Introduction to Workshop
20:30 2Personal & Professional Growth Mastery
21:26 3The Mastery vs. Overload Principle
07:47 4The 7 Biggest Ambition Killers
21:55 5The 1 Page Productivity Plan
03:47 6Creating Your Roadmap
08:13 7Cultivating Unshakable Confidence
38:30 8Identify Your Unique Ability
13:33Elevating Circle of Influence
06:50 10Creating Your Ideal Script
10:05 11The Real Purpose of Productivity
20:41 12Lack of Time Myth - Busted
05:39 13Creating Your Weekly Plan
46:06 14Becoming Irreplaceable
03:58 15The 13 Hidden Profit Maximizers
05:49 16Levels of Impact & Focus
27:12 17Art of Sustainable Energy
18:06 18Sustained Greatness
17:07 19Wrap Up & Next Steps
16:25Lesson Info
Art of Sustainable Energy
when I finally had results, when I finally had success and finally had income coming in and I was figuring out my high value activities when I first did it, I had no clue about energy at all. So I was fired up making money, and I finally started getting some influence. But I had zero energy and I was always burn out, and I always was tired. So I had everything I wanted. I finally was like getting success. I finally built a business friendly, had impact, but then I know energy. So what if you had all the money and time in the world, but zero energy, then what energy's, I think? The zest of life, right. So the mistake people make here is lack of awareness and understanding regarding energy and health and not making it a top priority. And if you don't make time for health now, you're gonna have to make time for illness later. That's scary. So and sometimes it za touchy subject if you don't feel like you've been healthy, like I wasn't healthy at all until I chose to be healthy. But like wh...
en I was talking to Tim, it was he was kind of like sometimes, and it was It's not easy. But then he's like, I'll make the commitment. So when you make that commitment, you switch. Then it gets a little funnier because you already said you're gonna do it. Now I'm gonna be on you, right? But it's so important people don't even think about it, Right? So the more healthy the moral where you are now, the less likely you're going to be unhealthy later, right? So the most important factor, I think in creating a productive life is energy. Okay, so think about if you had all the time and money, but no energy, and let me tell you what energy does for you. It increases your influence and impact, right? You can be more impactful and you get a more influence when you're energized. The people that have a lot of energy there, they're attractive to you. They give you energy, right? They fire you if they're excited. The people that are kind of boring and you can tell that a lot of energy you don't get the same effect, productivity and performance. You're gonna produce better when you feel better and people produce when they feel good, right? They're gonna produce when they feel good. And it's crazy how, finally, how health conscious people are becoming the world is like our millennial generation. Gen Z um, pretty amazing how health's coming out. There's a lot of studies, a lot of things going on, where you can educate yourself more than ever now, like 2030 years ago. Um, you can't educate yourself as much as you can now, so it's cool that there's a lot of stuff out there. Relationships, networking, connections, passion and excitement, creativity and awareness. There's really three types of energy I want to hit on. The first is physical, of course, emotional and then mental. Now which ones are These are the most important trick question. Someone like one of them is not. You were trying to figure it out. That's hilarious. All of them are important guys, and what I've done here helps not sometimes not an exciting topic. And I'm not a health expert on credentials. I don't I don't have like a certificate it with me. It's just with a lot of research and what for me has gave me the most energy and the end result here is whatever's gave me energy toe actually build a world class life. So I have more peace of mind and have fun. And I have I'm feeling vibrant, right? That's really it. It's not like I don't have extensive studies, right? If you want that, my wife has those very health conscious. You need health tips, doctor. Um, but the reality is, health is a very important part of productivity. And most people don't talk about health when it comes to productivity. But part of being productive is the feeling good feeling vibrant and feeling energized. Right? When you're energized, you get more done and a good way to get energias results. When you close a couple deals, are you like Oh, man, I'm tired. You're fired up. You're ready to run through walls. What happens when you sell a house or you have to close deals your money that you want to show us the money dance? I don't dance. No. Okay. So maximizing energy and peace of mind. Okay, let me go through these. But first, real quick, healthy importance of nutrition is something that I don't talk about much. But just what I would say is educate yourself on what foods give you energy and what foods Take it away. Just educate yourself on that. I would drink a ton of water, right if I was you. Before you go to bed. When you wake up because that Vitalize you, it gets you excited and it's just your body needs water. Um, I don't usually eat past 7 30 or eight because there's been a lot of studies from Robin Sharma, Tony Robbins that I've I've let them study for me and I trust them, so I just believe them. I hope they did the research, but I'm