Introduction to Workshop
20:30 2Personal & Professional Growth Mastery
21:26 3The Mastery vs. Overload Principle
07:47 4The 7 Biggest Ambition Killers
21:55 5The 1 Page Productivity Plan
03:47 6Creating Your Roadmap
08:13 7Cultivating Unshakable Confidence
38:30 8Identify Your Unique Ability
13:33Elevating Circle of Influence
06:50 10Creating Your Ideal Script
10:05 11The Real Purpose of Productivity
20:41 12Lack of Time Myth - Busted
05:39 13Creating Your Weekly Plan
46:06 14Becoming Irreplaceable
03:58 15The 13 Hidden Profit Maximizers
05:49 16Levels of Impact & Focus
27:12 17Art of Sustainable Energy
18:06 18Sustained Greatness
17:07 19Wrap Up & Next Steps
16:25Lesson Info
Sustained Greatness
less than 18. This is something that I think will hit home with you guys. How to create sustained greatness. So these are the common themes of greatness. Okay, Just half productivity and half sustained greatness and results is increased awareness and a shift in perspective, Right? Half of being really successful long term is just shifting your perspective and your philosophy and how you view life, how you view the marketplace, how you view how things work. How many guys feel like you're gonna walk out of here thinking a little differently than when you first came in. That's the goal. When you think differently, you could take different actions, right? So it's not just about the right action plan. It's about taking the right action with the right state of mind at the right time with the right focus. So first, write this down, don't ask for permission. You got to stop asking for permission. Better ask for forgiveness later. So people that are achieving greatness don't ask for permission.
Hey, if I want to be a coach, can I need a certificate? No, you don't. Here's one. I just stamp to you. Okay? Don't ask for permission. anymore. Just go accomplish what you want to accomplish. Don't fear people. The reason most don't take risks or stay safe is the fear what others will think of them. But if you have fear of what others will think, you're always gonna be limited by their opinions. So you got to start giving up the fear or the need to be liked by everybody. It's really hard to build an exceptional life when you want to be liked by everybody is really hard. So you got to give a penny to be liked if you want extraordinary life. So that's just ask. Don't ask for permission. And when you do, the only way to really drop the need to be liked and to be fully authentic is to know who you really are. No, your strength and know you're always being authentic when you know you're being yourself. You forget what other people think. If you're not sure who you are yet, it's a little difficult because you're trying to fit in. Like a lot of kids. What's the biggest stage for them is like middle school in an early high school, because they don't know who they are so there are so many opinions out there and there's insecurities. But when you start getting older, you really form who you really are. And that's the game changer for you. That's the ultimate competitive advantages, knowing yourself right? And that's when you don't fear people, because the more you fear, people like you fear what they think the less effective you are is the leader. All the best leaders don't fear people. And when you set a culture and a vision for your company, you can't expect everyone to follow you. And you have to continue pushing the envelope even when you don't get approval. That's the hard part. When you're building a company, not everyone's gonna prove it, but you have to stay stows in tune with who you are. You don't care right leverage. Here's a big one. Stay invested in the long term payoff. Stay invested in play. The long term game, Not the six month game. Play the 10 year game. Things we're gonna change but play the game long term. Think if I stay secure now if I don't chase my dreams just cause I have fear, what's gonna happen in years from now think about that. So everyone that's achieved greatness. I was always playing the long term game. Who are some people when I say greatness, when I say the best in the world or masters of their craft, what are some names that come up to say names? Jordan? Michael Jordan? So he was dedicating every second to a sport. One thing, not 10 thing. One thing. And it became the best in the world. One thing, and he was focused on for the long term. Who else? Bruce Lee? Same thing. One thing. Focus on the long term. Who else? Beetles, beetles? Timeless. Who else? Uh, Kobe and paging bulls jobs. So they're invested in the long term game, and it's really hard when people want short term pleasure to play the long term game. So you really it's just the shift in awareness again, right? Next, focus on your strengths. So once you do this exercise, when you send this, you're 10 people and you get the feedback. Really, it's time to go all in on your strength. If you build a business around your strengths and you delegate to people that complement your weaknesses, that's how you build a dynamic company, so focus on strengths. And from this moment forward guys, I want you to take very few opinions from people that maybe you trade places with from people already. Have what