Introduction to Workshop
20:30 2Personal & Professional Growth Mastery
21:26 3The Mastery vs. Overload Principle
07:47 4The 7 Biggest Ambition Killers
21:55 5The 1 Page Productivity Plan
03:47 6Creating Your Roadmap
08:13 7Cultivating Unshakable Confidence
38:30 8Identify Your Unique Ability
13:33Elevating Circle of Influence
06:50 10Creating Your Ideal Script
10:05 11The Real Purpose of Productivity
20:41 12Lack of Time Myth - Busted
05:39 13Creating Your Weekly Plan
46:06 14Becoming Irreplaceable
03:58 15The 13 Hidden Profit Maximizers
05:49 16Levels of Impact & Focus
27:12 17Art of Sustainable Energy
18:06 18Sustained Greatness
17:07 19Wrap Up & Next Steps
16:25Lesson Info
Creating Your Weekly Plan
you have to make time to make sure your goals are a reality. So this is called the Weekly Master Plan. Okay, we're gonna do a hot seat again here, but the biggest mistake people make is starting out there a week without it planned or written on paper first. And here's the cool thing about this. You want to do this for an hour? Once a week, I'm gonna go through powerful and purposeful intention how to predetermine your outcomes strategically, how to really build out your schedule, then how to protect your time and create boundaries around your time. You guys are gonna be most productive people. You know, after this, you get excited. Cool, staying fully present while leveraging your time. Okay. Now, by putting these practices together, you're going to see a pretty drastic increase in your productivity free time in your results. But here's the purpose of this. So the key here, guys, is you're gonna take an hour a week. You need your planner. I'll give you exactly what you need. But the ke...
y is doing this in the most resourceful state possible. So when you're planning your week when you're building your business you want to make sure you get yourself prepared, you're in the right state of mind. That's when you plan your week and do this activity. And here's what's cool. Most of the time throughout the week, you don't always feel up to par. You don't always feel like you have a lot of willpower, but you have to remember. So a lot of times when people make a schedule and they put things in their schedule, the schedule looks perfect. But what happens sometimes throughout the week or they don't do it. So now you have to remember and tell yourself, Wait, when I made this schedule, I was effective as I could be. I was thinking about my future self. I was in the most resourceful state. I'm not in the best state right now, but I remember when I made the schedule, I was in the right state of mind. So I'm gonna follow the schedule because I was an intelligent person then. Right now I'm not. That's the power of this. When I make my schedule in the best state of mind, I'm thinking about my goals, my vision, who I'm helping. Adding value sometimes in the week. I'm like, Ah, man, this I don't have to do this right now. Wait. When I was sharp, I said I would do this, and it was the best thing from a future. And for my people impact, I'm gonna do it, See the difference there. So that's a huge key. So what we're gonna do is we're gonna put someone in the hot seat, and we're gonna create literally your weekly plan, all right? Setting your attentions. Going through, investing all your past experience in their future success and making sure you have the right prep work as well. So recommended time. Guys, You want to write this down 60 to 90 minutes. Now, there's some simplified ways to do it in 30. Right? But when you're newer, it's probably gonna take 60 minutes. Here's what you need Journal. Okay, write these down. And I'm always thinking about the cost of not doing it and the benefits long term, if you fast forward and multiply everything. Doing this to save me thousands of hours that I could never get back that I've spent with memories and creating things that means something to me. So this is so So game changing, you need Ah, no distractions, no distractions. Don't do this while Netflix is on while you're playing with your cats. Okay? Well, like someone's catching poking months don't do that. Okay? The reality is do this with no interruptions. You need your weekly master plan. I literally gave you a copy in that workbook. I didn't hold back. I just came. Everything. Whatever. Okay, so you have your weekly mashburn it so it kind of has all the blanks that you can fill in. And you can just keep printing these off, which is cool. Top notch state of mind. Write this down. You need to be in a top. Not state of mind. Energizing, confident. So if you're not in the best state of mind, what should you dio get there? Or if you just If you don't have that will part right, then don't do it then. Just don't do with them. Do it later, okay? And then you need to have your one page productivity plan right there. What's that? That's what you has. Your goals, your values, your ideal statement. So now you're basing your weekly schedule off. What? The vision that you created when you were also in the intelligence state of mind. So you can start letting your vision guide you. Not what in the moment, feeling circumstances, other people's expectations, things like that. And let me remind you guys, I want to say it again because this is so crucial. The trick. The port activity is deciding what you're going to do or work on other than in the moment and then practicing that high value work over and over until it's habitual on automatic. Okay, so first thing, um, who wants the hot seat? Let me think. Have you done the weekly master plan? I want to be a hot teacher. Cheryl, not let's do it. All right, so we're gonna kind of go through. Let's just pick a week. We can even do it now. So I want to spend some time on this, the first key to the weekly master plan. And this is something I perfected that I haven't missed in years because I love it so much because it gives me clarity and it saves me time. So you're going to write out a paragraph reflecting the previous week. Okay, so you have the master plan in your workbooks that you can go to that page because it will give you the questions on there. So we're gonna do a paragraph just simplifying how your week went. So here's some questions asking You can pick the ones most relevant to your business. What do you get done and complete? Last week? What went well, What didn't Where did you waste time? When were you at your best? What do you grateful for? There's no limit to what you can write with your review. Hey, I felt like last week I was on my game. I felt invigorated, felt inspired because the creative life training I got this done in this