Introduction to Workshop
20:30 2Personal & Professional Growth Mastery
21:26 3The Mastery vs. Overload Principle
07:47 4The 7 Biggest Ambition Killers
21:55 5The 1 Page Productivity Plan
03:47 6Creating Your Roadmap
08:13 7Cultivating Unshakable Confidence
38:30 8Identify Your Unique Ability
13:33Elevating Circle of Influence
06:50 10Creating Your Ideal Script
10:05 11The Real Purpose of Productivity
20:41 12Lack of Time Myth - Busted
05:39 13Creating Your Weekly Plan
46:06 14Becoming Irreplaceable
03:58 15The 13 Hidden Profit Maximizers
05:49 16Levels of Impact & Focus
27:12 17Art of Sustainable Energy
18:06 18Sustained Greatness
17:07 19Wrap Up & Next Steps
16:25Lesson Info
Cultivating Unshakable Confidence
thanks for joining us. And I want to commend you guys again for listening to this and investing yourself. There's no better bet on betting on yourself. So I commend you guys wherever you are for investing yourself, I challenge you to be focused. There's obviously a lot of distractions out there, So if you're focused, you're gonna get a lot more out of it. So we're gonna move from the ideas. The execution Part two. Now I think one of the most important things on Earth for a human being is having confidence in who themselves. You notice a lot of the people doing big things, making a dent in the universe. That Elon Musk with Steve Jobs, the Michael Jordan's right there. Richard Branson's. You cannot shake their confidence now. They weren't always like that. Everyone that has confidence now. Once didn't you gotta realize that? So I'm gonna start with one of the things that I think made an impact on me. But one of my favorite quotes about confidence. If you don't have confidence, you will a...
lways find a way to lose. You'll find a way. You have all this success, but you go back to no success. It's a scary thing. So that's why confidence is so important. So in this section, everything is gonna be related to building an unstoppable confidence, an unshakable mindset that helps you reach the goals you want but also helps you illuminate confidence. You can inspire other people as well. So it's called cultivating and creating an unshakeable confidence in yourself and your abilities in your mindset, in your vision, in your business and your skills in your authenticity. To really be able to do whatever you want, because confidence is huge confidence to talk to the person you nervous to talk to, to get up here in front of a crowd, right? It's funny to think about when I was in sales my first time ever. Talk in front of people was like 12 people, and it was like I was behind a desk and I had notes, and I've never been so nervous now up here and I've been spoken from thousands of people. But it was a process. It wasn't like I went from nervous toe. Here I am, right, so it's a process that I got talked about at the last session. It's like watching grass grow. You cannot buy a book on confidence, and you're confident you cannot listen to this in the half hour and all this in your confident it's a process. But I'm gonna give you the best, most effective things to think about and where really the heart of confidence comes from. Okay, so the rookie mistake here is guys, and I like to give rookie mistakes because this is the biggest mistakes I've seen in the last 12 years when it comes to confidence that people make and a lot of people are basing so many things, often securities and fears versus potential and with possible so imagine of our society based things off of potential and off of what's possible versus their past and fears, most of all based things off their past. They said all their goals in the future based on what they haven't done right. Don't base your goals off your past. Figure out how to bring your future goals to the presence and make sure you're maximizing your vision. So the conference account everyone inside them right now has what's called a confidence account. I talked about this quite a bit, but not to this in depth level, Every single person on earth has a confidence got inside them. Everything they've accomplished or lack of is based on that account. And here's the scariest thing. I think for a human being, you're either helping or hurting your confidence. At every second, there's no in between every single thing you do every decision you make. Every thought helps or hurts it. You're the progressing it where you're killing it. So waking up, should I wake up earlier, should have hit the snooze button. This news confidence goes down. Wake up early confidence goes up. Should I listen to the music? Or should I listen to a inspiring tactical podcast that's powerful that I can learn from right? Should I go to the creative life training or should I just kind of relax? Should I mean people watching some people? Honestly, guys probably had this in their schedule watch, but right before they just retire, didn't feel like it. Now they're not watching it. They're doing something that's irrelevant to their life in business, right? And what happens to the confidence is it goes down versus up, so I won't eat a rate right now. I want you to rate your confidence from 1 to 10 one being you're scared of everything. Like he's here to walk in a room. You're scared to talk to people, and once again I've been there. Some people see me and they're like, There's no way you haven't had confidence. Trust me, I haven't had confidence, Right? So, Rachel, Confidence 1 to 10 and the goal is to get the confidence up to the next 45 Not if it's a two. I want to get it to a