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Screaming Frog

Lesson 10 from: SEO - Website Technical Audit Fundamentals

Kelly Murphy

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10. Screaming Frog

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Screaming Frog

Now let's talk about screaming frog. Screaming Frog is a third party diagnostic tool that we can use. That provides a much more comprehensive sense of all of the errors and issues on a site. From a technical seO perspective it mimics a search engine bot. So it works its way through and analyzes all the pages under a certain root domain. The same way that google would when it's looking to index the site, we'll be working with the free version of Screaming Frog which only crawls up to 500 U. R. L. S. So if you have a website that's larger than that, we'd recommend buying a license for it. So once you have Screaming Frog downloaded, go ahead and open it. And what we'll do while that's loading is we will open the website that we want to take a look at. So we use Macy's dot com as an example copy that you are. L paste it into the search bar here and go ahead and click start. It will take a little bit of time to crawl all of the top 500 pages of that site. You can see right here in the botto...

m, right the progress so we can see that it's completed about 50 of the 500 remaining pages. And what we're looking at here on the left is all of the landing pages on the site. And again this mimics one of the google search bots. So screaming Frog is crawling the site in order of what it's steaming as priority pages or the first pages that it thinks it is simplest to access and then here on the right. When this is finished crawling, you'll see an overview. So at the top here is a summary and that's the summary of the most important kind of S. C. O. Elements or the most fundamental S C. O elements of a website. And then if we scroll down we can get a full read of all the elements on a website. So here at the top internal, most of this is code and things like images and pdf that are on the site. External here. This also refers to code and PDFs flash images but those that are external to the site. So here in the protocol section we can see how many of the pages on the site are http versus H T T P. S. That will become an important factor as well. And then response codes. So response codes will tell you which of the pages on the site are broken. Which of the pages on the site have redirects what type of redirects they are, which are client error versus server error. And also which are blocked by the robots. That txt file. And you can see up here in the top right that we've reached 100%. So, screaming frog has finished crawling the site. So now we have a full set of data as we scroll down further. This is actually referring to the U. R. L. S on the site. So we can also analyze those and we can see how many are duplicates. So we can see eight of those Urs are duplicate here which are over the recommended amount of characters which is 100 and 15 which ones have underscores, uppercase etcetera, scrolling down further we get to the metadata sections. So we've got page titles which ones are missing, duplicate, meta description, same thing, meta meta keywords, same thing H one H 2, the header tags and when images have their own section here we can see that none of the images on the Macy's site are missing all text which is great. We don't need to pay too much attention to directives in that section for our purpose. If you have a site that's international, you will want to pay attention to the h ref lang section here and then Ajax and custom as well as analytics and search console for our purposes. Again we won't have to pay much attention to those. So scrolling back up, we can also take a quick glimpse at site structure and response times which deals with site speed as well as a p I of those are relevant to you and what this tells you is whether those are implemented and how so if we want to drill down. For example, if we want to take a look at the page titles on the site, we'll scroll back down, Go to the page title section and we can see that 112 of these page titles are duplicate. So we can click on that section. It will take us to this page titles tab. And we can see here if we scroll over to the right that these titles are indeed duplicated. So what we want to do next from there is we want to take a look at why each of these girls are different but they feature the same page title. Another example here if we click on under H. One missing this will show us all the U. R. L. S. Of the pages on the site that don't have an H. One tag. And we want to make sure that every page on the site has an H. One tag. And so we can see here and download by hitting this export button and then saving as a CSB file, all of those pages and by saving those as a C. S. V. File that will make it really easy to then put it into the S. C. O. Audit template that we will create. So once you've finished looking at the overview of the site and you have made notes of all of the errors that you want to make sure you flag to the client and you've downloaded all the relevant pages that you need to document. You can go ahead and just close out of screaming frog

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19. Bonus Lesson - Site Speed Diagnostics and Optimization

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