Introduction to Workshop
20:30 2Personal & Professional Growth Mastery
21:26 3The Mastery vs. Overload Principle
07:47 4The 7 Biggest Ambition Killers
21:55 5The 1 Page Productivity Plan
03:47 6Creating Your Roadmap
08:13 7Cultivating Unshakable Confidence
38:30 8Identify Your Unique Ability
13:33Elevating Circle of Influence
06:50 10Creating Your Ideal Script
10:05 11The Real Purpose of Productivity
20:41 12Lack of Time Myth - Busted
05:39 13Creating Your Weekly Plan
46:06 14Becoming Irreplaceable
03:58 15The 13 Hidden Profit Maximizers
05:49 16Levels of Impact & Focus
27:12 17Art of Sustainable Energy
18:06 18Sustained Greatness
17:07 19Wrap Up & Next Steps
16:25Lesson Info
The 7 Biggest Ambition Killers
in this next lesson. They're seven really, really big ambition killers right now that are killing people's ambition and killing their mo mentum. And I want to go through each one, and I want you guys to figure out which one is holding you back the most so we can prevent a plan from that ever happening again? Because if you don't know what's killing your mo mentum and you don't put a stop to it in six months or a year, what's gonna happen? It's gonna kill it again. And you're gonna wonder, why the heck is this killing them with him again? I don't even know what it is. What I didn't understand when I was younger when I was coming up in entrepreneurship is how someone would have a really shady six months, then have another shitty six months, then another shitty year. What are you doing now? I get it. It's not easy, but I don't want to make sure people don't have a crappy six months they're frustrated with. And then another six months of fresh food with I want to teach him how to turn it a...
round and figure out what's holding them back There's an interesting stat that I learned about Michael Jordan. He Ah, he averaged almost points a game his whole career. Whole career in basketball. 30 point. That's amazing. Every single game he scored less than 20 points, which is not a good game. Every single game he scored less than 20. His next game over 40 points. Everyone. So, what does that tell you? He never had two bad games in a row in history of his career. Never. What do you think he did when he had a bad game? I forgot about it. Went to the bar. What do you think he did? Reviewed his tapes constantly after the game. What else? I went to the gym. What else? Refocused figured out. Why? What happened? Why he did it. He didn't get emotional. He analyzed. And then what happened? Next game. That's how you have to treat your business, man. I had a bad week. Why? I wasn't doing this. I woke up late. I listen to this naysayer now you know why? So you could what? Do something different. Make it from this point on. You don't have to bad weeks. And if you do it and make a stop to it. Works like Whoa, something's going on. I'm too good to have two bad weeks, right? I need to reach out to a mentor. I need toe review these notes. I need to look at my wife, right. Things like that. So I'm gonna go through these, and I want you. Some of you guys are going like, Wow, this is me, right? I've failed at all of these, but I've really strategically put plans in place to stop each one of them. Okay, First thing. Perfection versus experimentation. Right. Perfectionist. That's a scary thing in entrepreneurship. I think perfectionism has lost me a couple 100 grand last five or 10 years. Not joking. It's lost me a lot of money, but you got to realize you want experiments, not perfection. By the time a millionaire's tried seven different things maybe Hebei money on two of them, someone that's new. We're still trying to perfect something. Don't perfect it. Get market feedback. Put things out there. You don't need to make it perfect. All right. So don't focus on perfection. Focused on getting a lot of experiments, failing a little bit, getting feedback, asking customers what they want, right? Figuring out the market people always come from. I have all these ideas. Yes. So do I. So does everybody. Which ones have you tested? Nine out of 10 times. They go on union. Well, don't come back to me when you've tested five of them for, like, months and then figure out which ones have traction. Which ones work. Make sure they're all matched to your values. Then bring me those three. Right? So test your ideas. Here's the big one. Being busy being busy versus driving real results. This is like two years of my life that I wish. I don't wish I could take it back. I don't have regrets, but I'm like, I get so excited teaching x. I don't want you guys to have that right. Who's been so busy there? Like forget what they're like. They're so frustrated today. Like I just had such a long day and we didn't really get done. You ever had those? Yeah, it's bad, right? So this is one that you've got to stop and nip it in the butt right away. Right? Figure out what's the most productive activities writing circumstances. Writing feelings, writing emotions, writing other people's expectations versus writing, a concrete, consistent vision, a big key and businesses