What Is This Course About?
11:04 2What Will You Be Known For?
09:54 3Create Your Media Angles
07:43 4Successful PR Case Study with Tara Gentile
26:34 5Get the Media to Say "Yes!" to Your Pitch
10:33 6How to Write Your Expert Bio
06:49 7How to Craft an Email Pitch
15:02 8How to Place Contributions & Guest Posts
28:51Lesson Info
What Is This Course About?
So of course I'm bridget lions and I've been doing public relations outreach for the last thirteen years and this pitch yourself is where my company really specializes in helping people shine because this is really about coming out there and strongly representing your expertise you know what air you're anything from your opinions your methodology to your ideas to your insights that's what we're really going to be talking about here what are the ways that you can personally shine and put your best foot forward out in the media before we go in the content I love to talk to the people who are here in the room and just hear what your experience has been ifyou've ever pitched yourself whether it's to a block or two traditional media outlet and really quickly like what what you'd like tio walk away with in learning and pr so my name is jess lane and I'm interior architecture er I'm specializing in design build remodeling and I've I know nothing about pr I've never pitched anything so awesome...
well could she ready to pitch yourself? I'm rachel schaffer I'm an illustrator and pattern designer and I have pitched myself too different companies for licensing and I would just like to hone my, uh home my stuff very cool I'm jen vasquez with jen vasquez photography and I've never pitched myself to a media outlet or a blogged but I'd like to so that's why I'm here awesome um antonay from the counter burger um I haven't had to pitch anything just yet but we're doing a grand opening next month so I'm looking to do that fabulous great we'll give you a lot of techniques that you can use in the next couple of weeks I'm melissa did woody my business is living a creative life I'm an artist and creativity instigator on a mission to empower people to feed their creative hungers and I have pitched myself two bloggers for guest posts okay cool I'm kidney staley of the artist j d and I am on a mission to teach creatives that the law doesn't have to equal scary and I've done some guest posting and pitched myself that way great I think we have similar missions hears about law lines about pr about empowering people in a new way that's great I'm tiffani with tiffany and studios and I'm a jewelry designer metal smith but I also think pitching myself to do maybe some guests post would be beneficial so it's interesting in this ground this well great I'm tosh wang and I have a company called posttraumatic where you can make instagram you could put your instagram images onto coasters and um I'm really interested in finding ways that I can pitch myself as an entrepreneur kind of in this tech room and finding ways to guess guess block around that great my name is bridget terrio and I'm a personal chef and a meal planner and I haven't really pitched myself but I've been working on creating relationships with specific journalists that's fabulous that's great who have you been working on? I'm people from where I'm living right now just the local paper perfect awesome well we have a great cross section of the different kinds of people in this room who will be pitching themselves and working with this program everybody with physical locations you know you could be pitching your location as the solution to people's problems or something unique that you have if you have a product you know there's also an expertise that you're able to come out there and of course if if you have any sort of mission you know, few a personal mission or message you really want to get in the world that's what we're really honing and on and that's what I'm doing another thing that's kind of exciting to me is that a lot of people don't have a lot of experience already and that's another area where I love to work with people because you don't have to hire a publicist to get public relations and you also don't have to spend a lot of money so what you know I've worked with a lot of major media everything from cnn to bloomberg to fox news but what really lights me up are working with people who are creative entrepreneurs who are going out there and getting their own press so here you can see a couple of different you know representations you know we worked with michele you are who works with people on speeches and she pitched herself too fast company and was in fast company with a thought leadership piece we have mind baggy green so meghan group who was working with actually me and terry gentilly who you're gonna be hearing from a little bit later in the second lesson all she talks about how she pitches herself and creates ideas so megan had just sort of blogging and within a month of blogging was on mind body green so you know you don't have to have a lot of experience even creating your own content before you go out there and do this and the last person I wanted to share with you is dr samantha brody I know it's a little cut off but she was using help a reporter out to get great press which is something that will be talking about in the second segment how you use different tools and different kinds of contributions you can use to pitch yourself so this is really what we're focusing on what are the things that you can do what air this simple techniques you can do to get your ideas to get your story to get your message is out there in the press and move people so before we get into that I just want to give you a very quick overview of what public relations is and what it's good for and I love this quote here advertising is saying you're good public relations is getting somebody else to say you're good and that's the essence of why people dio pr in what makes pr so effective so pr is helping you get in front of you know influencers like it influencers to recommend you to the people that you're trying to reach for most of that's customers but sometimes it's also people like you know people who might license our products it could be people who can hire you to speak on a bigger stage it could be book publishers there's so many different people that you can use to influence through public relations and public relations is all about that earned media unlike advertising's this is media that you can go out there and earn and get for yourself and you don't pay