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Lesson 16 from: Sony A7r III Fast Start

John Greengo

Bottom Controls

Lesson 16 from: Sony A7r III Fast Start

John Greengo

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16. Bottom Controls

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Bottom Controls

On the bottom of the camera, we have our standard tripod socket, we have our serial number, and from there we have a little alignment pin, so that we can hook up a vertical grip. This is exactly the same one that was used for the Sony a9s, so there's something in common here that is very rare on cameras. It uses the same batteries, the same grip, basically the whole bottom of the camera is exactly the same. Which means that we can also use the same GP-X1EM grip if you want just a little bit more finger grip on the camera. The benefits of a small camera are great, but some people have big hands and they want a little bit bigger grip. If you shoot a lot of verticals, which for a lot of people is people photography. Whether you're a portrait photographer or perhaps a sports photographer, you're gonna find that vertical grip a very handy tool to have. It also houses two batteries in there, so that batteries are gonna last longer and you're gonna go through battery changes less frequently. ...

Let's talk about those power options. We do have a new, larger battery in here, which will last about 600 images. Depends on exactly how you use that. Then it comes with a battery charger that you plug into the wall there. One of the things that it does not come with is one of these little adapters here, and actually I think I brought these in. Let's see if I can find them over here. The camera comes with a standard charger and you can see the charger here. That's all well and good, but it's got this standard little plug-in and the long cord, which is kind of inconvenient. What I found is the Apple connectors, they call these duck heads, 'cause they kinda look like a duck head there. They plug in right into the top, so that you can plug this into the wall if you want. This is a pretty cheap version of it, but they also make right-angle power adapters like this. I went on to Amazon and I bought four of them for I think $12, and I bought four because they're small and you're gonna lose them. You can plug those into the back right there and this becomes now a nice, convenient travel charger. You can pull this out so that you can pack it up really easy. For anybody who does travel photography or just doesn't like using that gigantic cord with the camera, that's a really handy, cheap accessory that you can get quite easily. All right, so there is a little door on the door itself, so that you can have a cord that comes out. Sony has made this, and I'm not even gonna tell you the letters, you can read it, it's a multi battery adapter kit. They know people would be shooting serious video with this and it uses a lot of battery power. They wanted to be able to give you a large, portable battery source for this. You put four of these batteries on there and you can power the camera with it. It's a connection for people who are needing serious power for their camera for a long period of time and don't wanna be changing batteries on it. It's got some other neat little options. It's kind of an expensive little accessory, but for somebody who wants to get this in the right type of device, that's gonna definitely solve some problems.

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Ratings and Reviews

Angela Sanchez

Super great clearly explained guide for the Sony a7r III. John is always a fantastic knowledgeable instructor who knows how to teach all about cameras in a super clear organized way. I love John Geengo classes!

Craig Markham

As always, John shines as a teacher extraordinaire! His visuals, pacing of presentation, clarity, and and adherence to the class objectives are all spot-on. As a devoted A7r II user for the past 2 years, this was a great review of the shared features, and gave me the best information for evaluating the cost/benefit of an upgrade to the A7r III now.


John Greengo is the man. I've been watching CreativeLive classes for years and there is no better instructor than him. I recently upgraded from the A7r II to the III and had been waiting for this course to be offered. John is incredibly knowledgeable and, with great dedication, provides all pertinent information related to operating and knowing your new camera. If it weren't for John, I wouldn't know the ins and outs of my new camera and would struggle with optimal settings which would decrease the best output possible. You rock, John. Thanks again!

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