Acquiring customers and subscribers, no matter what you're selling
Lesson 5 from: $200M Storytelling Formula to Build Belief and Convert More CustomersChristian McLeod

Acquiring customers and subscribers, no matter what you're selling
Lesson 5 from: $200M Storytelling Formula to Build Belief and Convert More CustomersChristian McLeod
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5. Acquiring customers and subscribers, no matter what you're selling
Lesson Info
Acquiring customers and subscribers, no matter what you're selling
Think about this. We're in a room of 100 potential buyers but only two are willing to whip out their wallets. Does that surprise you? Well, that's the market reality. While most are attempting to chase after this 2% the real treasure lies in understanding and nurturing the 98% to move them into becoming buyers. And that's where value comes into play. Today, we're about to journey into the gold mine of stacking value to not only satisfy those ready to buy folks but also gently guide the rest of unaware folks into an aha purchasing moment from lead magnets to stacked offers to email and social content. We're gonna unravel how to turn those almost buyers into loyal customers. So if you're ready to dive deep and learn how we can maximize opportunity and out compete our competition, then let's jump in. Mhm. Now that we've assessed the world around your brand right from the market and their wants and needs pains, fears barriers and certainties to the competitive landscape, including what the...
ir offers are already out there in the market. You know, we've built a base, right? We're competitive. We're now very aware and we've crafted a core offering, right. However, we need to not only formulate an offer for the hungry buyers to take, which we've done, but what about those that are not ready to pull the trigger, right. The challenge of this market and the general market composition is that not everyone is ready to buy, right. There's only 2% ready to buy, right. If we look at e-commerce averages 2% right. You look at a lot of welcome to the balloons. That's not really something to celebrate, but 2% convert. And really, you know, we need to take a look at this terrible sketch. Uh First of all that, 2% at the very bottom. This is where things get wild, right? Like there's 13 and 35 and 15, you're like, all right, what is this? And awareness is as we bring people down to this 2% that are ready to buy, they're more aware, that's it. They're more aware than the people at the very bottom, right? So when we think, and I'll just move this up here right now. Uh But these guys that 2% and these guys, right? And 48% are problem aware, right? That's this area, they're aware of their problem and they're, you know, not aware of any solutions and these guys are aware of their problem and they know that there are solutions and then the 2% are the people that are ready to buy they're aware of all the problem, they're aware of their solutions that are out there and they've, you know, come to believe and, and moved to a decision whether that's yours or others. And that 48% are problem aware, but they still need some educating, right. They're not ready to buy, they need to be moved. And for that other 50% that you're seeing, what about those guys, you say? Well, that 50% they are completely unaware. So for this, you know, this video, this lesson, this course we're not really going to focus on that 50%. Although the approach that I'm about to show you will sort of touch into those um people eventually and you can really reach into them, but they are the hardest to acquire this. 30 you know, 35 and 13 are the next bracket that we really want to reach out to because we're able to acquire those 2% especially if you've been, you know, acquiring customers to date, right? Those completely unaware folks, we wanna kind of leave them there, we snag some, we snag some, but that's it. You know, every brand goes for that 2% right? And they say, you know, I've made it, I'm successful, scale me to the moon and they inject ad spend and they push their ads as hard as they can because they see a little row as and then what happens is right? They just crash and burn roa tanks. And in reality, the 2% it truly fatigues very quick, right? It can be millions of people, but that two per you're not going to acquire all of the 2% right. Your competitors are going to acquire some, you know, some are never going to purchase. Um, although they were ready to, you know, the 2% will fatigue very quick. So we need to build and stack value for that 2% and also bring it towards that 48% right. Bring that 48% into that buy zone, right? Hook them Eugene value, right. So now you're gonna start seeing us all tie in, right? We can do this in a variety of ways, but the most typical is a lead magnet on an opt in page. You'll see this a lot with service based businesses. Um But you'll also right, here's an example from our, our agency site where obviously we're, we're helping brands and ecommerce brands through via now. Uh but the agency side is for brands that are looking to scale and we're helping them with their ads. We just told them everything we do about ads. We just gave it to them in a free book and uh some extra training. But you can also do this with your current offer. You know, you can help educate and reinforce them, you know why they should buy and have a deeper experience. You know, you could do this through bonuses or assets that are included with bundles uh in e-commerce, for example, and you could take this course as an example via OS or this course, you know, dozens of checklist and assets that reduce the effort to achieve the goal and reduce the time to the outcome, right. I've included a bunch of things here and for those that are creative live members, you're even going to get bonuses, right? So there's even more incentive for you to be involved deeper in the creative live community because you get extra assets. That's the whole point. This is how this all works and you need to think about this for your business too. So ring a bell, you know, for service based businesses, this could be as easy as an audit, right? Free strategy session um or an evaluation to help them get deep insights in minutes. We do that too, right? Take your pandemic proof strategy session, discover how to double your sales in 90 days guaranteed, right? We even pay people if they take our call, just taking a call, free call and they feel like they got no value. We pay them, we give them 100 bucks like we, we're super confident in our service and we're willing to offer that value for free to an extent to gain trust and report and bring them in. You should be doing the same right? Because you're not, it's gonna be really hard