Introduction to Workshop
20:30 2Personal & Professional Growth Mastery
21:26 3The Mastery vs. Overload Principle
07:47 4The 7 Biggest Ambition Killers
21:55 5The 1 Page Productivity Plan
03:47 6Creating Your Roadmap
08:13 7Cultivating Unshakable Confidence
38:30 8Identify Your Unique Ability
13:33Elevating Circle of Influence
06:50 10Creating Your Ideal Script
10:05 11The Real Purpose of Productivity
20:41 12Lack of Time Myth - Busted
05:39 13Creating Your Weekly Plan
46:06 14Becoming Irreplaceable
03:58 15The 13 Hidden Profit Maximizers
05:49 16Levels of Impact & Focus
27:12 17Art of Sustainable Energy
18:06 18Sustained Greatness
17:07 19Wrap Up & Next Steps
16:25Lesson Info
The Real Purpose of Productivity
main focus is productivity and results. Now we talked a lot about mindset, confident shifting your perspective, making sure that you kind of clear at the limitations. You figure out what you're going to start and stop doing. Now it's time to figure out an execution plan that's relevant to a your business. Be your strengths. Okay, so I always get people that I used to here when I was coming up, where it's like it's not just about working harder. It's about what? Smarter? I don't think that's the case. Maybe it wasn't like nineties, but here's what it's about. It's not about working harder or smarter. It's about working right, Right is whatever is relevant to you and your business. There's 4000 ways to get to an end. Result. Everyone watching. There's a ton of ways to get to an end result. But there's a couple optimal ways that very few people figure out, and that's what I want to talk about is the optimal way based on your business, because the prophet producing activities for you are d...
ifferent as they are for you and different for you and different some of you guys at home so I'm not the type that tells you these air Exactly what have to do. I'm gonna give you the perspective and give you the outcomes and make sure that you guys have all the context you need to figure out your ideal blueprint. Okay, so it's really focused on purpose. Full productivity, not just getting bigger things done, not just being more productive, but overall shifting your view on what productivity is shifting your view on your hours and how to maximize that because you can always make more money. Trust me in this economy, Like I said, when the economy's down, money doesn't disappear. You guys know that. What does that go to the successful people that actually have these habits that I'm talking about? So it's It's easy to make more money, which I'll talk about, but it's not easy to get more time or to create time for yourself, which is why time is the most important aspect on the planet. So the purpose of productivity okay, everyone has a different purpose of what productivity is, and the rookie mistake here is people continue toe work just in the business and not on it. That makes sense. People are working so much in the business during the grind. They're never getting their head above water that always just in the grind, maintaining. They're not thinking about strategies, thinking about what's three or four steps ahead to produce growth in my business versus Just Maintain. And I was There, where all I was doing was in the grind every day, all day, and I could never even focus on what was next. That was just trying to take care of the work. A hat. You guys been there. So that's the key, making sure you keep your head above water, but you're also focusing on the end result. So there's a story that I'll never forget. There was these two people in the woods, and it's a cool story because it says a lot about the power of working on your business. There is an old guy, super sharp guy that was cutting down. He cuts down trees and there was another guy that was super super built, really strong guy, high energy. On day, we're having a contest of who can cut the tree down faster, and they started a contest and one guy, the strong guy. He was just every second just trying to get the tree down as hard as he could and every like, half hour he would hear the other guy stop. And you're like, What the heck is he stopping his old I'm gonna kill this guy. I'm gonna keep going. He kept going and kept going All of a sudden, the guy that's just nonstop like nonstop grinding, getting on the on the action to get the tree down. Here's who, and he's like, dumbfounded, confused, like Wait, I'm going nonstop. How in the heck that he beat me? A. He's like 75 80 years old. B. I'm going nonstop and he goes to the older guy. When you stopped, what were you doing? And he goes, Oh, I was sharpening my axe and the guy was, Oh, so he was so focused on what nonstop action he never took the time to sharpen the ax. That's why the other guy beat him with less effort, just more intelligence. So that's what it's about. Okay, putting your intelligence, your resource is your energy into a plan that is most relevant and valuable to you, not someone else, but to you because my plan might be different than your plan. Actually, are there probably similar because we're similar types, right? He wants to run through walls at all times. Um, but the reality is you want to make it relevant to you. Okay, So what is productivity for me? Protect a productivity filled life is a life that's progressing towards an ideal vision or a life that's progressing towards your ideal outcome or your ideal lifestyle. Okay, but here's what I think it is more tactically, the use of your time, energy, intelligence and resource is in a manner calculated to move you closer to your goals that are meaningful. Okay, Productivity is mawr than just results. People just think productivity is getting a bunch of results. Yeah, I get that. But it's about creating freedom to be with your family, doing what you want and having 100% control over your future. So productivity isn't about doing a lot more. So here's the scary thing, but it's it's exciting to understand this. Sometimes when I work with people and I and I mentor and coach or I'm in like a workshop, we're doing extensive trainings. People are