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Chorus and Harmonies

Lesson 39 from: Songwriting in Logic Pro X for Electronic Music Production

Tomas George

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39. Chorus and Harmonies


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Writing Chords


Lesson Info

Chorus and Harmonies

So we're gonna move on to the chorus. Now, obviously, this is the, the hook of your song. This is the bit that everyone wants to be singing along to. It's the bit that will be sampled. So it needs to be really memorable. So we've just looped section 41 to 48. There's a few ways that you can go about this. You can choose something that's super punchy, super rhythmical and actually takes influence or inspiration from a drum and there's quite a lot of great choruses that do that where they're super punchy all on the same note really staccato or you can have really big call choruses where it's long sustained notes, really legato and it's very much using the chest voice. So the lyrics that I have maybe are a little bit too much for the chorus. So I'm just gonna snip up a little bit. So at the moment I've got, so don't be surprised when I unlock the door and out escapes a piece of me that's yearning to be all yours. So maybe I'll just use the very end of it. I wanna be all yours yearning to ...

be all yours I wanna be all yours just so that I've got less words and more space to really use that legato sound. So a few ideas there again, with this idea of theme and variation, once you get a melody idea that you really like, it might be best to slightly change it with just one note change. So yearn to be all yours. I'm even shortening the lyrics again. Yearn to be all yours thinking maybe like a year to Oh yes. And then the second time. So this would be the variation. Whereas that was the theme. Yeah, something like that. And then that could be repeated maybe twice the theme and variation or you could do it even longer. There's also the possibility that you could chop this up and use it as a sample later on. So now we're gonna record in that chorus idea and I've got some ideas of harmonies to come as well. So maybe we'll have a little play around with that as well and maybe we could do another part that's like the harmony of that. So we're just gonna record in a harmony part. We're using perfect fifths below the lead melody because this would work within a major or a minor setting. So, again, really good for if you want to chop up the vocals later or maybe sample the lead melody over another track of yours, now we're gonna record this in. So if the lead melody is, yeah, we're gonna start with y and you could potentially squeeze one in the middle again. But like I said before, just so that the song could work within a major or minor setting. Let's leave it at those two. Thank you for watching this lecture all about writing chorus and harmonies.

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