done. I didn't feel like I woke up early enough. This is just a conversation with yourself, because if you don't have too much, if you let too much time go by without checking your schedule and checking your results, it's easy to get complacent. That's why the key here guys, is investing all your past experience into your future preparation, taking all your past experience and investing the intelligence of what you did right and wrong into the next week. This is what Michael Jordan did it. Never have two bad games in a row. He invested what he did wrong and right. He kept doing what he did, right? And he changed when he is wrong. Okay, so for you, what would it last week? How is I don't know how last week was for you. So how was last week for you? Walk me through? Kind of how last week was just Let's just talk about it. Um, So last week, last week was a good week. Um, let's see, here I focus three hours a day just having conversations about real estate. Um, my gold dailies just get three new leads a day, um, to get my 50 deals in the year. So I was hidden 2 to 3 leads a day, and then the weekend I went out on vacation, So deserved How did it feel to hit all your goals and quotas and then go deserve it? It felt so much better than just taking some time off. Um, just because I felt like I accomplished something, and it's always nice just saying Okay, I can go ahead and get this and just not worry about it now, where did you feel like you might have wasted time and you could have been more effective? Like I said, just the notifications just getting distracted easily and attributing busywork to really effective work. So I would work with a new potential lead instead of do busy work for them and said, Really following up with someone who wants to buy a home right now. So just talking about that. What does it make you want to do next week? Um, that right? Yeah. So I've I've been thinking of just strategies for really time blocking. Better to take and accept and make more phone calls to spend more time with those leads. And really just set better expectations for them and myself. So did you do what you say we're gonna do most of time? You follow through on your word with a lot of stuff with people with clients with family. Oh, yeah. No, I I When I tell somebody, I'm going to do it. I do it. So you followed up with everyone you're supposed to? Yes. Perfect. You felt like you were in the zone most of time. You're working. Or do you feel like that? Could get improved. That can definitely get approved. Yeah, um, but I always just try to find time to work as well. When I was sitting on the beach answering phone calls, I probably wasn't as productive as you admit that extra work. You know, I mean, if you like, when I go on vacation, I know I'm gonna work sometimes, and I'm just talking this through with you. So when I know, I'm gonna be not as focused. I planned things that I don't need my intelligence for focus. Maybe it's responding to emails. Maybe it's just creating some things that are free flow, like track for my mix tape or something. That's not as I don't have to be his focus for have willpower. So I put my tasks based on where I have the most willpower. At least I used to try and do so much work in a day when 45 or six came. I used to do like the hard stuff that you takes that you really have to think about it. And I had no will power left, and I was always stressed out, and I was trying to work so much because I had so much ambition, but I wasn't effective. Then I admitted Wait, I'm not effective at that time. I need to just put the best hardest things that take the most will parent intelligence when I have the most will power, which is the morning. So I put something there that was different. So when you're on vacation, just say, Hey, I'm gonna do things that don't really need A lot of my focus will be on the beach. I want to be playing around having fun. I shouldn't be following up with my top clients when I'm on the beach drinking a Corona. I don't mean to put those things in play, but do you guys understand the importance of writing a paragraph? It's a free flow. It's not like here's the guidelines. There's no guidelines. Anyone have any questions on the paragraph or what? You should include or not include pretty simple. Okay, so yeah, Now you have the paragraph. This is just a reference point. And make sure that you don't make the same mistakes, gives you power and confidence of what you did, right? Like you said, you followed up with your leaders. You deserve it. I want to always feel like I deserve it when I take vacations. This was an amazing feeling, right? I remember back in the day when I took vacations without deserving it, and I knew something was This is just a conversation with yourself. You wouldn't believe Like I get emotional. Sometimes I get goose bumps reading some of the ones I had from years ago. Like, Whoa, that was weird. I'm on a whole different place, but the same stuff bug me and now you know what I mean. It's weird to read those back. So next let's go through these air. The action steps. You're literally writing this every week. So what are you 100% committed to making happen this week? No matter what things that are proven to move your business forward, let's go through that Eso 100% committed to spend in 2 to 3 hours a day, just prospecting, trying to generate new leads. Perfect. That's everything that fighters week, seventies weeks, 66 6 Love it and you wonder why he's doing well. Okay, So 100% committed to at making happen? What do you most excited about for the week let me pause here. Why you do this is because so many people forget about having fun and doing things that are exciting to them. They just get in such a complacent state, and it's a spiral. They have to go to work through the same thing every time. I always when I write this, there's on occasion. I will write this question, look at it and say, Wow, I'm not that excited about something. I need to switch some things up. There's a problem. We'll create something exciting because you always want to have something to look forward to. Life is short. Always puts something look forward to and your schedule. So what you most excited about this week, um, I'll be going out with friends tomorrow. They'll be taking me out from a birthday. Happy birthday. Thank you. What else? Um, executing some of this stuff. Yeah. Yeah, and just just accomplishing that always just keeps the motivation going from or accomplishments executing on new material you learned and then hanging out friends and having a good time. Exactly. Love it. What were your top six wins last week? Top