six. Don't try to go from 2 to 10. It's gonna you will. But it's gonna take time trying. Teach you to focus on progress. Verses the perfection, right? You don't want to live in the gap, which we'll talk about. So that's the scariest thing of confidence is you're either helping or hurting at every second every thought. If it's a negative thought, your confidence goes down and everything is based on where that account is. So the times where you've accomplished the most the conference counts been the highest. The time when you haven't it's not so. The key is not letting your confidence account get affected by your results. You're only focusing on the process now because if you're Onley basing your confidence on results, I used to think confidence and my worth was based on my bank account. So when I was broke, my worth was low when I had money, My workers high. You can't do that. You're worth is who you are and where you're going. I used to say your bank accounts, not who you are. It's who you were before you made the decision to change. All right, so we're gonna shift your mindset. I'm gonna give you a couple of mindset shifts about confidence. One confidence is an investment of persistence. It's an investment of not giving up. It's an investment of doing what you say you're gonna dio. And what happens is people will make 80% changes. They'll do what they say they're gonna do for three weeks, then No, not do something they said they were gonna do and it ruins all the progress they had. So this is it's a discipline thing, but it's a daily habit thing. Okay. Ah, big confidence boost. And I'm gonna give you the best things that you can do tactically, starting now to increase your confidence to get him to a higher level tour. When you walk in the door at the end of the day, you're fired up, ready to run through walls. And it's not a fake confidence where you say you are. You literally feel like you could do anything. And then with the right guidance, there it goes. Okay, responding versus reacting. I would write that down and circle it When something happens to you, there's a response. Ah, very intelligent, well thought out analysed response. Then there's a reaction. People that aren't developed react to everything. You'll notice the people that are pretty big and business. They always have controversy somewhat suing them or this or this or this or this and the best ones literally. They take out their emotion. They sit back in the analyze, they have the best team around them, and they either ignored. If it's not relevant or they attack it. They don't let it define their confidence. What's cool about being around a lot of millionaires and even talking to some billionaires? They live in their own reality. They could have a vision, and people could say that's impossible Okay, that's them. All right. Thank you. And it doesn't even phase them at all. So that's the confidence you guys wanna have. Where? If you're like, I want to sell 1000 houses. Well, the records 400. What are you talking about? Yeah, that's nice. You come to sell 1000 ounces right and not letting it affect you, right? So that's that's you need to start responding versus reacting the things and responding. And I talk about this a lot, but if you hear something twice, it's probably valuable three times. Better write it down and make sure executing. So whenever something happens to you, take a step back and never respond right away or react right away, take a second, take a deep breath, get in an intelligence state of mind and then respond with intelligence. That makes sense. That'll help your confidence. Okay? Welcoming challenges every single time. Guys, you set a goal that's worth wild. A golden inspires you a goal that's exciting. You will have challenges. It's inevitable. It's gonna happen. That's a fact, because if there was no challenges, it would be easy. Everyone would be doing it and it wouldn't be valuable Every time you set a goal that's meaningful. You have tow welcome challenges and understand that when you have the challenges, it sharpens your perspective. It's sharpened your intelligence and it gives you more wisdom, right? There was just an article with the CEO. What's the girl's name? Blake. The CEO of Spinks Or Stinks or something like that. Yeah, she said that every night at dinner, just the video on a pretty awesome. Her dad would say. So would you fail out today? And she'd usually be like nothing. Well, you're not growing. So finally she came home one day and she's like, I think it was valuable. Don't quote me, but she's like that. I failed. Voluble. He's like, Great. I'm very proud of you. What an interesting waited toe raise a kid. But now she's a billionaire in a world class person. If you study her, she's not a billionaire that gave up this and that doesn't have a stole. What has millions and right? But the reality is she failed a lot, and she realized failure was positive, right? So think about that. That's a confidence booster when you have a perspective of challenges that is positive now. I'm not saying you're not gonna go through. Everyone goes through challenges, but people that aren't developed there don't understand this concept. When they go through challenges, what happens to their confidence account? Now you're like, how high? I love these challenges. Welcome. I'm gonna welcome these challenges because gonna shop my perspective Conference stays here or even goes higher. Because as you gain wisdom and you gain a sharper perspective, your confidence goes up, right? So that's