Course Introduction
01:19Setting Objectives
2Marketing Funnel
02:50 3Key Performance Indicators
00:47 4Quiz: Setting Objectives
Identifying your Target Audience
5Marketing Personas
03:36Customer Research
01:44 7Facebook Audience Insights
06:45 8Survey Monkey
05:55 9Empathy Mapping
02:34 10Quiz: Identifying your Target Audience
Defining your content strategy
11Content Mission Statement
02:23 12Researching Competitors
08:47 13Content Pillars
04:52 14Identifying Post Types
04:50 15Quiz: Defining your content strategy
Executing on your content strategy
16Executing on your Content Strategy
00:38 17Planning your Posts
07:57 18Selecting Visuals
03:34 19Writing Copy
02:33 20Quiz: Executing on your content strategy
Creating an efficient process
21Creating an Efficient Process
00:16 22Reusing content
02:19 23Getting Help
10:11 24Quiz: Creating an efficient process
Measuring and Optimizing
25Measuring Performance
00:29 26Facebook and Instagram Analytics & Insights
06:41 27Multi-channel content strategy
00:40 28Quiz: Measuring and Optimizing
29What we learned
01:26Final Quiz
30Final Quiz
Lesson Info
Getting Help
creating content from scratch takes time and skill unless you're a whiz with the adobe creative suite you might want some help in this area, fiber is a great resource to find and hire all sorts of talent from graphic design to copyrighting to landing page optimization. You can choose from hundreds of professionals and find services based on your goals and deadlines. I say this objectively. It's a great way to find help. But if you still want to design your own creative and are not super skilled, there's another tool you can use to make beautiful designs in minutes. It's called Canada. I'm super excited to show you guys can via, it's one of my favorite tools to create really awesome social media content. So the first thing you need to do when you log into Canada and you can do so by creating a free account which unlocks a bunch of features is to create a design. So you can either click on this button up here to create a design or you can pre select specific designs. These are the most c...
ommon ones I use. So I'm just going to double click on instagram post. So one of the things I love about Canada is that you click on instagram posts and it already creates an image that is the appropriate size for instagram. So what are we going to post about? Right, so let's go back to our social media content calendar. So the first thing that we have here, let's say, we're starting in the first week that we have content planned for is a post around motivation and inspiration and we, because we've done a ton of research, we have a specific Pinterest board for Starbucks college motivation and inspiration. And in this board you can see a ton of different content that can be really relevant to your audience. So what we want to do is use this as a way to get some ideas for what we want to post about. So it says number one start now, not tomorrow, I like that. That's really interesting. Be so good. They can't ignore you. That's really interesting. Um have tons of quotes here, but let's just pick the first one. So start now, not tomorrow, that seems pretty good, pretty motivational something Carla the college student might need as she goes through the final months of her school year. So let's go back into Canada and one of the coolest things and honestly there's a lot of really cool things about this tool is that you can pre select templates so you don't have to start designing from 100% 0. So let's say we're going to pick this one. So what we can do is take this text right here and edit it to be what we wanted to be. Not tomorrow, I'm gonna make this a little bit smaller so it fits, we can do that in a second. Great. And then we want to get rid of the rest of this stuff because it's obviously not relevant to collar Carlo, the college student and of course neither is this picture of a surfer unless Karla is studying in Los Angeles, in which case she might be serving with her spare time. Very jealous of her. So we can go in here and select a new background. So these are a bunch of different background images that are free that you can use or we can kind of create our own. So I'm thinking this might be really interesting layered on top of like a notebook for example. So I'm just gonna search for notebook and you'll get a mix of both free and um free free images or images that you can buy for usually about a dollar. So I kind of like this one here, this seems like a nice image, I'm gonna send this backward and I'm gonna make it bigger. Okay so now you have a notebook and let's go back to, I'm sorry this is there we go. Just deleted the surfer. So let's go back to the some of the design principles we discussed the first one being contrast. So obviously this white text on the white notebook doesn't look great. So we want to create more contrast here. So this text really pops and I'm going to make it so that the text, it seems like it's kind of written on this notebook here so I'm gonna change the color to be let's say gray. One of the coolest things about Canada is that you can actually pre select or like you can implement your brand colors in the canvas system and so if you're using very specific brand colors for your brand or whatever brand you're supporting as a freelancer, you don't have to find those colors over and over again. They'll show up right at the top here, which is really helpful and saves a ton of time. So in this case we don't have specific brand colors right now for Starbucks. So we're just going to select gray because it's really nice and contrasting with the white background here on this notebook. The other thing that we talked about in terms of Starbucks brand is that we want to associate the brand with a sense of calm and so warmer colors. Yellows, yellows and browns and oranges are kind of what we're going for in terms of a color palette. So one thing that you can do is you can select the background here and you can adjust the transparency, but you can also add different filters to make this a little bit more warm feeling. So I'm just going to play around with this. I kind of like this one. This one is a little bit too much so you can play around with the intensity of the filter here. So this seems nice, it kind of seems like a little bit retro and then you know, maybe we want to change the color here so that it pops even more or that there's even more contrast, so kind of like a Starbucks Green. Great. Another thing you can do, which a lot of brands typically do is that you can add add your handle and move it to the bottom here or you can also added here at the bottom of the quote. Great, so now you have your first post, we're going to call this post one, So this is, this is going out April one, so start now and Canada allows you to download it as a PNG as a Jpeg or you can post it directly on Pinterest on linkedin, on slack or actually you can also post it on facebook, you cannot post it on instagram but you can download it and then post it directly yourself in your instagram feed. I'm gonna go back into my content calendar and just add that. So it's one oh for one start now. So this is assuming of course that we are posting the same content on instagram as we are on facebook. If you are not, then my suggestion would be to create this exact same calendar in two separate tabs. So this would be for instagram and you would have another one for facebook and then once you have won a calendar filled out for one, you can figure out how you wanna handle um those posts in the other channel, whether you want to post them exactly the same way or make tweaks and alterations based on what your particular audience wants and is interested in. I'll show you one more thing about Canada that I find really, really useful and it's the ability to resize images. So let's say that this image does really, really well and you want to post it on your website or you want to send it out in an email newsletter. All you need to do is click on this and you can resize to either pre selected dimensions, anything from a letterhead to a calendar to a tag or you can resize it to custom dimensions. So let's say that we are posting the exact same content on facebook as we are on instagram. So we are cross posting, we're gonna, we can copy and resize this and then that's it. Like now this is size correctly for facebook, you can make tweaks if you want to, if your handle is different on facebook and instagram for sure, make sure to change that. But the coolest thing is that it just takes one click of a button and your image is resized for your channel correctly. So I'll go back to my homepage here. So I use canvas for all my social media content. I find it to be the easiest way to build social media designs and to build different types of posts. Another thing that is really useful about Canada is that you can start identifying different posts that are the same over and over again. In other words, you can identify different types of templates that you can use over and over again. So if you have a quote template that you really like, you can start using it and identifying it. Maybe you can even color code that in your calendar over here and so you're not building content 100% from scratch every single time. You can be really re using different types of templates in Canada to make the content creation process really fast and efficient.
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Ratings and Reviews
Carolina Sosa
Es una excelente clase, muy didáctica interesante y amena.