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How Can You Use SEO Keywords Effectively

Lesson 15 from: SEO Copywriting: Optimize Your Website Copy

Sarah Gordon

How Can You Use SEO Keywords Effectively

Lesson 15 from: SEO Copywriting: Optimize Your Website Copy

Sarah Gordon

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15. How Can You Use SEO Keywords Effectively

Lesson Info

How Can You Use SEO Keywords Effectively

So now that you have your list of researched SEO keywords, you want to start thinking about creating your content and building it around this messaging. So how should you use these keywords in this chapter? We're going to look at the many ways you can use SEO keywords to ensure they work hard for you. If you go to the back end of your website content management system, whether that's something like Wordpress or wix, you will see certain boxes where you can fill out information. one is the Meta title and description. This is actually the title and short description that shows up in search engine results and is important for SEO make sure that where you write these titles and descriptions for each page, you always include a strong SEO keyword. Your SEO keywords can also be listed in meta tags and in the old tags or descriptions for images. All of these need to be relevant to your content as that's what search engines will look for. But with all that great planning you've been doing. You ...

know, you're creating relevant content, not just adding in any old keywords, then it's time to start using the keywords in your content key places you want to insert keywords is in headers and subheds and even in your calls to action. Those are the live linked phrases you can have on your website, directing a reader to another page such as the link to your about page or to a specific service or product. You also want to dot the key words throughout your content. Don't go overboard though. You want to avoid keyword stuffing, which is what marketers used to do to try and trick search engines into a good ranking. So don't just keep repeating the same terms, especially if it doesn't make sense or isn't useful. Search engines can actually penalize you for these. Remember that they like useful relevant content that helps the consumer. So by all means use the holiday home in Denia keyword but then consider mixing it up with references to holiday home in Alicante is best beach town or holiday rental for families. Search engine algorithms are now clever enough to scan all this information and get an overview of your content. They can even recognize synonyms which is why holiday home can sometimes become holiday rental or even holiday villa. It keeps the content interesting so it's not repetitive and helps with SEO as well. Finally remember when I was talking about SEO keywords for that veterinary surgery, I was including questions like which flea treatment is best. These question keywords become incredibly useful because you can add them to your website as a header and then provide in depth answers which gives your customers exactly what they're looking for and show search engines that you are answering those most common queries which will help your ranking. Now that you have a great SEO strategy in place. There is just one more element you need to keep in mind for your website linking

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