Lesson Info
5. Setting Up the Book Module in Lightroom CC
How a Single Photograph Tells a Story
30:50 2How an Album Tells a Story
34:09 3How to Select Images for Storytelling in Lightroom CC
25:45 4Using Collections in Lightroom CC to Build a Story
19:08 5Setting Up the Book Module in Lightroom CC
09:01 6Building a Layout in the Book Module of Lightroom CC
29:27 7Adding Text and Space to a Book Layout in Lightroom CC
25:20 8Saving a Book Design in Lightroom CC
07:35Lesson Info
Setting Up the Book Module in Lightroom CC
We're going to go into trade jin's book now and in order to go into the book module to make a book, all we have to do is select our images that we're going to you know select that uh set of images or that collection and then we just simply go up to the book module which is up here in the top right hand corner click on the book module and there are some preferences that you need to set inside of the book menu in the book module there's a book preferences area and if you click on that you will get a very small number of preferences first off zoomed to fit or zoom to fill I'm always going to chew zoom to fit because I don't want it to randomly crop my images always if I want to fill a frame I'll do that later and then I'm also going toe uncheck start new book by auto filling I wantto uncheck that I wanted to not know check in there because otherwise every time I go to the book module will just start building a book automatically don't want to do that then I have to clear it out so I'm gon...
na uncheck that and then the other thing that I want to do is I want to have this check here phil text boxes with and then I can choose all sorts of things you can choose filler text title metadata caption metadata or you can choose, file name and meditated I always leave it on file may name and metadata because I make proof books and I need the name of the image to be what auto fills into the space below the image if I asked auto fill text if you caption all of your images and you want to do like a really quick book that has a picture and then a caption of whatever is happening in it and then a picture and then a caption on picture and caption then change this to caption or title meta data and that way, if you like let's say, you're doing a book like maybe it's a catalog of art that you have and so if you want just the title of the piece down below, then you would turn it to title meta data. And so then every before you make the book, go into every single one of your images and put the title in the metadata and say, you know man with chair and then the next one is, you know, new descending a staircase and then the next one is baby on a blanket and whatever so you could name all of those and then once you have them named when you auto fill the book every time you place it it's going to put that title below it so I keep it on file name because the most most of the time I work. I'm always making proof books, and I want those proof books toe have names on them, and I'll give you an example of that inside of this book, it's. Just a soft proof book that I give to my clients. And you can see here inside of the book that you have four images up, and this is an auto placed image number and that's, based on that file name and meta data setting right there. It just draws it from the file name and puts it right there. So it makes this very easy, otherwise would be very difficult to go in and type in all those numbers. So that is why we do that. So once you have those book preferences in place now, you can start using the book module in the book module there several ways that you can design a book. The first way is auto fill it's the easiest way to design a book. And the way you do that, you come over to the right hand side and your first before you design anything, you want to choose the sizes of the book, and so the blurb is the default way to print your books. So you design a book and then you would send it to blurb they would print it send it back to you so that's the default way to go but you can also choose to make a pdf of it or a j peg of it if you make a pdf of it then you can take that pdf and send it over to your tablet and then your tablet khun go through the pdf book which is great but it's not an interactive look it's not like there's going to be like you know video and stuff like that in it but they're definitely you know it's a pdf so you can look through it so you can send a book to a client or to friends or to family that you've designed here but it's just digital so that's a really good thing as j pegs it's just going to send out individual j pegs of every single page which means you could take those and send them off to a printer and the printer could print them for you but then whether they could cut him up and buying them that's that's really up to the that particular printer binder but blurb makes really beautiful books and they're very simple and they're not very expensive so I'm going to stick with blur then you're going to choose the size of the book and what we're going to choose is a large twelve by twelve book so a large twelve by twelve book looks like this so it's a decent sized book and this is a siri's basically this is just a catalog of my favorite portfolio images from children and remember I talked about white space so you can see that white space in action here and white space is very beautiful so I like to use it a lot because it it it minimizes what you're looking at and makes it special and makes it delicate and beautiful rather than making this you know, one huge print or whatever so sometimes you know though you want like a very large page and you want to fill it up and notice that we've changed this to black on the reason behind that is it's old school so it's you know we're going old school and so we turned it the black so that it kind of feels like it's just untold like maybe it's a uh you know it's a tin type or it's you know, whatever so it's just kind of that dark or feel but the placement of your images I's going to help but anyway so this is a large uh twelve by twelve book and that's what we're going to design for a trading all right? So I'm going to choose large square and then I'm in it I am oh that's why ok says you're changing your book size yes go ahead and change the book size because otherwise we're not ified are designed the book then it would have to really out the book based on my change of this size, so I'm going to change it to a hard cover image rap or I could do a hardcover dust jacket. I do a dust jacket it's gonna have a fabric cover, you know, it's going to be a hard cover with fabric on it like you know, your typical library book, and then it will have a wrap around it, so I like the image cover itself and that's what this is this is the image cover this is a wrap, so on the paper type anytime I go with a bigger book, then I'm going to start using the premium and pro line papers because the premium pro line papers are thicker. If you do a small book and use those premium papers, they don't they there there is not enough weight toe pull them open, and so what happens is a small book bill just kind of sit like this, and you have to like do this and stretch him out in order to make him fall so I'll use the standard paper for smaller book because it falls, whereas the pro line in the premium paper are thick enough that you need that weight of the bigger page to kind of pull it over. So I'm going to use the premium matte paper, which is what we just saw here. It's. A nice, toothy paper, I think it's the best paper they make, but the, uh, also, the premium luster has a really beautiful look to it, too. But it's just got a sheen on it, and then you khun dio logo. So if you turn the logo on you, get a discount of about ten bucks. Turn the logo off, and now you're your local freeze so that it is your book, but you do pay a price for it. So we started seventy one dollars and twenty six cents for the cover, and then we start adding pages and the pages themselves. You don't start adding a price until maybe, and maybe it's fifty pages or it's, certain point at which it starts to add a price to the book.
Ratings and Reviews
Tanya Lillie
I'm pretty proficient with LR Develop module, but I have not delved into the other modules. This class was introducing those modules and teaching how they can add value to your photography. Jared is a proficient and effective instructor.