Lesson Info
2. Personal & Professional Growth Mastery
Introduction to Workshop
20:30 2Personal & Professional Growth Mastery
21:26 3The Mastery vs. Overload Principle
07:47 4The 7 Biggest Ambition Killers
21:55 5The 1 Page Productivity Plan
03:47 6Creating Your Roadmap
08:13 7Cultivating Unshakable Confidence
38:30 8Identify Your Unique Ability
13:33Elevating Circle of Influence
06:50 10Creating Your Ideal Script
10:05 11The Real Purpose of Productivity
20:41 12Lack of Time Myth - Busted
05:39 13Creating Your Weekly Plan
46:06 14Becoming Irreplaceable
03:58 15The 13 Hidden Profit Maximizers
05:49 16Levels of Impact & Focus
27:12 17Art of Sustainable Energy
18:06 18Sustained Greatness
17:07 19Wrap Up & Next Steps
16:25Lesson Info
Personal & Professional Growth Mastery
So first thing, By the way, some of you guys on the game changers, they have my content. There's some similar stuff, but it's very, very deep diving and relevant. So it's not all. It's a lot of different content. But the first step towards real achievement and sustained greatness is learning how to maximize personal development in a way that strategic and intentional right, and not in a way that's overloading yourself. So I was talking to Kevin Eastman, who is the vice president of the L A Clippers. Just a sharp guy making millions. Can't tell, very humble. He, uh, has a great family life with his kids, just a sharp guy, and he's running the whole Clippers. I asked him one day because I knew some MBA athletes that kind of were drafted top three or four and they flopped. You don't hear from in three years later. How do you have all this talent? You get the 1,000,000 you flop. So I asked him. I said, Kevin, what do you think is the best way to reach the 1% and get to the top of the MBA o...
r really not be a blessed and maximize your success and he says, You know two things one, he says. The players that don't last, they're just not in love with the game at all. They're just doing it for the money he was. It'll never last long. It's not sustainable because they were not in love with the game. Now, if you look at the best players, can you guys tell they're in love with the game? So you got to make sure you fall in love with what you're doing to. This is a big one, he said. The best people, they have big guys, big years and a small mouth, and I thought about it and he goes, the people that don't do as well In the new economy, he goes, they have the opposite. They have small eyes, small ears and a big mouth. They're always talking and they're not humbling themselves. Toe learn, he goes. So how I got to the level on that because he's young, he's not going to say his age, but he is young and he's running it. He's amazing. I look up to him and he says I've gone through my whole life as a learn. It'll not a know it all. So in this new economy, I think no, it alls, they're gonna be despised. So never be that person that thinks they know everything, right? So he says, I am a learn. It'll I try and learn as much as I can And I make sure that I learned what's relevant toe what I want to dio and he goes a lot of the players, they come into the MBA at 18 or 19 and they're already know it alls. But what happens in a couple of years if not listening to coaches are not really humbling themselves to learn what happens. They can't learn about finances or money. They go broke their stressed out and you hear these stories all the time. But I was curious from a person that actually is friends with Kobe Bryant and LeBron James and Kevin Barnett. How is this possible? And I realized that these people that are really good athletes and they're actually thriving. They're they're world class people as well as good athletes and a lot of the people that didn't do as well. I'm not going to say they're not world class people, but they're know it alls, and they're not always doing world class things. So how you do anything is how you do everything You cut corner in one area, you're gonna cut corners another, right? So keep that in mind as well. So what are the biggest problems facing entrepreneurs right now? There are many. But I'm gonna give you the common ones. So you guys can pinpoint which ones Obviously you're having. First is lack of education. They're not really educating themselves when getting into an industry. They're getting in the real estate, they're getting into direct sales. They're getting into entrepreneurship, getting into photography, and they're doing it because it sounds courts exciting, cause their friend does it. But they're not really educating themselves thoroughly about the whole industry first, right? And we're going to dive into these. I'm just gonna give you the simple bullet points now, Too much information, lack of implementation. So before someone executes on what they've learned their already learning something else, right? So they're like, I learned this, but I'm gonna learn more weight. You haven't executed this yet, right? And that's a big problem with with younger entrepreneurs is there's so much information and it feels it's a cop out. By the way, it feels good to keep learning. The hard part is execution, so they sometimes skip that. So