a big one. And what you gotta realize is practice doesn't make perfect. I'm gonna review these in a second, but practice doesn't make perfect practice makes permanent. So if you practice average, you're gonna be average If I practice this speechify practice speaking to you guys kind of half ass, like lethargic. That's how I'm gonna do it. So you have to practice like you're in a game at all times. So you stay ready, right? A big one that helped me is saying this too shall pass. So when something happens tragic when something happens that you don't feel like you can get out of it So frustrating. This too will pass. This is gonna pass. It's gonna pass. Time heals. I'm not saying ignore issues, but just tell yourself this will pass so it doesn't define you. Don't let challenges to fine you let it build you to go to the next level. Okay, So investment of persistence, This is just by the way, this is more of shifting our perspective. If we dive into the tactics k responding versus reacting, welcoming challenges, realizing that you need to practice what you preach and you need to make sure when you're preparing you're preparing like you're actually in a game. So your scripts, you need to be studying that like you're literally in front clients. Most people don't do it like their front of clients. They're kind of like practicing in the mirror like they're messing up a little bit. I don't care. No, literally practice like you're with people. You mean in practice in front of people, that will give you honest feedback and then telling yourself this too shall pass. One of the biggest things to in leadership is learning how to keep an even keel. People should not know if you're having an amazing day or a horrible day when your leadership, if you're like, oh, man days horrible. And you have such a bad vibe about you they can tell it on attracts people. Subconsciously, you're it's gonna be hard to attract the right people. If you're having an amazing day and you're all up, it's a big and sales. If you're having a bad day in sales and you're frustrated, it's gonna keep going bad and vice versa. So you have to keep an even keel. So no matter what happens, stay consistent, right. Keep the even keel throughout bad and good, which is tough, but it's something that's important to understand. All right. The person with the most confidence always win. So developing an unshakeable confidence. And I'll tell you guys, Like I said earlier, one of the biggest reasons people don't do their own thing create their own business, chase their dreams. Do something that scares them is they don't have certainty. And 40 30 40 years ago, everyone, almost 99% of people got their certainty from companies paying them for their certainty, like, Hey, I'll pay you 20 grand, I'll give you certainty. So be careful when you think about how much companies are paying people to give up on their dreams. It's a scary thing. People are paying people for their certainty. But these days you have to create your certainty based on who you're becoming and based on your ability to make things happen. All right, so the best way to create certainty in your life and confidence. Number one. Research and due diligence If you want to become the best in your industry. Photography, real estates doing something creative, that's maybe a creative agency, right? Maybe its direct sales may be it is an author speaker. Do your due diligence. This is the part that people don't want to hear because it's not sexy. Do your research. Before I wanted to start an academy, I studied every single possible membership in Academy on Earth. I was reading every night about it. What made him go made a bad how to make it. This This is this. As I was studying and doing my due diligence, what do you think happened to my certainty? Kept going up? Most people want to just be numb and don't even think about certainty. They just want to go to work, go home taking care of. But that's almost guaranteed to get regret. And you don't want regret that the key is the lower all regret. They're living in life of significance for film and fun, right? So that's the first thing. So due diligence. So whatever industry you want to go in research, it asked the people in the industry questions. Think about what questions you could ask the top people. Hey, is this? Does this have the potential? In a year or two, I could make six figures. What's the upside? What does things you don't like about this? What's the biggest mistake you make that I can not make or that I should stay away from right. So all the due diligence you can do will increase your conviction in what you're doing and raise your confidence at the same time. Here's a big one, sparking your mind daily. This is your inner world rights to sparking your mind daily. What this means is every single morning, whether it's your vision, whether it's your one page plan, whether it's something positive that's tactical, its powerful, that gets you focused. Ah, lot of people are doing that with my motivational mixtape, which I mix music with words right, and they're fired up about that. I have a copy full of you guys as well. But the reality is they listen to it every morning to get them in the right state of mind. When you're in a more powerful state of mind, you make better decisions, right? We're gonna go through how to define your perfect morning routine later, but spark your mind daily because the mind that's not Fed intelligence is usually fed useless information. You're either feeding your mind intelligence