guessing they did where if you eat really late than it, it's it's tough to digest that and you wake up tired and here's the crazy thing. If you go to bed tired, you wake up tired. So if you go to bed like I'm so tired and you don't think about like waking up fired up, then you wake up tired. If you go to bed excited and you're like, when I wake up, I'm gonna be fired up. You wake up, fired up. It's so weird. It's like a different mindset. Okay, so and I would eat smaller portions throughout the day, so eat times, not just two or three times because nothing tastes as good as health feels. So eat for vitality, not just instant pleasure, like the pizzas. Instant pleasure. But you're tired after the cheeseburgers. Instant pleasure. But you're tired after, and I'm not telling you guys what to eat it all. Just be aware, like what gives you nutrition, what fires you up and what takes away energy. Just be aware and study. There's a lot of cool things you can study as well. And as far as the motion goes, um, analyzing versus emotions is a big key to emotional intelligence, choosing growth, making sure in their peak state of mind. But with emotional energy. It's just what you put in your mind and how you respond to challenges. A lot of people that are emotionally immature haven't learned how to control their emotions because with emotions, it's either you're controlling them or they're controlling you. No other option. So learning to control your emotions is tough and it's an ongoing process. But it's just knowing what emotions to use in certain situations and knowing how to get out of negative emotions, like out of frustration and like, Dude, I'm a beast. I'm ready to go getting out of, like, fear and into confidence, and we'll give you a routine for that next and then. Mental, of course, is what you put in your mind, who you're around right, and the action you take consistently. If you spark your mind like you say when you get in the car, it's inspirational. It's tactical, its powerful content that helps you gain more intelligence. How do you feel if you listen to your mental energy is fired up, right? So have rituals in place that sharpen these things. So for mental energy, what I used to do is I had a ritual in place where every week, Monday through Thursday, I would listen to personal growth relevant to my vision. I would also have a morning routine every morning where I looked at my goals and I read something that was very, very inspiring, but also tactical on relevant, relevant to my vision. I would also talk to someone playing the game at a higher level than me every single week. So it was almost solidifying more mental energy just by those non negotiables, right? So figure out what those are for you. So here is the maximizing your energy and peace of mind. First, you want to write these now celebrating weekly progress versus perfection. What you don't want to do guys is live in the gap. Living in the gap is causing so much stress and anxiety. It's it's not even funny where people live in where they should be, versus where they currently are versus instead of being grateful for how far they came, they focus on where they should be, where they want to be. And they're always living in the gap of where they could be to where they are. And this gap kills people. It kills confidence, progress. It gives people anxiety. It frustrates people. So don't live in the gap. Okay, so focus on what you've completed. That's the first step. So when you're celebrating weekly progress, focus on things you've gotten done focused on things you're proud of. Your biggest wins, like me and Tim, went over and analyze, adapt and adjust quickly Write this down. Quick celebrations, short recoveries or short celebrations. Quick recovery. Same thing. So write down short celebrations. Quick recoveries. So something amazing happens. Great celebrate. Move on. Something bad happens. Great short, quick recovery move on. Life happens, right. This too, will pass. But this is a big way to have peace of mind is realizing things will happen and just responding with intelligence vs reacting and making sure that you're always focused on how far you came versus where you think you should be. How many guys have ever thought about like, Well, this age, I should be farther along. Look at this guy. He's the same age as me and he's doing better. Who's ever thought about that? That's living in the gap, and it's it's very stressful. That was my life, like back in the day, and my mentor finally was like, You can't live in the gap. It's gonna kill your productivity is gonna kill your ambitions. And I'm like it already is doing that. So don't live in the gap. Celebrate progress versus perfection. Okay, the price fighter routine. This is huge. So we're gonna define your ideal morning routine now. There's a lot of stuff on morning routines out there like there's whole. There's books on it. There's all these tips. I'm gonna simplify to like two sentences. OK, there's two outcomes of a morning routine. That's it. One is to get yourself in the right state of mind toe. Have a confident state of mine to be ready to take on your day. So the first purpose of a whole morning routine, whether it's an hour, two hours or 10 minutes, is to get yourself in the right state of mind. The second is the make sure you have intention and you know exactly what you're doing that day and you make sure your priorities are straight. That's it. That's all the morning routine. Does people talk about the 18 steps, right? Really, It's