that's a big issue. We're gonna hit on no guidance or the wrong guidance. This was me. I was like a chicken with my head cut off when I was newer. Oh, my God, have ambition. I'm gonna crush it. Yeah, I wish it was that easy, right? It's not that easy. And the rookie mistake here is people think it's the quantity information, not the quality, right. This training could have been like five days long, but I've spent hundreds of hours simplifying it to make sure it's for you. Just exactly what you need to take action right and then inconsistent mindset, actions or habits. So what happens is people have level 10 goals but level seven habits and then there wondering how they're not reaching that level 10 success, and then they live in concurrently. And it's really hard to take the right action when you're frustrated or ah, stuck right. It's hard to see clearly when you're struggling. That was the biggest thing for me is I was struggling and I wasn't making the right decisions because I wasn't in the right state of mind. Okay? And some of you guys can probably relate. But I want to teach you how to get out of that incongruent circle of influence. They want to make 100 grand. Everyone there around makes 30. They want to make 500 grand. Everybody around them makes 80. Not that they're bad people, but circle of influence is huge. You're the average of the five people you spend the most time with. So literally add up your income and the five people you're around the most and divided by five. It's scary how close it is. I'm not joking. It's the weirdest thing ever. It's scary. It's It's the average almost every time. And then false judgements around money, right? Money is bad. I don't wanna be greedy. Society says this about money. This is I never had money. I don't need money. Money, Money is excited. Tried both. I've tried having no money and having a lot of money. I'm Tony. Life is more enjoyable with money. I'm not joking. I've tried both. I've had the struggles where I try to be super happy not having money to go to the drive through. I don't know how happy I could get not having money to go to drive through right. But I've had the good income and it's it's you have more piece of on, You could help more people. It's funner. Okay, so my realizations were right now one or two perspective shifts. Guys can add an extra 50 to 100 grand to your bank account the next six months to a year. Just one or two perspective shifts or a new action plan, can you? An extra 2030 K and even people that have 9 to 5. Some of you guys have nine to fives. You have a job. I've seen people with my own eyes. I've coached people and mentor people that have had 9 to 5 that they make 40. And then they made an extra 60 grand a year from like a couple hours after work, just from a shift in perspective saying, Wow, I have these skills, I need to learn marketing, and I can do this right, So take out all your limitations. There's some amazing things happening out there whether someone 16 years old or 82. Okay, so the first thing I'm gonna get into some tactics now, we've talked about this. You have to sell yourself fully on why you're doing what you're doing. Okay, so from this moment on, you want to take notes on this? Don't take on too much. All right? The reason people procrastinate the reason people don't succeed at a level they're capable of is they're not selling themselves on the tasks they're doing. They're not fully sold. Why do Why is the divorce rate so high? They're not actually fully sold on. The significant other people are still smoking. Now, smoking is going down, which is good. I'm just giving a tactical example. If you're not sold on how bad smoking is free, your gonna keep doing it. If you're fully sold on, it's bad for you. You're not gonna smoking instantly. So if you're fully sold on your business, there's no doubt, but your job is to sell yourself on what you're doing. Okay, so step one is don't take on too much. I'm gonna talk a lot about learning how to say no. Who feels like in the last six months. They have said yes. Too much. Raise your hand Like they said yes to other people that said yes to a lot of different things. Bridgeman. Okay, a lot of people. So the reality is you have to create a criteria for taking on something new. So what's your criteria when someone says, Hey, can you do this for me? Hey, I need some help with this. If you're struggling financially, what's one of your criterias? What should it be? Does this increase my what income? And if it doesn't And it's like a friend. I really need your help. Sorry, I just can't do it right now. I have to focus on my business Now. In the moment, they might be like What? Oh, you're that's that's messed up, but they'll respect you for it. Afterwards, I guarantee it. Okay, so get greedy a little bit and create a criteria for what you're gonna take on from here on out. Okay. Next stop doing things you're not completely sold on. If you're not sold on something, don't take it on delegate. Delete it. Forget it. If you're not sold on something, don't take it on, okay? And you need to be okay, guys with not responding to people, you need to be okay with that. I know