or useful useless information and based on what you feed your mind is what you do and how you think, right, So spark your mind daily because as you spark your mind, your confidence goes up because you're gaining knowledge. Here's a big one. You're congruent circle of influence if you're around people that aren't confident. If you want to get over fears be around people that have no fear, it eventually rub off on you. Okay, but having a circle of influence that challenges you that is playing the game at a higher level that gets you to think different is something that will increase your confidence. Now, at first, when you around a bunch of confident people and you're not confident what happens at first, you're a little shy. Odds. This is weird. But being around them a lot, you'll realize one. They're exactly like other people. Two, They've just done these things more than you. These things, not a bunch of other stuff. These things they've choose and growth, which I'll go through in a moment. They choose growth in the moment they get around the right people. They sparked their mind daily. They don't listen the negative stuff. They don't listen to naysayers. They do the research and due diligence. And this is one of my favorites. They do choose growth in the moment. So every single choice you make makes you so Here's my challenge for you. Ask yourself with every decision Is this gonna help or hurt my confidence? From this day forward, keep a note in your phone. Keep a note in your in your car like a little ah, sticky note. Is this decision gonna help or hurt my confidence? And if you do enough of what helps it, you won't believe the confidence within the next couple months, okay? And then consistency is a big confidence booster I seal. I used to get in the sales world. A lot of people they would always tell me I'm just getting started again. I'm gonna gonna crush it this week. Why don't you crash there? Always starting over because they never knew how to keep consistency. I'll give you some systems that put in place, but consistency and character Character is doing what you say you're going to do. What do you feel like it or not? A lot of your self worth comes from knowing that you're gonna follow through on your word. A lot of people, these here's a scary thing. Why did you eat your vegetables when you were younger? Anyone know what's the main reason you let them know who told you to? What's the reason you went to school when you're 10. 11 parents, 99% of people. There's always that one person I wanted to. It's like Well, you're a weirdo. Why did people do certain things when they were younger? Is because someone else told them to Ah, lot of times the minute they turned 18. Downhill not joke Downhill. Not uphill downhill. Why? No one's telling what to do, right? So a lot of times when someone says they're going to do something, they know in their heart they're not gonna do it. And you can't live that way anymore, even if it's something so simple. Hey, I'll meet you at Starbucks. Can you bring me a pencil? I don't have one. Sure, I forgot it. That's that's a huge deal, not for them but for you. You want to develop an identity with yourself that whatever you say, your actions follow so you could just speak. You're going to existence and people know your words as good as gold and that you'll follow it like there's nothing that's more important. I don't think that someone's word these days for me. If they don't have the word intact or they say something will follow through, it's worse when they don't even think it's a big deal. I'm sorry, man. It's like, Whoa, you're not gonna attract or reach out or connect with a lot of sharp people if you don't have your word intact. And can you guys see the connection between your word and confidence? If you're getting addicted to just talking about your goals but never taking action. It's a confidence killer, okay? And then my favorite, which some of you guys may know The decision Train, This is number one. This is the most important stated for last. OK, so here's the decision. Trained guys, most people in our society, most people are stressed out, including some people I know, and it's tough because I want to help everybody. How many guys have that feeling where you just want to help a lot of people? People used to ask me when I ran a sales team. How do I motivate my sister? How do you motivate my parents? That's the scary. It's like I don't motivate my boy. That's a hard one. My boyfriend, girlfriend, my wife or husband. How to motivate them. And my answer always is. You can't. The best way to motivate someone is to live your best life, to be your best, to live your best life, to live a life that's inspiring. Then, if they want help to reach out, it's not. Don't force it because they will resent you for it. Right now, a lot of people that I know they're now reaching out to me, the last couple years. Hey, can you help me out? When? At the beginning. If I was like, Hey, you should do this now. I'm not do that. But now they see the lifestyle. They see me living concurrently, loving what I'm doing, right? So here's why. Though most people are frustrated and broken confused, which I was at that point, they do everything based off what? Everything. If they don't feel like working out, they don't do it. If they don't feel like coming to a train like this, they don't do it. If they don't feel like making the Sales Coast, they don't do it. If you don't feel like reaching out and taking care of a problem that they have with somebody