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AI Lyrics with Lyric Studio - Part 3: Verse 2

Lesson 5 from: Songwriting with AI

Tomas George, Peter Darling

AI Lyrics with Lyric Studio - Part 3: Verse 2

Lesson 5 from: Songwriting with AI

Tomas George, Peter Darling

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5. AI Lyrics with Lyric Studio - Part 3: Verse 2

Next Lesson: AI Chord Sequence


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Introduction and What You're Going to Learn


Let's Listen to the Two Versions of the Songs That We Create in this Course


Let's Create Some AI Lyrics


AI Lyrics with Lyric Studio - Part 1: Verse 1


AI Lyrics with Lyric Studio - Part 2: Chorus


AI Lyrics with Lyric Studio - Part 3: Verse 2


AI Chords


AI Chord Sequence


AI Melodies


How to Create AI Melodies with Melody Studio - Part 1: Verse 1


How to Create AI Melodies with Melody Studio - Part 2: Chorus


How to Create AI Melodies with Melody Studio - Part 3 Verse 2 + Importing MIDI


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How to Create AI Vocals with Synth V Studio Basic - Part 1: Importing + Verse 1


How to Create AI Vocals with Synth V Studio Basic - Part 2: Verse 2


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Upbeat - Part 2: Bass - Arranging with Logic Pro 11's Session Players


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Ballad - Part 2: Bass - Arranging with Logic Pro's 11's Session Players


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AI Vocals with Ace Studio


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Ace Studio Basics - Part 2: Selecting AI Vocalists


Ace Studio Basics - Part 3: Exporting and Importing


AI Mastering


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How to Use Chat GPT to Improve your Song Lyrics


Thanks and Bye


Thanks and Bye


Lesson Info

AI Lyrics with Lyric Studio - Part 3: Verse 2

So there, we've got a first verse and a chorus. I think the next thing to do is to just come up with a second verse. So we're gonna go back to verse generator. I'm gonna keep all of these suggestions here. Um Is sometimes what I like to do is I like to keep my notes s or ideas that I didn't end up using. I like to keep them at the bottom of the page anyway, because I may come back to them and, and still use bits like that. It's always really important to keep your um all the ideas that you potentially rejected or you haven't used yet, cos you may still use them. So I'm going to now write a description for what I want the second verse to be, which is um sometimes there's bad weather or bad experiences that can make a relationship harder, but I know that we will make it through. So let's try new draft. And here we go, we got some more suggestions here, which if I'm honest to you doesn't do what I want it to. I want my second verse to kind of bring a bit more shade to what the light that ...

