Lesson Info
16. Competitive Audit - Analysis
Aligning to Measurable Objectives
1Course Overview
00:42 2Why Are Goals Important
02:10 3What is a SMART Goal
06:36 4Helping Client to Identify SMART Goals
05:25 5Common Errors with Goal Setting
03:16 6Case Study Winning the Olympics on Social Media
09:53 7Quiz : Aligning to Measurable Objectives
Metrics and Measurements, Definitions
8Why are Metrics Important
01:47 9Facebook Page Insights
05:10 10Instagram Analytics
03:53 11Twitter analytics
03:52 12LinkedIn Metrics
02:23 13Youtube Metrics
03:24 14Quiz: Metrics and Measurements, Definitions
Social Media Listening & Competitive Audit
15Social Media Listening Tools
06:38 16Competitive Audit - Analysis
04:56 17Quiz: Social Media Listening & Competitive Audit
Social Media Analytics - on the website
18Linking Social Media activity to Google Analytics
09:57 19Tracking Website Traffic
05:56 20Pixels
03:50 21Quiz: Social Media Analytics - on the website
Measuring and Reporting the Results
22How Often Should You Monitor a Campaign
02:58 23What to Look at When You Measure Results
09:46 24Measuring the Results
04:57 25Reporting the Results
04:32 26Quiz: Measuring and Reporting the Results
00:53Final Quiz
28Final Quiz
Lesson Info
Competitive Audit - Analysis
this next tool I'm going to walk you through is also a tool that you can use for monitoring and identifying other social media accounts within your industry. So this is called follower wonk and what it's very similar to fan page karma and that follower wonk is specific to twitter and what it does is it looks at all of the twitter accounts and it will give you some metrics on those specific accounts based on keywords or phrases. So what you're seeing here on the screen is the login screen of follower wonk and I've typed in Fiverr as the key word here and so it's going to show me all of the accounts that have the term fiver in their profile. So fivers twitter account, the real fiber is the first to pop up, it shows us how many tweets fiber has, has tweeted in the past time period, how many accounts it's following, how many followers it currently has, how old the account is. So the fiver twitter account has been around for 8.6 years. That's pretty impressive. And then how much social auth...
ority it has as well. So it's giving it a score from 0 to 100 based on the number of followers it has as well as the type of engagement and the average the average kind of engagement that it's getting on on their tweets. So not only are we seeing five or hear what we're also seeing is other twitter accounts that have the term fiber in their name. So as part of their bio or who tend to tweet about fiber quite a bit. And so this is an interesting way that you can figure out who your competitive set might be if you are putting the specific product or service into that search bar, you can also leverage this to monitor specific hashtags, right? So you can put a hashtag terminology into follower wonk, take a look at who's actually tweeting about it, who's using it, what types of accounts are also following or leveraging that same hashtag um and what you'll get out of this is really more, I'm going to call it social media credibility or or clout for lack of a better phrase, but it's showing you how much authority, how much social authority these specific accounts have as well as how engaged these accounts are. So you know how many tweets in total that they've had and um and how they're typically engaging with their followers as well. You can compare users um if you were to have a premium version of this account. So you can actually compare various accounts to see how they track against each other if you wanted to maybe partner with five influencers and get a sense of how they compare with their influence and their social authority. You can also use follower wonk um to analyze various tweets and analyze specific users that they follow and so you can see that you can also track your own followers and get a sense of um how they've subscribed or unsubscribed um how many followers um they've gained or lost per day. And so we're seeing um on this screen right here is how the fiber account has been doing with net gains and net losses Over the last 30, the last 60 day time period it looks like. Um and then you can also sort the followers of the account that your that your vetting based on various keywords and phrases. So you can sort people by the number of followers that they have or the number of accounts that they're following or perhaps how many times a day they tweet. So this is also a different way that you can kind of think about social media monitoring, not just in terms of content and campaign activity, but really in terms of the users and the audience and how they are engaging with content that are getting put out there from your competitive set. So with these two tools follow along and fan page, Karma layered on top of your own insights that you'd be getting within the platform themselves or through a third party platform that you might be using to post and track your own campaign content. You should be able to get a holistic view of everything that's happening with your campaign, the camp, the content that you're putting out there, how people are responding to, that, who your top influencers are, how that tracks against your competitors as well as for your own account and your own channels, how people are engaging with you as a brand on these various platforms. In the next chapter, we will cover google analytics and how you can find and track activity from social coming into your website and some key metrics to look at within google analytics for campaign success.
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