to compete otherwise but I would just be guessing if I kept throwing any ideas at you. Right. Because I don't know your business. Right. I know mine and I know, you know, some other brands that were involved with but you know your business. Right. And you've gone through the mind Navigator, you know what the market wants needs hope streams, pains, spheres, barriers and certainties, all that are. And you've gone through the competitor awareness map. You're aware of what everyone else is doing and how you need to compete. Technically, you even craft an offer based on what that market wants. And now you need to stack value in a value bank, right? This is essentially a semi organized list of everything in your that your market values. Now a little bank of anything, right? Where you can collect something, you can store it for later. Um You could do this with anything you can do with stories you could do with value, you could do it and we're gonna do with a handful of things but do this with graphic designs that you like brands that you like websites that you like ads that you like start collecting become a collector. OK? We need to weave these details into emails into blogs, social content to reinforce your offering. All right from there, you can build tiered offers that bring pure value to those who need more insight and more education. So we bring that 40 48% into the 2% right? This allows us to acquire almost buyers and bring them into the brand, right? We're able to just get them in, get them involved, understand what values we believe in and we can bring without even having them as a client, right? We have thousands of subscribers to our agency and to our system at via that, that aren't even clients, they've signed up, they're getting a lot of value, they're enjoying it. They're eventually a lot of them do become clients. But the point is to just drive home value, right? There's an old saying that's not in this uh presentation which is um never or always leave your prospect better than what you found them. Just remember that that one's from Sri Subi. So shout out to s um and then we move them on over time into that buy mode. All right, we're gonna use this value bank to store these little value pieces. This is a very simple uh checklist that we use. So we store the value and when you make any notes in the center, we can categorize these. I'll help you categorize the values and then you're able to say, did I get this implemented into email website, et cetera? And on the right side, and so we want to start checking off values because the more values that we can bring to the market, the more dominant our brand is right? And the more rapport and trust and value and everything you build. Now, we need to know what is value, right? Simply put the things that have value or are useful to you, you know, they improve your situation or they simply make you happier more secure. There's a lot of basis for value, you know, an apple, a pet, you know, like a dog or a glass of clean water, diff different things are valuable to different people and even a walk on the beach are all things that may have value to somebody. And we're going to identify a variety of value types and I outlined them in our value legend. This is something that we use internally. Um It's, it's based on uh bins research and basically, there's all these points of value that come into certain categories like life changing, functional, emotional, et cetera. And so, being aware of this value in the market helps you to just identify it as you go through more of the market information. And my Navigator map type work. Ok. Now, you should be aware of those values. You can easily spot them in the expressions. Um But it all comes down to a simple triangle at the end of the day and it's something I learned very young, right? I took this on uh which is basically quality cost and time and that is the core of value. And you would be surprised how often this comes in handy. It's three points and it's very simple time cost quality, but you can only have two. Remember that. Now, not everybody is gonna see this this way, but it is truly how things work. If you want high quality, very fast, it's gonna cost you a lot. And so you didn't get the cost right now. You can have it super fast and super low cost, but you're gonna sacrifice some quality. It's not gonna be the best quality. Lastly, you can have something of great quality and low cost. It's gonna take you a while to get it right? The market doesn't see things or think of things in this way, but they're the core of value, right? That is how value operates. It's the roots of their desires and decisions that they must make, right? In order to move forward in life, they, they must make decisions. So for each and every market, uh their values are not always solved by the product or service, right? Like I was saying earlier, how can you drive home some value without it just being your product more often than not, they have associated problems and goals uh that your product just simply can't resolve, right? So for example, uh let's take agency life, right? And we're bringing in e-commerce brands while uh we don't tackle content, but we have all the marketing systems that you can plug and play and then you can work on the content, however, because we don't do content. What do we do we have a full content cheat sheet and resource and we have a list of uh associated partners that help provide deals on creating content that we know works. So we're helping them get to those goals faster even though it's not something that we do, we've allowed them to and help them move towards that faster without our normal service, right? It's an extra thing that we provided them so you can't solve it all and that's ok. So just remember that you can add in extra assets and add relevant value on top of products and services. Another example would be in a service based business um where you're doing a strategy session and they just simply don't um basically do a certain service, but you can provide some cheat sheets, you can offer them an audit. Uh a great example would be, you know, we've done strategy sessions, we don't do seo um we've always focused on the core building blocks for ecommerce and Seo just isn't one of them. It takes too long, but we do offer an SEO audit uh to new sign ups. If they really were looking for seo help, we can help give them guidance so that their own team can do it. Simple, simple service, the products, you can have the same deal. So when is a piece of value likely to have a large impact, right? Emphasis on the large impact, right? The first indicator of value of impact is the new information needs to lead to a meaningful reduction in uncertainty, right? We want that uncertainty to come