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we can also create a panel. A panoramic image is created very much in the same way. We simply choose an image. Now, in this case, you can see that I've done this is in Monument Valley and there's a whole series of photos here and there's and there's one under normal over under normal over and it's moving through the scene. So if I want to see what it's gonna look like, I simply click the third every third image, and that will give you an idea of what this is going to look like. When we're done, I'll show you. So if I click on end for survey and tab out, you can see that here's the first half of it and here's the second half of it. That's what's gonna look like. So that just gives me a good idea of what I'm going to get when I'm trying to find the image. But now what I'm gonna do is that so you can create a panel, and it's just simply when you take the picture, you're gonna take a bunch pictures, and it's best to do it vertically because if you do it vertically, you don't get as much, u...
m, Boeing in the image on the edges. Plus, you get a nice, high, tall image. So you get actually a bigger file if you do it that way. Um and so this is just me taking a picture like this, and I'm not on a tripod. I'm just whole hand holding and and breathing slowly and just saying click and then move and wait. Times stopped and then click and then move and you try and overlap each image by about 1/3. At least 1/2 is even better. So the more images you take, the better your panel is gonna be. Um, but also the longer it will take. So in this case, I could just make a normal panel. But before I make that Pano because that's a specialty HDR panel, which means it's actually HDR and panoramic all at the same time. Unfortunately, light room could do all of that for you rather than it used to be that you had toe. If you want to do an HDR panel, you had to make each individual hdr first. And then you have to stitch all the HD ours together as a panel now light room will just put it all together for you. It takes a while, though. But before we do that, I wanted to show you that there's more you can do with panoramic images than just a Pano. So I was in a situation where there was a tree and this tree waas It was a really cool tree. Like, I really liked the tree. Um but I couldn't get far enough away from it to get a good shot with it, Um, and get what I wanted. And it was just the tree. It was tricky and I had the wrong lens and so I wanted to get a shot of the tree, but I wanted it to be close, and then I needed a wider lens and I didn't have it. So what I did is I took a bunch of images of the tree. So these air, all the images that I took hoops that that I took of the tree, let me show you. So I just took all of those images of the tree. So technically, it's kind of a panoramic image, but it's more of ah, loosely moving your camera around on image that you don't have enough camera or you don't have a big enough lens to take. So I just took all of these photos and really, I was interested to see what it would do. And so I'm going to right click those images and I'm going to go to photo merge Panorama and I'm just gonna let it stitch. And it's looking at all these images, and it's trying to find the common points, and it's going to stitch them together based on those common points. So wait one second it's There you go. You say that now I've got the bulk of that tree. Look at that and it stitched it together quite nicely, is quite amazing. So it's bowed weird because of the way I was photographing it. But the beauty of this is that I can also take the boundary warp and just simply stretch it out, and it's going to bring that tree back into balance. There you go. See that? So now the tree looks back. It's not completely normal because, obviously a wide angle effect, but it's it's back to normal, and I don't have any weird edges. But the other thing that you have the ability to do just in case you didn't want to go that far with it. Say you wanted to go to their with it. You can also tell it to fill the edges, and when you fill the edges, it's going to automatically build sky, build extra branches and trees and build extra grass to make it look right. The only thing that didn't do very well is over here. Tried to make Mawr tree because the tree was touching the edge, so that's the only place it didn't really work. But in most cases, I like to just grab the boundary warp and stretch it out. It usually looks right and then hit Merge, and now it's going to take all of those images. Stitch them together, and it's going to put them on top as a d n g or digital negative. And it's going to put the rest of them in a in the bottom on a stack so that you can do whatever you want with those. But generally I just leave them closed. If you leave a stack closed and then you highlight a bunch of images and you export it on Lee exports the top of the stack, which is really useful in delivering images to people. But the thing that you need to do is you have to make sure that before you export you go up into the library menu. Actually, it's in the photo menu inside the library and you go to stacking and then inside, stacking you tell it to collapse, all stacks collapsing. All stacks is critical so that there are no stacks that air open when you go to export. That way, you could just highlight all an export and you get your your exports. So this is what that image looks like. Look how I mean it is. Look how amazing that is, because, remember, it's a whole bunch of images. So instead of it being a I don't know, I think it was ah, maybe a 16 megapixel camera instead of it being 16 megapixels. It is, ah, a lot. It's an 8000 pixel image. So it's It's a very big image
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