it's tough sometimes, but you need to be okay with making sure you're mastering yourself in your business first. Then you can respond. I know people say respond to everybody, but if you're doing that without taking care of yourself, you're gonna be struggling and it's not worth it. Right? So first, stop doing things you're not completely sold on. Okay? Don't take on too much from here on out. Don't take on too much things that aren't relevant to your business. Alright. Created criteria when taking on something new. Now, my criterion now is way different than when I was newer. But I've turned down $10,000 speeches. They didn't match my values. One of them was in a location that was like negative degrees in January. You can't pay me 100 grand for that. Not going to say the city shut. I'm not gonna say the city, but anyways, um and I took in speeches that were free. And there were bucks for underprivileged kids in l. A. So I've done both right because I have now, back in the day you want to fly the Milly Ocean, and that's fine. 10 grand. I'm doing it right, but your values change a little bit, right? So I have a criterion out when taking on something new, it has to increase the reach, just increase my influence. After fully believe in the cause, it has toe, I always ask myself, Is this gonna contaminate my freedom or contribute to my freedom? That's a good question asked. Is this gonna contaminate my freedom or contribute to it? Ah, lot of things these days are contaminating people's freedom. Then all a sudden in six months, they have no freedom. Bryant. So keep that in mind and then create your top 10 reasons for changing the game and changing your life in the next six months. So what I want you guys to do for a couple minutes, I literally want you to think about get deep and really take a deep breath and create your top 10 reasons. Because reasons come first, results come. Second reasons come first results come second. All right. So I want you to think about right now. What are the reasons why It's a must for you right now to change your life the next six months. Because this is not gonna be a training where we run it, and then you're confused at the end, and you're like, Oh, that was fun. I got energized. I'm inspired, but you don't know what to do. I take each of your successes, everyone watching personal. Like I feel like a bad leader. If in four or five months you're not in a better position than you ever have been, period. Okay, so let's literally go through some reasons right now. I'll give you guys a couple of minutes, but what are your strongest reasons? Why do you need to make this work the next six months? And I want external and internal. Okay, Try to get five external ones. Five internal ones. Things that really drive your kids. Maybe it's you want a new house. Maybe you want freedom. May be your boss pisses you off. I don't know. Right? So what makes it a must and why is now the time? If you don't have reasons that make it a must and you don't have urgency, what happens? Six months, Same thing happens three years like Oh man, and you're just slowly getting complacent. And what happens is regret gets worse. It just gets worse and worse and worse. And then there's people that are 40 50 60. They almost can't turn back because they've always pushed their dreams to the side versus made immediate action plans and have reasons why they're succeeding, okay? Or why they had to. So I want to ask you guys to share your results. Andi, just give up the need right now to be liked and just don't fear people. Just be yourself. That's the best way to be is just have no fear and all kind of talking through it. And we're gonna do some hot seats to which I'm excited about, but I'll give you another note of 30 seconds to a minute. Write down your reasons of why. Now it's now or never. Has anyone already felt a little bit of like emotional pull on motivation already, like thinking about these writing originate. If you already have a little bit of change, it's crazy. What reasons do like the craziest thing? All right, who wants to share one or two that they've already written down of why the next six months have to be the best six months you've ever had. Wants to share eso they want for me, his family and family health my parents were talking about. They need to get this procedure done and didn't know if they could afford it. And I hated that feeling. Damn, I just want to give you the 10,000 right now and get it taken care of. And I never want that again. Love. Those are the strongest one. It's like connected to people that you care about internally. That's hard to give up. Means I like that. Thanks for sharing. Who else? Calling people. If you don't raise your hand, don't be shy more this selfish end of things. They should be a little selfish. My future self. I know a lot of drive comes from, you know, like Tim said with my family, but I know for my future self and you're your own mental health. It's why I decided to leave my previous career. Waas. You know, I just going towards complete freedom and just having that confidence and just know how that I have made it from there to here and literally the sky's the