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How to Create AI Melodies with Melody Studio - Part 3 Verse 2 + Importing MIDI

Lesson 9 from: Songwriting with AI

Tomas George, Peter Darling

How to Create AI Melodies with Melody Studio - Part 3 Verse 2 + Importing MIDI

Lesson 9 from: Songwriting with AI

Tomas George, Peter Darling

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9. How to Create AI Melodies with Melody Studio - Part 3 Verse 2 + Importing MIDI


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Introduction and What You're Going to Learn


Let's Listen to the Two Versions of the Songs That We Create in this Course


Let's Create Some AI Lyrics


AI Lyrics with Lyric Studio - Part 1: Verse 1


AI Lyrics with Lyric Studio - Part 2: Chorus


AI Lyrics with Lyric Studio - Part 3: Verse 2


AI Chords


AI Chord Sequence


AI Melodies


How to Create AI Melodies with Melody Studio - Part 1: Verse 1


How to Create AI Melodies with Melody Studio - Part 2: Chorus


How to Create AI Melodies with Melody Studio - Part 3 Verse 2 + Importing MIDI


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Thanks and Bye


Thanks and Bye


Lesson Info

How to Create AI Melodies with Melody Studio - Part 3 Verse 2 + Importing MIDI

OK. So we've copied that melody all into the second verse from the first verse. Let's just have a listen to it and see whether phrasing wise it works with the lyrics that we've got. Ok. So we got sometimes it's hard to see the sun's rays in a world full of gray. OK. For me, the, the thing that I'd want to edit slightly is the fact that hard is quite a short word and then two is suddenly a really long word. So sometimes it's hard to, which feels strange to me because the more important word within that phrase is hard rather than two, which is more of a connecting word. So I wanna probably change the lyrics slightly. So it fits a bit better in that regard and feels a bit more natural like speech. So sometimes it's hard to. So uh what some different options we have sometimes it's hard to see sunrays. So that's one option we could do. So sometimes it's hard to see sunrays like that. So let's change that to Sunray and then take the, the out and now we're just emphasizing sun rays a little b...

it more. Again, it's not updating the words on the actual melody part of the screen. However, we know what we've done. So we're just kind of follow with that sort of go sometimes. Is you like that? Sometimes it's hard. I kind of want to change this little melody down to an E COS that's what I'm naturally singing. Sometimes. It's hard to see sunrise in a world full of gray and then I'm happy with that second half. So let's have a listen to the next line. OK. So we have a similar issue with this line that we did in the first line of the first verse where we are of the second verse, sorry, where we are emphasizing the word to rather than um a more important word like color. So if we have a listen to this line one more time, so you bring color to like that. So if there is a way that we can change that, um oh, in fact, it's, you bring colors too, you bring colors too. So, um one thing that I wanna change is to make sure that we're not emphasizing two and we're emphasizing um a different word instead also as well. Another issue might be we are singing. Um We are emphasizing in the word glue me with this melody. We're emphasizing the me rather than the glue. And the way that we pronounce gloomy is gloomy, so stressed syllable, then an unstressed SLL the way the melody is right now it's emphasizing the unstressed syllable, which is not what we wanna do. I'll show you one more time or in fact, I'll sing it. You bring colors to my gloomy skies like that. So we wanna change gloomy as well. So this is what happens when you're writing lyrics and melody separately. Sometimes there are some scanting issues that you need to edit as a songwriter. So, um let's, let's take it one bit at a time. So the colors too, for example, you could maybe change that to you bring colors and then that would, that would instantly fix that. There's part of me that wants to change colors to color. Um Just because it might be easier to sing. There's less syllabus sounds kind of less ss so it's a bit easier to sing. So maybe go, you bring color and then that would, that would instantly help that. Um So we're gonna change that. Now, you bring color, there we go. Uh You bring color to gloomy skies. Um So you bring Carly to my gloomy skies, maybe we could change it to that instead. So you bring color to my gloomy skies and then gloomy now feels like da da gloomy skies and that phrases it better. It's slightly different in terms of the phrasing of the lyric, but it sounds nicer to sing. So you bring color to my gloomy skies. So that means we need to move to along a little bit if we will let me and f less extend color a little bit or what if I move this down? I'm just gonna add another note in here again. The lyrics have not kept up with what I'm doing here, but we can understand what we're doing. So we're changing this to you. Bring color to my gloomy skies like that. Let's hear it all more time. Ok. Jeremiah glue me. You bring color to my gloomy skies. So I wanna just change that last note to match skies when I look in your eyes and then I'm happy with that. So let's listen to that melody one more time to the. There we go. And now we've got the melody sorted out and obviously after that, the chorus melody would come. So we have now got a melody sorted for the first verse, the chorus and the second verse and we'll have the second chorus after that. So now we need to export. So we press export and it has immediately exported it to untitled song in brackets one midi. So now let's go to our logic file and we're gonna bring up finder and we're gonna just drag that in and we're not gonna import tempo information. OK? So it's now imported the mini information. It's come up with a few different channels that we don't necessarily need. So we can delete this channel right here and we can delete the channel with the chords because we already have chords And now we have the piano melody. Should we have a listen to it? That was this and now into our second verse and there we go, we have got a melody for our verse, our chorus and our second verse and then we've inputted it into logic. So thanks for watching. I'll see you in the next video where we're gonna do even more.

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