keeping an even keel on what you want. There's so many people that I've realized, Ah, lot of young millennials that reach out to me. They'll reach out and have a vision. They'll reach out eight months later, their visions totally different. They didn't stick to the vision long enough to even see results, right, because they're riding circumstances. They're riding trends, the writing, what other people want versus what they really want based on who they are. Okay, consistent excuses becoming beliefs. If you say something enough, it's gonna become real for you. And how do you know if an excuse, Israel, You hold it up to the light and you say, Has anyone else succeeded with this happening or this limitation? And what's the answer? Almost always. Yes, I have a really bad upbringing. None of my family was successful. Has there been anyone else that had a tough upbringing that was successful? Yes, well, that's garbage. That's what you do, literally. I'm not joking. You look at it like rabbits garbage, and you just get rid of it now, if it's like no one's ever succeeded from this, then it's different. Maybe it's legit, but I don't think there's anything like that. Idea is very simple. Mission Station. We've talked about that lack of planning, resulting in lack of clarity. So just off the whim, random actions all the time versus strategic planning and then one of the ones that changed my life the most emotions vs analyzing so asking myself, Is this the most intelligent decision to make versus doing it based off my emotions? Right. So what we're gonna do is I just want you guys to answer this. Which of the seven Ambition killers do you identify with the most like which ambition? Killer is hurting your life in business the most. And my question is, what is it costing you to continue letting that hurt your business, your peace of mind in your life? And this is for everybody watching what ambition killer is killing your confidence and your energy and your results the most. Anyone have any thoughts? What's what One stands out right away. You're like, Wow, that's me. Um, I would say right now the idea is verse implementation and then kind of tying that back to testing and experimenting with different ideas that you have to feel like that in combination of work out. And you feel like if you stayed doing that without fixing it and be getting worse and worse, Frustration wise, moneywise exact. Glad you brought that up. What else? Actually versus experimentation. So what would it cost you to stay a perfectionist? Oh, it's brutal because though I try to perfect, say, a script or something like that, as soon as I go face to face someone, it's out the window anyways, So I should just show up and do it. Love it. Well, what's something that really stands out of the seven about you? I saw I saw your expression of some of my oh my gosh, I think that's busy versus results. There's a lot of content to get caught up in a lot of learning to keep doing so, pinpointing which which content is actually the most relevant, like that, and I had all of these happen. So what I want you guys to do is create a prevention plan put in place a prevention plant to make sure these don't keep happening right? Have standards in place have a criteria where you realize that doesn't happen anymore. Like for me? It was my emotions vs analyzing. So after every decision, I asked myself, was that the most intelligent decision based on facts and based on analysing versus was it based off emotion or based off intelligence? And almost all my decisions before that were based off emotion? I had responded. People based off emotion and almost every decision you make off emotions wrong, scary in business. So you got to make sure it's based off intelligence and analyzing, right? So what lies? Have you told yourself to keep you from succeeding? There's a lot of lack of resource mindsets, right? Not enough time. Not enough money, Not enough experience. Don't have the right people. I'm too young. I'm too old, right? We don't have the tools Technology. I don't have the right past. What other things have you told yourself? Toe. Hold you back from really succeeding. Can you guys think of any? Maybe it's the wrong leadership. I don't have resource. Is, um it's my boss's fault, right? What else? My town is not big enough that I lived in a small town. Something on my tail is not big enough to succeed, right? Your town and entrepreneurship is the world. What's when I was going to say when I was working at my previous job, actually moved across the country recently, Kind of thinking to myself, We'll have to save up more money. I have to say about more. And then I realized at the end of the day whether I had 50 grand or 500, it would never be enough in the sense. So I just had to make a move and make a decision. I love it. How do you feel after you made the decision? Fantastic. Best decision I've ever made. Love it. That's cool. That's awesome. Who else has had lies that they keep repeating one of the biggest ambition. Color where the consistent excuses of that became beliefs