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Writing Bass Parts - Part 2

Lesson 5 from: Songwriting in Logic Pro X for Electronic Music Production

Tomas George

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5. Writing Bass Parts - Part 2

<b>In this lesson, you will learn about Writing Bass Parts - Part 2.</b>


Class Trailer

Writing Drums and Bass Part Introduction


Making Drums Beats with Ultrabeat


Beats with Ultrabeat and Drummer


Writing Bass Parts - Part 1


Writing Bass Parts - Part 2


Writing Drums and Bass Parts Assignment


Writing Chords Introduction


Writing Chords


Lesson Info

Writing Bass Parts - Part 2

There is many other methods. You can of course use musical typing and play in life or you can use a midi controller where you can actually use samples. You don't have to use parts that you've written in yourself. Now, let's add another part. And for this, we're going to actually use musical typing. So I'm actually gonna play something in live. This is another way of actually creating a bass part. Don't be afraid of trying ideas. This will go wrong a lot of the time, especially when you're playing it in life. OK? That kind of rhythm. Let's have a look at this. I played it wrong quite a few times. But the last time I believe we got it right. So I'm just gonna drag the rest of it away and then literally just loop this little bit here. So it's just past 16. I think I got the loop right. Of course, you can always go in and quantize just hit Q and that will quantize cos when you're playing it in. Sometimes you do want some human errors in there to make it sound more real. But if you just pla...

yed it in wrong I do recommend Quantis. It depends what feel you're after. If you want a live electronic feel, I recommend not Quantis or not Quantis too much. However, if you do want that electronic feel, Quantis can help. I am playing the bass the same time as the kick drum here. However, so I probably will have to go in and change the parts slightly or side chain it. So side chain basically ducks down one instrument when another instrument plays. But we're gonna have a look at that when we mix our track later on, add this part again and then put the stent off if I just change that slightly and strike up and then just straggle this command day. So that's same as the first part, but down in octave, so I'm just gonna change this color. I'm just going through a few different techniques you can use for writing, writing base parts. Let's have a listen to this now. OK. So we have two different sections here and one thing we can do is just delete stuff that we don't really like. So for me, I don't really like this first section. It's quite a bold move, a lot of the time to lead in certain things, but it can be done. You need to think of the overall, the overall song you're trying to create and don't be afraid to delete parts. That's what it's all about. And then we need to go in and start really arranging stuff. I don't really like the loop feature too much in logic it can get in the way. So I loop certain parts. Really. Here we go. This is kind of an arrangement I've made so far. So that's just a quick groove from some drums and the bass part. So I hope you found this useful just to go through a few different techniques in actually writing a bass part. Just remember to think about the chords you're playing, think about the notes in the chord and then try and get a groove. Just use your feelings. Imagine you're playing a real live bass. Imagine you're making dance music. People need a groove, they need something to lock onto. So don't try and be too technical. Just think of the crowd, think of the audience when you're writing your music. So thank you for watching this lecture all about writing bass parts and I'll see you in the next one.

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