Introduction to Workshop
20:30 2Personal & Professional Growth Mastery
21:26 3The Mastery vs. Overload Principle
07:47 4The 7 Biggest Ambition Killers
21:55 5The 1 Page Productivity Plan
03:47 6Creating Your Roadmap
08:13 7Cultivating Unshakable Confidence
38:30 8Identify Your Unique Ability
13:33Elevating Circle of Influence
06:50 10Creating Your Ideal Script
10:05 11The Real Purpose of Productivity
20:41 12Lack of Time Myth - Busted
05:39 13Creating Your Weekly Plan
46:06 14Becoming Irreplaceable
03:58 15The 13 Hidden Profit Maximizers
05:49 16Levels of Impact & Focus
27:12 17Art of Sustainable Energy
18:06 18Sustained Greatness
17:07 19Wrap Up & Next Steps
16:25Lesson Info
Identify Your Unique Ability
identifying your your ability, your unique ability and figuring out your passion. Okay, so I want to help you guys identify your values real quick. So we need to start with your ideal outcome, which we already did. You already have your ideal outcome right now it's time to identify your values. So I'm gonna put these up here, and I want you guys to just write down a couple of your top ones that mean the most to you. Let me just look at these on here. I think they're in your Yeah, there in your results guide as well. There's a lot of the stuff in the results guide. Okay, so look at these for for 30 seconds to a minute, right down a couple that mean the most to you. So this one, guys, there's these and these. I just want you to choose your top 10 values. Now, this does not to be done right now, but just I want you to be aware. And the challenge for me creating this was there's a lot of action steps that if we did all of them in studio, it be a lot longer. So that's why at the end. I will...
break everything down in a very, very simplified away. On exactly what? The folks when you leave. Okay, so choose the things that mean the most to you. Okay, out of these, maybe it's accountability. Maybe it's freedom, family, lifestyle, money, power, excitement, equality, excellence, Generosity, Independence. Okay, you can even dio what three words like sometimes if you don't know your values yet is what three words best describe your philosophy on living, and these are already in here, so I'm just gonna go through these kind of quick. But when I answer these Oh, it felt it felt amazing because you kind of figure out your purpose, right? What three character traits do you want used in your eulogy? That's an interesting, scary and exciting one, but most people don't think past the moment. They don't think past the moment. They don't think past a week what I do right now to maintain my business. Now you gotta focus on things that produce growth in your business that are based on who you really are and who you want to be. That's why I love when Frank's at the beginning, I'm doing it for my future self. Very few people think about the things they do now affecting their future self. They're always living in the moment. And there was a huge study on underprivileged kids that if they didn't have parents that talked about the future, and the parents were always living in the moment living paycheck to paycheck. The kids have no no clarity or recollection of what the future is scary. So they're doing everything in the moment. And if you're only doing things in the moment, not focusing on the future, what happens? Regret comes in and you're not building your life. You're taking what's given. That's why this is so important. What traits do you want to be known for? The base that feel the best to you? Passionate like confident inspiring? What three core values would you pass on to your grandchildren? Here's a big one. What three values do you want in your ideal business partner? Think about how many people guys don't think about these things when they're creating or designing their business of their life. They're so in the moment. They're not thinking strategically about what the next 34 steps are. You want to be three steps ahead of the competition. When you do this, you attract people to you. If you're ahead of the competition, it's like magnetism, right? You're attract. People come right to you because you're the one that's positioning yourself as the expert and knowing what you're doing. People like that. So what three values would you want? Your idea. Life partner. Significant other. Here's an interesting one. My mentor told me like years ago, one of the most important decisions you will ever make is who you choose to spend the rest of your life with. A scary thing. So you got to be careful here and make sure your strategic and it's good to grow with somebody. But it's good to make sure you're you're aware of these things. What three core values do you want associated with your business right now? Where did these words overlap? Toe where? Look at all those When you have a Mansour, look at your values. Look at the values you had earlier. Look at all the traits and the words that you want. Think about which ones overlap, and you got to get two or three little relapse that, like came up consistently. That's what you need to build your business and your life around. Is those things okay? What words and values are consistent to you, right? See where they overlap? And here's the big key. Align yourself to those with similar values. Okay, so let me give an example. This is a big, big key that you need to really focus on. Here's mine. Family autonomy. There's if you know me. There's nothing more valuable to me than having flexibility of freedom. You could not pay me $100 million tohave. People tell me what you can't do that That's just me. Not everyone's like that, but that's why it's so important Mawr than money, right? That's why I took in chief speeches or free speech is like I spoke to a Ford