Primer and Intro Must Watch
35:14 290 Second Advanced Edit On Signature Color Image
05:24 3Soft Skin Color
07:15 490 Second Advanced Edit On Soft SkinColor
04:27 5Vivid Color
11:28 6Black Crush
08:40 7Vivid Black Crush
07:55 8Glam Ciolor
05:562 Minute Advanced Edit On Glam Color
06:21 10HDR Natural Color
07:12 11HDR Vivid Color
08:17 12Soft Pastel Color
07:57 13Signature Soft B&W
09:18 14Vivid B&W
09:53 15Clack Crush B&W
08:45 16Vivid Crush B&W
07:43 17Glam B&W
08:07 18HDR B& W
08:14 19Fuj i400h
09:41 20Fuji 400h Plus HDR Fade
11:45 21Fuji 400h Plus Rich Tones
06:03 22Fuji 400h Plus Rich Matte
06:25 23Kodak Portra 800
10:09 24Kodak Portra 800 HDR Fade
07:55 25Kodak Porta 800 Rich Tones
07:21 26Kodak Portra 800 Rich Matte
07:20 27Illford HP5 Black Crush
10:12 28Illford HP5 Lifted Matte
07:41 29Ilford HP5 Deep Black Matte
09:01Lesson Info
in this 12th mixology video, we're going to be creating the HDR black and white preset here. That's gonna take your standard black and white conversion. From this to this in just a single click, we're going to creating this next ology in less than 10 seconds using the preset system. We're also gonna be processing three other images. So four total images that work fantastically well with this present and we'll talk about what types of situations we use it. And we're also gonna go over the settings that kind of really make this presenting over some tips for those who that might just want to know what's going on over in the right side panels. Let's jump in. We're going to start on a select everything by pressing control. Shift our sorry control shift A disliked everything. Command shift. A founder, Mac control, shift our command shift our to reset everything we are now starting with some blank slates. Let's select our first image right here. And I'm gonna show you kind of this overall loo...
k that we're getting here. So let's just go ahead and click. It's hdr black and white. Number 12 g in the preset system. And here it is. We're gonna dial in our exposure right around 0.6, and that's solid. So we get this really beautiful kind of black and white that has a lot of vivid kind of hdr feel to it. Yet it still retains a natural quality. It's not like it's, you know, gnarly HD horrified in the old school HDR ways that nobody really enjoys anymore. Okay, so let's reset this out. We're gonna go and create this preset using the presets system and our foundation, not foundation. Our FSB de framework almost said foundation posing framework. That would be something completely different. All right, but 10 seconds on the clock, let's start out with a black and white vivid toning From here. All we're gonna do is boost dynamic range. I'm gonna go to probably an HDR plus Plus, although you can choose if you want to go higher than that and then simply we need to add back definition. So we're gonna hard in mid tones. We're gonna add back lots of contrast. And again, we're gonna use that little d hazing tool toe, add back even Mawr contrast and pulled down the blues and pull down everything to get that final look. Now again, we had an exposure of, like 0.6 in that previous one. So here is that final before and after for this precept. Pretty damn cool. How once again, if you want to save this out, well, we simply click. Plus, this is how you save all of your mixology is click check all diese like white balance exposure, gradually filters and radio filters, and de select your lens corrections except for chromatic aberration. That is the setting we use to save out any mixology or to make updates to foundation presets. All right, we don't need to do that. That's already saved out right here. Now let's go over what makes this preset kind of tick in terms of setting wise. Well, we've flattened out. You'll notice that before we had that contrast, we basically flattened out the image by pulling on highlights, pulling down whites, adding in shadows and adding more blacks to the image. And this really flattens out overall contrast. So we had to do a couple things. We had to add a lot of contrast in the image, and we also add in mid tone detail by adding clarity. So Mentone contrast is boosted by additional clarity. We have a standard contrast boosting s curve as well. But even with all those contrast boosting features without that d hes, it still ends up being just a little bit flat. And that's why again, I like to use d hes not only for D hazing or for adding Hayes, but in scenes like this to really pull down and make additional contrast available to you, where the only other option for us here would have been to basically exaggerate that tone curve even further. And that's more difficult. The other thing we're doing is look at the black and white mix. So when we selected that foundation preset with vivid toning, it dials in basically the dramatic toning for black and whites again. If you want to tweak this at any point in time, you go