's journey that reflected glory, the next would be uh authority endorsements. So for example, uh who would be a great authority endorsement would be like Russell Brunson or Oprah and, and they were maybe if you're a doctor, it might be your own doctors or, you know, if you're a mental health person and you're talking to doctor Phil, sorry if anyone out there, they're like, Doctor Phil, sorry, I'm just throwing out random ideas but authority endorsements are huge. Um You know, is there athletes or less so influencers, you know, influencers are fine but authority and credible, authority credibility is huge. Um So, you know, if you're in supplements, a doctor is better than just an influencer, you know, in that sense. Um But a mix won't hurt testimonials, video, testimonials hop on a call, ask him a bunch of questions about their experience, not about your product tip. Um UGC, you know what that is, user generated content, start pulling that in and make sure it's abundant. Uh especially in ecommerce before and after similar UGC, if you can show where they've come from and where they've gone to um because where they wanted to go in that transformation. Perfect. Writing in the first person, you're writing these stories and you're writing a long message or you're writing a sales copy, try and write in the first person. This is a lot more personal, helps out a lot split payments for businesses, whether you're an ecommerce, which obviously ecommerce and your ticket, your ticket price, your product price is higher, make sure you have some split payments, uh especially if it's anything over $50 and then if it comes up to um service based businesses, make sure you have like monthly payments, yearly, split, whatever it is. And those are options that are available that, that actually helps belief, believe it or not that because you're willing to work with them. And if you can build a story around why that's available for them too, that helps like we do at via, you know, I was broken homeless. I want this to be affordable for everyone. So that's why we built this system and it's a plug in place system for Ecommerce brands and it's ridiculously cheap already. So we just decided, let's give you payment plans so that you don't, you don't feel like you're stuck and you can't access this. Um so that it helps impact and sustainability already gone over that comparison to other products on the market. That's where you really can demonstrate, you could say us versus them. Uh You look at like true classic t uh I'm not wearing them but if I was, their video says that and they, they show like this is how baggy shirts are and this is how we are the same can just be from like a checklist. This is our, so where this is their software, check, check, check, check, we check all these boxes, they don't, et cetera as seen in uh this is as seen in Forbes or are featured on this blog, whatever it might be last but not least. And this one, hopefully no one gets too offended. But this one is about Viagra uh negative side effects of the huge positive benefit. So you're claiming that your service or product has this benefit. Now, not everyone's gonna be able to use this. But when you can, it's really powerful and I'll explain why. So Viagra used it and they said, hey, warning, this may induce erections over four hours long. And if this happens, consult your doctor, that, that was it, right. That was the warning and this was a real side effect. But it made consumers feel the reality of the product's benefits, right? The benefit is to have an erection and so sorry, we change this total topic. But um this is a perfect example of this because the benefit and the problem are are almost the same. So for example, with digital marketing, I might say, you know, warning you may need to, to pay your tax advisor more because you're gonna make more sales working with us. Now that's a bit like salesy. But you know, in some of these cases, this can work really well, especially for products. You can make it work for services too in conversation. So bear that in mind. Not all these you're gonna be able to use, but they are so so powerful and yeah, I'm excited to see you implement them. All right now that you've seen the believability checklist in all its glory, right? And how it all works. I want you to take a few actions, one, analyze your website and your emails can even analyze some of your ads. But the website and emails are really, really big. Fill out that believability checklist to the best of your abilities, fill it out, knock off anything that's not relevant, apply what is and then begin to implement that, utilize the prioritization because there's certain impact and certain costs on on those right that we've gone over, begin to use that uh prioritization to utilize and then implement factors of those beliefs into your site, your ads, your emails, your social everywhere, anywhere and everywhere that you can begin to build that. It's part of your brand story. It's a part of a reasoning why people should take you up on your offer. They should believe you and cast aside doubt and convert. So hope this help. This is one of the most impactful things you'll ever do in your business. It is the key to so much success that we've ever had. And it's a, a core of something at vo Os that we preach every single day, every single minute when people are asking questions. Like, did you do the believability checklist? Right. So, we keep referring back to it. Make sure you check that out and fill it and begin to tick things off. All right. We'll catch you in the next one. Mhm.
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Jessika Dolph
So much valuable information and resources in this course. Christian is a wealth of information and a wonderful instructor.
Taiwo Femi
He is a great teacher and he is give all the strategy he is using in his agency, thanks alot.
a Creativelive Student
Huge strategic flaw. Being the same as everyone else is not a strategy. Sure it may seem out of date, but go read Michael Porter. Differentiation is the only way to win