Introduction to Workshop
20:30 2Personal & Professional Growth Mastery
21:26 3The Mastery vs. Overload Principle
07:47 4The 7 Biggest Ambition Killers
21:55 5The 1 Page Productivity Plan
03:47 6Creating Your Roadmap
08:13 7Cultivating Unshakable Confidence
38:30 8Identify Your Unique Ability
13:33Elevating Circle of Influence
06:50 10Creating Your Ideal Script
10:05 11The Real Purpose of Productivity
20:41 12Lack of Time Myth - Busted
05:39 13Creating Your Weekly Plan
46:06 14Becoming Irreplaceable
03:58 15The 13 Hidden Profit Maximizers
05:49 16Levels of Impact & Focus
27:12 17Art of Sustainable Energy
18:06 18Sustained Greatness
17:07 19Wrap Up & Next Steps
16:25Lesson Info
Introduction to Workshop
I'm excited. So how many? I want to start with some questions. How many you guys really are ready to crush these next six months? Raise your hand. How many guys are really ready? Toe. Maximize your income and really make Maurin the next six months. Then you have the previous, let's say, two years. Raise your hand. How many guys really want to learn how to create an inspiring and exciting lifestyle? Raise your hand. So here's what you have to realize that I want to get across. So does everybody else right in the world. All the people watching. If I ask 1000 people, do they want to succeed the next six months? Do they want to crush it? How many will say Yes out of the 1000? All 1000? And if I say how many guys really think it's gonna happen? Probably 95% because people love being confident, even maybe when they're not. When I fast forward those six months out of those 1000 probably 3 to 4% actually get to the level they know they're capable of, and everyone else is either in the same spo...
t they were or worse, and I hear it all the time, guys, I hear I need success. I want success. I have kids. I need, I want it. But here's the deal. No one cares. Success doesn't respond toe want or need a response to deserve. Okay, so today I really want to dive into how to deserve success. How to make sure you're maximizing your results in every area. Not just money, not just mindset, but help you be a world class human being. That's what I'm about. Okay, so I'm excited for you guys to be here. And I'll tell you this. It reminds me seeing guys here this morning of a quote from Earl Nightingale. He said, If you really want to be successful, look at what everybody else is doing and do what exact opposite. So thinking about this logically what you guys are doing right now, investing in yourself, investing in your mind, set your perspective. You're doing the opposite of probably 99% of society. Okay, What do your friends doing right now? I don't want to know. Really, I don't. But the reality is you're here sharpening your perspective in your mindset. So that's pretty awesome. So you guys really make this class? I'm pumped to be here. I'm excited to have you guys here as well. And I want this class and this training to be the point where in a couple years when you own all this property, when you have a successful business, when you're thriving, when you have seven figures in the bank, I want you to say, you know, because of that training. That's why I have all this stuff because the perspective shifts because the new action plan it had because getting rid of my limitations really help me. That's why I have this. That's my goal for today. Sound good. So one of my favorite philosophies and quotes that I live by is this. There's really and this is from the last 12 years of experience would have realized from all the experience absence I was 15 is there's really only one success, and that's people to live life on your terms, your own way, creating your own value, not having someone else tell you what your value is. Would you guys agree with that? So everybody wants that, but it's obviously hard to get to, so I have good news and bad news. So what do you guys want to hear first? Good or bad, I guess. Right? So bad news. So the economy has to get worse to get better. And no matter how optimistic people, our economy is not getting any better. And there's people really struggling right now. And I say that I get chill saying that because I was one of them. So it's not like I've never had a struggle, right? I'm not Paris Hilton. Eso Here's the reality. There's a lot of stuff going on. There's so much information overload. There's so much content out there. People are struggling right now. It says the tuition for college is an all time high, and this is based on facts. But the average income of student makes after college is an all time low, so it costs more than ever to go to college and you make the least ever leaving college. That doesn't leave people with a lot of confidence, leaving college right with 40 60 grand in debt. And Forbes says there's more distractions than ever before. There's all these entitlement mindsets, and right now there's not that much guidance now. You could say there is a lot of guidance because you guys were in the space where you really educate yourself. But there's not that much real guidance from people that actually want what you have, have what you want, right, So that's the scary part. There's a lot of