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Ace Studio Basics - Part 2: Selecting AI Vocalists

Lesson 20 from: Songwriting with AI

Tomas George, Peter Darling

Ace Studio Basics - Part 2: Selecting AI Vocalists

Lesson 20 from: Songwriting with AI

Tomas George, Peter Darling

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Lesson Info

20. Ace Studio Basics - Part 2: Selecting AI Vocalists


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Introduction and What You're Going to Learn


Let's Listen to the Two Versions of the Songs That We Create in this Course


Let's Create Some AI Lyrics


AI Lyrics with Lyric Studio - Part 1: Verse 1


AI Lyrics with Lyric Studio - Part 2: Chorus


AI Lyrics with Lyric Studio - Part 3: Verse 2


AI Chords


AI Chord Sequence


AI Melodies


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How to Create AI Melodies with Melody Studio - Part 2: Chorus


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Upbeat - Part 1: Drums - Arranging with Logic Pro 11's Session Players


Upbeat - Part 2: Bass - Arranging with Logic Pro 11's Session Players


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Ballad Song Arranging with Logic Pro's Session Players


Ballad - Part 1: Keys - Arranging with Logic Pro's 11's Session Players


Ballad - Part 2: Bass - Arranging with Logic Pro's 11's Session Players


Ballad - Part 3: Drums - Arranging with Logic Pro's 11's Session Players


AI Vocals with Ace Studio


Ace Studio Basics - Part 1: Importing MIDI and Adding Lyrics


Ace Studio Basics - Part 2: Selecting AI Vocalists


Ace Studio Basics - Part 3: Exporting and Importing


AI Mastering


AI Mastering in Your Web Browser with Landr


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Logic Pro's AI Mastering Assistant - Controls and Settings


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How to Use Chat GPT to Improve your Song Lyrics


Thanks and Bye


Thanks and Bye


Lesson Info

Ace Studio Basics - Part 2: Selecting AI Vocalists

Let's now have a look at the singers. So we do have different types of singers we can use. Let me just play the one that I found, which I think is most suitable for this song. I want you, I love you. You feel it. I, you will always, so you probably heard that it was glitching quite a lot, drawing playback. A studio is quite CPU intensive and I am recording this video at the same time drawing playback, which is why you could hear those glitches. So just bear that in mind. If you're using quite a powerful computer though and you don't have any other applications open, then they should minimize the glitches, drawing playback. Also, this is new software and hopefully it'll be less CPU intensive in the future. I also have the ballad version of this song. So what we can do is we can right click on the track here and then we can go to mute. Unfortunately, there isn't a mute button, there's a solo button but not a mute button. So I'm going to mute this vocal and this backing track. So this is ...

an export of just the music without the vocals that Peter created in logic pro So let's right. Click on this one again and go to mute. So you can see here the track is gray when it's muted and when it's not muted, it's not great. So let's right. Click on this one and go to unmute and this one here and go to unmute as well. By the way, if you are using a studio, you can download this exact project as me. If you want to use this to follow along or if you want to go in and change any of the parts. OK. Let's now have a listen to the ballad version. So here we do have a different singer as well. We can see the singer's called Tangerine. Are you to that? I love you. Oh You feel it never not let you, I will always the so you can hear that it's not bad. You know, the lower pitched notes don't sound too realistic to me, but the higher pitched notes, the chorus section does sound quite realistic. As I said, this is new technology, but maybe in the future, it will sound very convincing. So let's just click on this region here. So you can see again, we have these mini notes and we can add the lyrics to the midi notes. However, just for this example, let's change this to another singer. So you can see here on the left, we have all these different singers, most of them are license free. We do have them that say license required. I would personally avoid the ones that say license required unless you're able to get permission to use them. So we have many different singers. But for this example, let's just choose this one called David. So we can click and drag this over the previous singer to replace it. Now, let's click on the timeline here and press space bar to play this back again. It does take a few moments to render. I want you to know that I love, you know, you feel it. I am never and I'll let you go off. I will always love and bye. That wasn't quite as good as the previous A I singer in my opinion. So can always press on do to go back to our previous singer. He was Tangerine. Well, let's just try one more for this example. Let's try this one called orange and let's play this back. You know, I love you. You feel never, I let you always again, that one wasn't too good. I did go through a lot of these before I filmed this video. And the one I personally thought was most suitable was this one called Tangerine. So again, let's click and drag this over here. We also have this mixer control up here. So with this, we can adjust the volume between the backing track and A I vocals. So I'm going to play this back again. And I'll adjust these volume sliders, draw and play back. You too. Oh That I love you. Oh You feel it? Never not let you go. I will always want as no, we also have this track control panel here. And with this, we can adjust the timbre and style for the singer and we can also add multiple singers. So for example, I can click on this plus button and let's add this one called Ghost. So now we will have both of these A I singers playing back at the same time. Let's have a listen to this. Are you to know the and oh you feel it, if you adjust some of these settings, draw and play back, it will actually stop and render. So just be aware of that. You too. I love you. You feel I never not let you go. I will always always with the from Don't OK. That sounds quite good. However, I did think it was better about this other A I vocalist. So I'm going to click on this one called Ghost and hit backspace or delete to delete this.

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