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Ballad - Part 3: Drums - Arranging with Logic Pro's 11's Session Players

Lesson 18 from: Songwriting with AI

Tomas George, Peter Darling

Ballad - Part 3: Drums - Arranging with Logic Pro's 11's Session Players

Lesson 18 from: Songwriting with AI

Tomas George, Peter Darling

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18. Ballad - Part 3: Drums - Arranging with Logic Pro's 11's Session Players


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Introduction and What You're Going to Learn


Let's Listen to the Two Versions of the Songs That We Create in this Course


Let's Create Some AI Lyrics


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AI Lyrics with Lyric Studio - Part 2: Chorus


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Upbeat Song Arranging with Logic Pro's Session Players


Upbeat - Part 1: Drums - Arranging with Logic Pro 11's Session Players


Upbeat - Part 2: Bass - Arranging with Logic Pro 11's Session Players


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Ballad Song Arranging with Logic Pro's Session Players


Ballad - Part 1: Keys - Arranging with Logic Pro's 11's Session Players


Ballad - Part 2: Bass - Arranging with Logic Pro's 11's Session Players


Ballad - Part 3: Drums - Arranging with Logic Pro's 11's Session Players


AI Vocals with Ace Studio


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Ace Studio Basics - Part 3: Exporting and Importing


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Thanks and Bye


Thanks and Bye


Lesson Info

Ballad - Part 3: Drums - Arranging with Logic Pro's 11's Session Players

OK, let's move on now. And let's add a drum part. So new instrument and we're going to click drummer on session player and let's create. OK, so we've got the drummer here now. Let's have a listen and see what logic has come up with. I want you to know dad. I love you. I know you feel it too. Never go. Let you go. Our fire will always glow with the OK. I quite like the drum sound but it feels like it's doing a really upbeat and fast paced rhythm and I don't want that. I almost want it to do half that rhythm. Uh what we call half time. So let's have a look and see how we can change that. Let's go to, let's first try. Let's just drop complexity down as much as we can and see what it comes up with. I want you to know that I love you. I know you feel it too. I am never good. OK. That's working better. However, those high hats are having too much fun. So we need to drop intensity down as well. Let's have a listen. Now, I want you to know that I love you. I know you feel it too. I am never go...

. Now, let, let's drop intensity down even more. I want you to know that I look, I'm just gonna mute the vocal for a moment so we can hear it more clearly and I'm gonna boost the volume of the drums. Ok? I still think it could be slightly less complex. So let's also bring down full complexity. Let's bring down full amount as well. And I think potentially what's going on the snare or specifically the snare rim is, is still quite busy. So let's bring that down as well. Let's try a different rhythm. Let's try number two, see how that sounds again. It feels still a little bit too busy. So let's try a different rhythm. Let's try four. I still feel like the snare part is a bit too busy. So I'm just gonna drop complexity down to completely at the bottom. Let's hear that. OK. This snare rhythm is still a bit too busy for me. So let's see if we can change the rhythms here. Let's go back to one. See how that sounds. I'm gonna try dropping down intensity even more. OK. That's more what I'm looking for. So we're gonna keep that for the time being. We're gonna copy this drum part for the chorus. Let's copy and then let's paste now, we need to open that up. So double click on that and we are gonna up intensity we're gonna up complexity slightly and we are going to up fill an up fill complexity. Let's have a listen to that now. Ok. That's working slightly better. We can also change the preset of the sort of style of playing that the drummer's gonna do. So at the moment, we're on Hotel Cafe. Let's try soul searching. See how that changes it. Ok. So we've gone for a kind of a harder tomb there. Let's go to lost at sea. See how that sounds. Ok. I was quite enjoying Hotel Cafe a lot more than this. Unfortunately, because I've done this. It's lost all of my presets that I had before. So we're gonna just press undo until we get back to the feel and the sound that I had previously. Let's have a listen to that now. Ok. So we've got a sound that I'm enjoying, but I think if you wanted to edit it even more, you can manually edit the rhythm that you want the drummer to do. So I feel like at this point in the chorus, I want kind of a half time rhythm. So I'm gonna go into manual and now I can change, um I can change both the kick and the drum rhythm that I want to use. So I'm gonna want beat one, we're gonna make it a one bar length and we're going to, this is showing the four beats. OK? So we're gonna want to make this a little bit simpler. So we're gonna wanna change it. So we're gonna have the kit coming in on beat one and then a beat four. I'm just gonna take all these snares out so we can hear the difference and then I want the snare coming in on beat three. So I'm just gonna press beat three right there and now it should just come in on beat three. OK, let's listen to the whole thing and see how that sounds. Let's also put on the vocal that we originally had. I want you to know that I love you. I know you feel it too. I am never go. I let you go. Our fire will always glow with every from the right sometimes. OK? I feel like I wanna add just a little bit of an intro as well at the moment, the vocals coming in straight away and it feels like a bit of a shock. So what I'm going to do is I'm gonna drag all of these parts and we're just gonna move them back for bars and I think I just want the keyboard player to play a bit by themselves. So let's add that in. We're gonna drag this part over and then we're gonna change this part slightly so that it has some more fills in it. It's a little bit more complex. Um So that it's more of a lead instrument, it's almost a little solo section for it. Let's have a listen to it. Let's also add in the left hand as well. So we're getting the base, want you to know that I love you. I know you feel it too. I am never good. OK. Let's also try staggering when we bring the instruments in. So we could bring in the bass and the vocal at bar five. But let's try only using half of the uh the drum part and only bring it in in the second half of the verse. I want you to know that I love you. I know you feel it too. I am never go. I let you go. Our fire will always glow with every from the there we go. So we have managed to create an arrangement here that um fits more of a ballad style in comparison to our previous one, I'm really enjoyed using logic session player. It's really good at taking information that you've already generated and then adapting it to different styles, really adjusting minutia in terms of how complex you want it to be, how intense you want it to be. I think it's a really impressive feature of Logic 11. So in the next section, um Thomas is going to be showing you how to, I use an improved A I vocal that you can use. So we'll see you in that one.

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