pessimism. There's a lot of struggles. I'm sure everybody in here knows right now, someone that's a little stressed out struggling, right? So my challenge for everybody watching is I want you guys to be the rock for the people around you and things keep getting tough. You're the one that actually has the inspiration that live, the lifestyle that they want to emulate. That's my goal for you guys. So sometimes you gotta get outside yourself and say It's not really about me. It's about people look up to me and are inspired by me. Okay, so there is good news, right? There's bad news. Of course it's tough times. There's a lot of struggle, but you can make more money in a downtime than you ever could in a great time. 68 I believe percent of Fortune 500 company started in a depression or recession, so the companies that are our countries founded on, started when everyone else was in fear. So think about that. This is the best time in human history to really create a lifestyle and create a job or an opportunity based on what you want based on your values than ever before. So my jobs to bridge the Gap tour. You have all this energy, this excitement. But you don't have the exact road map. How many guys feel like you have like the ambition. You have the motivation. But you're like, shoot. What do I do next? Who has that? I was the same way. And what's cool is something like this. Change my life. When I was struggling and frustrated, I was in a training like this, and deep down, I don't even know if I had confidence. I was going to get out of it, but I wanted to get out of it. I was kind of like I have to change. I don't know what I'm gonna do, but I have to do something because I can't stand living high was living feel like I let people down. I was frustrated. I was broke and something like this changed my life, so I hope to do the same for you guys. Toe where this is something that is a monumental point in your life. It obviously helps you. So the good news when the money transfers, Here's what I've realized the last couple of years. When the economy's down, the money doesn't disappear. It doesn't just proof it's gone. It just transfers to the successful people that have the skills. I'm gonna teach you guys today. So when the economy's down now, I don't want you to get greedy, is how the money is mine. But money allows you to have what freedom and to do what you want when you want on your terms, Be with your family. Have fun, be more creative, have peace of mind, things like that. So the good news is you can get maximum profit and maximum pessimism as well. So I want you guys to understand that that there is a lot of opportunity out there, even if most people don't see it. And there's a lot of people challenging you, like why you starting your own business, just go for something secure? That's just their insecurities talking right? So keep that in mind. So here's what we're gonna talk about that I want to give a brief overview. First thing is, I want to take the ideas and give you guys a context of how to get your ideas toe actual execution and not just execution where you're taking a bunch of action. Because I've had it where I was taking so much action. I was working 60 hours a week, taking a lot of action, but I had the money. So what is our society say when you're not doing well work? What? Harder. So that I work 70 hours. Nothing changed. Still had no money. Then what a society say we're Carter. So I guess what? I worked 80 hours, nothing changed. So it wasn't the action. It was I was taking the wrong action, right? So I'm gonna teach you how to take the right action, simplify everything to having a plan that is relevant to you that actually proven that work, right? So the whole 1st 2nd it's going to be about how to take your ideas, your ambition, your energy, and put it into an execution plan that's relevant to you and what you want. Sound good. Next, we're gonna build your unstoppable confidence. Now some of you guys that know my content, I talk about confidence, a lot and some things you may have heard before. But here's the most dangerous Ford's, I think, and all of language. Anyone know what they are. Good job already. Know that it's not. I know that it's have you mastered It is it? Does my waistline prove that I know these things? Okay, does my bank account prove that I know these things about marketing about advertising, right? So it's not. I already know that its weight. Have I mastered this? If not sometimes it's good. When you hear something like the fifth time, Frank, You're like, Wow, I haven't done that. That's that's like a red or green light. I need to do that right? So that's what we'll talk about in the next one. How to really created confidence where you have no fear. You're not fearing people. You're so comfortable in your skin. You're so authentic that you don't care what other people think anymore. It's a challenge, but once it happens, it's like a weight off your shoulders, like Oh my gosh, I'm doing things for me and people attracted the people that are super authentic and confident. Right Next. Obviously, when you have confidence, but you don't have an action plan, you're just confident, but getting