six wins. I rode five offers last week um I got my got 12 new leads, so this takes, like, 10 or 15 minutes. So putting him on the spot. I'm proud of you for that, because that would be hard to think about that. So, yeah. So you got new leads. New leads? Yep. I didn't hit the number that I wanted to, but still more and always increasing. Um, other win. I had a great conversation with a really high profile individual. Love it. Let's see here. I got an email from Eric Thomas for a potential interview. Awesome. Yep. Um, let's see here. I didn't crash on a road trip. Always positive. Um, and number six number six would be your here. I'm here. Yeah. So what do you think happens to your psychology and your emotions when you write down six things you're proud of for the week? Six things that, like you, did push yourself confidence. That's what it's about. And sometimes, once again, this is a a reality check. Do you think there's been weeks where I look at this? I don't have six wins. Of course. I try to create them, and sometimes a little like that, where they're all like like I didn't crash. You know, I enjoyed Blank, but it makes me realize while I did not push myself, I didn't get out of my comfort zone. I don't have six wins at the problem. Then I get out of myself. Like, what about me? I don't think I probably impact as many people by not pushing myself either. So then I readjust and make sure that schedule that weeks a little bit tougher. So this is like a course correction, like a guideline, like a map that makes sense. That's why this is so powerful and you can change your questions based on your industry of your business. So what are your top commitments? Let me give you some questions that I've asked that I've changed based on what I'm working on. What are your top commitments this week? Like, what are your top two or three commitments that you're no matter what can accomplish? What are your top projects that must be completed? That would be more cater to your business? What is the projects that you need to either give progress, supports to your clients on or fully complete? What are those? And then here's a Big One. Who do you need to reach out to that has access to push your project forward? Or who are you waiting on? This is big for me because I have a A team now. They do a lot for me, and I'm always like, Okay, who are waiting on who wanted to connect with to make sure this gets done, my books edited or the video's done. So a lot of times it's Who are you waiting on? And how can you push that forward? Or how can you help them finish it, or at least get a deadline? That's for some people. Some businesses is not for right. Who do you need to hire fire when you're in sales, you have a big team. That's a good one, because you need to make sure you're hiring slow and firing fast. Most companies hire fast and fire. What slow, worst thing you can do any company, right, so you want to hire slow, be strategic and fire fast. But sometimes throughout the week, I asked myself this who I need to get rid of who don't need to really promote or build up and things like that. What are your four actions to move your project forward? These are just examples. So did you follow through on your It already asked you this. So you did follow through on your word. Now, what if the answer is no? Just that next week. All you're doing is you're just more aware to follow your word. This is all it is is just awareness not letting too much time go by without checking how your standards and how your your results are. Okay, so this is it. And I would do this every week. Now, there's more questions as well. This is where the real value and tactics commenced. We're gonna do this. What do your most valuable priorities? Okay, now, this is different for every business but the mawr. You protect your time, the more you focus on valuable on income producing activities. Okay, everything becomes easier and more people respect your time. The more money you make so schedule everything. But what are your most viable priorities? It could be sales calls. It can be talking to your sales team. It could be writing content. It could be getting new projects. It could be doing appointments, reaching out to companies sending emails to your list, working on selling better from stage. It totally depends on what your business is, so I challenge everyone watching. What is your business? What are the prophet producing activities that you need to do every week that are proven, that have already gotten results that you need to do every week, whether you feel like it or not, because your job as a human being in business is to produce results every week. Whether you feel like it or not, you have to produce results. Whether you feel like it or not, that's business whether you're there or not. My mentor told me years ago, because I was like, I want the life So I want to travel, he goes. You could do whatever you want, but you have to be. Results had to be created in your business. No matter what he goes. You could leave for a week if you want, or a month. So he gave me the independence and the way to think where it's like, he said. You could leave for a month. CIA. You better get results in your business. I'm like, Well, I want to leave and not get results right now. You can't do that. See the difference there. So for you, what are your most valuable priorities this week? That you're doing the matter? You feel like it or not, that will produce results for your business. That's just the prospect in the follow prospecting. Yep. Follow up. Follow up. And then after this, I really just needed redefined and re look at my systems that I have in place and how to improve those to improving your systems for you. I'd also talk about making sure you have a very, very successful referral system. That should be your number one focus is a referral program because there's three ways to increase your business. You can obviously repeat customers that buy more and more, but who's gonna by a house than three more? I mean, they do well eventually, but no one's gonna call you and actually haunted by another one that be cool, right? It's increasing the prices, force new customers. Most people focus on new customers when the reality is, most of your business will come from repeat business and referrals. Right. Okay, So you gotta have a system for that. Cool so those are your most valuable priorities. So what do you suppose you have to do with those priorities? Put them where in your schedule first and do the hardest thing first, cause that's what that's where everything else lies behind that your freedom, your lifestyle, your