Additional Foot Attachments
Lesson 8 from: Singer Quantum Stylist™ Sewing Machine Model 9960 - Fast StartBecky Hanson

Additional Foot Attachments
Lesson 8 from: Singer Quantum Stylist™ Sewing Machine Model 9960 - Fast StartBecky Hanson
Lesson Info
8. Additional Foot Attachments
Machine Overview
13:06 2Bobbin Types and Thread Tension
23:11 3Basic Needle Styles and Threads
16:50 4Button Holes and Decorative Stitching
29:22 5Twin Needle and Blind Hem
21:48 6Ribbing Insertion and Free Motion
28:38 7Thread Painting and Flower Stitcher
15:11 8Additional Foot Attachments
15:34Lesson Info
Additional Foot Attachments
I'm gonna put the courting foot on the machine and show you a couple different things to do with according foot the courting foot looks like thiss I'll put that on the tables you can see and on the top of the foot you'll notice that it has this black area that looks like it has ridges and those ridges are where you can snap one two or three chords into it to attach chords on the top of your fabric for surface embellishment um so for example I have here mom this is just a napkin and a napkin ring but this is this napkin ring we did with the courting foot and what we did was we snapped snapped three chords in and stitched over them with metallic thread and then we did three three rows of cord three rows of cord three rows of cord three rules of court and we completely textured the fabric from which we made the napkin ring so I mean but you can also use just a single chord in your courting foot to do gathering and let me show you show the gathering first and then I'll show you how to do t...
he technique like that's on the napkin ring so here's I'm using just a pearl cotton right now but you can use flaws like the richest regular embroidery floss anything like that I'm going to just tie tie a little not in the end of my thread and I'm going to snap this thread this cord, so to speak in the center groove of my courting foot and you want to make sure that these threads just move like butter through that hole if this is tugging at all it's not going to work for us, so just make sure that you're using a cord that isn't too thick for those holes and on this piece of bettis that I would just had in my hands we're going to set our machine for a zig zag stitch and I'm going to bring that with down little narrower what I want to do is I'm going to so this so that I'm zigzagging over the cord but I'm not stitching into the cord I'm just zigzagging each side of it kind of straddling the cord just make sure that I am clearing the sides it's a little narrow so let me widen that out a little bit that looks good and I could probably lengthen that a bit too okay? So now as I so it's zigzagging over the cord but not stitching into it and I'll show you where we're going with this in just a second, you can probably already see it gathering a little bit in the back side it's enough, I think for what we're going to do here, we'll just cut the threads and so what I've got here it is everything's contrast ng so you can see it I would have everything match of course the threat and everything but here's my cord and because we've got that not in there it won't pull out and you can actually use this together fabrics and this is really fun like this strip is a little wide, but if you can imagine doing law big long strip like this and you could roll this around and around and around and you could create one of those big rosette pillows by simply using your courting foot to give you the cord together you can also use this as just a gathering technique, so I have something over here let me show you just a simple little apron, but you could use this technique to gather the top of a fabric to make a simple apron to and that was recording foot who would have thought so the three rows what you would do with the three rose is just simply snap your cord. We'll use the same color here to illustrate we have one way have to and it doesn't have to be pro cotton. You can use top stitching threat or anything you want it just you just want to make sure that it feeds freely through those chords, so then you're going to snap one and go all the way to the first one and then take your second one these rounds are a little slippery, though, so you have to fiddle with him a little bit. There could be a little slippery and slide out. Don. Yes. So watch that and then slip this in here like so and there's our three chords in are courting foot, so that looks like this. And as you saw, those were kind of straighten out as you go. And I think I have ah, base fabric aiken, stitch that on. Here we go. Now it'll be awkward threads so that's going to look a little strange, but at least you'll be able to see it. Can you put my thread underneath the foot can? And then as we so now probably would use a multiple stitches, eggs, egg to start so that would be stitched number twelve and you'd go down here to your scrolling buttons down here, bottom of the machine, and you can either use this. Excuse me, this it's a utility stitch selection button and choose that for category and then use your scroll buttons to go to stitch number twelve of that stitch and let's. Just try that out and see what we've got. There are some really wonderful I love to use this one sort of domino looking stitched to cover those up shea they'll switch to a decorative stitch and show you how different this can look but the threads will sort of separate themselves as they feed into the front of the foot and here as you can see in the back as what we did with the napkin we had everything was kind of similarly colored we had the chords uh in a kind of orange color our base fabric was an orange color and then we used a copper metallic thread and then just did three rose three rose three rose three rules the stitch a little closer together and that's how we got this effect it's very textural and just love it but you can do things like your stitch number number in your in your other panel don't hear the stitch number three so if you select him see what'll happen is that when you stitch those it's going to do a few stitches over each cord this's I love this stitch with according to what we should be able to see it pretty well because the threat is such a completely different color but when you're all done look at this wonderful it almost has like a southwest look to it and so again it's one of those things where you want to experiment with your decorative stitches in your feet and get I mean, you'd spend all day every day just playing with your machine and with some of the possibilities are we have you have in your machine what's called a hand look quilting stitch when it can try to set up for that. That is your stitch number eight. So if we go over here to the utility stitch button and then we can