no results. Right? So I want to give you like a purposeful productivity planet. I've simplified every single thing I learned on productivity to just a simple blueprint for you guys. So I've simplified hundreds of hours of stuff to really give you the the only things that you really need that are proven to get results. And it's things I really haven't talked about. I I dug deep here and I had the rethink. What have I done since I've taught productivity? What else have I done? And I learned these last couple of years that I haven't really shared. That really is the secret. So what I've done. Okay, so that's productivity. And then, of course, I don't just want to give you results in success. The next two weeks, a lot of seminars you get fired up, you get pumped up on your motivated for how long? Like 23 days. Then what happens in two weeks? Back to normal. Most people, right? It's like the gym on like January 1st. Go to the gym. January 1st Don't is an experiment. I did this in 2009 with my sales team. I said, Let's go to the This was like early December. I go, we're gonna do an experiment. We're gonna go to the gym January 1st, and there's two or three different gyms and this is a true story. So there's 23 different gyms. People were taking pictures. They were like, You wouldn't believe what happened. They could not find an elliptical. They couldn't find a spot to go. They went, I think, January 16th or 17th. Empty. Empty. Why is that? Because it's hard to sustain results consistently unless you have the right systems in the right mindset. So this last section is going to be about how to sustain momentum passed just a week or two. So when I meet you and I see you again in six months, how is it going? Oh my gosh, it's amazing. I'm working less than I was, but I've created such powerful systems and rituals and place that my results are crushing it. So they're super. I want you guys to be excited about that. So that's kind of the agenda in anything real quick that you guys are excited about. What's what's one of those that you really need right now in your life. Just kind of raise your hand and let me know which one do you need the most? Because I have a lot of ideas and things not passionate about, but I need a way to facilitate them and direct them towards a positive love. It and I was the same way. Who else? It's a purposeful productivity. So you have a lot of energy and your hustler, you're an action taker, right? So you just want to know it's the most effective thing. Is that kind of this anyone else? Purpose productivity. I really need that look at the idea of taking nationality, but, like, I feel like I'm on the cusp of that, like almost at the moment. Um, sustainability is to find little tweaks that any just I've been. I love it, and I know I think you were talked about One of one of you guys were talking about how you don't want to build a business and put all that energy into it. and then not be able to step out of it. So you have your so buried in your business, you have no freedom, right? I'll teach you how to make sure that doesn't happen either. Okay, so the outcome guys of the class, I'm very outcome. Focus. And I really believe that people that outcome focused get results like nobody else. Right? So here's the outcome. I want you to have a complete, personalized time management system, so it's like customized to you. So you leave and it's fully customize. You have your own system. I'm big on giving you as the tools. I'm not going to say this is the exact way that works. I'm gonna say, Hey, here's what I did. Here's the philosophy here is the outcome. You guys figure out what's best for your outcome. That makes sense. So personalized time management system, next confidence and conviction and what you're doing, I want to give you certainty in what you're doing. And if not, I'll help you switch that and maybe say something guys might realize today watching. Are you guys here? Wow, I'm not. I'm not in the right industry. None of the values that I have match this job I'm doing in three years, that's a problem. But it's better to find out now than three years from now, right? So that's the next thing is confidence and conviction in what you're doing. I want to give you a long term road map and a strategy for success. You can course correct, because if you make, I don't like 3 to or 10 year plans. People talk about that a lot of events, and it's usually people that air 40 50 70. Not bad, but they're just like, what's your year vision of what things change so much? If you guys have a two year vision and you look at it in a year, what happens? I don't really want anymore. So I'll teach you out, of course, correct and have a road map based on a six month vision that you can adapt and adjust based on who you're becoming a based on who you are. That's exciting for me cause I love that this is a big one for you guys. I want to give you clarity on what activities yield the biggest results for your life and business. And of course, the overall result is increased productivity. But my favorite thing that really people like to learn is I want to give them peace of mind that there's productive as possible with