money, your choice is your confidence. Independence, travel, fun experience lies behind doing the hard profit producing activities. You will not believe the people that I talked to that do everything on Earth for their business except that they do everything except the one thing that's hard to do. They get some results because that's the thing that you kind of feel a little bit. But usually the thing that's tougher brings the most value to you. Right? And you make the most money from that. Anyone else want to share one or two of their prophet producing activities with the world sales? So what would I be mean? Calls no portrait cells? Perfect. So, actually getting someone on the phone and closing them on a sale, right? No, I'm in person. Portrait. Oh, in person. So what would you What can you work on them like to make you more effective? Maybe it's your script script, the present, getting in front of the right people. Another one? Yes, So every week you should. Now, would you admit now that you're not always doing profit producing things every week? Yes, it's a good perspective shift like I need to be doing that. I'm doing all these other things. Ah, lot of people. Let me give you a very important lesson. Most people spend 90% on the doing of the thing or the thing, which is like their product there. There. Photography, their course, their pictures, their speech, their message. And they spend 10% on marketing the best of the best spend 80% of marketing and 20% on the actual doing. So don't spend so much time just on the doing of it. Spend time marketing the doing, and that's where all your money and leads and generational come from. Then you can take more time to focus on the actual doing. Marketing is the answer. Get your stuff out there, get content out there. This relevant to people that will give them value where they come back to you like Hey, thanks so much for that. Content on how to really buy a house and profit from it, or how to buy a house and save money. Thank you for that. Do you sell real estate? Matter of fact, they do, right? So think about marketing and getting out there more than just the doing of the thing. I have a lot of people that I talked to that have all these courses there creating all these things that have no influence. When they have it, they don't know how to sell it. I'd rather focus on my time on adding value in building an influence. So where? When I have some, I can even ask my audience. Hey, what do you need? What's your biggest problem? And they tell me like there was a launch. We did what was a six figure launch quick launch. But we asked all my audience might my list, my email list and all these people. I think I mean close to 100,000 people We asked like pretty quickly, got a ton of feedback. The number one thing they wanted a lot of it was productivity. So we created a productivity course based on exactly what they wanted. So we asked them what they wanted. Need it. We said, Hey, we created this because you said you wanted it. Here it is. They bought it. Six figures, but I had influence. I never had influence back in the day, so I couldn't have done that. So spend time adding value and creating raving fans and people that love what you do. And then you can research to figure out what they want need. Okay, Next list your top three. Who sees the value in this already, By the way, in the weekly plan. Before I did this, I was like a chicken with my head cut off. After I did this, I felt like I was like a CEO, right? I was like, excited toe take action on these things. So list, list your top three proper producing. Now, here's the cool thing about this guys, if you don't know what they are. The last segment talked about networking a lot of things that when I was building my business online, I had no clue about what my profit producing activities were. But I had a network finally. So I just reached out and said, Hey, what are the profit reducing activities in this business brought him down se myself six months from headache. So if you don't know, what should you dio ask? Right? So it goes back to reaching out to the people that are higher level. There was a girl that I helped open up in the Seattle area that was struggling with a salon. Once again, she was focusing everything on like her products, the haircuts, the people that die and not the marketing. So long story short. Obviously she called five or six have this in my book. By the way, she called five or six salons in the L A area. The top salons and a couple of them were didn't want to talk, just like I'm too busy. That's mean L a somewhat, but a couple of did I help their formulate really powerful questions just from the responses she got formulating like a new plan just from different perspectives, just from talking to people that I've already done it, that we're succeeding in the hair business and it's a little bit harder to succeed in L. A. That is on the outskirts of Seattle, like the markets tougher. But just from doing that What do you think happened to her business? After 3 to 6 months, Boom tripled. Not more hours. More intelligence based on other people's experience and other people's failures, Right, so keep that in mind. Next. This is a huge one. List your top three. This gives me excited cause I love this weekly master plan. List your top three non negotiables. What is a non negotiable? Can someone tell me what that means? What's a non negotiable? Do you not want to compromise? Yeah, it's not Know up another option. It has to happen, period. So this is not just income. This is more lifestyle, world class, human beings. So for me, it's having an experience right with my wife. Whether we go out to a winery of you guys. Follow me. We like wineries. She likes winners, but I like him to know. But maybe it's traveling. We travel a lot, but it's a non negotiable me working out. It's non negotiable. When I was 21 I'm like, I'm working out how I look. I'm trying to look strong now. It's strictly how I feel. Just help. I feel times better. You can feel the effects of a workout 10 times. I mean, I think it's 10 and 11 hours after the workout. So it's it's not a negotiable for me. It's not like, Well, maybe if I have ah, gym at my hotel. No, it's like it's happening. That's a fact, right? So what are your non negotiables? There's a lot of CEOs that should have family is non negotiables, but they don't. Then what happens? They get divorced two times in four times because they never understand what negotiables are. There only negotiables their profits in their business, which is cool on one area. But this is about being a world class human being, not just