you want, But don't take too many opinions anymore. Be selective. Be a very selective listener because everyone these days is running and jumping over fences and screaming to give you their what? Just go look at Facebook for five minutes. It's a walking opinion. You don't know who they are. They could be people, their moms, basements. They have all these strong opinions, but I don't have any results. So you gotta be careful who you take advice from. Right? So opinions air are scary. Okay, to just be selective. That's what I'd say is just be super selective with who you take advice from. Just pick one or two people doesn't have to be me not saying only. Follow me. Just follow people you resonate with and people that have what you want right and then learn to love and leverage failure. Great people learn. It's called Bounce. They have a lot of bounce where they get knocked down. They bounce right back up through adversity comes greatness, and through failure comes a sharper perspective. But on Lee, if you analyze the experience right, success isn't gonna happen unless you're really willing to sacrifice a little bit. And sometimes you got to suffer. But if you can focus on the end game and focus on what's on the other side of the struggle, right then it can pull you out of the challenge because you have goals that are bigger than just that challenge. Remember when you set a goal? There's gonna be challenges, because if there wasn't, it wouldn't be worth much and everyone would be doing it. But if you have big goals, there's gonna be challenges. But when you have the challenge, you gotta focus on your reasons that pull. You passed the challenge, right? That's the key. So learned a leverage and love failure. You've got to understand that failure is a crucial part of growth and people that achieve greatness consistently, they learned to leverage and love failure. All right, so I want to solidify consistent results for you, and I want you to stay consistent past these next couple days. So I was at a business mastery seminar with Tony Robbins. That was 10 grand, not cheap. Uh, 2012. I think she doesn't live in January and literally he was talking about what the 1% do every week to stay the 1%. And he was talking about based off a lot of conversations, interview, study, research and my bottom line guys is just to give you as much tactical value as possible. Whether I got it from Hammer and I don't care, I just care about your guises and results and your guys is freedom. So the top three things, the 1% dio he went through this whole spiel. But this these are people literally like Oprah and Tony Robbins himself, Richard Branson, the people that he knows Steve Wynn, the CEO of the Win of Vegas. He goes these people, these 1% do these three things. Most people do him every single day. So and I've already talked about some of these. But if you can simplify this toe like on your page and just understand, the 1% do these things. If you do these things, it will skyrocket you to at least the top 10% of your industry for doing consistently. Okay, so they do these three things all the time. You guys ready? Number one, They spark their mind gaily as you feed your mind, you're more motivated and more resourceful. You're more fired up and excited when you spark your mind and they also protect their mind. They're very careful what they let in their mind. Opinions, negativity, doubts, toxic people. They stay at the guard of their mind all the time. So they sparked their mind daily and they protect their mind at the highest level. Not every week, every single day. All of those people that I talked about sparked their mind daily. Not every once in a while. Not when they feel like it, but daily. So starting you already sparked your mind today, I'd say a little bit, right starting tomorrow sparked your mind somehow and make sure what you're sparking your mind with is relevant to your what? Your six month vision that you have. Right? So number two, this is a big one. Some people don't want to hear that they sparked their body every single day, every day. Health health is an interesting issue. Some people that know they should focus on health. Don't want to focus on health because it's a scary issue, but you got to get past on. Understand, health is crucial. So when I say spark your body fears physical. When you're stronger physically, you're stronger mentally, so fear is physical as you get stronger. Fear lessons. So when you work out, fear becomes irrelevant. So they always trying to spark their body, whether it's working out, whether it's running, whether it's doing push ups, sit ups, whether it's just walking on the block, whether it's doing yoga, whether it's cycling, whether it's riding a bike, they do something daily to spark their body cause it keeps them sharp physically, which keeps them sharp mentally. And the third, This is the one that really helped me. They talked to someone playing the game at a higher level than them, so it's nearly impossible to get complacent when you do these three things. It's nearly impossible because you're sparking your body. When you're sparked your body, you're more creative. You want to take more action. You want to do more. You're more