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Do You Know Your Target Audience

Lesson 10 from: SEO Copywriting: Optimize Your Website Copy

Sarah Gordon

Do You Know Your Target Audience

Lesson 10 from: SEO Copywriting: Optimize Your Website Copy

Sarah Gordon

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10. Do You Know Your Target Audience

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Do You Know Your Target Audience

before you put pen to paper or finger to keyboard, you want to make sure you know who you're talking to. Have you analyzed your target audience in this chapter, we'll be looking at ways you can define your ideal customer. So you're better prepared to offer them what they're looking for. Of course, if your business is already running, the chances are you have an idea who your target customer is. But have you stopped to do an in depth analysis? The more you know about your customer, the more you can ensure your content and your service is tailored to their needs. The worst thing you can do is try to target everybody by trying to keep everyone happy. You're in danger of making your brand look vague and flat. It would be better to narrow down your audience and really speak to them. That may equal fewer people, but a much higher percentage may be ready to buy. And when, you know, your target audience, you understand their needs, you know, where they like to hang out. And you can target your...

SEO towards them as well. First start by outlining some key data. Where are they based? This will be useful for SEO at a later date. What is their gender, their age, what's their income that will let you know their purchasing power. Once you've mapped out those first key points, it's time to start asking yourself these four questions for more in depth insights, Who are they? So you've just outlined the basics above. But there's always more to know. In fact, you can't know too much about your target audience. Every little tidbit of information will give you more insights into what they're like and how they behave. So you can better target them. Start with their demographic information, their age, location, gender, income level, marital status and occupation. Then to start to think about their personality, attitudes, values, interests, lifestyle and behavior. Have a look at your competition. Who are they targeting? Is there a demographic there overlooking the Francis, ford Coppola winery in California realized that the convenience of wine in a can was great for picnics and alfresco get togethers, but nobody was putting quality wine in a can. So they decided to do it first. And the whole wine in a can movement was born. What are their problems or difficulties? This is where you can start to understand how your brand can step in to save the day your services or products are designed to solve a problem. So make sure you know what problems your customers face and what their desires are. What challenges do they face? What are their pain points if relevant? What are their fears? For example, You may have an interior design studio and realize that your target audience represented by Sheila, aged is nervous about picking paint colors. She wants to make her house unique, but doesn't know where to go. Beyond the usual IKEa and high street home brands, where do they spend time? This isn't just about whether they go to the supermarket or the cinema. Although that's useful data to you want to know where they spend their time online. What social media channels do they follow? Where do they get their information? This will influence how you speak to them and how you fill in any information gaps as you explore their interests. You can find out what social media platforms they use and what other brands they follow their. You can find some interesting crossovers. For example, Taco Bell realized its customers also like Doritos and created a Doritos Taco Shell. Imagine the marketing opportunities that could come from those key insights. If you find your clients read broadsheet newspapers, you know, you need a more refined way of speaking to them. Or perhaps they're reading blogs by gurus in your industry or have an interesting taste in nonfiction books. Maybe they attend very specific conferences related to their industry. All these will help you figure out where to target your audience what to talk to them about. And in what way objections and rolls. You may be confident your product or service answers your target audiences pain points but they still may have some objections to buying it. You need to analyze what these could be and make sure you address them in your website content. So they have a chance to overcome those objections and understand why you really are the brand for them. Take our friend Sheila again and her worries about decorating her house. She may not want to do it alone, but perhaps she's worried she can't afford an interior designer or thinks that is something only celebrities do. Maybe she wants to decorate, but her girlfriend is the one who makes the financial decisions in the household. This all gives you an insight into how you can tackle those possible worries and present an answer to them before they've even had a chance to develop. Perhaps you decide to put pricing prominently on your website or to feature real life reviews with pictures of the customers you work with so Sheila can see herself in them. The result of answering these questions is a customer avatar an outline of who your ideal customer is. You may not just have one. So feel free to create various versions for different areas of your market. Give them a name and age and occupation. You can even have a designer create an image of them anything to bring them to life for you and make sure you always have them in mind when writing. So now you know who you're talking to, what do you want to say to them? Take this short quiz and then let's go and find out

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