working and more often not. It's not telling them the work more hours over Carter. It's just shifting some things they do, shifting the perspective, taking some things, delegating them and they're working like 10 hours less, but getting 10 times of results. So what's cool is somebody guys feel like you're working already a lot. This is not about working more hours. So all the people that, like Hustle, Hustle all day, night hustle, hustle, hustle day, 80 hours. I'm not into that. I'm into, like, strategic strategy so you can build a lifestyle you're proud of versus hustle all day and night. That's fun, but I don't think it's sustainable, Do you guys? Maybe it is for some people, but I'm more in the strategy and intention versus just working your butt off all day, every day and not actually having an end result being freedom. That's what people want. I think it's freedom toe where you can work 100 hours if you want, but you can also work zero that week if you want, cause you have the freedom in the results. That's kind of what I'm looking for. Okay, so the productivity shift okay, the productivity shift. Here's what you have to write down. I will be disciplined instead of working all the time. I will be disciplined instead of working all the time. So the trick that productivity is the sighting, what you're gonna work on at some other point than in the moment and then practicing that high value work over and over until it's natural, habitual on automatic. Okay, remember what I said? Productivity is about deciding what you're gonna work on other than win this moment, it's pre determining, based on being in the most resourceful state of mind possible. Okay, so here's the deal. I want to go back to the productivity shift. Why be more productive? Once again, it goes back to reasons. Here's some reasons that I've chosen to be more productive. One. It's the only way to create a great lifestyle that you're proud of is to be productive. There's really not another way to create a dynamic and inspiring lifestyle. Then they learn how to be productive. Progress is the ultimate motivator in life, so when you're more productive and you see progress in your results and in your freedom, what happens to your motivation and goes up. Progress is the best motivator, right? The two scariest things in life and business are mo mentum in lack of momentum. Two. Scariest things in life and business. Mo mentum Scariest. When you have momentum, you could do anything. You've seen what MBA teams can do. You've seen what business that people can dio. Momenta, Miss scary when you have it, when you don't have it, it's even scarier. Everything goes wrong. It's really hard to get out of that. You have to be super mentally tough. It's challenging. If you don't have the right tools in the right system and the right people around you, it's a good way to increase your net worth and your influence. And for me, it's having more time for what you care about. I was talking to Chris to earlier Was it yesterday where it's like we were just diving deep into what people want. And, yes, people want money. But more than money, I think people want freedom to do what what they want, when they want, whenever they want and have leverage to where they can do things based on their terms and their choices. Not having to do something right, So I will be this one versus working all the time. And, of course, one thing we have to discuss first, what's been holding your productivity back. So we've talked about our momentum killers and our ambition. Killers. Productivity is different. This is based purely on results in productivity in your business. So think about what has been holding you back. Productivity wise. Here's the biggest things that I've gotten from doing surveys and research and talking to a lot of entrepreneurs. Distractions like social media notifications on your phone, phone calls, Internet multitasking. Sometimes it's lack of planning and just doing things based off your emotions or taking random acts of action vs strategic active action. Um, prioritizing wrong environments, a big killer of productivity and then friends and family, sometimes sadly. But I'm not going to sit here and hide it. Oh, no. Friends and family are motivating all the time. No, they're not. Okay. Sometimes when I might go to travel and I go home and I see different family, it's not easy to stay focused. So sometimes you have to admit beforehand I'm gonna relax a little bit, and then I'll have a ritual to get back into focus mode when I'm done. If you try and be productive all the time, it's not not gonna work yet. The figure out where your willpower is, which we'll talk about the keys to focusing. So for you guys, let's do Ah, minute or two of this. What are your biggest productivity killers? If you had to say in the last six months one of the one or two that have hurt your productivity, hurt your focus and hurt your time in the zone more than any other ones. Netflix. Okay, emails, emails, shots. That's relatable, I bet everybody Social media, the notifications on the phone. 20 years, I would say I started watching a little bit of game of Thrones, actually. So then you get addicted, then you wanna watch more. Now here's what you have to understand. Guys, you can still do that, but you have to deserve it. It's one. If you do it without deserving it, you're going to get into this pattern of just doing things based on what you want to do without deserving it. And it's a stressful thing if it keeps going. So that's a huge thing to understand is you have to deserve these things, but to you have to create a prevention plans that they don't happen or time block when you're going to do those things. So what is the rial cost if you fast forward if it's email, if you don't deal with it now and you fast forward it and you fast forward it six months a year, two years, what happens? It gets worse and it's harder toe effectively. Switch a habit if it keeps happening, but the cost of it in front time. What else? Energy, frustration, lost peace of mind. That's why you have to hit these right away. So