down through this new information, right? I don't know what to do with my seo this audit boom, uncertainty reveals, right? It's gone suddenly they feel more confident, right? Oh I don't know what to do with my content. You know, all you know, you've helped me with all these marketing systems, but now I need content to really fuel it. Here you go. Here is your solution, right? Pre-empt problems that come with your product or service as well, right? After all, uncertainty regarding consequences of an action or even an inaction not doing anything is the reason that we seek new information. Remember that uncertainty on the consequences of action or inaction is the reason we seek new information, right? So people are coming to you, you know your service or product they're seeking for reasons, right? Because they're uncertain of of these consequences, whether they're going to, you know, have that action or not, do this action, what's going to happen to them? They are looking for solutions. And secondly, the decision must be actionable and tied to either a very positive or a very negative outcome. OK? Big emphasis on that new information must feed into a decision in which this decision maker can choose among actions that lead to their desired outcome, right? We we need to help them figure that decision to move them to where they want to go. Right. We're going to lean again on the mine Navigator and some additional footwork from the value bank. I'm gonna show you how to gather that right now. Let's jump in the bank. There's multiple documents here. You'll see. I have some questions that I, I don't need to answered, but the market does and what we need here is we're going to gather these questions and these values. Now, does this sound familiar? Yeah, you'll probably remember from the mine Navigator map that we were gathering this information through places like answer the public, getting information and questions there and seeing what we have there and then running it through chat GP T and we got some of these questions. Now, what we can do is we can actually gather these and quite literally move them in and this would be your value. And then this would be the details that we're going to include and I'll jump back into the, the value bank. But you'll have noticed briefly there was a, a multicolored column there and that is just for your own reference of value. And I think I mentioned it prior, but I have a value legend right here. This value legend is basically an explanation of everything that humans find valuable and they're split into multiple uh topics. So there's emotional, social, functional, et cetera and there's all sorts of details in here. I'll provide that to you. So don't no need to go through it right now. But it's just for reference so that you can understand how people think and seek value in life. And there's plenty of ways, but this is going to distill that down for you. And then when you hop back into the bank, you can categorize these. It's just for your own record, but it might guide some of how you approach it too. It is a bit more personal, it is a bit more technical. Um gather those views, thoughts, insights from your chat T BT, throw them in here, throw them in from your answer to the public and all that research that you've done and gathered it in um the my Navigator map. I'll show you that really quick. You'll see how I spotted someone was saying the placebo effect and they were looking for something that helps with calming and anti anxiety or wanting to sort out their food intolerances. And I noticed that a few times overwhelmed with health info and they just want straightforward answers look through. But you know, I created questions out of these. How do I sort my food intolerances? What can I help with calm and anti anxiety? Now, once I get that I can get some answers, I can do you know this and then make some bullet points of this and this and I can just fill it out and basically prep a piece of content and this content can be implemented in many different ways, right? We could bring value through ebooks, master classes, even just emails that people are subscribed to through the website in terms of content for promoting the products and services and our story and all that as well as ads and things like blogs. So, you know, you may decide, wow, there's a lot of uncertainties around adaptogen and you can maybe have a blog that says, are you uncertain about mushrooms and have a full blog about that? And then tick that off once you've published it, maybe you make a real and turn it into an ad and maybe you have a piece, a section of your website on your products or your services that are about the uncertainties of mushrooms. And then you, you write a whole story email on this and relate it to how you were uncertain and making a decision and being conscious of health. That's what this is all for. So bear in mind. This is not as important but helps provide context. We want to gather those questions and prioritize them to our own needs and then fill out the details that we might include about that topic and then start checking them off. That's the whole goal. So, all right. Last here are the action items for everything you just learned in the value bank, establish the value bank that's not obvious. Begin to gather that information from your mind, Navigator, from other resources online from your competition, start pulling it right it, I'm not saying copy directly but emulate, pick things that you find valuable that even your competition has done and add more to it. Add more value, redefine it, twist it and and make it your own. Make it your brands a great book to refer to is Austin Cleon Steal like an artist reference that it is a beautiful book. It is a beautiful concept um but helps you in this journey of bringing value stack, that value and bring it to that 48% to move them into buy mode. We're gonna get into belief in a minute. That's gonna help you assist that. Now, understand that value. So I don't understand that value just so much that it becomes second nature and then I want you to deliver that ruthlessly to your market just over deliver, go go ham, just give, give, give and it will come back to you. All right, we'll catch you in the next one on believability.
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Ratings and Reviews
Jessika Dolph
So much valuable information and resources in this course. Christian is a wealth of information and a wonderful instructor.
Taiwo Femi
He is a great teacher and he is give all the strategy he is using in his agency, thanks alot.
a Creativelive Student
Huge strategic flaw. Being the same as everyone else is not a strategy. Sure it may seem out of date, but go read Michael Porter. Differentiation is the only way to win