Thread Painting and Flower Stitcher
Lesson 7 from: Singer Quantum Stylist™ Sewing Machine Model 9960 - Fast StartBecky Hanson

Thread Painting and Flower Stitcher
Lesson 7 from: Singer Quantum Stylist™ Sewing Machine Model 9960 - Fast StartBecky Hanson
Machine Overview
13:06 2Bobbin Types and Thread Tension
23:11 3Basic Needle Styles and Threads
16:50 4Button Holes and Decorative Stitching
29:22 5Twin Needle and Blind Hem
21:48 6Ribbing Insertion and Free Motion
28:38 7Thread Painting and Flower Stitcher
15:11 8Additional Foot Attachments
15:34Lesson Info
Thread Painting and Flower Stitcher
So I wanted to show you that thread painting and here is my piece over here this is just this stuff aside so I can show you next the what what we did with the purse. So, um this in this case what we did is we use the fabric marking pen that I talked about earlier and just drew a design on the fabric you can transfer designs I know there are instructions out there for transferring designs if you don't want to draw something but regardless get your design on your fabric and then we're going to change our upper thread to one of those pinks you can see here in my different classes I've been filling in there and I've just been grabbing whichever pink happens to be near me so I'll just take this one this time and slide that on snap our thread in the thread guide here press her foot is up so I know I'm going to thread that properly and my mother says don't write the thread I bet yours does too ok, so now we wanna just do some thread painting on this so we'll come over here into another area o...
f our flower let's just start over here onto a fresh one, so um put the presser foot lifter down and I'm going to take just a stitch or two so I can cut the upper thread I don't wanna be pulling this around cause it'll the loop of the foot will just keep pulling this around when his trim that away okay and so now we're just going to back and forth this's a little bit lighter pain sometimes you might I find that you want to actually loosen your upper thread tension a little bit so you could go over here where these on your on your screen where these double x is our that's your tension control press that and then loosen that down a little bit so the upper threat is a little more relaxed and a little bit more of it feeds in there also this one you want to take you can take your time with this one a little bit with your hands to just make sure that you just feel that in really nicely I think my threat my thread came on threaded that's what happened there let me re thread my needle I think I threw it just came undone presser foot lifter just a stitcher to tow catch the so I can get rid of this I might have just trimmed it too short and accidentally cut it I did that one of the classes I cut not only the one I was trying to get rid of but the one I was sewing with so this one just take your time we're just gonna go back and forth back and forth here's that thread I just didn't cut it short enough it's still dragging around a little bit but back and forth back and forth back and forth until you finally just filled in your whole area like this back and forth back and forth and when you come on down in here when you change to your next lighter color it'll it'll they'll just kind of feed together like this they'll just sort of blend so it'll still feel like it's getting kind of thick like this is very thick here so was my quote once I got near the center so you definitely want to add a piece of stabilizer to the back side a nice firm won to just help this so you don't get a lot of puckering when this starts getting fairly dense here on the leaves we did a lighter green and then eh darker green to sort of fill in and give this some shading as well s so this is really like coloring coloring between the lines with thread and so I hope that that gave you some idea of how that works so you can start and some of the inspiration so you know how to what to do with the with that and you're free motion foot that's one question and I'm actually not sure exactly when this came in tow hopefully make yes from creative spirit who had asked how do you block the thread at the end okay with the river stitch button with the very beginning we did that, but I can do that again when I get the regular sewing for okay, sorry. I wasn't exactly sure. Yes, I can remind me if I I I have to set up with I don't do that with this from stitch. Great. Thank you with this foot I mean okay, so I'm gonna put on the put the regular shank back. You know what I should do if people don't mind if I want to show them an optional accessory that's available for the machine that flower stitcher that you have a little smile on your face should I don't know that people I want to show you all the stuff you get here but it is in the book so I want to show you something kind of fun we showed this earlier today and I'm told everybody really kind of went crazy so this is ahh and an optional accessory available for your machine you have so many wonderful stitches built in and you can experiment like crazy with these but this is called the flower stitcher it looks a little bit like a starship enterprise, but just like with the even feed foot and the free motion darning foot, we we made sure that the arm of the attachment was over the needle bar same thing is true here with this one we want to make sure that this one fits over the top of the needle bar and then it just hooks on just like our even feed foot in our free motion foot did that it's got its own way it clamps onto the presser bar so well put that in place and if um either lacey or can I don't mind if you want to grab me that lamp shade I could show you how what that looks like two while I'm setting this up now this looks like a really big scary old thing but actually oh perfect thank you where we're going with this so you get some idea what we're talking about this attachment actually takes your decorative stitches and so's them into circular shapes now in this particular case we've done it over flower shaped apple k's but you see here you've got decorative stitches that you could use to look like stems of flowers way just completely made a fabric to cover a lamp shade that we bought it just a the basis from a big box store and we made our own custom look but the the