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How to Create Lyrics from Scratch with ChatGPT

Lesson 27 from: Songwriting with AI

Tomas George, Peter Darling

How to Create Lyrics from Scratch with ChatGPT

Lesson 27 from: Songwriting with AI

Tomas George, Peter Darling

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27. How to Create Lyrics from Scratch with ChatGPT


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Introduction and What You're Going to Learn


Let's Listen to the Two Versions of the Songs That We Create in this Course


Let's Create Some AI Lyrics


AI Lyrics with Lyric Studio - Part 1: Verse 1


AI Lyrics with Lyric Studio - Part 2: Chorus


AI Lyrics with Lyric Studio - Part 3: Verse 2


AI Chords


AI Chord Sequence


AI Melodies


How to Create AI Melodies with Melody Studio - Part 1: Verse 1


How to Create AI Melodies with Melody Studio - Part 2: Chorus


How to Create AI Melodies with Melody Studio - Part 3 Verse 2 + Importing MIDI


AI Vocals - Synthesizer V Studio Basic


How to Create AI Vocals with Synth V Studio Basic - Part 1: Importing + Verse 1


How to Create AI Vocals with Synth V Studio Basic - Part 2: Verse 2


How to Create AI Vocals with Synth V Studio Basic - Part 3: Bouncing + Importing


Upbeat Song Arranging with Logic Pro's Session Players


Upbeat - Part 1: Drums - Arranging with Logic Pro 11's Session Players


Upbeat - Part 2: Bass - Arranging with Logic Pro 11's Session Players


Upbeat - Part 3: Keys - Arranging with Logic Pro 11's Session Players


Ballad Song Arranging with Logic Pro's Session Players


Ballad - Part 1: Keys - Arranging with Logic Pro's 11's Session Players


Ballad - Part 2: Bass - Arranging with Logic Pro's 11's Session Players


Ballad - Part 3: Drums - Arranging with Logic Pro's 11's Session Players


AI Vocals with Ace Studio


Ace Studio Basics - Part 1: Importing MIDI and Adding Lyrics


Ace Studio Basics - Part 2: Selecting AI Vocalists


Ace Studio Basics - Part 3: Exporting and Importing


AI Mastering


AI Mastering in Your Web Browser with Landr


Logic Pro's AI Mastering Assistant - Introduction


Logic Pro's AI Mastering Assistant - Controls and Settings


Creating and Editing Song Lyrics with ChatGPT and AI Tools


Song Lyrics with ChatGPT and AI Tools Introduction


How to Write a Poem and then turn it into Song Lyrics with ChatGPT and Quillbot


How to Create Lyrics from Scratch with ChatGPT


How to Use Chat GPT to Improve your Song Lyrics


Thanks and Bye


Thanks and Bye


Lesson Info

How to Create Lyrics from Scratch with ChatGPT

OK. So now we're going to have a look at how to use Chat G BT to write song lyrics from scratch. So normally I do recommend using Chat G BT or A I to improve your song lyrics, not necessarily to write all of them, but for this example, I'm gonna show you how to write all the lyrics with A I. So I'm in Chat GP T now and I'm gonna put something quite complex and obscure. So some simple lyrics might be easy to write, but other concepts and ideas and lyrics might be quite difficult. So let's give Chat GP T a challenge. Let's try and write something a little bit more complex. So I'm gonna put, write me a song about the battle of Hastings in 1066. I want this from the soldier's point of view and I want each verse to be from each side. So I've written here, write me a song about the battle of Hastings in 1066. I want this from the soldier's point of view and I want each verse to be from each side. OK? So let's see if it gets the historical references correct. And let's see if it does why I as...