for me, particularly with me being hard of hearing and having a disability and that rule April like the longest time to hold me back and I can last few months, I put myself outside my comfort zone, start going to conferences. I just threw myself out there, and that's when I really grew and, like ever since, down Mike. After every conference, I just implemented the idea that the competent kept going two more conferences. What happened? Confidence. Every time. What happened to your confidence as you go toe, which I love it. That's awesome. And if you held it that excuse, what would happen, that's other people have done it. You know what's funny that I haven't thought about for what? Eminem, whose pretty successful he's worth 200 some 1,000,000 came from a pretty rough upbringing in Detroit. But he said, He goes, You know, I was struggling. This was an interview, like an exclusive interview years ago. He goes, The moment I turn my adversity into my advantage, my career exploded. I'm like them. That's a powerful quote. I'm not big on just shouting out quotes, but when it's someone that came from nothing to a 200 million keeping its moral, that's pretty crazy. So he goes the moment I use my adversity as an advantage. How can you use your adversities as an advantage as a marketing message is something that will aspire people. That's a pretty powerful thing to think about. OK, so here's the Here's the point guys. 99% of people will say they don't have resource is and that resource belief structure keeps most people from leading and succeeding. But you are the ultimate resource. You possess all of the following. So resourcefulness is the ultimate resource. You don't need all these things that you think you need. Like he said he doubted me to 50 grand. rent. No, you don't need that. You didn't make a definite decision and you'll figure it out. If you have these re sources which are within you, here's the best resource is you can have in this new economy vision, creativity if you don't have the money, but you're creative enough. Can you find the money? What do you think? You can find it if you don't have the network? Okay. But you have the courage, the confidence, the vision and you're creative enough. Can you find a way to network with high level people? But what if you're broke? Doesn't matter. If you have these, you could find a way a lot of people have. I've seen it. Where people have the best resource is their family grew up extremely wealthy kids or 16 17. Perfect every possible resource and they get complacent. Lazy then this kid has no resource. Is that had a rough past? Passes them up More hunger, Good luck finding hunger and kids to have a perfect background. So think about that. Here's another one. Determination. If you have your determine what's gonna happen, you'll find a way. So my goal is to help you develop these resource because they're already in you. You gotta pull him out based on your why and based on what you're actually excited about, right and then commitment. So that's the big thing, as you are, the ultimate resource and resourcefulness is the best thing you could have, right? Versus I need all these external things, right. So beliefs and limitations I want to hit on real quick. Most of the first segment guys is a lot of mental game, because if you don't have the right mental game, if I give you the perfect action plan, you still will be held back by your limitations. That's why go through these things, right? This is not just from a health, right? This is for stuff that I think you have to hit on first before you get to the real action, right? So taking action without the right belief system won't change anything, right? So here's something that I learned a long time ago, something similar that Tony Robbins teaches, and I'm gonna give credit where it's due. I'm not gonna. Some of these things I didn't even come up with, I learned from other people, right? So here's the reality. Everyone has unlimited potential, and I'm not big on potential cause people use as a crutch. Oh, you have so much potential. I'm kind of sick of that, to be honest. But the fact of the matter is, as human beings, the stuff that's going on, if you have a ton of potential like it's endless right, with all the stuff going on, think about like 1930 then think about telling someone 1930 all the stuff we have now, they would faint if I die, not joking, you create. You probably thought about that like think about telling someone you could face time someone like from a self driving car while a McDonald's drive through with robots like, What's your grandma's grandma going to say to you like Think of how funny that is. Right, But the limited potentials there. But here's what happens based on what you think your potential is, is the action you'll take. So if you don't feel like you have a lot of potential, your action will be what? Lo and then what results are you going to get low results and then you're going to reinforce to yourself what your beliefs gonna be. I'm not good enough. I'm not that good. I can't get results. And