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AI Lyrics with Lyric Studio - Part 2: Chorus

Lesson 4 from: Songwriting with AI

Tomas George, Peter Darling

AI Lyrics with Lyric Studio - Part 2: Chorus

Lesson 4 from: Songwriting with AI

Tomas George, Peter Darling

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4. AI Lyrics with Lyric Studio - Part 2: Chorus


Class Trailer



Introduction and What You're Going to Learn


Let's Listen to the Two Versions of the Songs That We Create in this Course


Let's Create Some AI Lyrics


AI Lyrics with Lyric Studio - Part 1: Verse 1


AI Lyrics with Lyric Studio - Part 2: Chorus


AI Lyrics with Lyric Studio - Part 3: Verse 2


AI Chords


AI Chord Sequence


AI Melodies


How to Create AI Melodies with Melody Studio - Part 1: Verse 1


How to Create AI Melodies with Melody Studio - Part 2: Chorus


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Thanks and Bye


Thanks and Bye


Lesson Info

AI Lyrics with Lyric Studio - Part 2: Chorus

OK. So we got our first verse. Well done. Everyone. You did. Great. Let's have a look at uh writing a chorus now. So chorus, here we go. And I'm gonna go to verse generator. So let's have a look here and I'm gonna write a description of the song. I think I'm falling in love with this passing. I want to tell them and I think we will last forever. Some lovely sentiments there. And we're just gonna do new draft and it generates a draft for us to see what we've got. Here we go. This is really interesting. So let's just click on this and then enter it into um our text box that we're using. And then what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna look through this and see if there's any lines that I really, really like that could potentially work for our chorus. I'm just gonna delete verse there. So you walked into my life like a dream. Butterflies awaken my hearts gleam with every beat. I feel so alive. I love the symphony that will never die. Love is the melody that makes us dance with you. I found my fore...

ver romance, joy. Fills my sky from dusk till dawn, in your arms. I feel like I belong. Ok. So there's some lines there that I think are really that could potentially work. So I quite like with every beat, I feel so alive. So I'm just gonna copy that up there just visually for me, it helps if I've got them separate. And then I do like, um, from dusk till dawn I think is nice. Uh, And I like um in your arms, I feel like I belong as well. So I'm just gonna cut that as well. Let's bring that down. Um OK. Now, I wanna see what it's like if we, I'm turning on my songwriter brain here right now. I just wanna see what it's like if all of these different phrases are on different lines because I wanna see how many syllables each one has. And I wanna see if I can make them even more uniform together. So with every beat is four syllables, I feel so alive is five. From dusk till dawn is four in your arms is three and then I feel like I belong is six. So I kinda wanna make them all feel pretty uniform. Maybe we do and then another five afterwards. So with every beat, I feel so alive from dusk till dawn. And then maybe we, we look for uh a rhyme with a live. So let's go back to here rhymes and let's go alive here. Um And let's see, the different things we've got. Now, we've got, uh you can sort by popularity. It also shows you the syllable, different syllable lengths as well for each, which for each word, which I think is really useful. Um So we're wanting a two syllable word to rhyme with a life which will make our life a bit easier. Um So I'm just going to make a little space here. So I can see we want something that rhymes with the live and that could follow on quite nicely from, from dusk till dawn. Um So let's have a look here. Um So one thing I thought that could maybe be quite good is uh paradise or even sunshine. So I'm just going to write those in sunshine. Um And as you can see, as you go further and further down, some of the suggestions become less and less relevant, potentially. So, uh Winchester Drive, if you can find a way to fit that into the lyrics, I'll be very impressed. Uh But that for me doesn't, doesn't work quite well. Um So let's have a look. Uh divine potentially as well is a nice two syllable word that could, that could work, maybe realize, realizes a three syllable word, but potentially we could make it work with, realize you can, you could sing it more as a as a two syllable word potentially. So we've got a few different suggestions there. So from dust from dusk till dawn. One option is you can go, I'm in paradise. From dusk till dawn. I'm in paradise. So that fits with IFI feel so alive. I'm in paradise. Um Another one, let's try and write a line for sunshine, for example. Oh, so you could do from dusk till dawn, you are the sunshine. Uh You could do for divine, I feel so I feel so divine. And then for real, you could do you make me realize which you could potentially make realize into more of a two syllable word. So those are your options there. Um With every beat, I feel so alive. From dusk till dawn. I'm in paradise or you are the sunshine, I feel so divine. You make me realize. I quite like I'm in paradise. I think that'll work. So with every beat, I feel so alive from dusk till dawn, I'm in paradise. Um And potentially, that's all the lyrics that you need for a chorus. Something that I found as a songwriter is I want to make my chorus as simple and as summative as possible. Uh So it becomes more singable and more catchy. So what I would potentially do after those lines is then try and repeat the word paradise, uh more and more and more. So I'm just gonna right. Paradise a lot. Paradise, paradise, paradise, I'm in paradise. And that will help me when I'm coming to uh write melodies or chord progressions for this song as well. Just so I've got an idea of, oh, maybe I could do something here. Um, I feel very conscious as well that coldplay have a song called Paradise. So I wanna make sure that whatever ideas I'm coming up with, I'm not just ripping off Paradise by Coldplay. So we're gonna be careful with that. But I think there is a way we can use the word Paradise um, in a slightly different way than coldplay did make it our own song.

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