down to the advanced customization system under adjustments, color toning. You have all the different dramatic landscape and dramatic black and white with skin tone options so we can pull it down and get even. Mawr dramatic kind of background and skin tones. But the number one is selected because it works with basically all images. So we always kind of default to what's safe and what works most of the time, as opposed to selecting things that are more dramatic, that might not work every time. Okay, so other than that, there's nothing else being done in camera. Calibration are sharpening is just the standard detail settings for portraiture, Which is that 61.5 2060 with a little bit of noise reduction just for ah kind of skin just to keep skin kind of a bit soft. But it's not at all enough noise reduction to destroy detail, so let's go ahead and move on to the next image. Now we use this preset for exactly the types of shots that you're seeing. These environmental type portrait that we wanna have awesome, dramatic black and white images. So let's select black and white. You can put 10 seconds on the clock if you'd like to, or you could just trust me. How about you all just trust me? It's gonna be quick. I'm gonna add in a profile correction just with our tools, because we had a bend in the horizon line, and I'm also gonna pull down with a little exposure burn right here over our couple and boom. Voila! If you want to click are just make sure your horizon line is straight. That's good enough. Okay, so look at this. Let's go ahead. And what I'm gonna do real fast is just reset. That's on my present control shift. Our press v Teoh, convert this to black and white. Copy this to our history. And watch this. I'm just going to click two steps back in the history to where I made that update to the exposure and there's our hdr again. So now when I press backslash, we can see that standard black and white conversion versus the HDR Black and white conversion. You can even see the hdr versus other black white convergences like the signature black and white. So you see how much softer signature is versus that? HDR black and white case. We can compare those across the board. All right, done with this one. Let's go on to the next one. I'm gonna select this image. I'm gonna go ahead and we will add profile. Correction This and I do want my hdr black and white. Let's press are light arms catching up. You guys can't count that as my 10 seconds when I'm sitting here waiting for leg room. You know, Adobe said that performance was gonna be improved. It really I don't see it that much. I love you, Adobe, but I need my performance pulling out a radio filter with another exposure. Burns 2.5. Stop exposure. Burn to kind of bring in the attention right into them. And look at this beautiful black and white conversion. That's the standard black and white. I think before we started, this video actually saved out the standard black and whites s so that we could compare against the new black and whites all rides again. If you guys don't. If your skin tones are a little bit too much, you could have two options. You can pull down clarity a little bit, So if you pull down clarity, it'll soften up the skin tones. But once again, that un enhanced HDR brush it still works over black and whites. So we've done it in color. We can still do it over a black and white image, and it's still going to soften the detail over like arms and or over skin. Basically. Okay, so that works totally fine, too. In black and white mode. Get nice and soft. All right, let's go on to our final image. Once again, this image is a perfect example of making sure to dial in a good temperature before you go and you adjust in your black and white just because again you're black. One's gonna have kind of twiki tones to it if it didn't go in with correct owns. So I'm gonna just right there. Let's go ahead and apply the HDR black and white. Let's take a look at this conversion. Ah, gorgeous. Okay, I'm gonna also as my temperature mento, raise my exposure a little bit. I'm gonna raise up the exposure. I'm gonna pull down them with again a 0.5 radio burn. And that's fantastic like that before and the after. We're comparing the before with color with a 10 stop and the filter on there. So there's a little bit of green hue, but that looks great. I love that Hdr looks fantastic. All right, so that's it for hdr black and white. Hopefully you enjoyed the tutorial and I'll see you all in the next video
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Ratings and Reviews
Gonzalo Blasco
Cool presets, but the course is a little slow...
Taras Onyshchuk
The importing by copying and pasting the presets into the directory doesn't work for me in Lightroom Classic.
a Creativelive Student
Pye and his website courses newsletters and teaching style and education are 2 nd to none! I have his presets and some courses Brilliant stuff !