we've already kind of shown within our lyrics already. So, um I'm gonna try and enter a new description. So sometimes relationships are hard. That's all I'm gonna say. Let's have a look. OK, I'm gonna bring this over because I think this could be interesting. So I've clicked on it. It's gone into the text box we've got here in a world full of gray. You're my brightest ray. You bring colors and joy with each passing day. When I'm feeling low, you lift me up so high with your love by my side, the limits in the sky. And then their idea for a chorus is you're my sunshine, you're my rainbow with you. My love will grow forever, grow. You make me feel alive, you make my heart glow. You're all I wanna know. So again, let's go through this with a fine tooth comb and find phrases that we think we like and we could potentially use. So I'm going to straight away take in a world full of gray cos I think that might be an interesting um metaphor to use is the idea of um we've been talking about being in paradise within our chorus, but maybe the second verse is more about um what's the opposite of a paradise? Potentially? What I assume is a paradise is really great weather. Um Obviously, I live in England uh and the north of England. So uh that doesn't often happen at all in our country. So I'm much more used to a world full of gray. So potentially we're gonna be using that. Um I quite like you bring colors as a phrase. That's an interesting one that we could potentially fit in towards the end of the verse. Um And then I quite like the idea of a rainbow as well because obviously a rainbow comes after the rain. Um And those are the three that I'm gonna take. So I'm just going to get rid of those right now. We're looking at verse two. So let's copy this up to where we're working. Here we go. OK. So verse two. Um and I think it's really important that we follow the pattern that we've already established within verse one, which is first line is nine syllables, second line six syllables. And then we do the same again for lines three and four. So we have uh in a world full of gray. Potentially, we could use that as line two of our second verse. So we just need something that will work with uh in a world full of gray before it. That's nine syllables long. And it also rhymes with gray because we're following the rhyme scheme we've already used where we have U two Go Glow. So let's go to lyrics and I'm going to just ta copy in, in a world full of great. It comes up there al already. That's very useful mean our new suggestions. And let's see, I'm looking at, I'm looking at um different suggestions that have a rhyme with gray. Um There could potentially be nine syllables. Um So maybe we go, gotta find a way to make it go away. Um I'm not sure that works for me at all. So I'm gonna delete that. Ok. I'm now going to that avenue hasn't quite worked for me cos I'm gonna try a different one. I'm gonna go to rhymes and I'm gonna type in gray and it's always useful with your rhyming words to try and match the syllable length again. So we're gonna be looking at one syllable words mainly. OK. So maybe we could do Ray might be interesting because we talk about the sun's rays. Um Let's have a look, they is another one say, wait, obviously there's a huge amount of rhymes for the word gray. Uh So let's try and find some little suggestions for those. So Ray we could look at um sometimes we can't see the race. So that's seven syllables. So um let's see if we can add a couple more. So sometimes it's hard to see and we just need one more suitable to get it up to nine syllables. Sometimes it's hard to see the sun's rays that could potentially work in a world full of gray. Yeah, I'm quite happy with that. Um Let's put that back in. So verse two, sometimes it's hard to see the sun's rays in a world full of gray. We've got nine syllables and six syllables. Now, we need to look for a new rhyme for that. So, uh we're gonna be looking for a new suggestion for lines three and four. So I'm gonna um put in a suggestion, what I want it to say narratively. So, what I want it to say within this verse is sometimes it's hard to um feel the paradise within a relationship because the world around is can be tough and it can wear us down. However, this other person that you're falling in love with is bringing the light and bringing this sense of wonder and magic that can then help you feel like you're in paradise again, which links you back to the chorus. So I'm gonna look at suggestions based on let's have a look. Oh, let's try and type that in. OK. That's interesting. So it won't let me type anything in. But maybe what I could do is go to first generator and say, but you bring me light in the dark, something quite generic like that. And then we go new draft and we'll see what it comes up with. OK. I really, I, I really like there. We have you bring colors to my gloomy days. And previously we had said, oh, there's an interesting phrase in there that we quite like, which was to do with you bring colors. So that works out quite well. Um So I'm going to copy that up and that is actually nine syllables as well. So that works out quite well. Uh Let's find where we are. Um So you bring colors to my gloomy days. I would quite like to change the word days because I'd rather move away from this kind of a rhyme scheme. So raises gray. So let's go to thesaurus and I wanna find a different word for days. Um Potentially as well, one syllable word would be nice. Um Gloomy space, you bring colors to my gloomy space again, we're using that a kind of rhyme. So I want to avoid that a little bit. Um You bring colors to my gloomy skies, gloomy skies. OK. Fantastic. So we're relating back to the imagery of the sky, but we're also using a different rhyme scheme. Fantastic. OK. That's very exciting to me, right? I'm now going to just copy that phrase in. We're gonna have new suggestions. You bring colors to my gloomy skies and it would be great if we can find something that rhymes with uh skies and that's six syllables. So I'm just gonna put anything in that I think I might quite like and then I can edit it afterwards. You are the sunshine of my life. Um Here we go, you shine like diamonds in disguise. You bring joy to my eyes. We just put that in. So I'm intrigued by eyes. M maybe we use something like when I look into your eyes, that's unfortunately seven syllables. So if there's a way that we can shorten that slightly, um When I look in your eyes, there we go. So sometimes, oh, let's just get rid of all this. Get out of the way. So, uh, so this is the verse. Sometimes it's hard to see the sun's rays in a world full of gray. You bring colors to my gloomy skies when I look in your eyes and then we go back into our chorus with every beat. I feel so alive from dusk till dawn. I'm in paradise. Paradise, paradise, paradise. I'm in paradise. Potentially for a refrain. So we've now got some lyrics. We've got a first verse, a chorus and a second verse and most probably we'll use the chorus again uh for a second time. So there we go. We've used lyrics studio and we have come up with lyrics that we can use and we can help develop the song from there. I hope that was useful for you. I'll see you in the next one.

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