What Is This Course About?
11:04 2What Will You Be Known For?
09:54 3Create Your Media Angles
07:43 4Successful PR Case Study with Tara Gentile
26:34 5Get the Media to Say "Yes!" to Your Pitch
10:33 6How to Write Your Expert Bio
06:49 7How to Craft an Email Pitch
15:02 8How to Place Contributions & Guest Posts
28:51Lesson Info
Create Your Media Angles
Now what we're gonna be doing in the second lesson is taking your messages and just massaging them a little bit to make them more media ready right so we're going to kind of sex him up like that spice them up a bit and make them in a way that the media has something to cover and this is something that people ask us all the time like well I have this message but is it interesting enough other people are out there saying what you're saying probably right there's probably another person who's out there with your message and we've also all this experience where maybe we wanted to go out in the media and say something and we saw oh shoot there was just an article about that somebody else said it and in this you're still space for you so I want to say is yes absolutely your message is interesting enough I don't care what it isthe so it's definitely interesting enough and and there are proven techniques for making it media worthy so they're just techniques to massage your message to make it y...
ou know fit those kinds of things that the media are always looking for what are those formulas of the media likes to hear so we're going to share with you our three techniques of how you can make your message media worthy and then we're gonna have a very special guests and a friend of mine terry gentilly, whose author of a book quiet power strategy and she'll be coming up and actually sharing with you how she's doing it in her business so that you can get a little bit of perspective on that so the first technique is really mining your customer interactions for ideas so this is listening to your customers and taking out like, what is it that they're saying about your ideas what's really resonating with your customers so you might think about what are the questions your customers are always asking asking you what are the things that they're really curious about what do they want to know from you? So that could be a really great way to jot down some media ideas and write them down? Another thing I like is what do you wish they'd ask you more often? So we all have those things where we haven't insight and we're like I really wish my customer would ask me about the ingredients that go into my burgers I really wish that my customer would ask me, you know, how did I find somebody to supply my coasters, right it's like, what are those things that you're like? I wish people should ask this because I had to learn something or I had a struggle to get this knowledge and other people don't know it, so that could be a really great way to start you know, what are those things that your customers are saying that they love saying that they want more of and were the things that you wish that they're not asking because it's always a guide to what it is that you really want to be out there saying says your first technique um so here here's actually example from michelle we looked at this in the very beginning michelle mizeur and one of the things that hurt customers ask her all the time it's how can I become a better speaker everybody's afraid to take the stage right how could I become a better speaker and if you look at the media there's hundreds of topics if you google this you're going to find hundreds of different articles on this topic so the way michelle did this has said all right I'm going to make this interesting and I'm going to talk about why you shouldn't sell from this stage you know people get up on the stage and they're selling there their book there sighing their course so how do you make your presentation more customer focus how do you make the audience the star so you're not the star or your ideas your thoughts so that was her way of taking what her customers always asking and creating a little bit of a spin on it the second technique is remixing the content you already have this is one of my favorite techniques so if you've been in business for a long time you're probably blogging or you're probably writing e mails to people and there is a lot of content that you already have that you can remix or recycle for your media outreach so what you want to do here is think about what are the things you could write about over and over again what are those topics where those post what are the things that you love to talk about and can get up on a soapbox about what are the most popular post you've ever written what's really resonated with people what do they latch on to you that's a great lead into what the media is going to care about and then one of my favorite things too is like do you have exercises of course is if he of course is this is a great place to be if you're coaching people where they're actually exercises you can take out of something that's paidcontent you can offered in the media if you're a product based person or a maker this same thing can happen with tutorials right so what can you show people about your process and here is an example of remixing from terror that we're going to hear about so she was also in fast company with this article of millennials version of the american dream and when did the things that terror was talking about quite a lot and she still does is what consumers value in the new economy so what do consumers and customers care about now and how has that changed how is that change now that we're in the network economy or the information economy or this social era whatever you wanna call it it's different than the industrial economy and so people's value sets have changed and so this is something that terror has written about on her block like a hundred times you know in in her books but this was a new twist on that same idea that she was able to remix and and work with fast company and here I'm going to plug something actually it's a free resource that I have so I'm going to do with michelle says not to do and plug this little bit because I have this amazing resource that I've made available to you guys is totally free so you can visit bea think for dot com slash simple pr and I have a tool it's an audio guide in a workbook that helps you remixed the content you already have so if you have a lot of like block post archives or email archives there is a whole work book on how to do this okay? And then the third technique my favorite technique a steel like a journalist yeah so it's journalist actually do this this is how they get a lot of their ideas is you know if you're a journalist and you're writing for a national magazine you might check with the local newspaper headlines are so you can absolutely look at what's in the national media, or in your local media, and pick up cues and ideas. So you want to see what's trending? What what are people out there saying they're they're seasonal tie ins for their story and coming back. This idea of unconventional opinions are there articles in the media or topics that you fundamentally disagree with? Right what are those articles or those headlines when you see it in your car I hate it when they see that that's wrong they're leading people stray they're hurting people right? That happens it happens to all of us where we read these things and you're like for me because I do public relations it's whenever he read an article about how to write a press release went to me it's like the article headlined should be why you don't need a press release or the pressure leases dead or like stop wasting your freaking time with first release yeah I get pretty upset about it right? You can see it I care about it so whatever those things are that you care about and you get like really upset about to me that like feeling of upset or anger can really lead to where your passions are so whatever it is that it might be trending in the media that you're feeling like I really disagree with us and so I want to talk to them about megan group so she's somebody that was helping people transition out of their eating disorders and she has this amazing article she wrote for mind body green about this signs that you're exercising too much so in the media you always see articles on exercise tips right, like they're everywhere you know how to slim down for summer or your fifteen minute workouts and so she came out there and said you know what? It might actually be dangerous for you if you're exercising and excess. So this was her unconventional opinion. Hey, so which we're about to bring tear up. Are there any of these that kind of sparked got excited about the most? Yeah, you feeling good about this? Awesome.
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Ratings and Reviews
Aria McKenna
This was great. Very informative and well rounded materials, very accessible and encouraging teacher, and lots of ideas and techniques to help get people started. I got a lot of my questions answered in this class and am excited to start implement her ideas!
christa Clark
I don't know what the other reviewers are talking about - this is a gold mine of information for someone like me, who is very unfamiliar with PR! I can see this helping me out in many facets of my business. Brigitte is an excellent speaker.
Manu Jünemann
Good information. As a women, fashion Stylist who worked for big advertising campaigns like BMW, Nivea... I can´t get over the part that what your wear is part off your success! It makes her for me less believable!