dealership. That was I think it paid much, but it was cool. It was in my town, and there was a bunch of salespeople. It was fun and it wasn't paid much, and I've turned down speeches like I said in cold areas. I don't like freezing cold weather. Be honest. Um, but because I know my values, right? Like when I have kids, I'm gonna charge a kid fee. I have two kids toe leave. Both of them is like 10 grand each. Not leave my kids. Families number one. Sorry, guys. Right. Some people don't have that, but I like family, and I like to do what I want. So if you're gonna get me away from them, better pay big. Not because I'm greedy, but because I know my values. So now you're lining all your business opportunities up to your values. And if they're congruent, say yes. If not, say no. Right? So here's mine. But think about Gary Vaynerchuk. Sex might be different. What's his first? Usually hustle. He doesn't mind working 80 hours a week and having meetings all day. And he's a friend of talked about, But that's not me. So if you're someone younger and you're only following him, But you want to be with family when you're or 50 and have flexibility and freedom you makes you better make sure that skin growing So people these days air following anybody. Oh, they're successful. Let's follow. No, no, you got to make sure there can grew into your values. Okay, Tim Ferriss. What's his first priority. Flexibility he loves, likes what he loves impacting people, right? Travel. He likes traveling. He likes impact. Also, obviously he makes money. But is money number one for him? If you don't know, so I'll follow him more than some other people that want to work 80 hours a week. Not that I haven't worked 80 hours a week, but I when I'm 40 or 50 don't wanna have to work. I don't want to work 40 50 hours. I want to do things on my terms with my family and travel when I want. So I'm not gonna follow someone that doesn't have that capability. Does everyone get that? So make sure you follow people that are congratulate to you. Richard Branson. He's a big one. What's his number? One? I've heard of adventure. Not he's a billionaire, but money is not number one time. He starts businesses, delegates, all of it sells it or lets it be delegated. And he said his whole goal is to put himself out of business and every business. So he delegates it and starts another one. Is he only in it for money? If you're in it only for the money when you make money, you quit, right? Yet that's the follow people that are convenient to how you want to be. So your values are displayed by your lifestyle. You live and the business you build. And if you're not aware of your values, you're gonna build something not congruent to your values. And that's when your inconveniently living and you're stressed out. Who knows? People that make a lot of money but are stressed raise your hand because they're not fully thinking about these things. I wish that now I'm young, but I wish I learned this. I wish they taught me this in school versus, like Saturn and what's in a leaf. So, um, but the reality is they don't. That's why you're educating yourself now. So identifying your passion is a huge key. I'm gonna give you a couple ideas on how to really figure out your strengths and passion and think about where you have the most experience, where you have the best results and where you can add the most value. Like, what's your expertise? Here's some ways to figure it out. First flow. If you lose track of time. Well, doing something you're thinking about something. It's easy for you to get in the zone with it. Like you're all of a sudden. In 10 minutes, you're in the zone and you forget in the hour goes by. That could be a hidden passion. So think about that if time passes by really quick. So if you get inflow pretty easy, like for me, I can get in flow up here. I could speak for hours and I lied, Like, forget about him up here. So I figured out a long time ago. This is Flo for me. I'm excited. I like doing it right. Here's another one failure. If you will persist past failure, it's It could be a passion. So you like impacting people, right? So if you try to impact someone or impact the group and it fails, you're gonna probably keep doing it. Yeah, for sure. That's a passion. I feel like I'm not doing this anymore. I can't do it falling out of fashion. Right? So what would you fail at like? Have you ever failed in a real estate business? If you're in real estate, have you failed us? Yeah, but you keep doing it. Why? Because you like it. You know, it's a passion. If you fail at something like this sucks, then stop doing it right. 16 4016. 17 18 1920. Maybe they're watching this in 2048 would be really weird when you think about that logically. But anyways, here's the deal. Make sure that you're not doing too many things you don't like doing because that could be addictive, and it can get complacent eventually, right? So, failure. What do you do, even if it's tough next free? We're not suggesting you work for free, but the truth is that if you go above and beyond for somebody for free, you're passionate about it. And you could definitely turn that into income if you had all the money and resource is, what jobs would you still do for free? Like for me? If I won the lottery and 100 million, I probably wouldn't change much. Now I would have years ago, but now I've set up a lifestyle where I don't want to escape from it, so I wouldn't change anything. You guys want to get to that same level, right? Distraction. Pay attention to what's distracting you. That could be a hidden passion. I have no people that have built $1,000, businesses, and it started as a distraction. Like I was just helping people. I love doing this. So I just kept helping people. And