limit. So I would say my future self and like my future mental health of it. So doing things now that will help your future self versus heard it staying away from instant pleasure and focus on delayed gratification. It like that. What else? 20 years. I really, really want to serve the world and kind of get back to what you were saying. Like you have to master yourself before you can help others. And so I know I need to create this massive shift in myself to enable me to provide the kind of assistance than value that I want to deliver to the world of it. Something I write down to is be on purpose and off yourself on purpose. Off yourself. So in the morning I'm tired. Doesn't matter. I'm off myself about myself. I'm tired. Who cares? It's on purpose. I'm on purpose, like parents on purpose. A lot of anyone of kids. So you don't your kids crying in the middle the night you don't feel like getting up. You like whatever you almost like. Forget about yourself for a while, right? I don't have kids. Give me a couple years. Um, but the reality is I see a lot of self with parents like it's not about them as much anymore, right? So that's the same thing, is entrepreneurship. It's almost like get outside yourself and realize it's about your messages about you. It's about your future self, your family and things like that. Okay, so once you have these reasons, we're gonna help you put these reasons on the one page with your business plan with your top goals. With your skills you're gonna learn. So keep those handy. But I just wanted to share you with you guys the power of making sure you have reasons and sell yourself on why these next six months have to be the best six months of your life for me. When I was broken struggling, that's what I did. I wrote down that I can't live like this anymore. It's now or never, and I have so much motivation. But then I had to make sure reached out to people that have the success that once we're gonna talk about networking, but there's more steps. But the first step is making sure you gain clarity on exactly why you want to do what you do, Okay? So maximizing the experiences this simple when I speak, I share this because it's so crucial toe sustaining this information. If you just watch me and you're excited and you'll just listen, especially you guys home. If you're just watching, not taking any notes, you're going to remember and sustain about 10% of this information, which better? Nothing. Right. But if you get engaged and you take some notes, you remember about 40%. So as you're taking notes, it's 40% you're gonna remember until, actually, if you get engaged, you get your body engaged like you're literally emotionally engaged. You shout back answers, you get involved, you actually participate 85%. So at seminars, most people are 10%. Some people is really sad. They don't even take notes. I can remember it all right. The reality is when you take notes when you get engaged, it's 85%. So I want you guys to maximize this experience. That's my goal for you guys, K. And then make the definite decision to become the 5% 95% of people want, want, want, want want 5% deserve. So be the 5% from here on out because there's going to be 5% regardless. And Maya's will be you guys. That makes sense. There's going to be people that crush it these next couple of years. These next six months might as well be you guys, and you're gonna have an advantage because you have these amazing people around you you can have accountability with. And you're getting information that has took me 12 plus years to figure out and cut my learning curve in half. By helping or by learning from other people I'm going to share with You guys take problems on head on. This is gonna be a task for you, right when you leave, okay? You need Teoh. Take care of all your issues before you really dive into success, because they're always gonna haunt you. What I mean by this is this was a big one for me. But when I did it, a weight was off my shoulders. You need to fix or cut off any toxic or strained relationship, period. Fix or cut off. Don't let it linger, period. Lower your time with anybody but not sold on your dreams and the Smiths complete or delegate any projects that isn't finished. I'm gonna say it against you guys to write this down. Okay? Dismiss like, get rid of it. Right? Complete it or delegate it to someone else. Everyone here is business savvy. How many guys have ever had a project you haven't completed and then kind of forgot about it? What happens after a couple of days or a couple weeks? You can't be 100% productive because that's still in your mind. It's subconscious, by the way. Okay. So make sure you realize that and anything that's been festering on your mind. Guys, address it head on. Now, let me ask you this. How many guys had an issue that you thought about right away that needs to be addressed or someone you need to talk to for me? It was, since I was like, Oh, my gosh, Blank. I was kind of losing touch with with a friend like calling were pretty competitive and we were kind of getting so competitive. We don't really talk much. This was years ago, but instantly I was like, I need to fix that. And I wanted