making money, right? So what are some of yours, Tim? And you've done this before, but what are some of your non negotiables That's not acceptable for you to miss? Um, so it's just the prospect in time, Um, I spend time with family, and this is not This is not the profit reducing that is different in that this is just more of the lifestyle on that kind of stuff. Eso time with family, um, of it. Time outside. And number three. I usually stop it too. will be honest with you because I feel like you could have another one. And you feel like it. Help you? What about health? Why? Anything health wise, I'm round, but yeah, I need that. You know, I need to add that in. I'm usually up and down with the health one. So that needs to be a non. Sometimes one that needs to be the most is the one that you put off because other areas they're going well, right? Isn't it interesting? So and I don't mean to say help for you, but I know health is like number one for me. I talked about a lot, so maybe throwing that in there will challenge, but also make you feel a lot more vibrant, too. Yeah, that's cool. They're gonna get that you want to share any other non negotiables that they can think of. That's like they either need to put in or they do every week that they really love. Because it means a lot to my family. I made it a point not to you take any work on Sundays Sometimes have had, you know, jobs where I can make a lot of money. But Sunday's is the secret date. It's good family standards, too. Yeah, anyone else? Any of yours that you do consistently? That's like a non negotiable. Yeah, I would say personal growth. I mean, that's a big one. Time to study and invest in yourself. I like that every time. I've really build up the habit of every time I get into the car, just throw on audiobook, you know? And that's something that everybody has time to dio. And it just works from a lot of it. Company my escape. I need my morning retaining on the my evening between I have, like, a strict limits on. Now. Where do you feel like, by the way on these, where do you feel like you're missing out? Where you need to put more focus on this is that the prophet producing is that the priorities is the like, reviewing your week. Where do you feel like you couldn't prove? Definitely the profits side, like I'm definitely executing marketing my stuff out there, but just like the income side, it's a little bit troubling for me, and that's not easy. But that's what produces the income to have freedom, flexibility and be ableto help more people, so it's cool to realize that as well. I like it. So here's another one. Don't forget this. Who do you need to reach out to this week that can speed your learning curve and help you get to your goals quicker? Let's go. So I have my accountability partners. Um, I have a top agent that I choose every week. Love it. And then it's my number one lead, and now it's used the third. Do you guys at home? Do you guys realize he's doing well? Can you guys see? Kind of if you look at any successful person, obviously he wants to improve in a. Standards are high, but when you really talk to somebody, you can tell if they're succeeding or not. Based on their plan, their schedule, their goals of priorities, I want to point that out. So you already know who you're reaching out to. I love it. Now you see how when you have these things and you have these questions, it makes you not forget anything important because some weeks if I don't have this some weeks, I'll reach out some. I won't some way still do. Profit producing some I want some weeks, I'll be healthy. Some I won't like you said your sometimes healthy. Let's make a decision right now, not just for you, but for the people you inspire and for your kids and family to be healthy for no. One. All right, like think about that. You're making a promise to me. But now it is a non negotiable. It's happening. Done. Got it, love it. Who can help reach your goals faster? You answer that. Who? Here's a big one. Who are you committed to serving this week? It's a serving economy now. More people you served more value add, the more valuable you become. Who are you serving this week? Obviously, it's your clients, right? How can you serve them better, just given educating them? Or even if I don't think they need it, just kind of put it out there and getting more. Who else? Who could you, who has a client that they served? They could serve better? Who were they committed to serving this week? But you, um, I guess the people around me and it's almost your fans to the ones that you're inspired, you inspiring Facebook and stuff like that. Exactly. Building good following. Exactly. I would say more than anything. The people around me right now. Um, you know, I feel like there's kind of, like a responsibility, even by just developing the positive habits that will ultimately rub off on the people that are view. Because people don't really They hear what you say, but it's more about what you dio And, you know, I realize that's a big part of it. Practicing what you preach. I love it. So why I gave these to you guys and I gave you the blueprint here. Um, and why you're reminded of this is so you never forget the most important areas of life business, peace of mind and being a world class business person, it's so crucial. Okay, so now this is just that this is just the step of deciding what you're gonna do for the week, and now it's putting it on the schedule. Okay, so here's how you put everything on the schedule. You guys ready? The first thing you put in every week is everything you can't change. So we use it as an example. You have hours that you work. So that you can't change it. Maybe you can. But that would be like, This is when you're gonna be here, no matter what. Right. So for you guys, if you have something where you have to have meetings every week or you have the same thing you do every week, pick up your kids. This is anything business nonbusiness that you can't change in your schedule. Put that in your schedule first. Is anyone this effective already when they're planning or is this something new to some people? You guys learned some stuff. I wanted to say. Two guys, I'm gonna give up the need up here. I don't like being perfect. If I mess up, I'd rather just be fully authentic. Mess up, not care, and just give you as much value as possible. I'm gonna do that. My videos. I don't really ever do second takes. Usually I don't ever do reduce and stuff because I just want to be authentic. I used to want to be a perfectionist and just people don't relate as much. So what do you committed to making happen? That's your next on