Chapter 1: Introduction
1Intro- Course Overview
01:28Chapter 2: SEO 101
2What is a Search Engine, and how do they work
05:40 3What Kind of Work do SEO Practitioners Do
02:01 4Popular Tools for SEO
05:55 5The Evolution of Google's Algo
03:24 6Quiz: Chapter 2: SEO 101
Chapter 3: Technical Analysis
7Analysis Introduction
03:09 8Reporting your Findings
02:51 9Checking Google's Index
04:17 10Checking Google Search Console
04:46 11Setting up Crawler Tools
04:47 12Interpreting Crawler Tool Reports
08:14 13Interpreting Page Speed Tool Reports
03:35 14Checking Schema Markup
02:57 15Quiz: Chapter 3: Technical Analysis
Chapter 4: Content Audit
16Content Audit - Introduction
01:12 17Basic Keyword Research
03:34 18How to Determine What Type of Content You Should Create
03:31 19Qualitative Content Audit
03:25 20How to Take Your Content Inventory
07:55 21Reviewing site Architecture
03:54 22Keyword Optimization
06:29 23Keyword Gap Analysis
06:18 24Keyword Opportunity Sizing
06:24 25Quiz: Chapter 4: Content Audit
Chapter 5: Link Audit
26Competitive Link Audit
05:24 27How to Find Short Term Opportunities
07:15 28How to Check if a Domain Link is High Quality
02:06 29The -Oops Something Happened- Audit
08:14 30Quiz: Chapter 5: Link Audit
Chapter 6: Outreach
31Finding Great Contributors on Fiverr
03:15 32Finding Great Contributors with Ahrefs
00:48 33Finding Contact Info using NinjaOutreach
03:42 34Sending Emails Through NinjaOutreach
05:24 35Quiz: Chapter 6: Outreach
Chapter 7: Project Management
36SEO Project Management - Introduction
00:52 37Wireframing and Product Specs
03:27 38Reporting on the progress of your work using Asana
05:38 39A word on Weekly-Monthly Reporting
08:21 40Reporting Your SEO Impact
04:01 41Top Tips for Project Managers
07:18 42Quiz: Chapter 7: Project Management
Final Quiz
43Final Quiz
Lesson Info
Reporting your Findings
before we jump into how to do S. C. O. Analysis. I think it's important to start with the template to report what you find after all as an S. E. O. Practitioner your job isn't just to report what is wrong with the site but also help your stakeholders fix those problems and for this clear communication about the problem, how it's caused and the suggestions you recommend on fixing it are critical. So let me walk you through my reporting template. I start with the filter bubble spreadsheet like this. I highly highly recommend you don't just dump your recommendations into gear or a sound or some other project management tool until you've discussed all of these recommendations with your team. I also have 11 columns priority. Name topic status problem. Why? It's important suggestions for how to fix time to impact effort. Who does the work and finally reference link. Yeah I know it's a lot of columns but it's really important to make communication easy Prioring helps the product manager under...
stand the importance of each task to you so that they can better balance the other tasks against this. one name is just the name of the problem and if I create an asana or jeer ticket I'll usually add a link to them from this cell topic is the category of the problem. And to make things easy I just use the same categories that my crawler tools, site bulb uses and we'll review that later in the course but just note that if you wanted to add additional categories to the template that I give you feel free to do that by right clicking on the cell and selecting data validation status tracks the current state of the project. Is it being worked on or is no one working on it currently? Next is description of the problem why it's important and suggestions to fix this is fairly straightforward why we include this, but I should mention that your suggestions to fix are actually just suggestions. It's up to the engineer to figure out how exactly they should fix it. Then there's effort. Who does the work time to impact, which helps the product manager prioritize these projects against their other projects in their queue knowing who does the work, tells them which resources will be involved. Effort tells them how involved these resources will be in time to impact gives them an idea of when to expect a positive outcome for all this work. And finally, there's the reference link which is basically just a link to show examples of the problem or example solutions. And it's that simple. In the next lesson, we'll go over a checklist for launching new websites or projects where you will record your observations for your own project using this template
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Ahsan Waqas