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Trial and Adoption Stage + Analytics

Lesson 25 from: Shopify Fundamentals: Set and Run an Online Store

Damiano Raveenthiran

Trial and Adoption Stage + Analytics

Lesson 25 from: Shopify Fundamentals: Set and Run an Online Store

Damiano Raveenthiran

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Lesson Info

25. Trial and Adoption Stage + Analytics

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Lesson Info

Trial and Adoption Stage + Analytics

in this lesson of the Shopify fundamentals course, we will learn about the trial and adoption stages of the consumer adoption process as well as an overview of your Shopify analytics. By the end of this lesson, you will know the best ways to ensure that your customer base can check out safely and feel happy about their choices. The trial stage is where customers make their first purchase. A well planned fulfillment strategy can reduce customer service debt and turn first time buyers into loyal customers and advocates for your brand. This involves having a shipping strategy as businesses evolve. So does the way they ship approaching fulfillment as an ongoing point of operational improvement can reduce instances of returns and chargebacks. The two main phases of fulfillment, communication and packaging can help you turn this transactional part of the buyers experience into marketing activities. This is also a great place to begin customer retention efforts for online shopping. The shippe...

d package is the most tangible connection consumers have with a brand. This is your opportunity to make a lasting impression through the quality of the products you sell and the physical elements of the packaging. Your goal is to use different elements of packaging to exceed your customers expectations. At this stage, customers have bought into the brand's mission and are willing to make a repeat purchase. Customer retention is less costly than constantly acquiring new customers to grow a business. So nurturing customers at this stage is important. This may involve email marketing referrals, loyalty programs and affiliate marketing earlier. In the course, we covered the importance of building an email list and what kind of emails can be sent out to customers immediately after purchase, customer segmentation in email marketing software puts you in a position to send emails at the right time. For example, triggers for products that customers usually order lapse, triggers for customers who haven't purchased yet. Introduction to new items for customers who have ordered similar products in the past and exclusive pre access or special offers for V. I. P. S. Referrals and loyalty programs as their name suggests, encouraged existing customers to shop and share in their own networks. Shopify is analytics and reports allow you to view your store's recent activity. Get insight into your visitors and analyze your stores transactions overview, dashboard live view and financial reports are accessible on all plans with an online store sales channel. The reports vary by plan and the available options. Our acquisition behavior, marketing, sales, customers and customer reporting. You can view a comparison chart of the reports available for specific plans on the Shopify analytics page located in your resource guide. The tax report available on all plans shows the sales taxes that were applied on your sales for a selected time frame. By this time you've learned what your customer base will be paying attention to when shopping on your site and how to best use your customers online shopping behaviors to guide them to check out. Now before we get into your final project, let's take a refresher quiz regarding the consumer adoption process and the analytics.

Class Materials

Bonus Materials with Purchase

Exercise - Create an Engaging About Us Page
More Recourses Part 1
More Recourses Part 2
Build a Successful Business with Outsourcing
Shopify Resource Links
Shopify Glossary
Creating an Engaging About Us Page
Create your own Site - Final Project
Business Model Checklist

Ratings and Reviews

Kiera White

Outstanding course for shopify store fundamental

Shani Athalage



Amazing course for learning basic Fundamentals of shopify

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