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Reusing content

Lesson 22 from: Social Media Content Strategy

Rita Cidre

Reusing content

Lesson 22 from: Social Media Content Strategy

Rita Cidre

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22. Reusing content

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Lesson Info

Reusing content

I'm going to let you in on a little secret. You don't have to create all your content from scratch, figuring out how to repost. Cross promote or cross post your content can save you a ton of time and resources. Re posting content is a great way to save on content. Production resources, align yourself with aspirational brands or influencers and share fan testimonials. This post by Oscar de la renta is a great example of this in it. They're sharing an image of Regina King celebrating her wonderful Oscar win wearing a gorgeous Oscar de la renta gown. This is a great example of re posting. Not just because she looks fabulous, but also because they followed all the rules of re posting content to a T. Here they are. Make sure you always ask for permission before we posting anyone's content and when you do credit the original author by using their handle. If you're re posting on instagram, you can also use the hashtag program, make sure to thank or even flatter the original content creator in...

your copy. Trust me, they will really thank you for it for donuts. Don't repost without crediting the original author and don't don't don't edit filter or Photoshop any of the original images. If you're planning on using a ton of UGC or user generated content, Getting consent could turn into a full time job thankfully there are companies that can make this job seamless and automated Pixley and crowd riff are two of the best known ones. Maybe you decided? Re posting is not for you props to you for creating a feed of all original content, regardless still, you'll have a decision to make. Will you use your content across all channels or create unique content for each channel? This is called cross posting versus cross promoting. Let's go back to our Starbucks example, Cross posting the announcement of the beginning of iced coffee season would look something like this. Outside of changing the image size, the text looks exactly the same for both channels. Cross promoting would mean you create different content for each social channel, leveraging the strength of each. In this case, you could, for example, post a picture on instagram and post a link to the Starbucks blog on facebook.

Class Materials

Bonus Materials with Purchase

Social Content Calendar Template.xlsx
Competitive Research Template.xlsx
Social Media Content Strategy One Sheet.pdf
Starbucks Case Study.pdf

Ratings and Reviews

Carolina Sosa

Es una excelente clase, muy didáctica interesante y amena.

Ahsan Mustafa


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