the schedule. Third thing is your top three profit reducing activities. Now, you're not just putting these in your schedule like these are gonna be on Monday. No, It's like the 1st 90 minutes of Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Are these profit producing activities? What else would you put in your schedule than producing results in your business? All right, things be the same. Is there overlap? Mean? It depends on what stage you're in. So if you're newer and you don't have money coming in, they're probably the same okay as they were for me. Anyone? Now you have other stuff going. You have marketing going? You're adding value. Now. You're like, you know, when I put these profits in my schedule, that's when the explosion is gonna happen. But now this is a This is forcing you to do it every week. Not randomly, right? Not when you feel like it or not. So that's why this is good, then your top three non negotiables. That's next. So you got everything you can't change. You got your what you're committed to. You got your profit producing activities. You got your non negotiables family wise workout wise, health wise, energy wise, personal growth wise. Whatever. And then here's the key who you're reaching out to and win. So this has been the most exciting for me and the most challenging because at a certain point, you know, a lot of people and you just want to work on your business and not have to reach out to all these people, cause I know exactly what I want to do, what I want to create. So this forces me to continue the networking, reach out the high level people. And because of that, I've been able to connect with people through email online, whether it's like Arianna Huffington or Daring Hardy or Kevin Eastman from the Clippers, right or ah, someone like a Prince EA who's super influential where Eric Thomas, Chris Paul People like that, right? Because I'm forcing myself to connect every week, right? And I could easily say I already know a lot of cool people. I'm just gonna focus on just these things and skip this, but I remember No, I'm not gonna cut any corners, because if I cut a tiny corner right here, then I'll cut a tiny quarter of what I eat. They don't cut a tiny corner, and I won't make my bed in the morning, and then I'll cut a corner with a client. Then pretty soon you have a round table cutting all the corners, right? So that's why you have to realize how you do anything is how you do everything. Okay, that's why do every single thing in here. All right, so those are the things that you put your schedule. This is scheduling it in. Right now. It's protecting your boundaries. So it's funny these things. That's why we have a deep session here. It's not 10 minutes of just that. What happens when you have the perfect ideal schedule with everything on it? You're proud. You're like, This is awesome. I my profit reducing who I'm reaching out to. What happens? Life happens, right? So now it's protecting your boundaries because the more you protect your time, the more valuable it becomes. So first is creating technology free zones. It makes us feel good when we do something way. Check a notification like it's addicting, right, but it's a time waster tech free zones, or when you set something up that there's no technology, turn off your phone and have no Internet. If you're creating or If you're calling clients, just have your phone with no Internet and call back to back the back literally like when you're calling people. It's almost like you're taking your brain out so doesn't think all the time and just like calling right. They don't think of brain because you won't be too sharp on the phone. But you get the analogy right, so technology free zones is huge. Here's a big one, too. Don't be too accessible. Hey, don't be too accessible, Which means don't answer your phone every time it rings. And don't be somewhere. You can always be interrupted. How many guys have had this problem where you're trying to get in the zone? But there's always an eruptions from people around you, like if you're working in an office, here's a big 11 of my favorites. I could go off on this. Be unorthodox. What this means is, please. From now on, living your own reality be in your own world. If any millionaire and billionaire you ever meet, you'll realize they're just like you. They're not. They're not different people. They were once not a successful as they are now. They once didn't have money. Now they do. I'm talking about the 60 or 70% that are self made right. They live in their own world. I used to think, Well, it's six o'clock. I have to get up. Well, it's five o'clock. I have to stop work. Well, it's Friday night. I got to go out. Well, it's this. They have to do this. I totally turned that on its head. I do nothing when everyone else does it. I have not gone on a Friday, Saturday and years. I don't do that because 20 people going out. I don't like going unconscious when everyone goes because everyone's there, right? I don't go grocery shopping. People do it. I don't know the movies when no one does it. This is the cool thing about being an entrepreneur. Is you can do this should try to be unorthodox, right? Most people go to the grocery store at the same exact time, and there's huge lines. Most people go to the movies the exact same time. There's huge lines, mostly will fly planes the exact same time, so they play four times the price. I Onley get hotel rooms when I travel, most of the time. It's harder to a lot, but I try to travel and get hotels like Sunday to Thursday because the hotel on Monday is to 10 and then that exact hotel on Friday is That's what's cool. This is a motivation I have. When I was new, I wrote it down from our reasons. I want to be unorthodox, and some people literally can't be if they have a schedule like everyone else. If they're working every day, that's another motivation to put in your schedule. To leave that and do something on your terms, right? Another thing is, I o get gas when no one else gets. Guess another thing. Little things like that add up over time when you understand how valuable your time is. You don't want to do things when everyone else doesn't right. It's a lot more exciting way to live. But on the weight of food, I always call ahead. I get my green drinks, I call head. They all know me now. Hey, Peter, you want the same? Yep, I'll be there in 10 and I get there and it's ready and I leave. That's after three months. Saves an hour, two hours. I'd rather spend an hour creating something that can inspire people or having a memorable experience versus waiting in line for 20 minutes. Here. Five minutes