for it you don't spend any money on it then in mind you know what are the things that public relations can actually do for somebody who's trying to build their personal brand or put their message out there so one of the main things people use p r for his reputation building right you want to build your reputation you want to be known as an expert on something or you want people to know what you stand for that's one of the biggest things that people use proper relations for the other thing is getting your message a larger platform so there's a lot of um press going out about you know how viewership numbers are dwindling for tv and for magazines but there's a lot of studies that show that more than the majority of american households still to tune into their nightly news stations so those people watching the station's millions of viewers are tuning in the morning shows millions of people are picking up magazines and so you just are able to amplify your message on a much larger larger pact form when you're pitching herself and then the last thing is of course bringing in traffic bringing on referrals and bringing in clients so one of my favorite things about telling people what pr khun dio is the story I have about my hairdresser back in chicago and he's not the one who's done my hair now I'm not in chicago anymore but when I moved into chicago I was looking for somebody you know to go get my hair done with I've been like at college so I was in my early twenties moving into the city and I moved into this neighborhood and I didn't know where to get my hair done and I'm kind of vain about my hair right so it was pretty important to me to find somebody good so I don't know where to go and I didn't have anybody to make a referral so one day I was flipping through an allure magazine and there was actually a segment about up and coming hairdressers in different cities and there was this guy rob reyes who was listed in chicago and he happened to be in my neighborhood was a ten minute walk away for where I lived so I read about him in allure magazine I went into those salon I got my hair done I loved him I was with him for seven years the whole time was in chicago I followed him to three different salons so he brought me in but also when I was there there was this really cool thing happen that he got featured invoke he got a feature and vogue magazine and this guy was like so good s o he was featured in vogue magazine and you know what happened when I found that when I found that coverage I bragged about right I told all of my friends like any time somebody has said like oh bridget I like your hair like yeah you know mike I rob he was in vogue magazine you want to go see him I heard like three different people to him and that is the power of public relations people can discover you but it also it gives people something to get really excited about and a reason to talk about you and it can spur a lot of word of mouth marketing too so those were some of the great benefits that you can have you can have that you know, rob effects that he had to find some loyal fans but also give them a reason to talk about you and your ideas so together what we're going to do now is put together your pr platform and look at the best ways that you can break into the media with your ideas so there's a huge landscape of different ways you can do public relations and we're going to hone in on the most simple and effective methods you can use to pit yourself we're goingto go over your unique positioning on the market so how do you find that how do you find your voice so that you can see the media how do you create your irresistible story angles that you can sell to the media how do you dissect that different elements of perfect pitch so we're going to do some pitch practicing here on the fly we're going to look at different options for sharing your message so we're gonna look at four different ways that I recommend people get started when they get started with pitching for their personal brand or pitching their ideas and then finally we're going to develop your personal plan for creating momentum in the media so you can carry this plan forward what I recommend to you as we go through this program is take these pieces step by step so take it lessened by lesson you know go through a lesson and do the action I did the end maybe sleep on it after you've done it kind of let it sink in because public relations is really a creative discipline and so like every creative discipline when you start doing it thes tools and techniques might feel foreign or uncomfortable or tough but the longer you spend with them in practice and hone your craft the more second nature they'll become so you want to work at it consistently you know it's like if you were to go take a painting class you wanna work at your painting pretty consistently but you don't want to force it and struggle it and try to make it come all at once so if you're getting to a point where you're working on your messaging or your story angles and you get a little stuck, take a break or pick up some different magazines and take some inspiration and have some fun with it give yourself some time to play so we're going to go right into this first segment which is developing your personal platform so our first lessons are really going to be focused on the foundation of your p r program you're uncovering your positioning, massaging your message right? So how do you turn your message what you want to say into unique media angles? Um getting ready with cover ready headlines that sell your ideas were going to write your expert by what we're going to draft an email pitch so we have a lot to cover in this first segment.
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Ratings and Reviews
Aria McKenna
This was great. Very informative and well rounded materials, very accessible and encouraging teacher, and lots of ideas and techniques to help get people started. I got a lot of my questions answered in this class and am excited to start implement her ideas!
christa Clark
I don't know what the other reviewers are talking about - this is a gold mine of information for someone like me, who is very unfamiliar with PR! I can see this helping me out in many facets of my business. Brigitte is an excellent speaker.
Manu Jünemann
Good information. As a women, fashion Stylist who worked for big advertising campaigns like BMW, Nivea... I can´t get over the part that what your wear is part off your success! It makes her for me less believable!