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Shooting for Brands

Andrew Kearns

Shooting for Brands

Andrew Kearns

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Class Description


Andrew Kearns shifted his career as a barista to a professional photographer and in a few short years landed work with Apple, Landrover, and TOMS. In this Wildist workshop, he teaches you how to master the steps to pitch, secure, and execute commercial shoots.


  • Pitch brands and get work.
  • Scout, plan, and produce commercial shoots.
  • Direct models so they feel comfortable and natural on camera.
  • Edit and deliver selects to clients.
  • Keep your creativity fresh to avoid burnout.

Class Materials

Bonus Materials with Purchase

Workshop PDF

Ratings and Reviews

Romain Dancre

Concrete Examples & Lots of Value Really interesting workshop with a real experience and real photoshoot. We get to understand the whole process of Andrew and his way of thinking and acting and this is super interesting to learn about!

Robert Ransley

Simply outstanding!

Adriaantje Buijze

Practical and useful! Finally, this workshop does not leave you with theoretic principles but actually provides you with practical to do's / to go about's if you want to grow further into a career of photography for brands.

Student Work