else, guess what? And the validation always is someday later, right, they don't do it. So the action is what I'm not gonna work out today. I'm gonna sleep in and then the decision is plebian. This is almost everybody. I was there, and when I changed this, my results skyrocketed. My confidence skyrocketed, my network skyrocketed, my peace of mind skyrocketed. So what you have to start doing from this second forward, because feelings will get you killed in this business economy, it's not bad to have feelings. It's good passions. Good compassion is good. But the reality is, if you just as human beings, you're not always gonna feel like doing the harder thing. We're conditioned to do the easier thing that's comfortable. So if you're always doing what's on your feelings, you're gonna always do, it's easier. And if you consistently do, what's easier? What happens to your confidence? It's always going down. Now. This is something I wish I could teach, like in schools or like millions of people, Right? Maybe this millions watching. I don't know. Go tell a friend to tell a friend, but here's the 5% they do what? First they decide. No matter how they feel, they're going to do this. So if they don't feel like working out, so tomorrow morning, if I don't feel like working out, which I don't 99% of time, I tell myself the night before I'm gonna work out small money. So I wake up and it's a fight. It's not a fight name or because I've done it so much. But it was a fight at the beginning and you have to push past that to think about who you want to come on the other side of the uncomfortable situations. So I'm gonna I'm gonna work out tomorrow, period. If some of you guys know you should work out and get active or walk around the block or do some push ups or sit ups or yoga, make a decision right now. Tomorrow's of start, even tonight, me and him already doing push ups, right. But make a decision that right now the one thing that you feel would be a game changer for your business that you've been holding off on, you're gonna take action on that. And then what happens is you take action and here is the coolest thing. It's reversed. How do you feel at the end of that? Who has ever done something, including you guys at home? You guys in the studio who has ever done something that they didn't feel like doing? But after they did it, they felt amazing. Raise your hand. It's the coolest feeling ever. You want to get addicted to the feeling you feel after that. Get addicted to how you feel when you do what you don't feel like doing because those who only do what they feel like guys, they don't do much. And this is that. This means a lot to because it helped me so much. So most people, 5% of people are energized, their living a great life. They're having fun. They have freedom. They have a lifestyle that they're excited about. They have no regrets. They're confident they have amazing relationships and they have clarity because they're doing what people see. All these people that are successful. Night go. They always want to be the no, they don't Not even Tony Robbins always wants to be on stage, but he would never be like, I don't feel like it today because he has a bigger purpose. When you're on purpose and you're off yourself, you focus on what's harder to build your confidence, to make the tough decisions, to get better results and its upward spiral. Okay, so want you guys to challenge yourself to from now on, base things off the decision based things off principles, off standards, off intelligence, not emotions, fears or feelings. Everyone get that huge. So I want to do in activity Ginger, you're my, uh, my hot seat. And this is an activity I've done for many years. And I think it really gives you a perspective on how to figure out everything you're doing. How to simplify, what works, what to get rid of what to keep going, to maximize your confidence. So how should we do the hot seat? You want to come appear? So we just have the camera on her. Cool. You're lucky. I wanted you to come up here and walk around. So I want all of you guys to do this. But I'm gonna literally walk you through this. We'll go back and forth. So the first thing this is called the start stop, continue exercise. And this is something that gets you more awareness of what you need to be doing. Different what? You're already doing well and what you can change. So here's the first question, and we'll go through this together thinking about confidence on Lee. You know yourself. Want anyone else? So first, what can you start doing today? This could be physically emotional, business oriented. Whatever. What do you think you could start doing today? That would increase your confidence? Not in six months, but literally like within an hour. Can you think of some things? First thing that pops into my mind is just believing that I can, um, so many times. The first thought in my mind is I can't do that. I can promise you, Peter, it's it's gonna be there as soon as you asked me to do something. My first thought is, I can't do that. And I have to continue to push through that every time I take on a project, I can do that. I've shown that I can do it and just keep moving forward. That would be the number one thing. Another start. Let's let something like that. So start you're saying when you want to do something, you have the fear, but you're saying to do it anyway, start doing what's cool is action creates the motivation. You're never gonna be motivated on the couch and just be like I'm motivated. Usually, if you're