resourceful. You're more fired up and excited when you spark your body. Same thing. You're energize, your endorphins are flowing, You want to do more. And when you talk to people playing the game to a higher level than you, it challenges your mindset. It makes you think bigger. You got to think anyways, might as well think big. You have to think anyways, right? So do these three things and realize that when you leave here, guys, it's natural to be overwhelmed. Stress is not your enemy. So what you got to realize? It's a strange philosophy, but stress hopes boost your brain power. It makes you more resilient, and stress motivates you to succeed. Stress sharpens your perspective, Kate Stress pushes you past your comfort zone, so stress isn't bad. And my mentor told me a long time ago, and I've realised it's true for me. Maybe not for everybody, but sometimes stress is just a lack of results. I used to think when I was stressed, I should read I should journal. But he's like, No, when you're stressed, you should get results. You should do work. I'm like that makes sense for me. A lot of times when I'm stressed out, I'm just not getting results. I want so realize the stress might just be a lack of results in your business, so it's good to push that and do the work. So in these next couple months, guys, I want to create a ritual for you for when you become burnouts. When you become stressed toe where you have stress recovery and when you're frustrated or not getting results, you know how to flip the switch on and have ah, like a routine to get you out of it. I have one and it's been awesome. Sochi's the stress recovery, my personal ritual. Okay, I changed my environment and I'm just gonna get personal. This is what I do when I'm frustrated. Stressed out, I usually changed my environment like I go somewhere else, whether I drive to a lake or go to a copy shop. I literally changed my environment. I'm in that I'm stressed. I just leave right. I try really hard, and I'm not going to say it's easy to get unstrap. It's not easy if you're stressed to get on stress. It's not like Mom not stressed anymore, right? These are just It takes a couple things to totally shift the mindset. So then I really shift my focus and perspective because whatever you focus on multiply So if I'm focusing on what I'm stressed about this the problem, it gets worse. So I try to shift my perspective on how to be a solution finder, like if you have a sales team, guys or you have a team that you motivator manage, everyone in the world comes up with problems. It's super easy. Teach them that if they have an issue, bring you two solutions. Teach your team to be self sufficient, right? So if they have problems too Hey, I get those problems. But I'm gonna teach you how to really be self sufficient. Be a leader. If you have a problem, try to figure out to solutions and then come to me with the solutions. Sound good? Awesome. All right, so change your focus. Next. What I do This is big that it was a hard for me at the beginning. I analyzed why I'm stressed. I don't get emotional, I analyze and I sit there and I think I'm like, Why am I so stressed out? Oh, I took on too much. I did something that match my values. That's what it is, and then I pinpoint why I'm stressed. A lot of people don't do this. They just let it happen. Like I'm stressed. Oh, I'm not making I haven't made money for a couple weeks, right? Or I said yes, did too much or I didn't work out three days straight. I need a workout. I haven't called my mom, but I analyze, and when you analyze, you become more aware of why what's happening is happening. And then I take a break. And sometimes I mean, I can't always be motivated. That's a big thing. You can't always be motive when you're not motivated. Don't try and force it. Sometimes. Just be yourself and just take a break right When you're stressed out, take a break. Sometimes deep breath, walk around, drink some water. Do something like that. You love, right? Not for like six hours, but take a little break and maybe you'll catch that motivation. So for me, I admit that I can't always be motivated, and then when I do, is that connect with someone that I really trust? That's at a higher level that I value that I align with. So I called a mentor, someone that challenges me a little bit. And then I have heightened awareness. And sometimes I I often think about what advice would give somebody else. Sometimes you know that you would give advice to somebody, but when you have that issue, you don't give yourself the same advice, right? So make sure you have a ritual. So I want you guys to design your stress ritual right now. So think about in the last six months, what are some things you guys could do? Them? We're gonna finish strong here. You guys can do when you're not motivated. When you're off track. When you're stressed out the next couple months, what can you create in your ritual? They get you right back on track. Let's take a second. Let's take seconds. We'll take a question or two. And let's really, really dive in tow. What? Your ritual is to get you back on track so you don't lose more momentum. And you keep this sustained success over time. Does anyone off the top of their head