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Logic Pro's AI Mastering Assistant - Controls and Settings

Lesson 24 from: Songwriting with AI

Tomas George, Peter Darling

Logic Pro's AI Mastering Assistant - Controls and Settings

Lesson 24 from: Songwriting with AI

Tomas George, Peter Darling

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24. Logic Pro's AI Mastering Assistant - Controls and Settings


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Introduction and What You're Going to Learn


Let's Listen to the Two Versions of the Songs That We Create in this Course


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Logic Pro's AI Mastering Assistant - Controls and Settings


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Thanks and Bye


Thanks and Bye


Lesson Info

Logic Pro's AI Mastering Assistant - Controls and Settings

Hi there and welcome to this video where we're going to have a look at the different controls for this mastering assistant plug in. So you can hear instantly it sounds much better, but I'm going to show you what all the different controls do. Now, in case you want to adjust any of these controls yourself. Let's just loop the chorus section as this is the loudest part of the song. Let's open up mastering assistant again. OK. Let me quickly explain the different features in mastering assistant. So first of all, here we have this EQ slider and when it analyzed the audio, it put some EQ changes here. We can actually go for ourselves and adjust these. If we wish though, I'm just going to play this back and make some extreme changes. So we can easily hear the difference. So you can hear that it's much brighter when we boost this. So with this slider, you can select how much of the EQ curve you're going to apply. So if we bring the slider down, we have a much flatter EQ. And if we increase th...

e slider, we can see the EQ changes are much more extreme. You can also turn on and off this custom E key with this button here. OK. Let's have a look at the character area here. So here you can choose a character for the master by default. This will be on transparent and this is what we've been listening to so far. This transparent character is inspired by a modern and tight sounding compressor and this character will color the sound the least out of all of the characters and is suitable for most genres of music. Let's now talk about the clean character. This will give you a clean and punchy result. So this is good for music where you want a clean master but also a punchy sound such as EDM music or acoustic music. These character changes can be subtle. So I do recommend listening to these yourself with your own audio to see if you can hear the difference. Ok. Let's now talk about the valve character. So this is great for acoustic music or hip hop music. This character gives you a deep low end and a bright or crisp high end and gives your music much more of the analog or vowel feel. Then we have punch, this can give you more of an aggressive sound and will boost the mid ranges. This character is suitable for rock music. By the way, if you're not using a Mac with Apple Silicon, then you won't have all these different character options. However, let's go back to transparent as this one is generally good for all styles of music. OK. Let's now have a look at this dynamic section here. So here we have a limiter set up with a ceiling of minus one DB. So that means the audio cannot exceed 01 DB. So we won't clip the audio as audio clips at zero DB. We also have a true peak meter here. And with this, we can see the loudest part of the audio is minus one DB. So the truth peak meter displays the loudest audio and we can click on this number here to reset this meter. So for this meter, if the audio is approaching zero DB, then we see a yellow bar and if the audio is exceeding zero DB, then we'll see a red bar and the rest of the signal will be a green bar. So just look out for a red bar if it's red, you know it's exceeding zero DB and you want to make sure the audio is less than zero DB to prevent any clipping of the signal. Ok? Then we have this loudness knob and this changes the loudness of the audio at the center position here or at 12 o'clock, the output will be around minus 14 Lufs minus 14 Lufs is typically where you want the target loudness for most streaming platforms such as Spotify or Apple Music. Not every song is for streaming platforms though. So you can adjust the amount of loudness with this loudness knob. OK. Let's just talk about this Lufs meter here, Lufs stands for loudness units relative to full scale. So here we have 3 m, MS and IM is the momentary loudness. So the loudness of what you're hearing in that moment s is a short term loudness and I is integrated loudness. The integrated loudness is usually used to measure the loudness of the whole song and gives the overall loudness of the song. The signal is represented by a green bar, but this will turn yellow when the loudness exceeds the target loudness. We also have this lu range down here. So this will display the loudness range when we play about the audio and press the start button here. So this will display the loudness of the incoming audio signal. Let me show you now you'll notice that when we press the start button, it turned into a pause button and this held the last measured value. So pressing pause might be useful if you want to pause the loudness range. After you've finished analyzing the loudness range of part of the song. For example, then we have this reset button and this clears the readings on the loudest meter. OK. Let's now look at this excite button. So this will add some saturation to the upper mid frequencies. Saturation is an audio effect that adds subtle harmonic distortion and character to the mix. So this can enhance the warmth and presence of the sound and can give it that sparkle to your master. It would be nice if you could select how much saturation you're applying. But in logic, prose mastering assistant, we just have this on off button. Let me show you now, it is quite subtle though. OK. Let's now have a look at this spread section down here. So first of all, we have this width dial and this is the stereo image width. And with this, we can add width to the stereo image. So if we move it to the right, we'll have a wider stereo image. If we move this to the left, it will sound more mono. We also have this correlation meter over here. So if you're in a negative or left hand side of this meter, then this can cause phase cancellation between the left and right channel which you don't want. So generally you don't want phasing issues and if it's out of phase, then it will not be mono compatible. So just make sure it's below zero in this correlation meter, hearing your master and mono might be useful. So you can hear what it sounds like. If someone's playing your song on a mono speaker, I would only put it in mono to test the mix though, I wouldn't have the final export in mono as the mix will sound better in stereo. OK? So that's the mastering assistant. Let's now load this quickly for the ballad song. So previously, we created this ballad song and let's just add the mastering assistant to this mix. Again, I haven't fully mixed their song. I've just adjusted the volume sliders and added reverb to the vocals. So let's go over to the inspector here and click on mastering assistant. And again, it's analyzing the track and with a I it's mastered the song. Let's hit this back now. Was it disabled on youtube that I love you? Oh, you feel it now? Not let you. I will always. So this is before this is we have the mastering a system so you can hear it instantly. It does sound much better with a mastering assistant. So if you're a logic pro user and you want to quickly master your music, I recommend testing out the mastering assistant. OK. So that's in this video. Thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next one.

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