then what's it gonna go to your potential in? What? I'm not good enough. My mom was right. My uncle was right. My friend was right. And that's a downward spiral. But if you want to get on the other side of the spectrum, you have to tell yourself, Do My possibilities are endless. Right now, my potentials endless. There's people starting companies all over the place with the right guidance and they're making millions are making six figures from their house. They're traveling, they're doing things. They love their engaged. So they take big action. What happens when you take big action? You get big results. Then what? You re enforce yourself? I'm a badass. Sorry, edit that right? I'm a bad. So what happens then? You have better beliefs. And then what happens to your potential? It's an upward spiral, so don't get caught in the downward spiral is what I'll tell you. Do not get caught in a downward spiral cause that's scary. I've been there, right, So always start with what? What's possible? Take the bigger action. Big results, Big belief. And it just keeps going and going and going and going right. I'm not gonna talk too much about this cause you guys are pretty skilled. You guys, really? You know what you need to work on, but the story you've heard people talk about, What's your story? That's kind of what are you telling yourself over and over that's holding you back from succeeding. Like, what are the events in your life that have made an impact on you? I just want you to really think about what story you're telling yourself that you need toe reenact or switch to tell yourself a different story based on what's possible based on your potential, right? So how is the events in your past affected your life and you need to make sure you think about what events have shaped you these last 15 20 years? Like what events have shaped your limitations and what events have shaped your possibilities because there's a lot of things from your past that come up subconsciously that holds you back. But when you really think about the people that I've succeeded at the highest level, they sometimes have the roughest past. But they've learned to use that as their what advantage, right? So my question is, what will it take for you to create a new story with a new outcome winner? What are some things that you guys think right now just based off the top of your head? What will it take for you guys to create a new story for yourself? What do you guys think? Here's the big one results. When you get new results, you're like home. You already feel good, right? What else? A new circle of influence. Maybe what else will help you create a new story for your successor for your life? Doesn't say, realizing that the end of it, you're going to die. I mean, not to be depressing, but I know Steve Jobs always, and it's been a really thing for me. Like you're gonna live one time. And you have this energy, you know, speaking for me personally, you have all this energy and focus and determination right now. Why would you do I? You know I want it. Get your urgent If your urgent, you're gonna change your story. So change how you look at your old story and get discussed it with your old story while you create a new one. Okay, so I'm gonna give you Ah, quick action steps, right. I want you to go on a day no negativity diet. What the heck does that mean? Well, if anyone's negative, lower your time, you spend with them. First of all, I wouldn't watch the news because there's nothing positive on the news. There's amazing things going on in the world. And there's also negatives. Whatever you focus on is how you feel and what action you take. The this economy is not doing too bad. It's doing OK unless you watch the news. Then it's not too no negativity. Work on your strengths and stop focusing on your weaknesses. These things we will dive into, but I just want to give you, like, an action plan K 30 days, not two days, Not 10 days, 30 days. No negativity Onley things that increase your intelligence and increase your perspective and awareness and increase your motivation and excitement. And then I want you guys to make a list of all the things you're good at. Okay, make a list of all the things you're good at. And then I want you to list ways to enhance what you're already good at, So list ways to enhance what you're already good at. Some people have all these strengths. A they're not enhancing on B. They're like, Well, let me work on all these other things. No, no. Your strength. Right here. What you over here for, right? Stay right here. I suck at most things we were talking yesterday. I'm like, if I had to do the camera. I have so much respect for the camera people, the editors, Chris and everybody. If I to do that, I would freak out. But some of them are like, if I had to get up there, I freak out. So come on. I'm just, um But the reality is people have strengths and If you enhance them consistently and you work on your gifts, the world will make room for your gifts. But you have to work on them and enhance them. Okay, think about what free advice