then once I got a lot of people asking. I created, like, this little program and I gave him for 50 bucks, and then I had built it to this. And then people wanted to pay me 1000 bucks for, like, an hour of my time in this building. This building I learned to businesses and create leverage and systems now make a $1,000,000 and it started from distraction. A lot of people ignore their distractions, right against the grain, right? A big one to his irritation. What really frustrates you? Here's something that bloggers air getting really good at. Or media people, creative people, innovators. They're going all in on what pisses them off. And I'm not joking. And they're building amazing followings because when you have a polarizing point of view, half people hate it. Half a love it. It's better to be hated than just tolerated, hated or loved and tolerated. So what frustrates you right? There's things that fresh, Amy that I build my business around because I want change it, write to keep that in mind. So here's a big one in your packet. You're going to seek valued opinions from people. Okay, so you're gonna make it list of the people you spend the most time with and those opinions who you respect and you're gonna use this script. Okay, You're gonna put a date on when you're going to send this email. But you're gonna ask those you respect what they feel like your passion ists. So write this down. You're gonna send emails to the 10 people you spend the most time with, and you're gonna ask them, identify what they think are your core values. So I put the script in there, and it's the exact script I use, and I've perfected it the last couple of years. So if you read it has, like, every objection and gives him a timeline, it makes them seem like they feel really exceptional reading it cause you chose them. Use that script. You will not believe the information you get from that script. And then here's the key analyzing the answers. Okay, So analyze. The answer is what I mean by this is what others tell you about yourself. What were your biggest surprises? What responses were obvious? Did you disagree with anything? Right down your most common themes. Okay, so does everyone get that? Send that to the 10 people that know you the most. What if all 10 say something that you're amazing at this and you didn't even think about it, right? So how many guys are fully committed to doing this region? I think just that script is worth 100 times. Just the price of, like, the whole course. Just that script. Because what if it tells you something that lowers the regret of your life for 50 years? All right, think about that. So from figuring out your genius and people always say, Follow your passion, I think that's wrong. First of all, everyone says something. It's always wrong. Usually it's a select few, but it's follow your results. Passion comes from results. Okay, so whatever you're good at, figure out a way to do that for the rest of your life and turn it into a passion. And I can't tell you exactly what your passion is. This takes a while. I used to want to know what my passion was right away. And it was driving me crazy. It takes 3456 months. The stuff that I teach this is sustainable for you. For the next couple months, I can't teach you how to maximize your confidence, how to find your unique genius right now. You know what I mean? So you guys have toe, take the action.
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Ratings and Reviews
Clicks FromMe
I don't know Peter Voogd. I bought this class anyway because Six Months to Six Figures is a very good eye catching phrase. But when I started to see each module of this class everything Peter taught gave me a new perspective of what an entrepreneur should do in order to be really successful. Peter shared his teachings not only from his own personal experience but most of all from his heart. Peter you turned this dude into one of your disciple. I will highly recommend to every entrepreneur this class. It's only inspiring but practical and honestly true in every aspect of what Peter teaches. I wish I bought this class earlier and had known Peter Voogd when I started my business. But you know what? It is never too late to do things right! Peter stay healthy the world needs a good teacher and coach like you. Thank you and God bless you brother!
a Creativelive Student
Amazing amazing amazing! This course is for anyone and everyone who is looking to jump start not only their career, but their life. Extremely actionable steps throughout the entire course that are great for people who are just starting out or already have a successful business that they want to take to the next level. Many of the courses that I have taken over the years, I find myself just trying to quickly get through them to check it off the box. This course on the other hand, I rewound, shared, paused, thought about and then re-watched. I would have paid $1,000+ for this info. Please don't think twice about buying this course. Amazing job Peter! Highly recommended!!
Jessica Araus Rodriguez
This was my first class at CreativeLive, and I loved it! This course doesn’t only tell you how to increase your income, but it also elaborates on how to be a first-class person in EVERY area of your life. It helps you identify your strengths and top core values so that you can use them to achieve your goals. If you are an entrepreneur and wish to improve your business, this course is a MUST. Even if you don’t have a clear business idea yet, Peter Voogd will help you organize your ideas and execute them like a CEO. Peter is by far one of the best motivational speakers I have ever heard. I will definitely come back to this course to make sure I am applying everything I learned in his videos.