attachment makes the's deck soldier decorative stitches into circular shapes smaller ones medium size one's bigger ones and depending on the stitch you pick is a completely different look we have a video on this on the singer website as well how how how this functions but and in this case, on this lamp shade, you see, we actually laid down a flower shaped applicator first, but then did our little circle sewing over it to make these look like the centers of flowers and these we used a thirty weight and twelve wait cotton to sew these, so they almost have a look of hand embroidery I can stitching said a little more dimensional, but I'll go ahead and show you how this works because it really kind of opens up a whole new ah universe for you. So let me put a threat on here. Um, ok, I'm just putting us aqua cotton and I've got this lavender, and then I'll show you what thes this screw is for on the back side of this, maybe you have this attachment all right? Now? Um, when this runs, you'll hear it go click, click, click, click, click, click that's totally normal there's an adjusting screw on the back side of this. And when I loosen this up, I am able to slide this attachment back and forth. You'll see this pronghorn that points to either the maximum or anywhere in between down to the minimum range and when I have it down at minimum, I do smaller flower, smaller circular shapes. And when I go to the larger one I do larger circular shape so we'll start out with the larger one and it's called the flower stitcher doesn't so flowers it's so circular shapes but they tend to look like flowers when they're done so that's probably where it got its name so you place your fabric underneath like so I put my feet dogs backto work so flip those back and I'm gonna turn that hand well once toward me toe put those back in action and so now let's just pick I'll just start with the basics zigzag just to start and then we'll go from there so I'm going to bring the needle down with my foot controller here we go and let me see what the width is that gonna widen it out just a little bit this's just a plain old zigzag stitch I'm gonna trim this thread because it's getting in my way plain old zigzag when you come around you've made your stitches in a complete circle um with your with your zigzag stitch and you've made this circular shape the zigzag one I don't know if we've got one handy on here this looks like it's a blind hem stitch me switch over to another that might be able to exaggerate their on that one so let me try let's go to your let's, go to the blind him stitch next and will move our fabric over and give that want to try a completely different look, this was a narrower with because we had set our stitch of the narrower with but it just completely has a different a different flavor to it, and you can do a multi stitches eggs egg. When we come in here, we can scroll through too multi zigzag, which I believe is number twelve and let's widen that went out a little bit and we'll trim our threat and move over to another. I mean, they just they just completely look like completely different patterns by just simply changing your stitch. And if you use one of those under this down to maybe a smaller size just for the heck of it and when you so this one's really a lot of fun nice, moderate speed with this one, you don't want to go too fast, this one has a bit more of a starburst look to it, and when you use a heavier weight thread it it looks like it almost looks like hand embroidery, here's our thread cutter and look at how different that one looks again. Just three different stitches those are three utility stitches, just amend scallops, stitch makes a wonderful pattern that almost looks like a little flower when you are done with it, but here they all are here's just various stitches just feel free to experiment when you bring this down to the smallest size you go around and around almost in one place and if somebody wants to grab me that pink pillow I had this morning let me show you it's over on the shelf over there this is doing a really small certain where the center is really really it's just makes you very very very small small pattern when you're done rather than a wider concern circle it it's very small so when this is finished you could get something really tiny like this you see this is the same stitch that this was and look at how different that is just by sliding that little pronged over we picked it multi stitches eggs egg and went around and around a couple times here to do the centers of the flowers on this pillow what this is is see if I can find a piece of fabric here to show you this I had three pieces of silk organza just cut into circles just very roughly into circles and then layered them together and in that case so here let's pretend this is like those three layers of those circles and just put a little pinch in it like that and I pinned it got it started I laid a pin in here um put a basting stitch to hold it and then I did that flower stitcher around in iran here all over to attach these flowers to this pillow. And I think that you'll see it created and effect that. I mean, it looks just like something you'd buy in a really expensive. I think it does, anyway. Look like something that was in a very expensive home decor boutique.
Ratings and Reviews
I was surprised and impressed with the quality of the instruction I received from this course. I recommend it to anyone who owns this machine (which I am very happy with) and decided to buy it for future reference. I'm happy to know about Creative Live. I hope to find other great resources there.
a Creativelive Student
Awesome class! Although I've been using my 9960 for at least a year, I learned a ton! Becky is an excellent instructor. She explains things thoroughly, and it's so fun to see all the inspiring projects that can be created with the 9960! Thank you!
a Creativelive Student
The best. I accidentally found the "free" video and then bought the class. I started sewing as a child (I am now over 60) and am amazed at what I did not know. I love the 9960 machine. Becky has taken a sewing machine to a whole new level. Her knowledge, tips on uses of thread and attachments, showing items she made and what you can do was wonderful. Now I just need to get my "creativity" working. Thank you!