sometimes has cost you taking advice from a lot of different people. Think about what's that's cost you not being selective on who you listen to, okay? And evaluate what limitations others have placed on you that you've accepted Israel just because they don't have the vision that you have. That's scary. And then just you got to change your story. Got to change your story. That's huge. Okay, so how you really figure out how to stay in the right state of mind to be positive and make sure you're always in a state of mind where you're making the best decisions. There's positive and negative trigger words, so you need to learn how to flip those trigger words from negative to positive. So what are the five negative states that you're in the most when you're frustrated? So maybe it's discouragement. Maybe you're pissed off frustrated. Okay? You feel down and out. Ah, lot of people, when you think about the the worst things that have happened the last five years. Like the things were you fail or you you were frustrated, Discouraged. You were always with those negative states of minor that trade. Think about your most inspiring your best results you've ever gotten the last five years. Almost always. You were in the right state of mind with those state of mind that a positive, confident, excited, ambitious. So the key is how do you live in the positive states? How do you know how to switch fast? Where your negative toe, man, I got to be confident again. We're going to create a ritual, and we're going to create a like a list of exactly what to do to get yourself out of stress that into confident state. Right. But you got to know what obviously negative trigger words you use to get you the bad results that you don't want, right? Like for me? I know if I'm frustrated nowadays, I won't make decisions when I'm frustrated. I was talking to Arianna Huffington awesome girl, woman, girl, woman, something one of the most powerful females on earth. And she talked about how when she was starting Huffington Post, he was burned out tired. She made all these decisions based on emotions, and every decision she made was like from burnout, she goes. I started toe on Lee make decisions when I was in the right state of mind because I never made decisions when I was tired, hungry, frustrated, lonely. I never made any decisions I'm like. That's a powerful statement. So evaluate how maney decisions you're making when you're in a bad state of mind. That's when you turn people off to you'll notice that really good leaders are always in the right state of mind around people, cause they know people are always watching them. Okay, so for the next 30 days, state your new and empowering story.
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Clicks FromMe
I don't know Peter Voogd. I bought this class anyway because Six Months to Six Figures is a very good eye catching phrase. But when I started to see each module of this class everything Peter taught gave me a new perspective of what an entrepreneur should do in order to be really successful. Peter shared his teachings not only from his own personal experience but most of all from his heart. Peter you turned this dude into one of your disciple. I will highly recommend to every entrepreneur this class. It's only inspiring but practical and honestly true in every aspect of what Peter teaches. I wish I bought this class earlier and had known Peter Voogd when I started my business. But you know what? It is never too late to do things right! Peter stay healthy the world needs a good teacher and coach like you. Thank you and God bless you brother!
a Creativelive Student
Amazing amazing amazing! This course is for anyone and everyone who is looking to jump start not only their career, but their life. Extremely actionable steps throughout the entire course that are great for people who are just starting out or already have a successful business that they want to take to the next level. Many of the courses that I have taken over the years, I find myself just trying to quickly get through them to check it off the box. This course on the other hand, I rewound, shared, paused, thought about and then re-watched. I would have paid $1,000+ for this info. Please don't think twice about buying this course. Amazing job Peter! Highly recommended!!
Jessica Araus Rodriguez
This was my first class at CreativeLive, and I loved it! This course doesn’t only tell you how to increase your income, but it also elaborates on how to be a first-class person in EVERY area of your life. It helps you identify your strengths and top core values so that you can use them to achieve your goals. If you are an entrepreneur and wish to improve your business, this course is a MUST. Even if you don’t have a clear business idea yet, Peter Voogd will help you organize your ideas and execute them like a CEO. Peter is by far one of the best motivational speakers I have ever heard. I will definitely come back to this course to make sure I am applying everything I learned in his videos.
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