already know something that they can do when they're stressed out to get him fired up again? Uh, just medicate medicate a minute. I'm good so you can get out of it quick. Awesome, like that's a good one changing environment. That's that's a must for me. If I'm stressed, I cannot stay in the same place that I think I got stressed in. I just gotta leave, have a stress routine. It's weird how it is. It's a lot of active stuff. It's being outside in nature. Who else started thinking about all the things that are going well in my life? I'll tell you, it's impossible to be frustrated when you're grateful you cannot be the same. It's impossible to be frustrated or angry when you're grateful, so that's a really good point. I forgot to bring that up there. There's questions I ask myself every morning, guys that I forgot to mention. I'm glad you said that. There's three things that I always ask myself. What am I grateful for? What am I excited about and what am I committed to make happen no matter what, you already know those two, but I always ask, what am I grateful for? Because if you're in a state of gratitude, you're appreciating what you have. It makes you more alive and more resourceful for the day. You can always mean on one hand there's all the things you shouldn't be great before the things that are going wrong, all the problems. Then there's things you're grateful for. Whatever you focus on is how you're gonna feel usually. So if you're stressed, you're focusing on what you don't have or don't want, right? So what else? What are some other like stress rituals that can get you back on track? Because in six months you might not be fully motivated one day, but you have all this knowledge and information, and you're having momentum. I don't want you to lose that because too many people are counting on you guys, right? So what else would you guys do when you're stressed out to get you back on track? I take a deep breath and visualize where I want to pay Lovett, creating something like painting drawing that's a big one, creating something, letting your mind just wonder what else? And it's really hard to do just one. So if it's just that were just that, we're just running. I've done it before. It's good, but if you really want to get out of that. It's sometimes you gotta have a routine. Works like two or three things, shift my focus, go running, be grateful, and then connect with someone that I really I'm inspired to talk to where I like talking to, right? So just literally right down guys. A routine, just two or three things that you can hold with you when you leave and something frustrating or something discouraging comes up because that is very valuable toe half. So you guys at home figure out your routine that's gonna get you from stressed to focus and excited about taking on the rest of your day the rest of your week or whatever it is.
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Ratings and Reviews
Clicks FromMe
I don't know Peter Voogd. I bought this class anyway because Six Months to Six Figures is a very good eye catching phrase. But when I started to see each module of this class everything Peter taught gave me a new perspective of what an entrepreneur should do in order to be really successful. Peter shared his teachings not only from his own personal experience but most of all from his heart. Peter you turned this dude into one of your disciple. I will highly recommend to every entrepreneur this class. It's only inspiring but practical and honestly true in every aspect of what Peter teaches. I wish I bought this class earlier and had known Peter Voogd when I started my business. But you know what? It is never too late to do things right! Peter stay healthy the world needs a good teacher and coach like you. Thank you and God bless you brother!
a Creativelive Student
Amazing amazing amazing! This course is for anyone and everyone who is looking to jump start not only their career, but their life. Extremely actionable steps throughout the entire course that are great for people who are just starting out or already have a successful business that they want to take to the next level. Many of the courses that I have taken over the years, I find myself just trying to quickly get through them to check it off the box. This course on the other hand, I rewound, shared, paused, thought about and then re-watched. I would have paid $1,000+ for this info. Please don't think twice about buying this course. Amazing job Peter! Highly recommended!!
Jessica Araus Rodriguez
This was my first class at CreativeLive, and I loved it! This course doesn’t only tell you how to increase your income, but it also elaborates on how to be a first-class person in EVERY area of your life. It helps you identify your strengths and top core values so that you can use them to achieve your goals. If you are an entrepreneur and wish to improve your business, this course is a MUST. Even if you don’t have a clear business idea yet, Peter Voogd will help you organize your ideas and execute them like a CEO. Peter is by far one of the best motivational speakers I have ever heard. I will definitely come back to this course to make sure I am applying everything I learned in his videos.