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Creating an Efficient Process

Lesson 21 from: Social Media Content Strategy

Rita Cidre

Creating an Efficient Process

Lesson 21 from: Social Media Content Strategy

Rita Cidre

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Lesson Info

21. Creating an Efficient Process

Next Lesson: Reusing content

Lesson Info

Creating an Efficient Process

Social media never sleeps. And for anyone creating content, this means a lot of work. In this chapter, you'll learn how to create systems and processes to ensure you're creating content efficiently and providing the best possible service to your clients if you're a freelancer.

Class Materials

Bonus Materials with Purchase

Social Content Calendar Template.xlsx
Competitive Research Template.xlsx
Social Media Content Strategy One Sheet.pdf
Starbucks Case Study.pdf

Ratings and Reviews

Carolina Sosa

Es una excelente clase, muy didáctica interesante y amena.


Ahsan Mustafa

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