k. So let's press this button. Now see what it gives us. So verse one is from a Saxon soldier. Verse two, it's from a Norman soldier. So I believe that's correct. Could always go and check. But from what I remember, this looks pretty good. So let me just read verse one in the dawn's first light. Our banners rise with shields and spear. We stand side by side king of Harold's lead. Our hearts are true. For England's honor. We fight through. OK. So that's the, the Saxon and the chorus at Hastings Field where fate is cast. We face the storm. Our lines hold fast through blood and strive. We make our stand for Saxon pride for our homeland. OK? So chorus one is for Saxon pride and chorus two can see it's for Norman pride. So uh let me just let's change it slightly change the chorus. So it's from Neva sides point of view. So I've typed in here, changed the chorus. So it's from neither side's point of view. A see what comes up with. So we have in Dawn's first light. A banner's rise. Same as before. OK. So there you go. The chorus says at Hastings Field where fate was sealed to your armies clash, their strength revealed through blood and strive in battles. Roar. The world was changed for Evermore. So that's just what I asked it for. So we have verse one from the Saxon verse two from the Norman Norman Soldier. A verse three, Saxon again for Norman. Then the chorus is not from Eva. So it's not from either side. OK. That's pretty awesome. That would have taken a long time to write. Uh We could even say stuff like rewrite this. So it's less formal. Let's see what we get now. So sometimes when using chat GP T it does sound too perfect. So that's why I put make it less formal. Let's see if this more casual song lyrics makes it seem less perfect and less like a computer made up. I wanna make it read or sound like it was written by a person, not a computer. OK? We can always go back to Quill bot as well and copy and paste this in. Just remember, it is only free for 100 and 25 words. This is too many. So I will have to do this in halves. So let's deal with the verse three. So you can see here it has changed it around a bit. Probably won't be pla plagiarized. Cha EPT. We can always use the grammarly plagiarism checker so I can get all of this copy and paste it into the plagiarism checker. But I do think it's safe to rewrite it again in another A I tool. But hey, it might be fine, but let's have a look. So I'm gonna scam for plagiarism. Now with this grammarly plagiarism checker. So we need to click on check for plagiarism down here and you can see there's no plagiarism detected. However, let's go back to Quill Butt and we can rephrase it with quill butt as well. So you can see it's changed this, but you can see it hasn't kept the rhymes, but let's copy this over back to chat. GP. T remember that past is up to verse two. So you can see there we have verse two and the chorus. So let's go back to chat GP T. So you want verse three to the end and we can put this back into chat GP T paraphrase this as I said, it's not completely essential. It's probably gonna be fine using church EPT to write all of it and even rewrite it. But let's just play it safe. You can actually see here. We need to do it in three parts. We do have too many words. So sometimes getting a premium can be useful for this up to the bridge. So let's just do the bridge and outro but I do like using the free one. But if you do want to pay for it, it is a bit more convenient and you do get these different modes up here. So we can actually click on rephrase here and I'll rephrase it again. We have a few different options. As I said in the previous video, we have fluency and standard which included with a free version And then if you want four more simple creative expand shorten, they're only uh available with the premium version, but let's just keep it on standard. Let's change it to this one just for this example. And then we can paste it in here the bridge and then let's just put rewrite, rewrite this again. Uh make it, make it sound more like a pop song. The US s so bands like Iron Maiden use a lot of historical references like this. So it's not really a typical love song, but it is quite interesting. And as I said, lyrics like this might take a while to write, you will have to make sure you get the historical facts correct. And we chat GP T just almost instantly we've got all this written. So let's just have a look at this now that shields and spears. We stand side by side in the early morning light. Our flags raised high. We fight for England's honor. Hearts so pure and King Harold's lead. We endure the chorus at the battle of Hastings Field where destiny was sealed. Two armies clashed, their strength revealed through blood and strive in the sound of war. The world will change forevermore. That's pretty good. You know, I'm gonna include all these lyrics in the PDF uh attached to this video if you wanna have a look at all these Yeah, that's how you can write a song from scratch using chat GP T OK. Let's do one more example. The Battle of Hastings was a bit niche. So let's think of something a bit more, a bit more mainstream, let's say. So let's put, right. May I love song about how two people met on July the 10th, let's say in the summer, in the south of Spain. Let's see what it gives us. OK? It was a warm July the 10th down in the south of Spain. The sun was shining bright, no hint of rain. I saw you by the sea. Your eyes met mine in that golden moment. Everything was fine. Sounds good. But it's a little bit too obvious. So let's put rewrite this. So the love story is less obvious. Let's see what it does now. Ok. So let's have a look at this on a warm July the 10th down in the south of Spain. The sun was shining bright. No sign of rain. Either sea a chance two strangers met in that golden moment. Hearts weren't set yet. Ok. Let's look at chorus. Oh July this 10th under the Spanish sun. A story started just begun in the warmth of summer by the sea. So blue, two paths crossed something felt true. So it's kind of rewritten this. So the love's less obvious rather than the story about love's less obvious. So you really have to pinpoint exactly what you want. The chat. EPT but it is pretty good. You know, if I'm putting the bit here guitar solo, which is interesting. So he wants us to uh put a guitar seller in there, right? So that is how you can use Chat GP T to write a song from scratch. Of course, we can use quill. But again, and rewrite this. But one last thing I'm gonna do, I'm gonna stick this in to the plagiarism tool because I do wanna make sure we haven't plagiarized this. So in grammar here, paste this in again. Click on, check for plagiarism may take a moment or two and there you go. It says no plagiarism detected. OK. So that's how can write a song from scratch using Chat GP T and also use call but as well just to rewrite stuff, but we don't necessarily need it. OK? There we go. As I said before, I do think it's a good idea to write the lyrics yourself. But a tool like chat G BT can be great for actually changing, adapting and improving lyrics. But if you really want, you can write it all from scratch, but I personally don't recommend it because songwriting is really about you writing the song, not really about A I but A I is a great tool to help you. OK? So I hope you found this video useful. Next, I'm gonna write some lyrics myself and we're gonna use Chat G BT to improve these lyrics. Thanks for watching and I'll see the next one.

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