their time for their family, friends and the people who care about so they have peace of mind in their head. Like, Wow, I'm I am as productive as possible for my kids, for my friends, for my wife, husband, family. I don't My wife doesn't have to work or has. It doesn't work anymore because I'm as productive as possible because who's ever had that thought? Where you're like you're working 40 50 hours directing, I could be more effective. So I'm cutting in the other people's time that care about me because I'm not as productive. I remember talking to Gary Vaynerchuk, like in 2010 or 11 and I'm like, What time you wake up in the morning? That was big on, like waking up at 45 and he goes, Why you asking me that? That's Gary V doesn't have any filter. Um, and I said, What do you mean he goes, Well, it's not about waking up early. It's about How effective are you when you work eight hours? Most people work extra cause on effective when they do work. Eight hours. I'm like, That's a really good point. I challenged myself to be is effective as I could in those 6 to 8 hours. So I didn't have to work 15 right? So keep that in mind as well. So this is, I think, my favorite thing. Peace of mind, knowing your as productive as possible for your family, friends, customers and team. How would you guys feel knowing in your heart soul that you are as productive as possible? Would you guys feel good? That's really what I want today as well. And the issues that I've had is I've had all this ambition. I've had all these goals, the vision, But they didn't match my bank account or I felt like my business was running me versus me running my business and the reason I dedicated most of my life and my time and energy and effort into helping entrepreneurs is cause I know the feeling of being frustrated and broke, and the scurries feel like you let people down and you're like, I'm going to take the jump to be an entrepreneur, and everyone's like, Don't do it and then you're not doing well. So what's the people say? Ha, ha, You're right. I was right member. I hate that feeling. So I want to teach people to show those people that is possible and it's nothing more respectable. 15 years ago, when you say you're not in the order, people say that's weird. Now it's like, Oh, you're not going That's awesome, right? So it's Things are changing, which is cool. And my end result, of course, is that all of you guys in here and everyone watching to be irreplaceable to where, no matter what happens, you are very valuable to whatever company joined to whatever you do your valuable, your irreplaceable. These days, if you're doing something that's not very valuable, your replaced easy. So if you have skills, skills or weapons in this new economy and if you have skills, it's really hard to replace you. And I'll just be blunt. There was McDonald's workers complaining, I need to make 15 and our guess what happened? Like a month or two later, the first McDonald's with all robots came out so they said, No, you're actually not gonna have a job anymore. So what should those people have done versus complain about something versus take action they should have actually became or what valuable right? Learned a new skill. Read a book that helped them Something like that. And I'm not saying they're bad people. I'm just being blunt because most people aren't right. So think about that. I want to help you be irreplaceable. So I don't want to talk too much about myself. Some of you guys knew who I am, but I've trained over 6000 millennials like one on one trained in a training setting like this. So I really dedicated my life on how to get people's hot buttons, how to motivate them, how to help them live their dream life, how to help the maximize their success on their terms, their own way based on their shrinks, not following someone else. This system and he was talking about six figures, actually made six figures. When I was just turned 23 the seven figures came a 27 so I was stressed, broke, frustrated at 22 from 5.5 6 months later, I had six figures. I'm gonna give you the framework today, But not only was it exciting for me toe gain six figures, but it was Mawr exciting for me to teach people the framework that I used. So now I was helping. How many guys have had someone just tell you? Hey, what you said changed my life or you've helped me or your post really help me. How many guys have had that really? Well, how do you feel after that happens, that's more exciting. Sometimes then succeeding on your own. But you have toe maximize your success before you can help others. You have to match to yourself before you can properly help someone else. So there's a lot of people that aren't developed that aren't really mastering their self trying to help others. That's hard to do. Okay, so I've trained a lot of people and I want to give that training to you guys and simplify what I've actually learned. That actually gets results. K and I failed in that way to success. I look back, someone asked me on a podcast years ago, and they're like, How did you become so successful at a young age and I thought about it like 15 seconds. And I'm like, I just failed like a law and they're like