here, 10 minutes here. So you guys got to be the ones that live. That unorthodox lifestyle that you're proud of that can inspire other people to do the same. Don't tell too many people cause then it's not unorthodox. Then everyone else is doing it. But does everyone get the unorthodox living your own reality? Just because it's 6 a.m. Doesn't you have to get up? If it's nine o'clock at night, you feel inspired. Start hustling. Don't do that well, because everyone else does it. I need to do it. Don't live like that. Even sometimes it's good in the industry that's traditional to do things way different, open house, different times, just different things that you can try and test. But this is how is it? I mean, this is how you're gonna make sure your time is maximized by being or unorthodox. And if you meet anyone that successful there literally in their own world, like they're working at random times, they're having fun. Random times they don't pay attention on what's going on. They create their own little bubble based on what they want based on their values, which is pretty awesome. Teach people how to communicate with you. What I mean is, however, you want to be communicated with teach people, whether it's email, whether it's Twitter, whether it's through Ah, customized like a submission form on your website, whether it's on Lee phone calls, whether it's scheduled once, which is a cool scheduling app. Teach people how you want to be communicated with. I have a guy strictly that, um, goes through all my submissions and applications and podcast requested speaking requests. He's amazing. He sits through all of it because I really trusted I pay him a good amount in our to do it. He loves doing it, and I pay him well and it helps me save time. Doesn't have to go through all right, So teach people how to communicate with these. Anyone have any questions on that? And Chris, if you want to stop me for a question, people are probably super engaged. I'm excited to have them get this information, but anything that we've talked about the last couple of minutes that you need clarification on or you guys, we're gonna keep going. Let's let me ask you this real quick. What has stood out in the last, like, half our productivity wise, that really is like going to be a game changer for you. What's like stood out that you maybe haven't heard that you know is gonna help. I would have to probably say the, uh how most people think that you have to spend 80% of your time on the product and 20% marketing. That kind of really flipped the script out for May. At least that was a really good point. Love it. I like the concept of breaking up my time into blocks of, like, thinking in an execution. And we're going that deep, dark, too. And maybe ask him to Chris what's been their biggest breakthrough in the last hour or so. So they can bring up one that has gotten the most most votes. And you have touched on this a little bit. But I want to reiterate, because the question a lot of people have Lisette was the 1st 1 to post this question. I got a number of votes. But, she says, What would you tell entrepreneurs who do have a lot of time, but not a lot of money yet in terms of valuing the time that you have, So you've touched on a little bit with sort of living in your own reality, having this schedule. But I think a lot of people were watching. Right now, they may have more time than money or even vice versa. It's like trying to add that value and figure out how much is this worth? So a lot of people are still struggle. I love it Well, it's funny because some people do have a lot of money and zero time exactly they all they want is time. Then there's people that have no money and all the time and all they want money. I think they just need to connect with. So the reality is whatever you focus on, multiplies always focus on problems. I get bigger focus on solutions. You get more of eso for them. If you have a lot of time on your hands, figure out and track for the next seven days how you're spending your 24 hours and I would just tell them, Chris, honestly, when they do this activity, if they have time and the money, they need to figure out how to create profits throughout the week systemized every week. So if they don't have one, I would teach them to figure out low hanging fruit where they already made money. Or where have they in the past? That results where they can get money pretty easy, like stuff that maybe they don't want to dio. Or maybe they have to do a 9 to 5 to save money and spend the rest of the time on profit reducing their new business. I would tell them the time block what they're spending their time on now is 12 Make sure they're either doing profit producing for most of the time in the week and three. They all need to have a couple people that they're connecting with every single week that have exactly what they want. A lot of people that have a lot of time on their hands, but not money. They're not using the time wisely, and that's a reality check for them, where if they have a lot of time, it should be spent on whatever their priorities are. So if their priorities right now are more money, spend it on profit producing activities. If they don't have those or know what they are, talk to someone that does and cut their learning curve in half. If their priority. They have time and they don't need money. Make sure they figure what the priority is and block that in their schedule. That makes sense. We're gonna hit on this a little bit of good question. So next, No emails. First thing in the morning. Ever, ever, ever. You're letting someone else control your agenda versus you when you get emails. It's literally a bunch of other people's agendas and not yours, right? You guys know this. It's like everyone else's agenda. So here's my email policy. It's called the Touch It Once policy. When you get an email, you're checking it twice a day. Okay, this is for you to when you get an email right away, delete it, delegate it, Violet, we'll respond. It's called a touch it once. The worst thing you can do as an entrepreneur with email is look at it and don't refund. That's the worst. I'll do it later. Then they pile up. That's the worst. So once again, deleted, delegated file it or respond when I mean file it. Put it in like need a response by blank or file as send to your assistant. Whatever that help a little bit. Okay. Next guys be 100% present. This is huge. So wherever you are, be there. I used to be a the beach wishing I wishing I was working and wanting to hustle. Then I would be hustling and working. I wish I was on vacation. It is worse way to live if you had 10 lives