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Selecting Visuals

Lesson 18 from: Social Media Content Strategy

Rita Cidre

Selecting Visuals

Lesson 18 from: Social Media Content Strategy

Rita Cidre

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18. Selecting Visuals

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Selecting Visuals

visuals, pictures, graphics, colors, they are the bread and butter of all great social media content. But how do you create them? How do you make your visuals pop from a design standpoint? That is in this section, I'll walk you through two key concepts that can make your imagery stand out. First defining and sticking to a brand aesthetic. Second using contrast to make your images pop. You know how sometimes you'll look at something and think ah this reminds me so much of X brand. Like when you look at these pictures, do they call to mind any brand for you? They certainly do for me these pictures look and feel like anthropology and it's this feeling of connection between visuals and a brand that we call brand aesthetic. There are two key ways to create a strong brand aesthetic on social media, First identify what kind of feeling you want your brand to convey. In the case of Carla, the college student, we want her to feel a sense of calm and control over her life. Now go back to Pinteres...

t and the boards you created earlier and notice what types of images fit this feeling. In this case it's images with soft lighting and warm colors. So when you're planning out your visuals, you want to mimic this exact same feeling. One way to do this is through filters, as you can see here. Using the crema filter, makes this picture feels a lot warmer. Another way to do this is by using the same color scheme for your posts, which brings me to my second tip consistency, sticking to the same colors and filters. Makes it easier for your followers to associate your brand to a specific look and feel a good way to know if you're doing a good job with this is to take a look at your instagram grid once in awhile are the colors consistent to all the visual elements go together. The example on this slide shows a great execution of consistency of colors and filters. If you find it challenging to nail down a brand aesthetic, don't worry, you're not alone. It can take years in a lot of trial and error to figure it out but keep at it in addition to selecting images that fit a specific brand aesthetic and incite a specific feeling in your followers. There are other tactics you can use to make sure your images cut through the clutter namely, contrast contrast attracts the eye and draws visual interest to your composition. Let's imagine we're designing a post for our Starbucks client and use the principles of contrast to make it more appealing. Let's take a look at this first image. The white text over the light blue background makes it hard to read. It doesn't pop. There's just not enough contrast changing the color of the text to a darker gray. Makes a huge difference in making this visual more appealing and interesting One more change and suddenly the text pops even more. This contrast was achieved solely with color. Now let's see how we can achieve it with text. Here's our starting point in this version, we use text size to create contrast between the words and the composition. Here we make the text smaller, allowing for more empty or negative space in the composition. This also creates contrast between the empty space and where the words are drawing more attention to the text, selecting visuals that make your followers stop their scroll is a fun but challenging task. It takes a lot of practice and trial and error to figure it out. But if you work to develop and stick to a brand aesthetic and leverage the principles of contrast, you'll be off to a great start.

Class Materials

Bonus Materials with Purchase

Social Content Calendar Template.xlsx
Competitive Research Template.xlsx
Social Media Content Strategy One Sheet.pdf
Starbucks Case Study.pdf

Ratings and Reviews

Carolina Sosa

Es una excelente clase, muy didáctica interesante y amena.


Ahsan Mustafa

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