not motivated, you have to act your way into feeling. So a lot of times for me, the fear comes in play. Sometimes it's working out. If I don't feel like working out even one ounce, I will literally start driving to the gym and I'll get to the gym and I'll still not feel like it. I will start lifting. And once you actually taken action, the motivation comes so you don't feel like making calls. Dia. While you don't feel like it, dial and then start dialing and then you'll get mo mentum. So that's a big one for you because the fear comes when there's no results or action, and the more you don't take results to take action, the field get bigger. So if you just face the fear and take action, you'll get addicted to doing what you should versus what you feel and the fear will be gone. That's cool. I like that. So the first thing, anything else you could think of that you can start now that will continue to increase your confidence? Let's keep going on this question. I think another thing that pops into my mind is this may sound a little bizarre, but you know, I started my own business this year, and I love the freedom that that brings, and sometimes that freedom. Peter is really addictive, Um, but like I don't have to work today, kind of kind of like that. And I think one of the things that would boost my confidence is to say, I'm setting my alarm. It sounds very trite, but I'm setting my alarm. I'm getting up at this specific time. I think that would boost my confidence. And, um, it's it's a discipline, Um, that I think would help me with my time management and would allow me to feel like I was more empowered as the week went on rather than the week going on and me saying, Oh my gosh, I have a deadline. How am I gonna meet that? That brings anxiety. I love it. So taking the discipline when you start your day with discipline the whole days easier. And I think for me when I was running my own business at the beginning, it's weird that you could wake up anytime you want. But I started thinking about that when I hit the snooze button. I was kind of resisting life or resisting going out there and living, so I was like, I got to get out more so I ai sparked my mind to think about things in my business that got me excited, and I thought about how I could help my customers more. But you're right, though, because when I started setting my alarm and getting up earlier, based on when I said I would versus when I felt like it, that they went better than I was more confident throughout the day. I like that. Let's do one more. So what else can you start doing now? So setting the alarm, taking action despite having that I can't do it. And through the action, you'll figure out what you need to do next. I like that. So last one on this one, Um, I think another one that's in my mind is to not be afraid to pick up the phone and try to network with people. Maybe that are already there. They're already doing something at a level that I want to be it, but I'm not at right now and reaching out to them and build a relationship so that I can pick up the phone and go has kind of struggling with with this in post production. Or what do you do when you run into these issues? Um, and build those relationships before I have issues rather than having an issue and doing damage control on going. Can you help me out? Because I think that your backs Yeah, because I think it makes me look weak when I do that. But But when I'm you know, everything's going fine. I am a little intimidated to do that. So what happens? So So why don't you reach out now, what happens in your mind when you're like, I want to reach out? I'm not gonna do it, is it? Like I don't think I'm worthy. I don't know what to say. What is it that holds you back? I am always thinking thoughts like, Oh, they're not gonna want to give me their time. You know, there they have a lot of other, more important things to do, Have confidence in the way. So what? What could you say? That's different. That's empowering. That would get you to make that call because they were once where you were and all the really genuine, successful people like those calls I like when people reach out. Now, if they do it in the wrong way, that's like I could tell it to cutting a corner and give me 20 minutes. That's it. It's like, No, but the reality is a lot of people that air at a high level were once at your level. So they respect that. If obviously the approaches is genuine. So what could you tell yourself? That's a different story that would get you to actually call them. I think if I told myself if I'm respectful of their time that they're giving me, they're probably gonna appreciate the fact that I am hungry enough to pick up the phone. And maybe they'll see a little bit of themselves and me and appreciate that. So what would making sure you had a really powerful and proven script helped to do you think if you had, like, some bullet points in the script that got give you confidence, it would make you make the call? Because that's what helped me is having something I can actually say, so we'll go through that, too. But it's thinking different words like, What can you do today to start increasing your confidence? Gained confidence in your script, change the story you say when you actually before you call them to make you call them, and then once you call. The action will take care of itself, and you'll continue taking the action. But it's just that that start, I like that. Let's keep going. Thanks for sharing these. What do you need to stop doing? That's