live one of them like that. But you have one. So be present. Like if you're here fully be here. If you're in the shower fully be in the shower. It sounds weird and don't visualize. But the reality is if you're eating breakfast, eat breakfast, be present. Remember, whoever has the most presence is the most influential in that moment, so always be present. If you're with a client, be with a client. What you notice about the people here? They have such a powerful and talented crew, and I knew that already, but they're all very present. I haven't looked at him, so I don't know if he's president. Hopefully. But Chris, very present. Present, present present. Okay, that's such a powerful way to build a company's having people and teaching in the power of presence, right. Sell yourself before every activity. That's a big way to be present. So when you have your profit producing activities, when you have your non negotiables before you take on those for the day, make sure you're sold on him. What if you have an activity that you're not fully sold on and you're like it's in your schedule? Like, you know, I don't know if this is relevant to me. Then it's right there. You delete versus waste your time on it and then what I'm doing. And I wasted our That's why selling yourself is so powerful right now, my standards are different than they were back in the day. Like my main focus now is reach right, reaching more people so I can shift the culture and help people versus just money. So So it's funny some of the things I work on that make the least amount of money but have a lot of influence I'm the most excited about if right, because I just I love doing that. But if I was when I was struggling, I couldn't do that right. Parkinson's law? His big. So you always need to put time limits to write this down. Time limits on everything. Parkinson's law dictates that a task will become bigger and the importance and complexity in relation to the time allotted for that actual task. Okay, so I found there are magic this magic and deadlines. So as time decreases, intensity increases. So if I give you 12 hours to complete a project, the time pressure forces you to focus on execution, and you have no choice. But the folks on the essentials that actually matter. If I give you six or seven days, then it's like six days, a validation and one day of rush work. If I give you a month, that's like a mental monster, right? You Have you ever had that with projects? Yeah, So if you have deadlines, though you're in your own world, you don't worry about if it's a week. Two weeks, you have deadlines. It's just like in college. I teach call of students a lot 95% of cola students when they have an exam is 34. They have something coming up. They were the last minute. And that just makes they're gonna be the majority their whole life versus leading the majority. So always 5% related, like a B. The 5% in your school that lead the majority and not is the majority. So when you get a test, you have something going on a project. Do it first thing, do it first, be the 1st 1 done focus on it every day, then go out and party and have fun. And the students that have done that Oh my gosh, it's amazing. They tell me all these stories, they feel better. But then you fast forward five years there. The students are running the big businesses because they learned the power of this point in power of doing the hardest thing first, right? And most students, of course. And no matter what I say, they're still gonna be students to do what rush work at the last minute because they don't understand the importance of delayed gratification for them. But Parkinson's law states that you want to make sure that you put time limits on everything because as time decreases, your focus increases. Stay focused and intentional. So what this means, guys is just get in the zone as much as you can, take full control of your schedule and show up every day. We'll talk about this in two lessons, but show of everyday charged like fired up and excited. When your feet hit the ground in the morning, you got to be thinking like the world's not ready for me. It's like I'm ready to go like when you get off the bed and you hit your ground you like it's game time, right? And if you hit that snooze once again, you're like resisting life. Don't do that.
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I don't know Peter Voogd. I bought this class anyway because Six Months to Six Figures is a very good eye catching phrase. But when I started to see each module of this class everything Peter taught gave me a new perspective of what an entrepreneur should do in order to be really successful. Peter shared his teachings not only from his own personal experience but most of all from his heart. Peter you turned this dude into one of your disciple. I will highly recommend to every entrepreneur this class. It's only inspiring but practical and honestly true in every aspect of what Peter teaches. I wish I bought this class earlier and had known Peter Voogd when I started my business. But you know what? It is never too late to do things right! Peter stay healthy the world needs a good teacher and coach like you. Thank you and God bless you brother!
a Creativelive Student
Amazing amazing amazing! This course is for anyone and everyone who is looking to jump start not only their career, but their life. Extremely actionable steps throughout the entire course that are great for people who are just starting out or already have a successful business that they want to take to the next level. Many of the courses that I have taken over the years, I find myself just trying to quickly get through them to check it off the box. This course on the other hand, I rewound, shared, paused, thought about and then re-watched. I would have paid $1,000+ for this info. Please don't think twice about buying this course. Amazing job Peter! Highly recommended!!
Jessica Araus Rodriguez
This was my first class at CreativeLive, and I loved it! This course doesn’t only tell you how to increase your income, but it also elaborates on how to be a first-class person in EVERY area of your life. It helps you identify your strengths and top core values so that you can use them to achieve your goals. If you are an entrepreneur and wish to improve your business, this course is a MUST. Even if you don’t have a clear business idea yet, Peter Voogd will help you organize your ideas and execute them like a CEO. Peter is by far one of the best motivational speakers I have ever heard. I will definitely come back to this course to make sure I am applying everything I learned in his videos.