just whatever gets those results. So what are some things you can do in the morning? I'll give you some examples. I always sparked my mind in the morning somehow, whether it's ah book, audio video, something that's relevant to my vision. But I sparked my mind and get excited for me. It starts the night before to, or when I go to bed, I say, Hey, it doesn't matter how much sleep I get. I try to get seven or eight hours, but sometimes when I'm traveling, I get less. So I say no matter how much sleep I get, when I wake up a blank five or six, I'm gonna be fired up and excited. Take on the day while most people complain or sleeping, I'm gonna be fired up. Like, even if I'm dead tired. I did this last night. Even if I'm dead tired, I get fired up like I'm ready to go tomorrow. When I wake up, I'm gonna be excited and fired up. Jump out of bed. It's really weird. When you go to bed inspired, you'll wake up inspired. But 99% of society goes to bed tired so they wake up. What? Tired. So start the night before, Okay? So get up early and do inner work. Spark your mind through books, audios videos and make sure their congregant to your big five course. Right? Spark your body. There's a lot of short videos on YouTube. Jillian Michaels. There's the P 90 x there, Shaun t. There's insanity. All these things are like 15 2025 minutes. Yoga. Spark your body somehow in the morning. I do journaling. I get my thoughts out of my head. I have a lot going on, so I just get him out and I write my journal. I look at my one page productivity plan and then I just walked through my day and I visualize my perfect day. I just visualize ideally, how my day ghost when my head hits the pillow that I know exactly that I got done what I wanted to get done. So visualize your perfect day literally walk through from start to finish what you're perfect day would be. So what I want you guys to do is figure out what your ideal morning routine is the next week or two. Try a couple different ones. Does anyone already have a morning routine? That's just rock solid that you love that is effective. I already have one you to love it so you don't need to do anything as long as the outcome is what you get in a confident states, your courageous, you're ready to take on the day like you're fired up and excited. If you're not fired up and excited, do something different in your morning routine. Maybe you're not looking at your reasons. Maybe you're not sparking your mind with intelligence some people get up and straight watched news so they start their day in a toxic state of mind at the world's Someone's out to get me shooters everywhere, right? The reality is that's not the way to start your day. Okay? Started with something positive that fires you up to get you excited. That sparks your creativity. Okay, so define your morning routine. Now, here's what's cool. Now you have your morning routine for the 1st 30 to 60 minutes, then you have the 60 2060. So if you get up it, let's say seven. I'm giving you benefit of the doubt here. If you get up a seven, your morning routine ends at eight. That's still nine 9 2010 2010 30 You're done 10 30 or 11. And you were just more productive for the day that most people for like, five days. If you do this three or four days in a row, what's gonna happen? Your productivity, your results and your freedom? It's gonna go way up, right? So this is what I teach people when they ask, How are you so effective is the 1st 1 40 of the day is such it's like, sets your whole tone for the day. How do you start your day? Is how your entire day goes, who feels like they can have a more effective order. Want to try a better one? It's good. I appreciate you guys for admitting that it's good to be vulnerable sometimes because a lot of people don't want to admit when they're wrong when they're doing something wrong. But I think that's the best thing is dealing in reality the only way to fix it, right? So $1,000,000 vacation ritual I challenge you. Take a mini vacation every four weeks. Eight weeks, two months literally set it in your schedule. $1,000,000 vacation ritual. Take a vacation every every four weeks every two months. What's the common question to get right when I say this? Anyone know what's right. When I say this to people, what do they say? Take a vacation all the time was What's the thing that got everyone? I'm the money. Well, this should fire you up to make more money. This should inspire you. If you start taking vacations every month or two, not like once every eight months or every two years, it will fire you up to be more productive, to think bigger, to challenge yourself more, to make more money so you could take more vacations, right? So I mean, there's so many studies of asking older elderly people what they would have done differently. Almost all of them were like, I wish I would've spent more time with these people and Dunmore experiences. You're never gonna be on your death bed wishing you had more transactions. I guarantee it. It's funny to think that, but you never will, like no one's going to like, You know, I wish I had just a couple more transaction to my life. Never. That's why this is so important. And it should force you like someone's thinking right now watching. Should I? I don't know if I can afford this course. That's the number one reason you should buy it, period, because you can't afford it. And I don't want you to ever feel like that ever again. That's why you purchase it, senor. Fuel that way, right? So think about that. It's a