what I want to teach you guys is how to create a prevention plan for each productivity killer. I will use some simple ones that I've used that have literally doubled my productivity, and this has helped me be able to write two books. Now 1/3 1 The Ambition Book, is coming out three books as well as Ah, podcast and a clothing line and an academy and a TV show with Grant Cardone. I was able to travel, and I did this in less time than I work a week, then I used to making 1/4 of the income, and all of it is revolved around productivity. I don't say that to say, Look at me. I say it to impress upon you that every single thing was because of my productivity, nothing else having the priority straight, knowing what I wanted, knowing what gave me energy, what took it away. So let me give an example. Notifications. So how can you prevent that from happening? Tim, just turn him off. Here we go. So simple, But it's hard, but simple doesn't mean it's easy. Simple but heart. Because if you don't have a plan guys to interrupt your interruptions, your plans will always be interrupted. Let me say it again. If you don't have a plan to interrupt your interruptions, your plans will always be interrupted. Got that from an old manager in my company? Dan Cassette. He's watching Awesome guy, but he just reminded me if you don't put a plan in place toe interrupt that, it'll always happen. So taking your notifications off, I am not joking. I have not answered my phone without knowing who it is or not having a plan for my four years. Not once. Well, that's random number. Hey, it's never gonna be important if it is Leave a voicemail. But I do want to do things on my terms because I want to stay in control of my agenda, not someone else, Right? So Internet was a big one for me when I was new. It where I would get on the Internet, I would surf. I would be writing my book, let me surf the Internet and then five minutes turns in the turns into a video about kittens, turns into like something else and all sentence 45 minutes when you could have got something productive. Dumb. But you're watching videos. I'm not saying don't watch videos, but you want to create rewards for yourself right later. So Netflix is cool, right? But create a reward for it and say, Hey, once I get this results, once I push past my comfort zone three times this week and get one new client, I just of Netflix. If you do it without deserving a lot of people these days, they're going out partying and getting excited. They drink, they go to concerts. What are they celebrating nothing makes him feel good in the moment, but it's harder and harder to break that. And I'm not saying don't go out. Part of a lifestyle is doing what you love. But doing that without deserving it without pushing yourself a little bit. It's a scary thing to get in. So prevention plan. Turn off notifications like my phone's almost always now in real estate, little harder. But you don't need notifications for a lot of things, right? So the reality is, for me, Internet wise. I would go to places that didn't have Internet. If I was writing in my book, if I was writing content or creating content, whether it's like a Forbes article or in my book or a podcast, I would go places and I would knock it on the Internet. So I created a prevention plan where I literally couldn't get on the Internet, and I found myself literally 5 10 15 times, like getting on the Internet. Oh, shoot. I don't service Dang it. Wait, no doing it. I'm actually glad now it could be back to work, but you realize you're distractions, right? What's another one? So Netflix, That's just either not subscribing anymore. Like if you really don't have the results you want, I could almost be like I'm not subscribing, Subscribing until I get blank, that will challenge you. It'll sometimes frustrate you because you can't watch it and you want to watch it. But it will teach you how to get results before you deserve it. Before you obviously do something that's instant pleasure Time block in and you got distracted during it. So if during a time block you do something gets distracted within it, would you extend it and say, I have another blocker? I have an appointment afterwards. How would you try to fix that problem? Yes, the first Adapt and adjust. So you have to adapt and adjust little bit. But I would keep track, keep track while you're doing. I got distracted, like in the day. I got distracted five times and then here's a big key. I would get out of any emotion and just analyze and sit there and just think strategically, Why did I get distracted? Maybe my Max is 40 minutes straight of productivity. Maybe I need to set something up after 40 minutes that continue to give me willpower so I could go for another 60 or you say maybe I got distracted after 40 minutes, like five straight days. Maybe my Max is going all in, ruthlessly eliminating all distractions. And then, after 40 minutes, take a break for 15 minutes, relaxed. Clear your mind. Watch a video walking on the block to push ups. Get your in the right state of mind again. Then go all in for another 40 minutes. So you have to figure out what your ideal like it used to be for me. 30 minutes to go. All in. Now I can do 90. I canoe 90 with no distractions. Straight work because I've I've built up that capacity. So you have to know your capacity, right? So that's what That's what I tell you. If it happens the same time, then figure out what? Maybe that's your max for a while. Maybe it's 40 minutes if it keeps happening than just stop right there. If it's after five minutes, that's just discipline. That's just like taking care of the objection where it doesn't even come up right. Like for me? My phones on silent so it doesn't ring. It just doesn't ring so it never interrupts me. I have zero notifications, so I have no clue. If I get a Facebook Twitter snap and I have no notifications, which is cool, right? So that's a good one for people. What's another distraction? Email. We'll talk about the moments I can teach you a system that will help you with that. But whats away and don't have