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How Do You Make Sure Your Content Is Relevant

Lesson 8 from: SEO Copywriting: Optimize Your Website Copy

Sarah Gordon

How Do You Make Sure Your Content Is Relevant

Lesson 8 from: SEO Copywriting: Optimize Your Website Copy

Sarah Gordon

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8. How Do You Make Sure Your Content Is Relevant

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How Do You Make Sure Your Content Is Relevant

an important thing that search engines look for is relevance in your content. That's not what we are going to look at in this chapter with examples. So you know how to make your SEO content relevant, you've got to be filling your website with really useful information for a user in order for a search engine to consider it relevant for them and rank it higher basically, the better the content of the page matches the search query, the more likely it is that it will rank. Well, search engine algorithms will crawl the content. Think of them as friendly spiders scuttling over everything you've written and see if you have provided relevant information for your user. Once again, it is all about ensuring a positive user experience and assessing which websites are best able to meet the user requirements is also a great way to avoid people using SEO keywords or covering popular topics but then failing to follow through with the rest of their content. It sorts the wheat from the chaff. For exampl...

e, if you are a hotel based in London, you want your website to be focused on tourist experiences in London. What is in your surrounding area and advice for people visiting as well as your own information about the hotel. It would help to have a blog that you update regularly with key tips and information about London too. Not only do search engines like constantly updated websites, which a blog helps you do, they also consider all of this information relevant and of use to your potential customer which helps you position yourself better in search results. This is particularly important when it comes to using your SEO keywords as well. Search engines are now looking at intent when people are typing in their searches so you need to be answering the specific questions and problems the user has based on the way they are searching, it's not enough for you to talk about your great accountancy firm and the awards you've won. If your target audience, say small businesses are searching specifically for help with filing annual tax returns instead, you want to tailor your content to talk about the importance of annual tax returns and getting them right and the variety of services you offer at different price points to help small businesses relevance can also be about where you're using your SEO keywords. There are various places where you can ensure you're using these very specific search terms so that they work as a big sign for search engines crawling your site, showing them that you have the answer to these users queries in the next chapters, we'll talk about how you can use SEO keywords for the biggest impact and how you can research the right SEO keywords for your brand. It starts with knowing who you're talking to. So let's look at your target audience. How can you make sure your content is relevant? Think about the subject of the page and make sure that is what you are talking about. Don't go off on a tangent and lose focus Map out questions related to your key topic and make sure your content answers them all. If you have a business focused on a location, make sure to mention it in the content. Don't just research popular SEO keywords and add them to any content. Make sure they are useful to your readers. We'll be going into more about how you can find trending topics and search just the right keywords coming up for now. Take the short quiz and then let's explore how to make sure you're targeting the right audience.

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