this, really, I'm like, I think I failed my way to success. Now it's like my favorite line. I failed my way to success, but it came from me really digging deep in thinking That's how I became successful. No one's like I became successful by just always doing successful things. That's just what I'm successful because I always do. You know, it's never the case, right? So I failed my way to success, and my my big frustration was I thought passion and energy and drive was all I needed. When I was newer, I was like, I'm energetic. I'm just gonna go all out and work hard, not the case, right? Not the case at all, because you have to have the right information and the right strategies to actually help you get to the next level. And then someone said, investing yourself. So I was broken, frustrated, and they're like investing yourself by the program's all that stuff. So guess what I did. I bought almost everything. Okay? I mean, I had a credit card. I don't want to get into details of that, but I was like I had to find a way to invest in myself. Then I had a information overload, so I bought the programs. I read the books. I listened all the YouTube videos free content because I thought that would help me. So after that, I literally was, like, even in a worse position, because why I was over. I was in debt and I was overloaded. I'm like, Wow, this is great. Thanks, guys. Appreciate it. So that's where I came up with the mastery philosophy, which I'll teach you guys. But I've done a lot of failing. I've made some bad investments. I trusted the wrong people. I have worked 80 hours and had nothing to show for it. I've been there. I don't want you guys to think I'm someone like, Hey, look at me. I'm successful. I've been through a lot of failures and honestly, I think people can relate to the struggle into the failure, sometimes more than success. When I met a seminar out of masterminding an event and I hear people on Lee tooting their horn and talking about all the stuff they've done without talking about their struggle. I, like check out you guys ever had that Where you kind of just it is just not relatable. So I want to tell you guys, I've been there and I've been into event like this, and it really changed the game for me. So I was exactly where you guys were. But what I did first is I made a definite decision to make the entrepreneur thing work. There was no doubt, because if you have 1% doubt your outright, I decided to ignore everybody that didn't have the results I wanted and only follow the people that a match my values be, have the results I wanted. So for you guys, you got to make the definite decision and I'll help you with that. Today. We're gonna do exercises to help you guys and you guys at home follow along and really engage and participate, because that's what's gonna help you the most
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Ratings and Reviews
Clicks FromMe
I don't know Peter Voogd. I bought this class anyway because Six Months to Six Figures is a very good eye catching phrase. But when I started to see each module of this class everything Peter taught gave me a new perspective of what an entrepreneur should do in order to be really successful. Peter shared his teachings not only from his own personal experience but most of all from his heart. Peter you turned this dude into one of your disciple. I will highly recommend to every entrepreneur this class. It's only inspiring but practical and honestly true in every aspect of what Peter teaches. I wish I bought this class earlier and had known Peter Voogd when I started my business. But you know what? It is never too late to do things right! Peter stay healthy the world needs a good teacher and coach like you. Thank you and God bless you brother!
a Creativelive Student
Amazing amazing amazing! This course is for anyone and everyone who is looking to jump start not only their career, but their life. Extremely actionable steps throughout the entire course that are great for people who are just starting out or already have a successful business that they want to take to the next level. Many of the courses that I have taken over the years, I find myself just trying to quickly get through them to check it off the box. This course on the other hand, I rewound, shared, paused, thought about and then re-watched. I would have paid $1,000+ for this info. Please don't think twice about buying this course. Amazing job Peter! Highly recommended!!
Jessica Araus Rodriguez
This was my first class at CreativeLive, and I loved it! This course doesn’t only tell you how to increase your income, but it also elaborates on how to be a first-class person in EVERY area of your life. It helps you identify your strengths and top core values so that you can use them to achieve your goals. If you are an entrepreneur and wish to improve your business, this course is a MUST. Even if you don’t have a clear business idea yet, Peter Voogd will help you organize your ideas and execute them like a CEO. Peter is by far one of the best motivational speakers I have ever heard. I will definitely come back to this course to make sure I am applying everything I learned in his videos.