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How to Use Chat GPT to Improve your Song Lyrics

Lesson 28 from: Songwriting with AI

Tomas George, Peter Darling

How to Use Chat GPT to Improve your Song Lyrics

Lesson 28 from: Songwriting with AI

Tomas George, Peter Darling

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28. How to Use Chat GPT to Improve your Song Lyrics

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Introduction and What You're Going to Learn


Let's Listen to the Two Versions of the Songs That We Create in this Course


Let's Create Some AI Lyrics


AI Lyrics with Lyric Studio - Part 1: Verse 1


AI Lyrics with Lyric Studio - Part 2: Chorus


AI Lyrics with Lyric Studio - Part 3: Verse 2


AI Chords


AI Chord Sequence


AI Melodies


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How to Create AI Melodies with Melody Studio - Part 2: Chorus


How to Create AI Melodies with Melody Studio - Part 3 Verse 2 + Importing MIDI


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AI Vocals with Ace Studio


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Ace Studio Basics - Part 2: Selecting AI Vocalists


Ace Studio Basics - Part 3: Exporting and Importing


AI Mastering


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Logic Pro's AI Mastering Assistant - Controls and Settings


Creating and Editing Song Lyrics with ChatGPT and AI Tools


Song Lyrics with ChatGPT and AI Tools Introduction


How to Write a Poem and then turn it into Song Lyrics with ChatGPT and Quillbot


How to Create Lyrics from Scratch with ChatGPT


How to Use Chat GPT to Improve your Song Lyrics


Thanks and Bye


Thanks and Bye


Lesson Info

How to Use Chat GPT to Improve your Song Lyrics

OK. So now let's have a look at how to use Chat G BT to improve song lyrics that have already rhythm. So Chat GP T is an amazing tool and you can use it to write song lyrics from scratch. But in this video, I wanna show you how you can use it to improve your lyrics. They've already written. In my opinion, songwriting is really about writing the songs yourself. So I do think this is the best way of using Chat GP T and A I in general, as you're still writing the lyrics, you're still writing the words, you're still writing the songs, but using A I to improve them. OK? So here are some lyrics that I've written and I'm gonna use Chat GP T to improve them. I'm just gonna quickly read through these, looking up at the stars and the moon glaring so bright. It makes me imagine where else there is life. We live so peacefully here with our feet firmly on the ground. But I want to be out there floating around. If only I could leave. I dream of the day where I meet some friends who could show me spa...

ce. But this is just my mind falling around. There will be no rockets or starships for me. Just science fiction shows on TV. Then the chorus, let's get out of here and find someplace new high above the clouds into space above. So let's get out of here and find someplace new a place and spoilt from mankind's grasp. In verse two, I imagine. I'm arriving at New Planet. Call it plan to, the grass is blue and the water is green. The life forms there are so friendly and at sunset we dine but I need no iron boots to keep my feet firmly on the ground. The food is unusual like nothing I've tried before. But the grin on my face goes from ear to ear as I finally feel at home and the chorus again. So you've got the idea there. I basically want to go to another planet, but there is a lot of mistakes in these lyrics. It starts off. The rhymes seem to work and then the chorus, there isn't really a rhyme. Then in verse two, the rhymes don't really work as well, but we do have the overall image of what we want to convey with these lyrics. So let's use Chat GP T to improve these lyrics. So let's just copy these over to chat GP T I'm gonna type in here, rewrite these into song lyrics. Let's see what it does. So let's see if it improves the lyrics. And makes it rhyme and flow a bit better than what we had. By the way, if you wanna have a look at these lyrics, I have attached them to the PDF attached to this video. So it has kept the overall concept of these lyrics, but now it seems to flow a lot better. So let's have a look at this now, looking up at the stars and the moon so bright. I wonder where else there's live tonight. We live so peacefully with our feet on the ground. But they want to be out there floating around. So you may remember I did have floating around here. Oh Yeah, feet firmly on the ground. Well, I wanna be out there floating around. So it's kept that if only I could leave, I dream of the day I can meet new friends and we drift away. So it's changed that as well. But this is just my mind playing its game. No rockets or starships, just TV. Fame. Then the chorus. Let's get out of here. Find someplace new. So if you go back to mine, let's go out of here and find someplace new. So let's keep that line high above the clouds and the skies so blue. So let's go over here. Find someplace true. A place untouched by mankind's view. OK. So I don't really like the chorus about the sky so blue because in the lyrics, I do actually talk about the grass is blue. And the water is green. So for me personally, I'm just gonna say, can you rewrite this again? But don't talk about skies and the chorus. Let's see what it does. Now. I hope you realize how powerful this is. Let's have a look at the chorus. Now, let's go over here. Find someplace new far beyond the world we know a journey to pursue. So let's go over here. Find someplace true place untouched by mankind's view. OK. That's pretty good. So we have, yeah, a full song here. Verse one chorus, verse two chorus, bridge, chorus and outro. So we're still written the song lyrics ourselves. It's still our idea. Chat GP T has corrected them, improved them, made, made it flow a bit better. One more thing I'm gonna do. I just wanna check this with grammar's plagiarism checker. I'm sure it's gonna be fine because I did write the original lyrics. But let's just check for plagiarism by clicking this button here. OK. So no plagiarism detected. That's good. We don't want to plagiarize and that's how you can use Chat GP T to improve on your song lyrics. So I do recommend going on chat GP T putting in your own song lyrics and seeing if it can correct them. You don't have to use Chat GP T, but it can be a useful tool, especially if you quickly write lyrics or if you don't really see yourself as a lyricist, you can use Chat G BT to improve them or speed up your workflow. So I hope you found this video useful and thanks for watching.

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