not currently serving your confidence or your vision. So first, that's what Should you start doing the healthier confidence now it's What do you need to stop doing right now that you're doing that is not serving your confidence or vision? I liked what you hit on earlier about doubt. You know, you said, if your if your doubt if you doubt your out, um And I and I do let doubt creep in. And I jokingly have have told many people this year my motto is, um, my model for the entire year has has been I've never done that before. So everything feels like every project I take on my do video production. I've never done that before. Um, and I'm sometimes I feel like I'm just making it up, and sometimes I feel like, uh, you know, But let me say this most the time. I feel like at the end, it turned out way better than what I ever thought I could do so. Doubt is, is something that I need to stop doing. So let me ask you this. Do you have a lot of people around you that have bulletproof confidence and no doubt that you can talk to every day? I do. I do. I have a good circle of it. Wasn't always like that, Peter. I was surrounded by a lot of negative people. Um, and through a series of circumstances that I want crew, that slate was kind of cleaned out like, and I am in a good spot to really kind of glean from some good thing may actually this when you have doubt which obviously need to stop. What is your routine? When doubt creeps in, is it? Just ignore it and then let the doubt get you and then do something else. Or is it like I do these five things? What happened right when you have doubt when I have doubt, I typically will reach out to There's two or three people on my short list that I'll reach out to and say, Hey, I'm kind of thinking about this. What do you think about that? In other words, I'm asking them. Do you see me being able to do something like that? They know me pretty well, And there people that could say to me, Um, that's not you know, I really don't think that's but most of the time, the The way the conversation goes, Peter, is that most of the time that people are I'm reaching out to are saying absolutely, This is you. You should move forward else, do you? Do you call someone That's higher level What else? I look at my business model and I say to myself, Is this something that fits into what I want to do? Could I this next project that I'm going to be doing? Could I be doing that in five years down the road and still have fun doing it? And one of the things that's been really important to me in my business is just ask myself the question. Am I having fun? Because for years I was, I guess, fairly successful was an internal bank auditor for 10 years and executive assistant, I think good money, consistent paid. Some people would really consider that to be, um, successful, I guess in the business realm, But for me, it wasn't successful at all, Peter, because I was pretty unhappy. So you have. Ah, you have, Ah, some one of a system in place when you have doubt. So when I when I asked, what do you to stop doing? What do you think the rial heart of the problem is? Do you need to stop even having doubt before you take action? You start doing these rituals quicker. What do you think has to happen for? You do not have the doubt anymore. Is it just consistently taken action? Do you think, um you know what my the only answer I have at this moment is I just have to do it. That's the only thing I've known. And and of course I'm here, you know, hear from you. But for me, I have done so many things this year, paralyzed in fear and thinking. Any moment my little house of cards is going to come crashing down. But that has not been the case. Every time I go and do something, it turns out a little bit better. And I thought it was gonna turn out. Um, it just like you said with spiral going upwards instead of downwards. Because, believe me, I was on a downward spiral for now. You're on the upward now. I'm on a upwards where I'm like I could do that. And now I'm saying yes to jobs that I'm like. People are coming around me going. Are you sure you can do that? And I'm like, I really think I can their way beyond my reach, You know, when you reason it all out. But I really think I can and I and I bet you I will love it. So you're getting you're already on upwards. Probably your You've already been doing some of these things, which I like your already shifting your confidence, which is good. And the reason I wanted to call on somebody is to get real life examples of what you need to do differently. Start, stop, continue. So the last thing which will go through together is what should you continue doing that you're already doing? Give yourself some credit. Where you already doing that? You're kind of proud of your Like I'm gonna continue doing this. So let's ask one other person. What do you guys? What? Someone in here. That knows they're doing something right, which is good, because sometimes it's easy to focus on all the negatives when there's a lot of things that you could focus on the good. So anyone want to know our share with us, what something that they're doing that's good, a good habit, something they've learned that's helping them. Eso. About a month ago or so, I started doing a morning ritual routine, and I love it. I get up on our earlier before I normally would, and I live near apart near Marina, so I usually ride my bike down there and I just sort of walk around and I do my I don't know. Your I'm sure you're familiar with Tony Robbins is morning ritual. I I took that