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How Does Your Website Work For Your Business

Lesson 2 from: SEO Copywriting: Optimize Your Website Copy

Sarah Gordon

How Does Your Website Work For Your Business

Lesson 2 from: SEO Copywriting: Optimize Your Website Copy

Sarah Gordon

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2. How Does Your Website Work For Your Business

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How Does Your Website Work For Your Business

Did you know that 93% of all online experiences begin with a search engine. That means if you're not writing great content for your website, you're missing out on all those opportunities to find your customers, you're essentially invisible. These days. Your website is more than just your shop window. It is a beacon for your brand, A way of drawing in customers, creating a connection with them and making the sales that keep your business going. And what will help with your site do all that. The twin powers of SEO and copyrighting. Hi, I'm Sarah Gordon. I'm a journalist and editor turned commercial copywriter, working with clients around the world to help them put their brand into words and better communicate with their customers. As I moved from the Telegraph Daily Mail online and Sky News online to the commercial world, I found that those key journalism skills I had honed work incredibly well for copyrighting to combine them with SEO and it's possible to create a winning formula for an...

y business. In this course. I'll take you through those key techniques and give you everything you need to create optimist engaging content that your customers will want to read. Whether you're a copywriter starting your career or a business owner looking to write your own content. This course will equip you with the tools you need to stand out in a busy online marketplace. Organic search is often the primary source of traffic to your website and even better, it's free. So you want to get it right and make sure you're appearing where your potential customers are looking for your product or service. Whether a customer is looking to buy right now or doing research into a future purchase. This is your chance to get your brand in front of them and build that all important connection to secure a sale. But when it comes to writing and particularly ceo business owners can feel daunted and worried about getting it wrong. That's why I'm offering this course exclusive to Fiverr learn. So you can feel confident creating SEO content for your website. That will work hard for your brand and get results. Don't worry. This isn't about writing the next great american novel. It's about solid, dependable copyrighting and SEO techniques that will make it easy for you to write your website content and that work over the long term to position you online. So are you ready to go? Let's get started, mm hmm.

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Exercise 1
Exercise 2
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Arsalan Ahmad

Wonderful experience, practicable and precise. I really liked the way it has been narrated; it was easy to grasp.

Kenneth Ndlovu

I enjoyed the level of knowledge in this course!

Jose Wiliam

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