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AI Chord Sequence

Lesson 6 from: Songwriting with AI

Tomas George, Peter Darling

AI Chord Sequence

Lesson 6 from: Songwriting with AI

Tomas George, Peter Darling

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Introduction and What You're Going to Learn


Let's Listen to the Two Versions of the Songs That We Create in this Course


Let's Create Some AI Lyrics


AI Lyrics with Lyric Studio - Part 1: Verse 1


AI Lyrics with Lyric Studio - Part 2: Chorus


AI Lyrics with Lyric Studio - Part 3: Verse 2


AI Chords


AI Chord Sequence


AI Melodies


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How to Create AI Melodies with Melody Studio - Part 2: Chorus


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Upbeat - Part 1: Drums - Arranging with Logic Pro 11's Session Players


Upbeat - Part 2: Bass - Arranging with Logic Pro 11's Session Players


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Ballad - Part 2: Bass - Arranging with Logic Pro's 11's Session Players


Ballad - Part 3: Drums - Arranging with Logic Pro's 11's Session Players


AI Vocals with Ace Studio


Ace Studio Basics - Part 1: Importing MIDI and Adding Lyrics


Ace Studio Basics - Part 2: Selecting AI Vocalists


Ace Studio Basics - Part 3: Exporting and Importing


AI Mastering


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Logic Pro's AI Mastering Assistant - Controls and Settings


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Song Lyrics with ChatGPT and AI Tools Introduction


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How to Use Chat GPT to Improve your Song Lyrics


Thanks and Bye


Thanks and Bye


Lesson Info

AI Chord Sequence

OK. So the next thing we're gonna look at is harmony or our chord progressions. Something that I quite like to do once I've written lyrics is rather than just go and go away and write a melody straight away. I might instead try and come up with a chord progression. It's gonna help to make melodies for my lyrics a bit more easy. So the A I tool that we're gonna use is called Cord Seek A I. As you can see, I've got it up on my browser right now and I'm gonna show you how it works. So we're gonna press launch app and it comes up with this window here and all we need to do to start adding chords is press the plus button. So press the plus button. It comes up with a little gray box with a question mark. Let's click on that. See what happens and it comes up with the suggestions here. I'm gonna literally take the very first chord. We're gonna have ac There you go. Shall I play it? We can hear it one more time. Beautiful. We're probably gonna want some more cords I reckon. So let's press the p...

lus button again and then select this gray box with a question mark and now it starts to suggest different chords that we could use within the key of C major, which is very useful. Um So we are just gonna select the first one that suggests, which is one which is one of the most common. So we're gonna pick the f there and then I'm going to keep going. I'm going to um maybe try and get two more chords. So we have a four chord chord progression, which is often very common thing. So we're gonna go here, we've got an F there. I wanna try a different chord. So I'm gonna just try an A minor and then let's suggest the very last chord leaving OG OK. So now we've got a four chord chord progression that we can use. Let's uh listen to it with a metronome on and hear how it sounds. That's a really common core progression that you might hear within a pop song. But I think there's some little editing that we can do to make it a little bit more interesting. One thing that we can do is change the harmonic pulse by which I mean, on what beat the chords enter. So in this case, what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna drag this chord sequence here. So it's a little bit earlier so that the F comes in slightly earlier or a b earlier than it normally would and then I'm gonna drag it so that the, a minor comes back in on beat one. And then we're gonna do the same thing with the G cord that we did with the F chord. So we're gonna make it so that the G cord enters one beat earlier. We do a little drag and I'm just gonna drag this G cord so that it lands and fills the four bars. Now, let's have a listen to that one more time. And do you notice how just by changing up that harmonic pulse, we've created a chord sequence that has a little bit more movement in it and becomes slightly more our own. So there we go. We've got a four chord sequence. And do you know what some pop songs just use the same four chords the whole way through the song? So that's what we're gonna do as well. We're just gonna use these four and we've written all the chords we need to do well done everyone. You did. Great. So the next thing we need to do is we need to export these cords into our door, which in this case is logic. So the way that you do that is you press this button right here and you can choose to export either as A dot C HSE Q or you can export as a Midi. So we're gonna use Midi and we're gonna export and that has now downloaded for us. OK. So now we've exported our call progression to Midi and we're gonna add it to logic. So I've opened up logic here and we have to create a new track. So we're gonna create a Midi instrument. There we go. It comes up with a default, just classic electric piano. Now we're gonna go to our finder, we're gonna go to the downloads folder and we're just gonna drag in those chords. Here we go. And it asks us, do. We also want to import the tempo information? No, let's not do that. Let's just keep it as it is. And then I'm gonna press a loop here and we're gonna hear the chords. There we go. And we've got our chord sequence in there. And in logic, what you can do is so we're gonna use those same four chords the whole way through. I'm literally just gonna press L when I'm selecting the region and he just loops it forever and ever, and ever until the end of time. So there you go. That's how we make a call progression and then we put it into our door afterwards. Thanks very much. I'll see you in the next one.

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