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Tuning Drums

Lesson 28 from: Songwriting in Logic Pro X for Electronic Music Production

Tomas George

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28. Tuning Drums

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Writing Drums and Bass Part Introduction


Making Drums Beats with Ultrabeat


Beats with Ultrabeat and Drummer


Writing Bass Parts - Part 1


Writing Bass Parts - Part 2


Writing Drums and Bass Parts Assignment


Writing Chords Introduction


Writing Chords


Lesson Info

Tuning Drums

OK. Now we're going to actually tune our drums. So when you're creating a track, it's a great idea really to tune your drums to the song. So if your song is in c generally, you'll want your kick and your snare playing the note C or maybe even the fifth, which is g, really does depend on your track. But for pretty much all styles of music, tuning your drums is a good idea. Just makes them sound more in tune, it just makes them sound more professional and more slick. If using real life drums, you will have to physically tune the drums with a drum key, which can be quite difficult. You will have to train your ear to do this. But if you do want to be a music producer or a sound engineer and record real life bands, I do recommend learning how to actually tune drums. But for electronic music, it's a lot easier, especially when we use ultra beats. So let's go into our mixer and let's open up our kick. So if we go down to here where it says kick, we can open up ultra beats and now let's play o...

ur track where the kick actually enters. There's a kick here. If you click on the kick here, all we have to do is change the sweat. It says pitch. Obviously, we don't want it too high at this range. See three. So we need to find the key that we're in. Normally, it's the first code. It's the key. Let's have a look. So let's click on pad. We can see here we've got ac be flat. So I know now this is C minor, but let's go through and check just in case we have a B flat ad which fit in C minor with an F and a flat which fit in C minor, the E flat and uh gee these all fit and CM. It's a good idea to know your music theory to know exact notes that fit in the key. There are certain patterns and techniques you can use. But we know now that this is C minus. So I'm gonna make sure the drums are tuned to C and C. The default is generally C but let's just go through and just double check. So let's click on ultra beat where we had this instrument here. Let's find a part where the kick enters. So it's already in seat. Now, let's find the snare. We could try putting this up A F up to J just sounds too high. Really? I'm gonna put the bat down to see. So because the default is C all our drums already fit is a good idea to go through and tune your drums and just double check as well. Say, for example, you're in G major, you might not want it c you might want it as a G or ad. So the root and the fifth is very important. When tuning drums, you can tune the high hats as well. They're not as important than the actual kick and the snare. And of course, when you're recording real life high hats, you can't really tune them. The kick and the snare and the toms are the most important ones. You can do the same with the bongos. Let's find the bongos. Let's click our full view. So maybe we could actually tune these two more of a chord. So if you have this one go, let's try tuning this up too AJ that might be too high. But let's say to put this back down to ac this one as well, we can tune the bongo, we can tune the Toms, but this fits for the song fine. I can hear already that the drums fit. But it is a good idea to tune your drums just in case you're in a key, that isn't a default, it doesn't really fit with C. So say, for example, you're in D flat, which is a semitone higher than C, you probably will want to tune your drums up a semitone. Say, for example, if you don't use Ultra beat. You're using drum samples, you can actually go in and add a pitch shifter, click on your channel strips, go on pitch and go and pitch shifter and then just make sure the mix is on 100%. It's a small amount like one semitone. It sounds fine, but it does still sound a bit underwater, which is why I recommend using Ultra beat because it's so easy to actually tune your drums, change stuff around and make stuff sound great. So, thank you for watching this lecture just all about tuning drums in logic Pro.

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