to be the smaller person that now let him fix. It's not fair, is his fault. That's immature. So I really reached out and I fixed it and it was like, Oh, my gosh, so right when the weight was off my shoulders, I felt like I could do more and as more productive, right? So next guys, 1% doubt you're out. We're gonna push through these Causey's air just mental blocks. But if you have 1% doubt for the next six months, you're gonna take the doubt. It's so weird you could be fired up like I'm gonna crush it. But if there's people in your ear, if there's little doubts, if there's insecurities, you'll take those every time. So you have to make sure you make the decision and there's no doubt it's like I will hit this goal no matter what. And then you you believe it and you take action towards it until when tilt it not like well, until after three months, then it's been too long until my husband, wife, for my friend gets so annoying about why are you doing that? Then I'll stop. No, no, it's until you actually hit it. right, And then have fun. I don't want toe. I don't want to forget to have fun. I remember I was at speaking at the Thrive event in Vegas and I was talking Robert Hirschbeck, Shark tank. He spoke right before me, and he was saying, You know, they could fix a lot on TV. They can fix how you look. They could fix your voice. They can fix this. This this this But they can't fix. Boring. I never forgot. I'm like, that's a good point. He's like. So whenever you're on camera, whenever you're doing anything, don't be boring, Right? So I'm gonna try not to be boring. If you guys fall asleep, then throw something at me. Where's the Nerf ball that you were gonna throw? We've got plenty of ways to get engaged. Relax. Be yourself. Have fun. Okay? People love change, guys, but they hate transition right there. Like they don't really They like, change, right? And they want to change, but they don't like the in between transition of it, right? You gotta get addicted, That transition. There's gonna be some resistance when you feel yourself expanding your capacity. But you got to realize that's part of becoming a better person. That's part of expanding your capacity is pushing past being comfortable, right? Keep that in mind. So that's just how you maximize that. You make sure there's no doubt you have your reasons down. You make sure that you know exactly why you're doing what you're doing, and then you sell yourself on everything before you take it on. Like if everyone here wasn't sold on this training, they probably wouldn't be giving their all, but they were sold on it. If I wasn't sold on creative life or their team or what they're doing, I wouldn't do this. But I was 1000% sold. This is what I want to do. This is what I should do. This is what I'm excited to do, right? So keep that in mind.
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Ratings and Reviews
Clicks FromMe
I don't know Peter Voogd. I bought this class anyway because Six Months to Six Figures is a very good eye catching phrase. But when I started to see each module of this class everything Peter taught gave me a new perspective of what an entrepreneur should do in order to be really successful. Peter shared his teachings not only from his own personal experience but most of all from his heart. Peter you turned this dude into one of your disciple. I will highly recommend to every entrepreneur this class. It's only inspiring but practical and honestly true in every aspect of what Peter teaches. I wish I bought this class earlier and had known Peter Voogd when I started my business. But you know what? It is never too late to do things right! Peter stay healthy the world needs a good teacher and coach like you. Thank you and God bless you brother!
a Creativelive Student
Amazing amazing amazing! This course is for anyone and everyone who is looking to jump start not only their career, but their life. Extremely actionable steps throughout the entire course that are great for people who are just starting out or already have a successful business that they want to take to the next level. Many of the courses that I have taken over the years, I find myself just trying to quickly get through them to check it off the box. This course on the other hand, I rewound, shared, paused, thought about and then re-watched. I would have paid $1,000+ for this info. Please don't think twice about buying this course. Amazing job Peter! Highly recommended!!
Jessica Araus Rodriguez
This was my first class at CreativeLive, and I loved it! This course doesn’t only tell you how to increase your income, but it also elaborates on how to be a first-class person in EVERY area of your life. It helps you identify your strengths and top core values so that you can use them to achieve your goals. If you are an entrepreneur and wish to improve your business, this course is a MUST. Even if you don’t have a clear business idea yet, Peter Voogd will help you organize your ideas and execute them like a CEO. Peter is by far one of the best motivational speakers I have ever heard. I will definitely come back to this course to make sure I am applying everything I learned in his videos.