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Should You Write For Search Engines Or People

Lesson 3 from: SEO Copywriting: Optimize Your Website Copy

Sarah Gordon

Should You Write For Search Engines Or People

Lesson 3 from: SEO Copywriting: Optimize Your Website Copy

Sarah Gordon

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3. Should You Write For Search Engines Or People

Lesson Info

Should You Write For Search Engines Or People

in this chapter, we're going to explore whether you should be writing for search engines or people and how that will affect your content along with tips to help you put your brand into words. So in a world where online presence is everything and the brand name google has become a verb, every question answered with the command google it. We have to ask ourselves should we be writing for machines or people? Is it more important that search engines love our content and rank us well or that consumers love our content and decide to spend money with us? Well you've probably guessed it already. The answer actually lies in that magic combination of the two. Of course we want search engines to crawl our website pages and rank them well, that's no use though. If we don't create content that tells our story and persuades our consumers to take action. And when it comes to writing for search engines, there's a little secret that often gets overlooked. Google likes good content, what does that mean?

It means that although you read all those expert insights about the benefits of local modifiers and keyword density, sometimes you can skip the jargon if you have good content that explores a topic in depth and helps an audience understand it. The search engines will generally like it as well. This is why I always concentrate on writing for people with SEO in mind. Not only does that make your website more interesting, it actually helps with your SEO too. It all begins with some good research into your target audience. There are five key areas you want to investigate to make sure you're on the right tracks before you even start doing anything else. These questions will help you start thinking about SEO and content when it comes to your target audience. Who are they? Where are they? What is the problem they're trying to solve what topics will interest them and what search in terms do they use when looking for that information? That's the strategy and data part using online analysis and different tools to source and break down the information you need. It's all out there. It's just a case of finding it from there, The creativity kicks in. You want to introduce those researched SEO keywords into your content in a clear and relevant way. So search engines can scan your page and know exactly what you're all about and you want to make sure your content is useful and interesting to readers. Did you know that the average time spent on a website is 45 seconds in this fast paced world, you had better have good content if you want your customer to stick around, explore the products and services you're offering and make a purchase. So it's easy to see why writing for both search engines and people is key to your online success and now, you know who and what you're writing for. Let's have a look at how you can start developing that. Writing, have a go at the quick quiz on the next screen. And then let's look at how to set the right tone for your SEO content.

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