different way of thinking. Here's your favorite. Make time for creative thinking. Okay, take time to do some thinking in silence, solitude, stillness. This is tough for the high energy. Okay, this is tough to be in silence, but those things you come up with when you really think strategically it's funny when, Ah, lot of people that are high energy that aren't making the six or seven figures yet they're all over the place. They're so energized when I start working with, like people making 10 2030 1,005, their super calm. They're just like very still, nothing bugs them. It's so weird. It's like they don't have any urgency there simplified. But they're doing all these things. Everything's to the tea in their business because they've thought ahead 345 steps. They make time for creative thinking so they can think about things they might not have thought about. They were so in the business right? A lot of CEOs that are good do a lot of creative thinking, but remember, you can't think when you should be doing, and you shouldn't do when you should be thinking so like the guy brought up earlier, he said. I think it was Friday. He set up a time where he on Lee was focused on thinking, getting his ideas out, being creative. And he would then plan what he would execute for the week. And when he was gonna think again when he was gonna have creative time, when he was gonna execute so he would execute when he said he would. And he was thinking when he said he would think and it was working, he broke almost every record in that company because of that, which is cool, because I was thinking in my head, most people with his caliber of mine. He's a thinker. Most thinkers don't take a lot of action. They're not known for always taking action. He took a ton of action and he was a thinker. But it's because he separated into which is hard to dio, right? So keep that in mind. All right, Another key guys is letting go. If you want to create space for unconscious thought or for new thoughts, you got to give yourself permission toe. Let go of certain things that you should be thinking about. Maybe a problem you can't solve. Forget about it and it will be solved when you don't even think about it. Right. Ah, great. way to do this is literally tell yourself I'm going to stop thinking about this right now, right? There's a lot of thinking space in there, so make sure you realize that and change it up. I encourage people to change up their atmosphere. Change of your environment. I like the work. Different places. Don't Onley work from one spot. Work from a coffee shop. Work from a shared workspace like we work or something like that. Maybe work at your home office, work at your office, but in, like, the like a conference room. Change up your environment a little bit. Okay, I think that's something that's huge when it comes to keeping your creativity. I like to work outside Sometimes I think I wrote half my book six months of six figures while I was traveling. I was imported by art. I was in other areas. I was so creative thinking about that because I wasn't in the same spot all the time, right, So change up your work space a little bit
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I don't know Peter Voogd. I bought this class anyway because Six Months to Six Figures is a very good eye catching phrase. But when I started to see each module of this class everything Peter taught gave me a new perspective of what an entrepreneur should do in order to be really successful. Peter shared his teachings not only from his own personal experience but most of all from his heart. Peter you turned this dude into one of your disciple. I will highly recommend to every entrepreneur this class. It's only inspiring but practical and honestly true in every aspect of what Peter teaches. I wish I bought this class earlier and had known Peter Voogd when I started my business. But you know what? It is never too late to do things right! Peter stay healthy the world needs a good teacher and coach like you. Thank you and God bless you brother!
a Creativelive Student
Amazing amazing amazing! This course is for anyone and everyone who is looking to jump start not only their career, but their life. Extremely actionable steps throughout the entire course that are great for people who are just starting out or already have a successful business that they want to take to the next level. Many of the courses that I have taken over the years, I find myself just trying to quickly get through them to check it off the box. This course on the other hand, I rewound, shared, paused, thought about and then re-watched. I would have paid $1,000+ for this info. Please don't think twice about buying this course. Amazing job Peter! Highly recommended!!
Jessica Araus Rodriguez
This was my first class at CreativeLive, and I loved it! This course doesn’t only tell you how to increase your income, but it also elaborates on how to be a first-class person in EVERY area of your life. It helps you identify your strengths and top core values so that you can use them to achieve your goals. If you are an entrepreneur and wish to improve your business, this course is a MUST. Even if you don’t have a clear business idea yet, Peter Voogd will help you organize your ideas and execute them like a CEO. Peter is by far one of the best motivational speakers I have ever heard. I will definitely come back to this course to make sure I am applying everything I learned in his videos.
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