scroll to stitch number eight there is what it looks like right there. You think? What is only had that one question too about starting and stopping, I need to get back to that. But this looks like a straight stitch and then three little stitches and then a straight stitch and then three little stitches you think does that really? How it so's but it actually does this on this on this piece I have here the side of the machine this stitches called your hand look quilting stitch this is in your manual to but what you do is you put this this is completely counterintuitive. I know, but the on this particular sample here what you see in pink pink goes in the bobbin and then on the top of the machine and you're you thread your needle with a thread that matches your fabric in this case the off white and when you pick yours your hand look, quote, stitch and you can change the length of it to you can have it looked like little tiny picks or you can have it be a little longer, like running stitch looking like this. But you think how does it know to do that? I don't know how it does it technically, but it just does, but I wanted to give you a little tip for this in case you've been trying to get it too, so the way you wanted to, and it hasn't been working out for you. You hear a lot of folks say that you should use monofilament nylon thread in your needle, and then the colored thread in the bobbin and I personally and I know a lot of people don't tend to like the monofilament nylon thread in the needle, and one of the reasons why is that it stretches as your sewing, and so it can give you a little bit of puckering. The second thing is, is that because it's nylon and very often because this is like a kind of an echo quilting look, and you're doing it in your quilting, during which time you're using a very hot iron and you have nylon thread, those don't always marry very well. And the other thing is, the mono filaments have a bit of a shine to them, so sometimes what can happen is this can have a little bit of a shiny look where the white part is. So for all those reasons, I tend not to like using a monofilament for the hand look, quote, stitch, but if you use a thread in this case, like the white or the off white in the needle, and then your contrast thread in the bobbin than when you so you just select the stitch and you just start stitching around your heart, it will if they see if I've got a pink bob and I'll show you here. I think I have a pink bob and I can try to do that for you real quick, but you love this. In fact, um, I didn't get it quite in there. Um, I did it one time with I did white thread in the bobbin, and I used a navy blue fabric, like, almost like a denim or kind of japanese navy blue kind of sasha, go look, I put navy through navy fabric, maybe threat on top, and then I put my white thread in the bob in, and when I did my stitch, it actually gave me the look of that japanese sort of sasha co looking stitching and that was really a lot of fun so again you tend to think of it is just for quilting but it's got it's got, um other applications as well and I'm going to use my satin foot for this you can use your satin foot your all purpose or general purpose foot and let's just grab your head here it is foot k and put that bomb and cover plate on okay and I might actually lengthen out my stitch length I tend to like that excuse me, I didn't do the right one. I want this one here for my stitch length I tend to like thestreet itches a little longer on this one so you can use the edge of your presser foot is a guide if you like for spacing these apart, which is what you know was done here but as you so I'm going a little further out so move a little further away but you see what's happening there is I'm getting these little what looks like running stitches to do echo quoting and isn't it the craziest thing? But you've got pink in the bob in and it's showing on the top side but it's really a lot of fun and just imagine like I just said navy blue fabric with navy threat in the top put the white in the bob in and it looks like a sash echo effect and that's kind of popular in a lot of places where they like to do wearable art. So whatever is your fancy you can do that. However it applies to what you want to do. So that's your hand look wilted, there's so much more. I'll just show you a couple things your machine has built in lettering. Maybe here's. A little inspiration for you as we finish up here. Little girl's pillow. We did decorative thread we put in some text with are built in block style font and then used your open toe foot. You're open toe foot that comes with your machine. Looks like this and you can just use your open toe foot with, um, um your rick rack to apply your rick rack, you can just stitch right over it and see you see clearly in front of your needle as your stitching. Use the zipper foot to insert the trim, but the edge is when you make the pillow. This is a kind of a photo memory box that we did, and it was just a way to illustrate for you some of the different fonts that are built in your machine. And so you can program in lettering to do, um text for things hears of it also has lower case built in so you khun dio, um not just all capitals like on the photo box, but lower case here is, well, like on this cosmetic bag, here's, another where we had the cursive style, and I mean, the sky is the limit. It just goes on and on. You can just be as creative as you want. Toby got feet. You've got accessories now that you know about threads and bob threads and needles and how they interact with the fabrics. Hopefully, that gave you some clarity with some of the projects you've been working on. If you've been struggling with any issues, and hopefully we gave you some inspiration for going forward.
Ratings and Reviews
I was surprised and impressed with the quality of the instruction I received from this course. I recommend it to anyone who owns this machine (which I am very happy with) and decided to buy it for future reference. I'm happy to know about Creative Live. I hope to find other great resources there.
a Creativelive Student
The best. I accidentally found the "free" video and then bought the class. I started sewing as a child (I am now over 60) and am amazed at what I did not know. I love the 9960 machine. Becky has taken a sewing machine to a whole new level. Her knowledge, tips on uses of thread and attachments, showing items she made and what you can do was wonderful. Now I just need to get my "creativity" working. Thank you!
a Creativelive Student
Awesome class! Although I've been using my 9960 for at least a year, I learned a ton! Becky is an excellent instructor. She explains things thoroughly, and it's so fun to see all the inspiring projects that can be created with the 9960! Thank you!