adapted. It's a version that serves me a little better, and I do that and I read 30 minutes minimum this book that I'm working on right now, so continue doing that now. Have you thought of something in here where it's like, what should you start doing? Maybe it's more action. Yeah, I mean, I have definitely thought a lot about what I should start doing, and I think it's doing less. Actually, I think I so it should be. So you're stop doing is what the key for you is. What should you do exactly? What is taking up time? That's not serving mile to make go. Perfect. What else can I do instead? Did you guys see the importance of this? I would do this every 30 to 60 days. Like what? What should you start doing today? That's gonna help conserve your vision. What should you stop doing? That's currently not helping. And then what should you continue doing that you've been doing? Okay, so you got a cold. Cultivate your confidence boosters go ahead on imposter syndrome. So, like in this day, and they're like a lot of people kind of recognizing economies like changing, and they're getting laid off on this. Okay, I I really don't like my job. That's a very common story. And then they feel like I'm really interested in doing this industry, but I don't have to experience I don't have I don't know what a story actually happened. This down wish bio love like imposter syndrome. And like, um, yeah, good question. So it's a sink you have to go through the confident steps. What's the first step? They have zero. They have zero certainty that they're capable of doing it and they don't feel like they belong there. That's number one right there. 0% certainty. How do you increase your certainty was number one? Remember, do your due diligence and research. So you literally just walked them through those and realize that every single person in that industry once had no experience, So they're the same as everybody else. So you just need to shift the perspective and show him a different way to look at it and say, once you actually get around people that are doing what you want to dio once you do some research, I know you left your job. This is the best thing that could happen to you, right? Is you getting laid off? Because now you can really go all in on your passion and then tell him once you do your research, once you elevate your circle of influence, once you understand that your decisions make your confidence I heard it. You will start to get certainty. And then what happens after a couple weeks of them knowing that they keep getting certainty. So that's it. It's the same type of steps. Does that make sense? Because I see a lot of people that literally like I don't want to do that. I have no experience. Well, what do you think? The people that have experienced now once didn't have experience? How do you think they started when they were, like one? Right. So think about that. Logically confidence boosters are pick one. That's my goal. Pick one confidence booster that you think would help you the most. Maybe it's the decision train. Maybe it's making decisions, choosing growth in the moment. Maybe it's doing more research in your industry. Pick one that you guys can really go all in on.
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Clicks FromMe
I don't know Peter Voogd. I bought this class anyway because Six Months to Six Figures is a very good eye catching phrase. But when I started to see each module of this class everything Peter taught gave me a new perspective of what an entrepreneur should do in order to be really successful. Peter shared his teachings not only from his own personal experience but most of all from his heart. Peter you turned this dude into one of your disciple. I will highly recommend to every entrepreneur this class. It's only inspiring but practical and honestly true in every aspect of what Peter teaches. I wish I bought this class earlier and had known Peter Voogd when I started my business. But you know what? It is never too late to do things right! Peter stay healthy the world needs a good teacher and coach like you. Thank you and God bless you brother!
a Creativelive Student
Amazing amazing amazing! This course is for anyone and everyone who is looking to jump start not only their career, but their life. Extremely actionable steps throughout the entire course that are great for people who are just starting out or already have a successful business that they want to take to the next level. Many of the courses that I have taken over the years, I find myself just trying to quickly get through them to check it off the box. This course on the other hand, I rewound, shared, paused, thought about and then re-watched. I would have paid $1,000+ for this info. Please don't think twice about buying this course. Amazing job Peter! Highly recommended!!
Jessica Araus Rodriguez
This was my first class at CreativeLive, and I loved it! This course doesn’t only tell you how to increase your income, but it also elaborates on how to be a first-class person in EVERY area of your life. It helps you identify your strengths and top core values so that you can use them to achieve your goals. If you are an entrepreneur and wish to improve your business, this course is a MUST. Even if you don’t have a clear business idea yet, Peter Voogd will help you organize your ideas and execute them like a CEO. Peter is by far one of the best motivational speakers I have ever heard. I will definitely come back to this course to make sure I am applying everything I learned in his videos.