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How to Write a Poem and then turn it into Song Lyrics with ChatGPT and Quillbot

Lesson 26 from: Songwriting with AI

Tomas George, Peter Darling

How to Write a Poem and then turn it into Song Lyrics with ChatGPT and Quillbot

Lesson 26 from: Songwriting with AI

Tomas George, Peter Darling

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26. How to Write a Poem and then turn it into Song Lyrics with ChatGPT and Quillbot


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Introduction and What You're Going to Learn


Let's Listen to the Two Versions of the Songs That We Create in this Course


Let's Create Some AI Lyrics


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AI Lyrics with Lyric Studio - Part 2: Chorus


AI Lyrics with Lyric Studio - Part 3: Verse 2


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Logic Pro's AI Mastering Assistant - Controls and Settings


Creating and Editing Song Lyrics with ChatGPT and AI Tools


Song Lyrics with ChatGPT and AI Tools Introduction


How to Write a Poem and then turn it into Song Lyrics with ChatGPT and Quillbot


How to Create Lyrics from Scratch with ChatGPT


How to Use Chat GPT to Improve your Song Lyrics


Thanks and Bye


Thanks and Bye


Lesson Info

How to Write a Poem and then turn it into Song Lyrics with ChatGPT and Quillbot

OK. So first of all, we're going to create a poem with Chat G BT and then we're going to adapt this into song lyrics. So I'm on Chat G BT now, depending on when you're watching this course, it may be a newer version of Chat GP T this should be pretty similar. OK. So I'm gonna write in here. Let's start off. I come up with quite an obscure idea because it can be quite easy to write some quite simple lyrics. So let's try and get Chat GP T to write us quite an elaborate or complex storyline. That way we're really getting the most out of this software, but you can apply this to any type of lyrics you want or poem. But let's start off with quite a strange one. OK. Let's do um write me a short to medium poem about someone who is gazing at the stars. Then aliens come down and transport them to a new world. Wow, the sky is green and the C is blue, but then they wake up and realize it's all a dream and they are now scared of looking at the stars. OK? Just off the top of my head, you can come up...

with anything you want. So I wrote here, write me a short to medium poem about someone who is gazing at the stars and aliens come down and transport them to a new world where the sky is green and the sea is blue. And then they wake up and realize it's all a dream and they are now scared of looking at the stars. OK, let's uh let's see what we get. So really, you can put whatever you want in here and it'll give you a poem, song lyrics, loads of different things. So let's have a look at this. Now, this is a bit long. I'm not gonna read this out now, but I will attach to this full poem and all the things we go over in this video to a PDF attached to this lecture. So it says here beneath the night where stars align a dreamer's eyes begin to shine with wonder deep. They gaze above into the void, a realm of love that sounds pretty good. You know, it might take uh someone quite a while to write this and the computer generates it almost instantly. However, this isn't your own work. So just be aware that do you want to say this is your own poem? A I did generate it. So just bear that in mind. OK. So now let's actually say let's rewrite this into song lyrics. OK. Now let's see what Chat G BT does with this poem. So you can see here, it's given us a verse, a pre chorus, a chorus, never verse bridge and the chorus again and an outro. So that's pretty awesome. It's turned this poem into a song. So even if you've written a poem yourself, you can turn it into song lyrics to Chat GP, T, OK. The only thing is now Chat GP T will probably make this unique. However, someone else could come up with the exact same poem as this. It's unlikely, but it is possible. So I like to use an application called Quill Bot, which will rewrite this into something different. So let's go on Quill Bot now. So I'm going to go on the paraphrasing and now let's copy and paste the song into Quill Bots. Just be aware, the free version of Quill Bot won't give you unlimited words. So you can see here. It's 100 and 90 words and we only get 100 and 25 free. So what I'm going to do is actually just uh let's delete it from the, from the bridge here. Then I'll paste that bit in again afterwards. So let's now click on paraphrase. So you could see previously it said beneath the night where stars align is change it to a dreamer's eyes gleam beneath the night when the stars align. So it's very similar, but it is different. However, it might not rhyme now, but we will fix that a bit later. Um So let's copy and paste what we have here into Chat G BT. So in Chat G BT, I'm going to put rewrite this into more of a song format. OK? Let's paste this in here and then I'm going to remove why. Add it into quill bots and then add it from the bridge. If you remember cos when you get 100 and 25 words for free, you can get the paid version. But this is just a, an easy way to get it for free. We do have different options up here. We have standard and fluency. These rewriting modes are available on a free version. We do have other ones here, natural formal academic, simple and so on. But these are not part of the free version. So for this, let's try and keep it free. Let's save some money. And here you go, it's rewritten the bridge and the chorus and the outro. So let's copy this and paste it over into chat GP T again. OK. Let's hit enter and let's see what it does. So I just wanna check that. The chorus is the same. Yep. It's the same because I was a little bit worried that quill but may have rewritten the choruses differently because I pasted them in separately. But the chorus is the same for both of them. OK. Let's have a look at this. Now, I just wanna make sure there's still a rhyme. It still works. A dreamer's eyes gleam beneath the night. When the stars are lying, shining bright, they look up into the emptiness, into a world of love with a profound sense of amazement. OK? That's pretty cool. And let's look at what we had before you can say it's different. So we've rewritten it with Quill Bot and then we've put it back into Chat E BT to make it into more of a song format. OK? So that is how you can create a song from a poem with Chat GP T. And that's also how you can rewrite it in Quill Bots. So we can hopefully not plagiarize it at all. OK. So in this video, we've created the poem with Chat GP T. We've rewritten this into a song format and then we've gone into Quill Bots to rewrite this again. And then we've gone back into Chat GP T and turned it back into more of a song format. One more thing I'm going to do in this video is I'm going to use a plagiarism tool to make sure what Chat GP T and Quil Butt has written does not belong to someone else. We do have a few different plagiarism tools but a free one which I like is grammarly plagiarism. So it's grammarly plagiarism checker. So here we can paste our text and we get up to 10, characters here, which is pretty cool. So let's find this and chat EPT OK, let's copy this and then go over to grammarly and paste this in here and then click on scan for plagiarism. This may take a moment or two to load. So we have all these goals and stuff that pops up. I'm just gonna kind of ignore that. And I wanna go down to here where it says, check for plagiarism. There we go. It says no plagiarism detected. Of course, we can use Chat G BT to rewrite this as well. We don't necessarily have to use quill bots, but I do think it's a good idea to have separate A I tools and go between them just because it's less likely to rewrite it in someone else's words. But we could just say rewrite this again and we could paste it in here and it will actually rewrite this again. So we do have many different options in chat GP T, I've only really touched the tip of the iceberg of how powerful this software is. But it can be really useful for helping you write lyrics or to improve lyrics. OK. So that's how you can use Chat GP T to rewrite a poem into song lyrics. So if you have your own poem, you can put it in here and rewrite it into song lyrics or you can be really lazy and do what I did and get it to write a poem as well and then turn this into song lyrics So I hope you find this video useful and I'll see you in the next one.

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