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Ace Studio Basics - Part 3: Exporting and Importing

Lesson 21 from: Songwriting with AI

Tomas George, Peter Darling

Ace Studio Basics - Part 3: Exporting and Importing

Lesson 21 from: Songwriting with AI

Tomas George, Peter Darling

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21. Ace Studio Basics - Part 3: Exporting and Importing


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Introduction and What You're Going to Learn


Let's Listen to the Two Versions of the Songs That We Create in this Course


Let's Create Some AI Lyrics


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AI Vocals with Ace Studio


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Ace Studio Basics - Part 3: Exporting and Importing


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Thanks and Bye


Thanks and Bye


Lesson Info

Ace Studio Basics - Part 3: Exporting and Importing

OK. So now let's have a look at exporting this. So we only want to hear these A I vocals. So let's right. Click on the backing track and then go to mute. So now you can see we have three tracks muted and one unmuted. So the export, we need to go to file and then export audio. So we can actually export the master. We can export the selected track for this. Let's export the master as we do have the other tracks muted. So it shouldn't make a difference and then we can export the whole project or the loop. This let's export the whole project. So this will start on bar one and will end on bar 29 vocals are normally recorded in mono. So let's leave this a mono. However, if it's in stereo or if you want to bounce this with the back and track, choose stereo, then we can choose a sample rate. I'm going to leave it on 44,100 and then the bit depth I'm going to leave this on 16 bit as well. And now let's click export, then we can choose our export location and we can name this. I'm gonna call thi...

s ballad voice a studio export. However, if you want to export this with the back and track, then be sure to unmute this as well. So let's do this now for this example. So let's right. Click on the backing track, go to unmute and then go to file export audio. So again, we have the same settings as before. But this time, I'm going to change the channel from mono to stereo as the backing track is in stereo, not mono. Now, we can choose our export location and we can name this. We can also do the same for the other track. Remember we had the upbeat song and the ballad song. So let's right. Click on the tracks for the ballad song and go to mute and right. Click on the vocals for the upbeat song and go to unmute and same for the back and track. Now, if I play this back, you'll be able to hear the upbeat song. Our us. OK. Great. Again, we can go and file export audio. But for this example though I'm only going to export the vocals, not the back and track. So let's right. Click on the back and track and go to mute and again, let's go to file and export. So for this as it's just the vocals, we're gonna change it from stereo to mono. I'm going to rename this upbeat and hit save. OK? Now I've found my save location and let's just play back some of these now so we can hear its export it. You done? OK, great. So this should just be the vocals. I will always go and this one again should just be the vocals if I will always go. So a studio isn't really software for making the whole song. It's just for the vocals. So now what you need to do is import these into your digital audio workstation. So you can continue working on your song. You may remember previously we were using Logic Pro. But if you are using another digital audio workstation, you should be able to do a very similar thing. So here I have Logic Pro with the ballad song. So let's drag over the vocals we made in a studio but without the backing track, so you can see here. OK, let's now play this back and lo a pro and you should be able to hear the vocals that we just made in a studio on you too. I love you. Oh You feel it? Never not let you. I will always learn with a I feel on. I just added a reverb plug in draw and playback as well. Let's hit this back again with some reverb. Oh You do know. Oh, that I love you. I know you feel it. I am never, will not let you. I will always learn with I No. OK, great. Let's now add the A I vocals to the upbeat song. So we do have the vocals here that Peter programmed him previously. Let me just play these, want you to know, I love you. Let's mute this track though and a loop this and let's add the vocals that we programmed in a studio. So it's this one here ball of voice, a studio export or beat. So this is just the vocals. So you may remember that the ballad version of this song has a four bar intro, but this upbeat song has the vocals coming straight away. So let's just trim this back, four bars and drag this back. Ok. Let's play this back and draw and play back again. I'm going to adjust the volume sliders here and I'm going to add some reverb. Love you, you feel it how you love, let's say this one more time. Oh That I love, you know, you feel it. I never, I let you, I will always, so you notice there we actually have verse two which we didn't actually program in because previously Peter only arranged up to the chorus. So let's just trim this back. OK. So there you go. That's how you can create A I vocals with a studio and that's how you can import it into your digital audio work station. If you're using another daw such as fl studio or able to live, the process should be very similar. As I said, this technology is quite new and it's not perfect, but it is pretty good. And I'm sure soon enough A I vocals will sound very similar to a real singer. So I do recommend testing out a studio if you don't want to sing yourself and you want to use A I to help you write vocals. So, thank you so much for watching this video. I hope you found it useful and I'll see you in the next one.

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