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Facebook and Instagram Analytics & Insights

Lesson 26 from: Social Media Content Strategy

Rita Cidre

Facebook and Instagram Analytics & Insights

Lesson 26 from: Social Media Content Strategy

Rita Cidre

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26. Facebook and Instagram Analytics & Insights

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Facebook and Instagram Analytics & Insights

So you've run some great posts, you have a great content feed, both on instagram on on facebook. Now it's time to figure out how these posts are performing. There are many ways to do this, especially if you have invested in social media listening tools such as Hootsuite, but facebook provides some really, really great tools that you can use completely for free. So in order to access these tools, you first need to go to your business page. So in this case this is a business page for my own e commerce brand and the ball, We click on these three little dots over here and click on view insights, you will get a wealth of information about the performance of your page. So the first page here is just a very brief summary of how your page has performed uh based on the time frame that you select. So you can look at today, yesterday last seven days or last 28 days. So I'm just gonna take a look at the last 28 days, this is just a really, really high level look at performance. If you scroll down,...

you'll also see your five best performing most recent posts. I find this really, really useful in particular if you're looking to invest in boosting different posts or just adding a little bit of money so that more people view the posts that are working really well. So I would say the best way to figure out which post you should be boosting is to figure out which ones are getting most reach and engagement and facebook makes it really easy to understand this in this section here. So you can see here that my last post on did really well. And so if I were to choose which post to boost out of all of these, I would probably choose this one. If you want to learn more about advertising on facebook or instagram fiber has some great courses around this. So I really recommend that you check them out. So we won't go in depth into facebook advertising right now. But you should know that this is a great way to figure out what content is performing and what content people are actually engaging with. You can spend a lot of time exploring all these different sections here. There's a lot of information that you can use to optimize your content. But I'll show you what my favorite section is, which is this one post. So this is a little bit more of an in depth. Look into what I just showed you, which is that the post that you posted in the past five days. So this looks at all the posts that were published in your lifetime. So because you publish something a really long time ago doesn't mean that you can't promote it now or that you can't boost it now unless it's very seasonal. It's probably likely that you can boost it and use it to drive more traffic into your page and probably more followers as well. So this is a great way to take a look at this, you can also look at here how your posts are performing on a daily basis. So if there are some days where people are engaging with your posts more than others as well as the times of day that your posts are being engaged with. So if you have to figure out, if you have to figure out what time you should be posting, this is a great way to do so. So for my particular page it looks like it's a great option for me or a great strategy for me to look at posting around six PM because that's when really the engagement is peaking with my posts. But anything after that time is probably not great, as you can see the engagement really declining and it declines obviously in the middle of the night when there's less people on facebook, you can also take a look here at the different types of posts. So looks like photos perform better. That links for me, they have a higher average reach. This can again really help you figure out what types of content you can build to continue to achieve success and reach more people and engage with more people in your facebook feed. Now let's take a look at how you can look at the very similar tools in your instagram feed, you can also access a free suite of analytical tools on instagram in order to do. So you can go to your profile and right at the top, you can tap on this menu and click on insights. So the first thing you'll see here is a very high level overview of the types of interactions that have happened with your profile in the last week. So profile visits, website, clicks and emails. So this is just a really high level dashboard very similar to the one that we just saw on facebook, but a little bit more condensed. What I find the most helpful from this instagram analytics section is this content section. So let's go back to um let's go back to the first thing that we established or one of the first things we established in this course when we're thinking about Starbucks and having them as a client. We talked about what their primary KPI would be and we had established it to be followers. So when you go into this content section on instagram, the cool thing is that you can sort for all posts for any given time period, anything between seven days and two years and then you can look at all these different KPI s from calls to follows, two impressions likes, profile visits etcetera. So let's say that again, we're trying to achieve a goal of increasing followers for a particular account. Starbucks or otherwise. So you can use this section to take a look at the posts that are driving the most followers. So if I click on looking at all photos that drove followers in the past two years and hit apply what you see here is the post that drove the most increase in followers in the past two years into my account. Once you have this sorted out by the primary KPI that you're looking to achieve with your with your marketing campaigns or your marketing strategy, then you can strive to identify patterns in the types of posts that are helping drive that KPI. So in this case I noticed that there's very little photography in the in the top post here. A lot of these are posts that I designed myself that people might find funny or interesting and I've noticed that a lot of people will tag their friends and in the comments in these posts as a way to share them. So those are the posts that are driving the most followers for me. So I will take those posts, I can turn them into templates. I can turn them even into templates in Canada and try to replicate the same types of posts as a way to continue to increase my followers. So that would be a great way to use instagram analytics to achieve your primary KPI boosting posts on facebook and instagram is a quick and easy way to get more eyeballs on content that's really performing well. But you should know that if you want deeper insights into the performance of your advertising. You should limit the use of promoted posts or boosts and create an ad using facebook ads manager instead, learn with fiber has a great course on social as fundamentals. I recommend you check it out if you're interested in advertising in any of these platforms. Mhm.

Class Materials

Bonus Materials with Purchase

Social Content Calendar Template.xlsx
Competitive Research Template.xlsx
Social Media Content Strategy One Sheet.pdf
Starbucks Case Study.pdf

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Carolina Sosa

Es una excelente clase, muy didáctica interesante y amena.


Ahsan Mustafa

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