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How to Create AI Melodies with Melody Studio - Part 1: Verse 1

Lesson 7 from: Songwriting with AI

Tomas George, Peter Darling

How to Create AI Melodies with Melody Studio - Part 1: Verse 1

Lesson 7 from: Songwriting with AI

Tomas George, Peter Darling

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7. How to Create AI Melodies with Melody Studio - Part 1: Verse 1


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Introduction and What You're Going to Learn


Let's Listen to the Two Versions of the Songs That We Create in this Course


Let's Create Some AI Lyrics


AI Lyrics with Lyric Studio - Part 1: Verse 1


AI Lyrics with Lyric Studio - Part 2: Chorus


AI Lyrics with Lyric Studio - Part 3: Verse 2


AI Chords


AI Chord Sequence


AI Melodies


How to Create AI Melodies with Melody Studio - Part 1: Verse 1


How to Create AI Melodies with Melody Studio - Part 2: Chorus


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Thanks and Bye


Thanks and Bye


Lesson Info

How to Create AI Melodies with Melody Studio - Part 1: Verse 1

OK. So we've generated some lyrics that we can use. We've got a chord progression. Now, we're gonna move on to melodies and we're gonna combine everything together. So this time we're gonna be using Melody Studio, which funnily enough is connected to Lyric Studio. We're just gonna be trying to use the free trial right now to see what sort of thing it can offer and what's nice is, it's really similar in U I to what lyric studio is doing. And there's lots of really useful tools that we can use to create melodies that fit our chord sequence and our lyrics that we've already got. I've opened up Melody Studio and you just need to sign up for the free trial. So we're gonna start off with the free version of Melody studio. But um we're gonna show you how many suggestions you might get for melodies and then we're gonna move into the paid version of it after that. So we get unlimited suggestions and we can keep working on the song. So the free version might be useful for you if you're just look...

ing for a few different suggestions for stuff. Whereas if you're like us writing an entire song, potentially it might be worth upgrading to the pro version if you can. Ok. So this is your home page once you're all logged in and you've signed up and we are gonna press new song and we're gonna choose the genre. So we're gonna go for pop and what's your song about? So let's use the same topics that we did in lyric studio as well. So we're talking about love and we're talking about joy as well. So continue and do you know what we can do? Which is great here. You can either start from scratch by composing a melody in melody studio or you can upload an MP3 of something you've already got and then it will help you. So, what we're going to do is we're going to bounce the chord sequence that we've got in logic and we're gonna make an MP3 of it and then we're gonna upload that to the melody studio website and that will help us create a melody. OK. So we're back in logic here and we are gonna bounce these chords so we can upload them to melody studio. I'm gonna bounce a really long section of it so that we can keep using the chords over and over again, verse and chorus. So I'm gonna do 100 bars, let's say we're gonna go command and B which bounces the file and then we're going to make sure we've selected mp and we're gonna save it as chords idea for Melody Studio one, we gonna bounce. Obviously, I'm using logic here, but, uh you can use other doors to do this as well. OK. So now we're back in the Melody Studio website and we're gonna press upload mp3. We're gonna pick chords idea for Melody Studio one that we just picked and now it's gonna upload those chords and then it's going to analyze the audio so that it can determine what the cords are that are on there. This takes a little bit of time. So I'll see you once it's finished analyzing. OK. So Melody Studio has analyzed the audio that we've uploaded to it. And then this is what comes out that you do have the option if you want to, to link this uh melody studio with your lyrics studio account as well. We're not gonna do that because ultimately, some of you might want to only use one of the tools. So we're not gonna link the two up. We're just gonna show you what it's like if you come into it, bare bones. Um So, uh we already have lyrics written so we can get rid of these suggestions that come up here. And what we are gonna do is the laborious task of typing each lyric line into each section that we need to. And from there, we can write a melody for each one. OK. So now we've put all the lyrics into melody studio and we're gonna start adding melodies to them. So, the first thing we're gonna do is select the first line. So I want you to know that I love you and we're going to press add melody. It's gonna generate some melodies for us. Now, something that we need to make sure that we do is that we put in the same B PM that we've got in the logic file that um in this part as well. So I'm gonna change this to 120 cos that's really gonna affect the pace and the melodies that you get. So I'm just gonna press return and then we're gonna try and add melody again. Here we go. It's just generating melodies and now this part of it feels a bit like trial and error. Basically, you're just listening to a lot of the suggestions and see what they come up with. So let's have a look at this one. Not a big fan of that one. Let's move along. I'll be a fan of that one. Let's keep going. That one. Maybe I want you to know that I love you. I'm gonna go with that. I think that might work. So we press this little down arrow here and it comes up here. And what we can do here is we can edit some of the pitches. So let's listen to it one more time. I'm just gonna change the U so I want it to go I want you to know and then only go up to the F note on the word two. So we can just select that and then just press down, we go down to there like that. Let's play it one more time, just check that it's working. There we go. I'm quite happy with that. So now I'm thinking I would like to use that shape pretty much for my next line, which is only six syllables. So what you can do is you can select the shape, you can press copy and then you can delete that note that we just made and press paste and it will come back in and let's have a listen to that for the next line. OK. So I like it for, I know you feel it, but then I feel like it goes away from itself because we're using extra syllables so we can start deleting some stuff. Let's go delete that. Um Let's just do it one more time. So for me, it's this note here. This f feels a bit too tense and unstable. So I want to maybe change that note to maybe ad so a note underneath or at least I'll try some different notes. So I could try underneath and I could go like this and this changing all of these F notes to Ds. Let's see how that sounds. So I think that works. I'm not sure about the phrasing of the end of it at the moment he goes, I know you feel it too. I kind of wanna make it a bit smaller. So we'll select that and we can shorten this note and we can drag this note along like this and as you see the lyric comes out and corresponds with it. So let's see how this sounds. There we go. So I know you feel it too. I know you feel it too. Ah interesting when I'm singing that back. I kind of want feel to be a higher note. So we're gonna just change this one to the higher note that we got. Let's just hear that one more time. Yeah, I, I am happier with that. I'm just gonna just extend this last note as well. Cos the way I'd sing it, potentially, um, I'd sing too, slightly longer. So I know you feel it too like that. So, let's just hear that one time. Yes, I am happy with that. And then now because we are copying the pattern in the lyrics of nine syllables and then six syllables. We're now gonna copy that melody, um, for both the third line and the fourth line. So let's do that now. OK. And let's listen to that and almost try and sing along with it and see whether the phrasing of the words works with the melody that we've written as well. OK. I am never go. Let's, let's hear that bit one more time. I just wanna check the phrasing of it and whether it fits the scansion of the word that we're using, so whether we're stressing the right syllables for those words, so I am never gonna let you go. Our fire will always glow. Yeah, I think that works for me. I'm happy with that. Um So now what we've got is because we've been so repetitive with our melody, it's gonna become more memorable for the listener. So we've made sure that we've done the same melody for lines one and two as we did for three and four. So now let's move to the chorus.

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