notifications and then picked two times a day to check it. That's it. 10 AM four PM Something like that. What's another, Ah, productivity killer that kills people like sleeping is one for people. So what do you do? It said it said in a long, Just think about what kills your productivity and then literally figure out how to prevent it from happening. Take care of objections before they come up. Anyone think of any other ones? Social media, phone calls, Uh, Internet? Yes. Oh, just the Internet in general. Like O, I'll be writing or something. I'll go and look up a word, and then my other tab is open with this Ted talk that I didn't get there and watch the rest of that Ted talk, and then it's like monkey mind. It's like, Oh, that's so interesting. Like, and I like, look into that. And then it's like 45 minutes later, I'm like, Damn okay. I need to get back to work. So just maybe I could, um, set a timer I saw is a good like, if you know, you have something to do on the Internet, you set a timer on your phone, and then it goes off in, like, two minutes or something, like it snaps you out of it So you don't get caught up in, like, checking your email or even better than that, because here I was gonna talk about this later, but we hit it now, So getting in the zone is key. And so for that reason, what I would do is not even have the Ted talk up. I would have a time for personal development and a time for execution and a time for thinking. Most people think when they should act and act when I should think and they get a mixed up No. One of the best. One of the most inspiring achievers I've met is a huge thinker like he the thinker first, not an action taker. He's a thinker. He's an innovator, but he was breaking all these records in sales, Which takes what action? So I'm sitting like, How are you? Not like overthinking everything? He's like, Well, I have a time for thinking and I think a strategic they can't of what I should do to take action and then I have a time for execution. I'm like, That's brilliant. It's brilliant, right? So what you're doing is you're you're having a time to think and act at the same time, and you're gonna be confused, frustrated. So get rid of the Internet and you don't need to do the word. Look up till later, right? Everything. And even though you have a word, you want to look up getting his own and keep writing, don't even worry about the word. And then afterwards been our going through everything. So time blocking when you're creating, when you're gonna review what you're creating, when you're going to think about how to make it better three different times, that makes sense, So getting in the zone is crucial. So what I mean is, it takes 17 to 20 minutes to get in the zone. When you're in the zone. It's a proven fact. You're three times more productive. You can work more effectively. Who's ever felt like they've been in the zone with something? Whether it's sports business, writing, working, running, you're in the zone. You can do your so effective right? But what happens is it takes you 20 minutes to get in the zone. So someone's in the zone and they get interrupted. It takes them how long to get back in the zone. And they're getting distracted before the 20 minutes is up. So most people right now are never working in his own, never, never in the zone. So there, never putting out their best work. It's always 70% which is scary. You want to always put out your best work, right? So that's why you want to prevent distractions from happening. Getting in the zone, working for minutes, 60 minutes, eliminate all distractions, go all in, and then when you're done, take a break. Relax. Clear your mind. Get back into it. You do these things in the morning, which will talk about It's a game changer
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Clicks FromMe
I don't know Peter Voogd. I bought this class anyway because Six Months to Six Figures is a very good eye catching phrase. But when I started to see each module of this class everything Peter taught gave me a new perspective of what an entrepreneur should do in order to be really successful. Peter shared his teachings not only from his own personal experience but most of all from his heart. Peter you turned this dude into one of your disciple. I will highly recommend to every entrepreneur this class. It's only inspiring but practical and honestly true in every aspect of what Peter teaches. I wish I bought this class earlier and had known Peter Voogd when I started my business. But you know what? It is never too late to do things right! Peter stay healthy the world needs a good teacher and coach like you. Thank you and God bless you brother!
a Creativelive Student
Amazing amazing amazing! This course is for anyone and everyone who is looking to jump start not only their career, but their life. Extremely actionable steps throughout the entire course that are great for people who are just starting out or already have a successful business that they want to take to the next level. Many of the courses that I have taken over the years, I find myself just trying to quickly get through them to check it off the box. This course on the other hand, I rewound, shared, paused, thought about and then re-watched. I would have paid $1,000+ for this info. Please don't think twice about buying this course. Amazing job Peter! Highly recommended!!
Jessica Araus Rodriguez
This was my first class at CreativeLive, and I loved it! This course doesn’t only tell you how to increase your income, but it also elaborates on how to be a first-class person in EVERY area of your life. It helps you identify your strengths and top core values so that you can use them to achieve your goals. If you are an entrepreneur and wish to improve your business, this course is a MUST. Even if you don’t have a clear business idea yet, Peter Voogd will help you organize your ideas and execute them like a CEO. Peter is by far one of the best motivational speakers I have ever heard. I will definitely come back to this course to make sure I am applying everything I learned in his videos.